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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

Whats that?

Kids running over minefields?
no iguess guys who are getting paid
to post in every place that is possible !!!
there is a saying : when you cant fight properly make your enemy to be afraid of you
and this is that
1.These are no ordinary midget submarines, these are the best you can imagine.
Please read about another midget that can sit on the seabed it is called the P-4 from NK. and with a much older technology than the Ghadir.

2.These ones are numerous and rotate in shifts, no need to surface but near port of attach.

3. These ones can in 50 meters, they are sitting to ambush, they'll move to fire.

This is no fiction, this is reality on the terrain and it is certainly frustrating to people who fiction-think they are the best in everything.
Now do some research on capabilities of US submarines and US Anti-Submarine warfare capabilities.

The Iraqi scenario won't be feasible Against Iran, because the US has to fight this war without the GCC countries being involved at all, since this time they are in a direct line of confrontation, and understand why they should not get destroyed for other people sitting in the comfort of there homes in the USA. Besides this the American , European economies are in very bad shape and the rest of the world has too many reasons not to allow this war.
You sure about the GCC thing? GCC and Iran do not mix with each other, Sir. You need to do some digging on GCC and Iranian fueds.

And American economy is not in bad shape any more. Get over this propaganda already. USA itself is currently the second largest producer of OIL in the world and one of the most resourceful countries on this planet.

Other countries already realize the possibility of another conflict in Persian Gulf and therefore are reducing their dependency on Iranian oil exports. In addition, Libya is now under Western grasp. You need to catch up with latest developments actually.

Iran should tread carefully.

nobody knows iran's real power
Let me guess; only you do, right? :lol:
Now do some research on capabilities of US submarines and US Anti-Submarine warfare capabilities.

You should stop being intellectually arrogant, please.

We are talking about the Persian gulf here where a US N-submarine couldn't manoeuvre that good and crashed against another American war ship it was escorting!

You sure about the GCC thing? GCC and Iran do not mix with each other, Sir. You need to do some digging on GCC and Iranian fueds.

Would they tell you or the US if they did?
So, do you search about their affinities not only the feuds. besides, What I said is:"The GCC countries this time are in a direct line of confrontation, and understand why they should not get destroyed for other people sitting in the comfort of there homes in the USA."

USA itself is currently the second largest producer of OIL in the world and one of the most resourceful countries on this planet.

Actually, the US started tapping in its strategic oil reserves!

Other countries already realize the possibility of another conflict in Persian Gulf and therefore are reducing their dependency on Iranian oil exports.

India and China and many other big importers of Iranian oil are totally ignoring the sanctions, which goes against their vital interests.

In addition, Libya is now under Western grasp. You need to catch up with latest developments actually.

If you refer to Turkey as the western grasp than you are the one who should get updated on these issues.
You should stop being intellectually arrogant, please.
I am not.

We are talking about the Persian gulf here where a US N-submarine couldn't manoeuvre that good and crashed against another American war ship it was escorting!
All submarines are capable of maneuvering in shallow waters. One incident like that proves nothing.

Would they tell you or the US if they did?
So, do you search about their affinities not only the feuds. besides, What I said is:"The GCC countries this time are in a direct line of confrontation, and understand why they should not get destroyed for other people sitting in the comfort of there homes in the USA."
GCC states regard Iran as a threat to their interests. They are modernizing their military capabilities for this very reason.

And another thing , the US started tapping in its strategic oil reserves!
Good plan.

And GCC states have plans of their own, in case action starts in Hormuz.
The fact that most of iranians hate arabs is not hidden to any body so iwill not go on about it !
so with this kind of tensions in ME the arabs would be happy to take down iran once and for all ! (if that happens iam in the front lines to defend my country ) ((iam not irans enemy iam just being realstik persian guys dont pick on me please))
The fact that most of iranians hate arabs is not hidden to any body so iwill not go on about it !
so with this kind of tensions in ME the arabs would be happy to take down iran once and for all ! (if that happens iam in the front lines to defend my country ) ((iam not irans enemy iam just being realstik persian guys dont pick on me please))
My friend, let us hope that another conflict does not occurs around Perian Gulf.

Iranian leadership should tread carefully. It is OK to be patriotic but it is not OK to be foolish.
warpig is an Afghan, he's not even Iranian.
Take everything he says with a grain of salt.
warpig is an Afghan, he's not even Iranian.
Take everything he says with a grain of salt.

yea like i said in the other thread
these guys only start talk shi.t like
this when they dont want to keep the conversation on
and their rude language shows they are really low tempered
i will be happy if you stop putting false flags for dont wanting to answer
some times silence is much better that talking shi.t

well lets wait and see, I made this point in another thread about Iran true intention and i will say it here as well, you see Iran knows when they block the stright for even a short amount of time the arabs will also get invloved to open it, and Iran will have a reason to destroy their oil fields, imgine what a single missiles will do, Iran main targest would not be the usa but the arabs, anyway when Iran finished off with the arabs, the world economy would be fucked up badly.

Iran does not want to do that, but if you push a country till the point where there very existance is at stake you be surprised what they can and WILL do.
With THAAD and patriot pac 3, you're fire crackers wont make it half way through the Arabian gulf. Not to mention you would be obliterated by our jets without the US getting involved.
So much for ummah.This persian arab rivalry is another main hindrance for stability in middle east.
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