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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

Did anyone mention magnetometers?

ASW (Anti submarine warfare) is something the US Navy is very good at. We have had plenty of practice, decades of Cold War with the old USSR.

Any ferrous mass sufficiently large is easily detected with airborne sensors, because the mass distorts the earth's magnetic field. Doesn't matter if the sub is 100% silent and perfectly motionless. The only defense is a sub that is made of plastic or titanium/aluminum. I don't think Iran has those.
Did anyone mention magnetometers?

ASW (Anti submarine warfare) is something the US Navy is very good at. We have had plenty of practice, decades of Cold War with the old USSR.

Any ferrous mass sufficiently large is easily detected with airborne sensors, because the mass distorts the earth's magnetic field. Doesn't matter if the sub is 100% silent and perfectly motionless. The only defense is a sub that is made of plastic or titanium/aluminum. I don't think Iran has those.
So Iran should change their tactic, Strait of Hormuz is quite narrow, and Iran can use even Mig-17 to sink your ship if their air ambush skill is good enough :D:D


MIGs Can't Sink Navy Courage
- Crew Leaps to on Bombed Ship

DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) - "MIG coming, MIG coming!" yelled the lookout and seconds later the after deck of the destroyer Higbee was aflame.

The North Vietnamese jet dropped a 250-pound bomb onto the deck of the destroyer, wounding four seamen and destroying a gun mount that housed two 5-inch guns.

The U.S. Command said at least three enemy jets attacked an American task force in the Tonkin Gulf off the coast of North Vietnam late Wednesday afternoon. The command said one of the planes was shot down, two enemy torpedo boats were believed sunk and shrapnel from shore battery fire caused minor damage on the cruiser Oklahoma City, the flagship of the 7th fleet.

Capt. Ronald Zuilkoski, skipper of the Higbee , said the MIG attacked his ship at least twice before the bomb hit the deck.

"In the first two passes, bombs fell left and right of the ship," he said. "but on the third try one hit the deck and exploded under the mount. She flew so low over the deck that you could see everything."

Luckily the gun mount was empty, the 12-man gun crew having been ordered out while a round stuck in one of the barrels was hosed down to keep it from exploding. Gut three men in the ammunition storage compartment under the mount were wounded. Other men pulled them out as the ammunition began to explode.

The exploding ammunition ripped open a large section int he Higbee's left side. Flames and clouds of black smoke from leaking oil engulfed the deck as the crew fought the fire.

Another warning sounded: "Missile! Missile homing in!" "We heard the missile warning, but we had to stay with the fire or we would have lost the ship," said HT2 John J. O'Brien, 40 of Camden N.J.

"It was fantastic-everyone worked together. They did what they were trained to do even though too much happened at one time - flames were everywhere. John T. Allardyce, 26, another HT2 from Allentown, PA, was up forward. "I felt the bomb hit," he said. "It shook the boat forward and then I heard the call for help from O'Brien's section in the rear."
QM3 Dave Rice, USS Oklahoma City CLG-5
Has Iran invaded any country that is not in the middle east? We crossed the Pacific to Vietnam, you dump idiot , considered the time being and our abilities were limited. By the way, we did achieve some of our goals in iraq and afghanistan that I don't even have to explain to you. Who are you kidding? let's see how your closest iraq is gonna help you when we kick your ***.

Reported for racism.
lets not rush any thing
iran army is pwerful ofcurse
but the fact is the usa army is much more advanced !
also they have alots of war exprience about how to deal with
kind of tactics that iran army trying to use in fight ...!
so its a lose for usa to attack but a complete annihilation for our army !!! lets face it :hitwall:
Did anyone mention magnetometers?

ASW (Anti submarine warfare) is something the US Navy is very good at. We have had plenty of practice, decades of Cold War with the old USSR.

Any ferrous mass sufficiently large is easily detected with airborne sensors, because the mass distorts the earth's magnetic field. Doesn't matter if the sub is 100% silent and perfectly motionless. The only defense is a sub that is made of plastic or titanium/aluminum. I don't think Iran has those.

