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Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

Another childish comment.

I have already told you, and I repeat it again, neither Ahmadinejad, nor Rouhani nor any other president wont decide on the priority of future projects, not even in the civilian sector, even sane ministers shouldn't interfer with the works of experts. defense experts based on their evaluations decide on the priorities. all governments do is to allocate money, absolutely nothing else.
(Though Gen. Dehghan was the only one who interfered, suspended all defense projects to justify the 85% budget loose and received his medal for it from Rouhani, interestingly beside Zarif, Dorri Esfahani, and the rest of the known traitors).

So while Ahmadinejad fully supported both the science and defense ministries, Rouhani boycotted both of them. 85% budget cut in an organization means it's officially closed. the only reason that we still see some output is because firstly most of them are near complete projects of Ahmadinejad era and secondly the direct interfere of supreme leader (against Reformists' treason) to allocate at least 4% of the total budget to defense sector.

If you wanna know what this f@ck Rouhani did to our defense sector, try to find our researchers in prison:
پناهیان: سازندگان قطعات حساس موشک ساقط کننده پهپاد آمریکا در آستانه رفتن به زندانند+ فیلم

That comparison between Rouhani/Ahmadinejad was as childish as calling the Qaher-313 a childish design.
a random guy in Internet without knowledge about aviation thinks knows better than our defense experts who have studied in this field, have tens of years of expertise, and have access to both software and hardware test facilities!!!

Kowsar-88 as it's name suggests started four years before Rouhani, and as interviews are still available it was near unveiling in the end of Ahmadinejad government, then Rouhani happened, they published a vague footage of it, sent it to comma, and if you have followed recent interviews, again you can see that it was the supreme leader's pursuit which revived it, and today they still hadn't installed it's back seat yet!

Fakour was first displayed during the Ahmadinejad presidency (though Rouhani unveiled it 3 more times later!), not only this medium range missile was complete on that time, but they were already working on more advanced Maqsood long range missile and even an unnamed anti missile missile for our fighter jets.

In the last year of Ahmadinejad presidency, they were working on 17 first class major airborne projects, Fakour was just one of them, what happened to them? simply this f@ck Rouhani happened, and subsequently years of delays or complete suspension!
سردار حجازی: ۱۷پروژه هوافضا در خط تولید قرار دارد - همشهری آنلاین

Yes, when gen 5 designs are not funded, then people go for their available gen 3 platforms (F5), and even ignore the progress which was made in Saqegheh to save the costs in one extra fin!

It's funny in the same post you wanna claim that Iranian Presidents are powerless while crediting Ahmadi and blaming Rohani! LOL! Make up your dame mind!! And if you believe that nonsense then don't vote!

Iranian presidents have far more power than you think because whether they choose to fund or NOT fund a project & the people they pick to lead or oversee the projects is what makes or breaks a project and yes there are certain projects that the Supreme leaders takes a personal interest in but by the most part it's Iranian presidents that make or break projects DIRCECTLY DUE TO FUNDING because without proper funding the results would be exactly what has happened to Iran's Space Program.

And what has happened to Iran's Space program in the past ~10 years is the biggest example of how much power Iranian presidents actually have and how an Iranian president can easily choose to make or break something even something as large as a Space Agency! A project that I fully give Ahmadi credit for and at the same time it's something I most definitely don't shy way from blaming Rohani for breaking.
And I'm fully aware of how many military R&D projects Rohani canned or refused to properly fund which is basically the same thing.

Difference is unlike you I DO NOT close my eyes to FACTs and make up excuses just because I support one person or one party over another!!! And that is what makes you BLIND TO REALITY!!!!!

Rohani has been Iran's president for over 6 years and the very 1st sketch of the Kowsar was 1st drawn on paper 8 years ago so that's NOT a project.
Ahmadi failed when it even came to funding the J85 Owj "Production" project so there were no plans to have a powerplant to power the aircraft and that's why the preliminary designs for the Q-313 were base on a fictional single engine.
So how you fund and pursue a project is far more important than when the preliminary sketches were drawn up because we can have Iranian designers draw up and do CAD designs of a 10,000 tone sub so what? At the end of the day without proper leadership, funding, management, tools, infrastructure, parts, materials, human resources and proper oversight to bring it into fruition in a timely manner it doesn't really mean anything so crediting Ahmadi for this project based on when the sketches were drawn is BEYOND absurd. If Ahmadi truly wanted he had 8 years to fund and bing the Shafaq project into fruition & now you wanna credit him for a scetch drawn up during his last 2 years in office! LOL!

