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Iranian vessels practices attacks on U.S. Military ships in Persian Gulf

Don't be delusional.

Would it not be more accurate to say those that should be called deluded are the ones that believe everything that comes out of Mr Trump's tweets? It seems this new "command" was just hot air after all:

Trump doubles down on threat to destroy Iranian gunboats


His "strongman" tweets are just to satisfy naive supporters whom apparently buy into anything and everything he tweets.
First of all martyr Qassem solemani has already defeated USA in the strategic chess board in the Middle East . Twenty years ago Iran was no where in Middle East to play any geo strategic role against USA Israel and saudia nexus now from Yemen till Afghanistan Iranian resistance foot print is there and consolidating. Secondly as a rationale actor Iran responded and destroyed with name a USA base in Iraq. Thirdly before that Iran shoot down USA best global hawk uav. Iran will not be an initiator but if USA do something in Persian gulf will surly get a response write there. And for you get out of defeatist mindset against USA

two different countries but only one country takes action. there is no comparison. have you heard about american soldiers deaths in your ballistic missile attack? attacking someone is another thing and destroying designated target is totally different game. they killed your general and you didn't even kill a US army personnel and here you are talking about defeatist mindset. it's better for iran to stay away from united states because it's good for iran.
two different countries but only one country takes action. there is no comparison. have you heard about american soldiers deaths in your ballistic missile attack? attacking someone is another thing and destroying designated target is totally different game. they killed your general and you didn't even kill a US army personnel and here you are talking about defeatist mindset. it's better for iran to stay away from united states because it's good for iran.
By the grace of Allah resistance axis has full where withal to challenge USA where ever they want, Iran and its brave generals and soldiers are men of honour and steadfastness and are preparing from last forty years to finally evict USA from Middle East and also finish off zionist state. This will happen very near future under global Islamic Revolution of Imam Mehdi as. As per trump whom you afraid of and impressed Iran has in last ten years or so killed numerous us soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan then don’t forget 1982 Lebanon direct attack by Hizbollah killed hundreds of us marines. USA is a liar they hide their deaths from Vietnam to current times. Iran is a proud honourable nation moving ahead to free Middle East from USA and zionists
two different countries but only one country takes action. there is no comparison. have you heard about american soldiers deaths in your ballistic missile attack? attacking someone is another thing and destroying designated target is totally different game. they killed your general and you didn't even kill a US army personnel and here you are talking about defeatist mindset. it's better for iran to stay away from united states because it's good for iran.
Didnt Iran blow up 2 american soldiers recently ?
I mean if anything started out, those 2 boats only have a 50cal machinegun
I mean if anything started out, those 2 boats only have a 50cal machinegun
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