MAD is going to be ineffective in Persian Gulf and Hormuz. It is a small area littered with hulls of numerous ships sunk during centuries of traffic. Those anomaly detectors you mentioned are not going to work there since there will be too many false alarms. In shallow waters where big US subs are not as much maneuverable as small Iranian subs sitting around without movements the big US ships are going to sink by occasional roar of an Iranian torpedo launched from an immobile sub sitting among wrecks of old ships there. Do not underestimate Iranians. They know their game well.
As a neutral observer, the Americans have made a much more intellectual case for their view than the Iranians.:usflag:
I have a question
cant us use a huge emp
right before the attack ?!
i mean not all of our equpiment,s are
anti EMP are they?
and ps iam sure they know by now most of our anti air
defence systems and naval bases so its not gonna be a fair fight:help:
I have a question
cant us use a huge emp
right before the attack ?!
i mean not all of our equpiment,s are
anti EMP are they?
and ps iam sure they know by now most of our anti air
defence systems and naval bases so its not gonna be a fair fight:help:

USA will use a multitude of different electronic warfare weapons before they attack.

They will use jammers to de-stabilize Iranian Radars, or a massive EMP blast to take out all of Iran's electronic systems.

Just like Israel did when it attacked the Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007.
Did anyone mention magnetometers?

ASW (Anti submarine warfare) is something the US Navy is very good at. We have had plenty of practice, decades of Cold War with the old USSR.

Any ferrous mass sufficiently large is easily detected with airborne sensors, because the mass distorts the earth's magnetic field. Doesn't matter if the sub is 100% silent and perfectly motionless. The only defense is a sub that is made of plastic or titanium/aluminum. I don't think Iran has those.

You can not use that in the Persian gulf, remember this is like a busy highway full of traffic, and these subs can sneak in anywhere and hide.
The other ability to sit on the sea bed is very dangerous to the adversary, with the same traffic going on you can simply not see it or detect it until its too late to react.
I have a question
cant us use a huge emp
right before the attack ?!
i mean not all of our equpiment,s are
anti EMP are they?
and ps iam sure they know by now most of our anti air
defence systems and naval bases so its not gonna be a fair fight:help:

On air defense much depends on Iran's upcoming B-373. If it is good enough in quality and built in large numbers it can create enough hurdle even for US airforce specially if deployed in a layered fashion all over Iran. But Iran has also tried to use passive defense such as the Iranian smart concrete which can take even heaviest hits from air.

As for EMP, there are two ways to generate it. One is with nukes which Iran supposedly does not possess now and the other is by using conventional explosives specially designed for the purpose. But Iran's real power is not its fancy weapon systems. It is in its asymmetric warfare capability. Watch these videos:

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On air defense much depends on Iran's upcoming B-373. If it is good enough in quality and built in large numbers it can create enough hurdle even for US airforce specially if deployed in a layered fashion all over Iran. But Iran has also tried to use passive defense such as the Iranian smart concrete which can take even heaviest hits from air.

As for EMP, there are two ways to generate it. One is with nukes which Iran supposedly does not possess now and the other is by using conventional explosives specially designed for the purpose. But Iran's real power is not its fancy weapon systems. It is in its asymmetric warfare capability. Watch these videos:

First hand sorry cant watch the vid,s thanks to our government filtering
and 2nd you cannot stop a full invasion with asymmetric warfare
i mean when the enemy have your capital what is the point in asymmetric fighting?
PS their not coming to stay their coming to bomb and run !!! so thats not worknig !!!
and if you wanna have a chance of defending your country you must be strong enough to fight
head,s on (imean complete fight not stupid heads on :D) and stop enemy before coming in !
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As a neutral observer, the Americans have made a much more intellectual case for their view than the Iranians.:usflag:


bahahahaha good one

dude at least change your user name before saying something like that

bahahahaha good one

dude at least change your user name before saying something like that

I would have though the name Mercenary was as neutral as you could get, Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre.

remember this is like a busy highway full of traffic

And will be very empty very fast once the shooting starts, you dont try and sail a tanker through a naval battle.
can somebody ban a bunch of these American trolls?
As much of a sellout as Gambit is, at least he's not a complete idiot. Grandpa and the other one are a few trillion brain cells short.

Can some one ban these Iranian trolls? Listening to 12 year old Tehran Bobs is hurting my head...not a one of them understands or has served in any military.

Ps...we have some experience in ASW...since the first world War....Irans naval experience?
Can some one ban these Iranian trolls? Listening to 12 year old Tehran Bobs is hurting my head...not a one of them understands or has served in any military.

Ps...we have some experience in ASW...since the first world War....Irans naval experience?

Persian God King got banned...if the rest keep it up...they will also get banned
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