And YOU KEEP ON bring up utter NONSESE! I've told you a million times if Iran had cut it's defense spending by 85% after Ahmadii the entire Iranian military would have gone hungry and Iranian solders wouldn't of even been able to feed or clothe their own children and Iran most definitely would not have been able to conduct military operations to save both Iraq and Syria from ISIS let lone produce any weapons what so ever!!!!!
And I've told you before and I'll say it again that absurd statement makes you sound utterly foolish because "The VAST majority" of Iran's Military budget both under Ahmadinejad and today actually goes towards Paychecks, Food, Fuel, Housing, Maintenance & upkeep and NOT weapons or R&D projects so there simply isn't room to make an 85% cut so you sound like an IDIOT when you keep repeating that absurdity!

As for the Saegheh again you talk about things that you don't have a clue about! At the end of the day one of the great geniouses of the F-5 was and is having a comparativly low thrust platform that would be able to achieve near supersonic max cruise speeds which made it faster than most of it's 4th gen adversaries and that ment most of it's 4th gen adversaries that were equipped with far greater thrust couldn't catch it or run away from it without blasting their afterburners and emptying out their fuel tanks and in a country as large as Iran such a capability becomes even more crucial.
Fact is Segheh design added both drag & weight that reduced your thrust to weight ratio, payload capacity, speed & range with the ONLY advantage being a higher angle of attack but only at higher altitude because without more powerful engines you simply can't afford to risk a stall at lower altitudes. So basically a useless gain without newer more powerful engines that can push you out of that manuver and it's RCS reduction was minimal with basically no noticable effect against modern radars.

Meaning the Saeghe was a GREAT technology demonstrator and the technology gained will help us in the future. HOWEVER, it would be absurd to choose that designe over the Kosar and sacrifice speed, range, thrust to weight ratio, drag & payload capacity simply because it looks cooler! That would be both absurd and idiotic and I'm happy that they were wise enough NOT to do that!

17 projeh hava fazza dar khatteh tolleed includes all types of Missiiles, various UAV's, jet engines,.... that were being produced at that time which is NOTHING and a rather low figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can promisse you we have a lot more than 17 aerospace project in production today!
Fascinating this forum !!

A lot of speculation, a lot of misjudgment and delusion.
This new aircraft Yasin is a beautiful and even a great success advanced Iranian engineers. We do not yet know all the specifications of the aircraft, its avionics and its radar.

The Kowsar 1 is a great success and an excellent aircraft. The Iranian designer and scientist are geniuses to design such an aircraft despite the heavy penalties. And the Kowsar 2 risks to surprise our big speculators of this forum. Let's see the declation of General Vahedi:

- The Kowsar hunter equipped with new advanced equipment (General Vahedi)

According to the deputy commander of the Iranian Air Force, the capabilities of the modern-equipped Kowsar fighter, which was unveiled a year ago, are improving day by day.

Deputy Commander of the Iranian Air Force General Hamid Vahedi said:

"A year ago, the Kowsar fighter was unveiled on the occasion of the day of the RII army and we have since witnessed spectacular progress in the mass production process of this type of aircraft. . "

He added: "The entire process of manufacturing Kowsar fighter aircraft is done at the national level and by Iranian aviation specialists. "

"We dare to say that Kowsar fighter jets were made and unveiled with more modern equipment," he said. -

The pseudo aviation expert here who thinks himself better than the thousands of Iranian engineers and scientists will be pulverized before the facts
Like I said this trainer is a joke. More modified F-5’s with different names.

If Iran could get Yak-130 they would take it over this Frankenstein project. 12 years and you are still on your first prototype.

12 years to first flight of basically a F-5 class trainer.

I said it again, if you knew the budget for airforce it wouldn’t be enough to buy even 10 modern fighter jets. Airforce has no budget to build a true fighter jet. Instead it does these projects which are nothing more than almost university/amateur level projects until someone within the military throws enough money to continue to next stage.

