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Iranian vessels practices attacks on U.S. Military ships in Persian Gulf

This kind of stuff has been going on for quite some time, and so attacks are constantly simulated like this for training purposes.
how hard is it to be normal??
You mean to be like Lybia? give up nuclear, give up missiles, get friendly with west, stay still and wait for US-sponsored terrorists to pour in?!

Probably because we don't want to be a normal dead!

Though we had a (fool or traitor) president which bowed to first part (JCPOA), too bad US had a stupid president which exposed the west too early. (actually Iranian leader outsmarted the whole west)
it's good to know that there are AH-64 APACHE's onboard just in case the little fella start shooting first.
These small FACs could easily be carrying MANPADS, any helo trying to take off would be in big trouble. Even in the 80's troops on these FAC's shot down an Apache.


In a real war these small patrol boats would have been vaporized miles away from the fleet, I'm not sure what kind of simulated attacks were the Iranians practising as they don't seem to be a realistic option.
In a real war these small patrol boats would have been vaporized miles away from the fleet, I'm not sure what kind of simulated attacks were the Iranians practising as they don't seem to be a realistic option.
It wasn't a practice, title is just a propaganda.

few weeks ago American F-18 provoked us and received a warning from our air defense, now we payed the debt back.

also this fleet was practicing a simulated wargame to fight our boats few days earlier, so our boys felt good to introduce themselves.


In a real world, their fleet will be vaporized by our missiles, before they get the chance to meet our boys.
These small FACs could easily be carrying MANPADS, any helo trying to take off would be in big trouble. Even in the 80's troops on these FAC's shot down an Apache.

Yeah carrying manpads is a thing, having the courage to actually use it to kill Americans is another thing.
I dont think iran will kill americans just because US vaporized a dozen of their sailors considering iran only kill 0 americans for soleimani killing back in January.
Ness said their boat drifted into Iran I don't believe that. I think it was a SOF contingent because they ditched their uniforms with ranks and unit patches etc etc.
what a stupid irrelevant point.

A. they were both same sized boats. which would have made it a relatively even local engagement.

B. the MASSIVE US navy 5th fleet is stationed very close by. With other major US bases and troops in close proximity. you cannot capture americans in a zone with a larger concentration of American troops

C. The act of Taking armed American soldiers as prisoners itself is something few countries on earth have the balls to do, and with few precedents. The US NAVY was furious about their loss of prestige for good reason.

D. The US NAVY commanders were furious that this broke the invincibility cloak around American troops and assets. and other world navies would show this footage as training material to their troops to show how human, weak and vulnerable American troops are (in stark contrast to the invincible image their media and movies pump out)

I could go on and on..
In a real war these small patrol boats would have been vaporized miles away from the fleet, I'm not sure what kind of simulated attacks were the Iranians practising as they don't seem to be a realistic option.

Wasn't a simulated exercise, just driving near them for domestic propaganda purposes targeted at ME audience. If they were serious about confronting the US they would have done something significant when they had the excuse to do so back when their general was killed.

They are not serious about confronting the US but are serious about confronting Arab nations in the region. And they need to put on domestic show to attach Israel/US angle to it.
Yeah carrying manpads is a thing, having the courage to actually use it to kill Americans is another thing.
I dont think iran will kill americans just because US vaporized a dozen of their sailors considering iran only kill 0 americans for soleimani killing back in January.

I literally just showed you an example where Iranian troops shot down an Apache when at war, briefly with the United States. Did you even read what I said or click on the link?
Ness said their boat drifted into Iran I don't believe that. I think it was a SOF contingent because they ditched their uniforms with ranks and unit patches etc etc.

The boat was on its way from Kuwait to Bahrain - broke down, repairs lost them time and jeopardized rendezvous with the refueling ship and so the officer in charge decided to plot a direct course to Bahrain in the boats sat nav. Unfortunately for him the 'direct course ' took the boat into Iranian waters off the coast of Farsi islands - where the boat broke down once again. These were not special operators but an assortment of petty officers specialized welders, technicians, electricians and such. Not the proudest moment for the USN, their .50 cal had no ammo and they had 4 M16 rifles with a grand total of six mags. On the whole the Iranians got some great propaganda footage and embarrassed the USN.
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Iran through its ship shore and small boats along with deep surface based ballistic missile like khaleej Fars and dezful has dominance in counter sea role till 300 km from its shore enough to put all USA ships outside Persian gulf. And with further enhancement in range and sub launched cruise or ballistic missile this counter role will be extended till Diego garcia.
Iran through its ship shore and small boats along with deep surface based ballistic missile like khaleej Fars and dezful has dominance in counter sea role till 300 km from its shore enough to put all USA ships outside Persian gulf. And with further enhancement in range and sub launched cruise or ballistic missile this counter role will be extended till Diego garcia.

You really need to migrate to Iran,it's a shame seeing the Pakistani flag next to your flame especially when you smoke the same brand of hash as your fellow Iranis.
The boat was on its way from Kuwait to Bahrain - broke down, repairs lost them time and jeopardized rendezvous with the refueling ship and so the officer in charge decided to plot a direct course to Bahrain in the boats sat nav. Unfortunately for him the 'direct course ' took the boat into Iranian waters off the coast of Farsi islands - where the boat broke down once again. These were not special operators but an assortment of petty officers specialized welders, technicians, electricians and such. Not the proudest moment for the USN, their .50 cal had no ammo and they had 4 M16 rifles with a grand total of six mags. On the whole the Iranians got some great propaganda footage and embarrassed the USN.
thats lots of broke down and coincidence.
but well we are always ready to deliver.

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