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Iranian vessels practices attacks on U.S. Military ships in Persian Gulf

If you don't want talk to him just ignore him or just put him in your ignore list but remember bro you continuously abusing/attacking his country everyone loves their country bro remember that

But it's ok for him to throw dirt at us,I'm just amazed at the extent to which these guys can go to justify the wrongdoings of their regime.

But it's ok for him to throw dirt at us,I'm just amazed at the extent to which these guys can go to justify the wrongdoings of their regime.

First you started it and only Iran fighting against whole gang of GCC countries

But it's ok for him to throw dirt at us,I'm just amazed at the extent to which these guys can go to justify the wrongdoings of their regime.

respect can't be buy but i should be earn by respecting others
First you started it and only Iran fighting against whole gang of GCC countries

respect can't be buy but i should be earn by respecting others

Kindly read my first reply before blaming me for startimg it.

Kindly read my first reply before blaming me for startimg it.

I already read the whole thread and you started it
your first post
The day they openly challange these ships they would all be vaporized before coming close,it's false bravado nothing else.

your second post
Please do that to a large vessel instead of a small patrol boat and then you have every right in the world to start your chest thumping,till then it's nothing more than false bravado. Just wondering what are you guys going to make out of it?

Third post
It makes sense but your eyes are closed,I'm not sure why you Iranians like chest thumping so much. Grow up and be practical
You don't seem to realise that making circles around big ships with small boats does not show any bravery, it just shows that that the testosterone levels have increased so much that they have clouded the thinking process.

fourth post

In a real war these small patrol boats would have been vaporized miles away from the fleet, I'm not sure what kind of simulated attacks were the Iranians practising as they don't seem to be a realistic option.

I already read the whole thread and you started it
your first post
The day they openly challange these ships they would all be vaporized before coming close,it's false bravado nothing else.

your second post
Please do that to a large vessel instead of a small patrol boat and then you have every right in the world to start your chest thumping,till then it's nothing more than false bravado. Just wondering what are you guys going to make out of it?

Third post
It makes sense but your eyes are closed,I'm not sure why you Iranians like chest thumping so much. Grow up and be practical
You don't seem to realise that making circles around big ships with small boats does not show any bravery, it just shows that that the testosterone levels have increased so much that they have clouded the thinking process.

fourth post

In a real war these small patrol boats would have been vaporized miles away from the fleet, I'm not sure what kind of simulated attacks were the Iranians practising as they don't seem to be a realistic option.

Dear brother did I say something wrong. How do you expect to challenge a destroyer or a frigate with small patrol boats,wouldn't they be vaporized well before they come in close range?

Is it not a valid question to ask about the purpose of it especially when the same maneuvers are completely futile in modern warfare?
Dear brother did I say something wrong. How do you expect to challenge a destroyer or a frigate with small patrol boats,wouldn't they be vaporized well before they come in close range?
Indirectly Insulting Iran, It Iran problems to do petrol even with wooded canoe, why you jump in, everyone know its nothing in front of destroyer but they have rights to defend their country and sea, if this destroyer attack them they have hundreds of anti ship missile at its disposal, and you indirecty abusing/attacking Iran
Kindly go through a few other threads, if you're blaming me for indirectly insulting Iran then these days are directly insulting Pakistan.

I agree, Iran should pull its troop out from syria in the pretext of fighting wahabbi terrorism.
Actually the iranian presence in syria is there at the request of the legitimate syrian government........sadly tho one cannot say the same about the us forces that are in syria and currently engaged in an illegal occupation of sovereign syrian territory.
Why do you call Pakistan your home when you're more interested in what's happening in Iran and bragging about their achievements.
Jao Irani mullao ke tattay uthao bas isi kam ke liye achay ho.

Shame on you dude,it's a pity talking to people like yourself.
It is shame replying to you but some one has to clear evil minded sectarian gluts from the system. First it is my choice to comment on any nation irrespective, secondly idiot again highlighting to you dumb brain learn good from ever you get. Iran is a Muslim neighbour and we can learn a lot from their Islamic Revolution similarly they can learn a lot from us also, Allama Iqbal poetry is very common in Iran and many universities teach that. You sick minded need to remove prejudice and stop nonscence comments. Fo
Kindly go through a few other threads, if you're blaming me for indirectly insulting Iran then these days are directly insulting Pakistan.

i never see any Iranians to rants on Pakistani members, often Pakistani members try to initiates troll/ flame bait against Iran/and Iranians
By looking at the previous skirmishes, it's clear to me that United States can still easily win against iran.suleymani assassination is a clear example.iran can come closer to United States ships.they are cheap tactics.they lost their most valuable asset and United States is responsible but there is nothing Iran can do. It's better for Iran to avoid such things and remain peaceful.slogans like death to America doesn't make any sense when you lost your military leader quite easily.
By looking at the previous skirmishes, it's clear to me that United States can still easily win against iran.suleymani assassination is a clear example.iran can come closer to United States ships.they are cheap tactics.they lost their most valuable asset and United States is responsible but there is nothing Iran can do. It's better for Iran to avoid such things and remain peaceful.slogans like death to America doesn't make any sense when you lost your military leader quite easily.
First of all martyr Qassem solemani has already defeated USA in the strategic chess board in the Middle East . Twenty years ago Iran was no where in Middle East to play any geo strategic role against USA Israel and saudia nexus now from Yemen till Afghanistan Iranian resistance foot print is there and consolidating. Secondly as a rationale actor Iran responded and destroyed with name a USA base in Iraq. Thirdly before that Iran shoot down USA best global hawk uav. Iran will not be an initiator but if USA do something in Persian gulf will surly get a response write there. And for you get out of defeatist mindset against USA
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