This is how easily propaganda affects melt brains like you. All it takes is for some random op-ed by a literally who aviation writer who's more than likely paraphrasing Babak Taghvahee.
I apologize for my off topic comments, I just get angry when people call elected officials "Traitors" the same people voted in office by the Iranian population, as a result of a backlash of 8 yrs of idiocracy rule...by a man more fit to run a gymnasium than a country. The same officials that have been struggling to undo the damage that man did to our economy, reputation and standing in the world.
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I apologize for my off topic comments, I just get angry when people call elected officials "Traitors" the same people voted in office by the Iranian population, as a result of a backlash of 8 yrs of idiocracy rule...by a man more fit to run a gymnasium than a country. The same officials that have been struggling to undo the damage that man did to our economy, reputation and standing in the world.
It's funny that you apologize but at the same time don't want to miss the opportunity to bash Ahmadinejad to defend Rouhani's extremely poor performance. Because at least Ahmadinejad was fit to run a gymnasium. The current government is not fit for even cleaning toilets. I wouldn't hang my used stinking socks in Rouhani's office.

And nice try, but the whole "undoing the damage" thing has become an old tactic that nobody buys it anymore. Meanwhile, didn't Rouhani promise that he would undo the damage in 100 days? What happened to that? 6 years have passed and you're still using that excuse. lol
Ahmadinejad did more in the first 4 years of his presidency than Rouhani and his mafia fellas (including his convicted brother) would ever achieve in 8 years. And Rouhani set new records for almost every negative things: inflation, embezzlement, devaluation of the Iranian currency, stunting the scientific growth of the country, rise in poverty, restrictions for Iranian citizens abroad, etc. Do I need to continue?
It's funny that you apologize but at the same time don't want to miss the opportunity to bash Ahmadinejad to defend Rouhani's extremely poor performance. Because at least Ahmadinejad was fit to run a gymnasium. The current government is not fit for even cleaning toilets. I wouldn't hang my used stinking socks in Rouhani's office.

And nice try, but the whole "undoing the damage" thing has become an old tactic that nobody buys it anymore. Meanwhile, didn't Rouhani promise that he would undo the damage in 100 days? What happened to that? 6 years have passed and you're still using that excuse. lol
Ahmadinejad did more in the first 4 years of his presidency than Rouhani and his mafia fellas (including his convicted brother) would ever achieve in 8 years. And Rouhani set new records for almost every negative things: inflation, embezzlement, devaluation of the Iranian currency, stunting the scientific growth of the country, rise in poverty, restrictions for Iranian citizens abroad, etc. Do I need to continue?
Undoing the damage!
Perhaps he means dollar value going from Ahmadinejad's 3300 value (during top sanctions), to Rouhani's JCPOA era of 20,000! or perhaps he means the intentional defense, science, space, nuclear and even energy slowdown during Rouhani's administration. or maybe he meant the undoing the damage to US/Israel interests!

It's funny in the same post you wanna claim that Iranian Presidents are powerless while crediting Ahmadi and blaming Rohani! LOL! Make up your dame mind!! And if you believe that nonsense then don't vote!

Iranian presidents have far more power than you think because whether they choose to fund or NOT fund a project & the people they pick to lead or oversee the projects is what makes or breaks a project and yes there are certain projects that the Supreme leaders takes a personal interest in but by the most part it's Iranian presidents that make or break projects DIRCECTLY DUE TO FUNDING because without proper funding the results would be exactly what has happened to Iran's Space Program.

And what has happened to Iran's Space program in the past ~10 years is the biggest example of how much power Iranian presidents actually have and how an Iranian president can easily choose to make or break something even something as large as a Space Agency! A project that I fully give Ahmadi credit for and at the same time it's something I most definitely don't shy way from blaming Rohani for breaking.
And I'm fully aware of how many military R&D projects Rohani canned or refused to properly fund which is basically the same thing.

Difference is unlike you I DO NOT close my eyes to FACTs and make up excuses just because I support one person or one party over another!!! And that is what makes you BLIND TO REALITY!!!!!

Rohani has been Iran's president for over 6 years and the very 1st sketch of the Kowsar was 1st drawn on paper 8 years ago so that's NOT a project.
Ahmadi failed when it even came to funding the J85 Owj "Production" project so there were no plans to have a powerplant to power the aircraft and that's why the preliminary designs for the Q-313 were base on a fictional single engine.
So how you fund and pursue a project is far more important than when the preliminary sketches were drawn up because we can have Iranian designers draw up and do CAD designs of a 10,000 tone sub so what? At the end of the day without proper leadership, funding, management, tools, infrastructure, parts, materials, human resources and proper oversight to bring it into fruition in a timely manner it doesn't really mean anything so crediting Ahmadi for this project based on when the sketches were drawn is BEYOND absurd. If Ahmadi truly wanted he had 8 years to fund and bing the Shafaq project into fruition & now you wanna credit him for a scetch drawn up during his last 2 years in office! LOL!

And YOU KEEP ON bring up utter NONSESE! I've told you a million times if Iran had cut it's defense spending by 85% after Ahmadii the entire Iranian military would have gone hungry and Iranian solders wouldn't of even been able to feed or clothe their own children and Iran most definitely would not have been able to conduct military operations to save both Iraq and Syria from ISIS let lone produce any weapons what so ever!!!!!
And I've told you before and I'll say it again that absurd statement makes you sound utterly foolish because "The VAST majority" of Iran's Military budget both under Ahmadinejad and today actually goes towards Paychecks, Food, Fuel, Housing, Maintenance & upkeep and NOT weapons or R&D projects so there simply isn't room to make an 85% cut so you sound like an IDIOT when you keep repeating that absurdity!

As for the Saegheh again you talk about things that you don't have a clue about! At the end of the day one of the great geniouses of the F-5 was and is having a comparativly low thrust platform that would be able to achieve near supersonic max cruise speeds which made it faster than most of it's 4th gen adversaries and that ment most of it's 4th gen adversaries that were equipped with far greater thrust couldn't catch it or run away from it without blasting their afterburners and emptying out their fuel tanks and in a country as large as Iran such a capability becomes even more crucial.
Fact is Segheh design added both drag & weight that reduced your thrust to weight ratio, payload capacity, speed & range with the ONLY advantage being a higher angle of attack but only at higher altitude because without more powerful engines you simply can't afford to risk a stall at lower altitudes. So basically a useless gain without newer more powerful engines that can push you out of that manuver and it's RCS reduction was minimal with basically no noticable effect against modern radars.

Meaning the Saeghe was a GREAT technology demonstrator and the technology gained will help us in the future. HOWEVER, it would be absurd to choose that designe over the Kosar and sacrifice speed, range, thrust to weight ratio, drag & payload capacity simply because it looks cooler! That would be both absurd and idiotic and I'm happy that they were wise enough NOT to do that!

17 projeh hava fazza dar khatteh tolleed includes all types of Missiiles, various UAV's, jet engines,.... that were being produced at that time which is NOTHING and a rather low figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can promisse you we have a lot more than 17 aerospace project in production today!
You have a great appetite for denying.

No, the paradox is in your comment, you said why Ahmadinejad didn't develop this or that alloy (which is BS) and I said presidents don't interfere in these details. it's not like during a cabinet meeting in the morning he would say: today I want to domestically develop the Ti6Al2Zr2Sn2Mo2Cr0.25Si titanium alloy to use in the frontal axis of our next generation engine to use in our future planes!!!

but I did say that governments decided on the amount of funds for each organization, and Rouhani cut 85% of the defense ministry's budget when took the office. (40% of the IRGC budget next year, and many more that I didn't mention)

And about kowsar and Saegheh, you are implying that our guys have some sort of mental problem, cause after Saegheh-1 and seeing it's flaws in speed, range ..., they still wasted our money on building the Saegheh-2 and then they just realized all of that BS and went for a reverse engineered F5!
It's funny that you apologize but at the same time don't want to miss the opportunity to bash Ahmadinejad to defend Rouhani's extremely poor performance. Because at least Ahmadinejad was fit to run a gymnasium. The current government is not fit for even cleaning toilets. I wouldn't hang my used stinking socks in Rouhani's office.

And nice try, but the whole "undoing the damage" thing has become an old tactic that nobody buys it anymore. Meanwhile, didn't Rouhani promise that he would undo the damage in 100 days? What happened to that? 6 years have passed and you're still using that excuse. lol
Ahmadinejad did more in the first 4 years of his presidency than Rouhani and his mafia fellas (including his convicted brother) would ever achieve in 8 years. And Rouhani set new records for almost every negative things: inflation, embezzlement, devaluation of the Iranian currency, stunting the scientific growth of the country, rise in poverty, restrictions for Iranian citizens abroad, etc. Do I need to continue?
Well, it's also funny you missed the part where I said no one could've seen Trump coming, by which I was alluding to why Rouhani had not done better. But hey you take away what you like...the whole world thought Ahmadinejad was a joke not just me.
Well, it's also funny you missed the part where I said no one could've seen Trump coming, by which I was alluding to why Rouhani had not done better. But hey you take away what you like...the whole world thought Ahmadinejad was a joke not just me.
It's funny that you missed the part that I said Khamenei was the first high profile authority in Iran who said that Trump would win the presidential election when all polls in the American media predicted a landslide victory for Clinton. Every rightist person in Iran said that Trump would win the election. So, when you say no one, you're probably referring to people like yourself and Rouhani who have a really poor record of understanding international politics.

As a matter of fact, from the comments on YouTube, the world respected Ahmadinejad a lot more than your clown of a president with the diapers he wears around his head. He's the same president that Germany refused to fuel the airplane of his Minister of Foreign Affairs, even though Europe claims to be still in the JCPOA.
It's funny that you missed the part that I said Khamenei was the first high profile authority in Iran who said that Trump would win the presidential election when all polls in the American media predicted a landslide victory for Clinton. Every rightist person in Iran said that Trump would win the election. So, when you say no one, you're probably referring to people like yourself and Rouhani who have a really poor record of understanding international politics.

As a matter of fact, from the comments on YouTube, the world respected Ahmadinejad a lot more than your clown of a president with the diapers he wears around his head. He's the same president that Germany refused to fuel the airplane of his Minister of Foreign Affairs, even though Europe claims to be still in the JCPOA.
Oh, now you're just resorting to bullshit, put up a poll, let's see his standing. You know don't bother, everyone knows the fact he's an utter failure except the koolaide drinking hardliners. The IRGC corruption went through the roof under his presidency. Sanction s were piled on during his term. All of Europe walked out of his speech in the UNGA...etc..etc.
Oh, now you're just resorting to bullshit, put up a poll, let's see his standing. You know don't bother, everyone knows the fact he's an utter failure except the koolaide drinking hardliners. The IRGC corruption went through the roof under his presidency. Sanction s were piled on during his term. All of Europe walked out of his speech in the UNGA...etc..etc.
Sure. Wanna try it right here? Let's create a poll in the Middle East section and see who is resorting to bullshit. Deal?

So now you're trying to blame him for the IRGC? Last time I checked Ahmadinejad and the IRGC had parted ways in Ahmadinejad's second term. I'd rather let the IRGC steal our money than people like Rouhani's brother, Bijan Zanganeh who was the number 1 guy involved in the crescent scandal or the family members of his ministers.

At least Ahmadinejad had the balls to call a spade a spade and addressed important issues in the UN that have turned the Middle East into a war zone and has affected the lives of millions of people around the world. Not like Rouhani with his boring speech that bored nearly everyone to death this year and nobody gave a flying f*ck about what he was saying. His plan for the Strait of Hormuz was a total failure. Nobody took it seriously. What happened to it by the way? What happened to reporting to people every 100 days? What happened to the promise of solving all the damage caused by Ahmadinejad within the first 100 days?

Nobody cares about how many sanctions have been imposed on Iran by whom and when. People care about economy. And as far as that is concerned, your beloved Rouhani has the highest inflation, the highest unemployment rate, the lowest value for the Iranian currency and the biggest governmental embezzlement in his record since 1979. And his brother, whom he installed as an advisor to him, is a convicted felon who is serving time in prison now and soon his Minister of Education's daughter will join him.
This is how easily propaganda affects melt brains like you. All it takes is for some random op-ed by a literally who aviation writer who's more than likely paraphrasing Babak Taghvahee.

Iran has been experimenting with F-5 since the late 90’s. Go check the Air Force budget, I have posted it on this forum in the past.

We are still waiting for the 50+ Saeghe then Saeghe II then Koswar they promised. Now Kosar-88.

We still don’t even have 50 Karrar tanks which are an actual viable production platform.
Sure. Wanna try it right here? Let's create a poll in the Middle East section and see who is resorting to bullshit. Deal?
Yes, only way to settle this...do it in the chill section.
Iran has been experimenting with F-5 since the late 90’s. Go check the Air Force budget, I have posted it on this forum in the past.

We are still waiting for the 50+ Saeghe then Saeghe II then Koswar they promised. Now Kosar-88.

We still don’t even have 50 Karrar tanks which are an actual viable production platform.
Regarding head of Iran's space center interview doctor manteqi,F5 platform has choosed as the first Iranian platform because Iran civil aviation organization should test and verify the flyable vehicle projects,and as we didn't have aerial research labratuary,Iranian engineers selected F5 airframe to pass the tough standard exams......

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