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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

^^ Praying mantis was just against a small part of Irans navy and was not a full blown naval warfare between IRIN and USN.
And blowing up defenceless oil rigs is not a victory. But thats history, we are now in 2012 and Iran has deployed many boats with thousands of rockets and missiles that are ready to take down billion dollar frigates of US and UK
Iranians have lately started a 'tradition' of bragging of their excellence in military technology in all fields.These mullah mouthpieces are trying to convince themselves of their awesome power more than they are convincing the world unfortunately.
Aaahhh...So now not only do we have 'Chinese physics' we are seeing 'Iranian physics' as well. Somehow the Persian Gulf affects only US sonars but not Iranian sonars.

Got it...

who said it only affect USA navy , what I see here is US mentality that just comment without reading the post . if you read that post I said it affect active sonar m now if you want to claim that only USA have active sonar that's something else

Remember Operation Praying Mantis when your Navy got blown out of the water

well prying mantis showed one thing and only one thing and what we learned from it is that harpoon (at least the versions that were available at that time ) is a useless missile that cannot hit the target . in that operation USA fired 2-3 harpoon and Iran fired 2 harpoon missile and only one of the harpoon missiles from us navy hit Iranian ship and non of Iranian harpoon hit the target .and at last US navy get tired and used Standard missile to an some bombs to sank Iranian ships .

^^ Praying mantis was just against a small part of Irans navy and was not a full blown naval warfare between IRIN and USN.
And blowing up defenceless oil rigs is not a victory. But thats history, we are now in 2012 and Iran has deployed many boats with thousands of rockets and missiles that are ready to take down billion dollar frigates of US and UK

praying mantis was against all that Iran could field at the time , at the time after 8 years of war while we were sanctioned our army had nothing to fight with our air force had only Iron bombs , because of lack of spare parts our airplanes barely could fly . right now the situation is different but it don't change the fact praying mantis was a full blown naval warfare that we lost.

Persian GK, I must that was the crappiest article i have seen in a long time. Lets start dissect his article one piece at a
3. A midget cannot bottom in waters deeper than 25 Meters and cannot get a torpedo firing solution sitting on the bottom.

I can go on but if you can believe horses can be made to fly by the Iranian Navy, than all what that idiot has stated is true.

why they cannot bottom deeper than 25 meter ? and about torpedo, aren't today's these things are supposed to home on their targets ? then why they need a firing solution ?
I have a question that I hope somebody can answer to me , part of naval warfare is using mines and they are of the deadliest weapon that a country can use , right now usa and other countries have sent several of their mine sweepers to the Persian gulf . now my question is how much these minesweepers are effective against rocket propelled mines like EM-52 as there are reports that Iran was in negotiation with china to buy them and these mines are usually put at the depth of up to 200m and after they detected the target or triggered with a remote move with the speed of 50m/s toward their targets . I wonder if is it possible to use todays minesweeper against these mines ?
American submariners will certainly have fun.

American bombers will have fun with these as well.

Though I am not a pro-Iranian,

But a straight forward question:

" When was the last time that US won a war against other country being victorious"? I am not talking about nuking some non-nuclear state.

US is good at bullying other tiny nations which barely had any official military force.

Probably US forgot the results of its past invasions?
Vietnam........ Disaster
Afghanistan...... Still trying to run away from talibs
Iraq......... Saved some pride
But a straight forward question:

" When was the last time that US won a war against other country being victorious"? I am not talking about nuking some non-nuclear state.

US is good at bullying other tiny nations which barely had any official military force.
And others larger as well. Who backed off during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Clue for you, it was not the Cubans.

Probably US forgot the results of its past invasions?
Vietnam........ Disaster
The US did not 'invade' Viet Nam. This alone made your participation in this discussion a genuine disaster.

Afghanistan...... Still trying to run away from talibs
More like the other way around.

Iraq......... Saved some pride
Could India have handled Iraq?

Though I am not a pro-Iranian,
Suuuuure you are not...:lol:
^^ Praying mantis was just against a small part of Irans navy and was not a full blown naval warfare between IRIN and USN.
And blowing up defenceless oil rigs is not a victory. But thats history, we are now in 2012 and Iran has deployed many boats with thousands of rockets and missiles that are ready to take down billion dollar frigates of US and UK

I'm sure the famous Iranian battle canoes will run circles around our weak navy....
And others larger as well. Who backed off during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Clue for you, it was not the Cubans.

Sviet Unions was not bigger and better than US... Soviet Union was on it's way to collapsing... If I remember correctly,the Soviet Union had a economy 1/3 the size of the US while the US was technologically advanced and had more money than the Soviet Union...
Sviet Unions was not bigger and better than US... Soviet Union was on it's way to collapsing... If I remember correctly,the Soviet Union had a economy 1/3 the size of the US while the US was technologically advanced and had more money than the Soviet Union...

'Collapsing' ? We're talking 1963, dude.
US Navy is still the most powerful in the world. Iranian capability is great for a short term conflict and can cause damage to the US Forces. US air power will eventually nuetralize Iranian assets on the ground and Iran will loose in a medium to long term conflict. Iranian Naval assets alone without a powerful air cover will become sitting lame ducks.

To the contrary, America has to stretch itself for along period of time while Iran is stable in its own place and with an already powerful air defence and air cover these are only some of the facts that have deterred an attack.
Persian GK, I must that was the crappiest article i have seen in a long time. Lets start dissect his article one piece at a time.

1. Submarine donot sit on the floorbed except in James Bond movies. Bottoming if ever done for a submarine rescue exercise is done in a very controlled condition which is a unlikely scenario in this case.

2. A midget submarine cannot sw off all its equipment and keep a passive watch for more than 12 hours. After that it will happen to surface.

3. A midget cannot bottom in waters deeper than 25 Meters and cannot get a torpedo firing solution sitting on the bottom.

I can go on but if you can believe horses can be made to fly by the Iranian Navy, than all what that idiot has stated is true.

1.These are no ordinary midget submarines, these are the best you can imagine.
Please read about another midget that can sit on the seabed it is called the P-4 from NK. and with a much older technology than the Ghadir.

2.These ones are numerous and rotate in shifts, no need to surface but near port of attach.

3. These ones can in 50 meters, they are sitting to ambush, they'll move to fire.

This is no fiction, this is reality on the terrain and it is certainly frustrating to people who fiction-think they are the best in everything.
Dear posters.

No need to compare missiles. If (God Forbid) there is a war, USA will pull out every major ship from danger zones in the gulf.

It will start with air-campaign that could be 1 to two months long. this will unfortunately result in the utter destruction of water, power, telecom, bridges, gov office buildings throughout Iran.

Sure Iran may fire surface to sufrace missiles at Saudi or UAE or perhaps Israel. But ultimate it will loose big time.

Let's hope there is no GWIII. and the things get settled on the table.


The Iraqi scenario won't be feasible Against Iran, because the US has to fight this war without the GCC countries being involved at all, since this time they are in a direct line of confrontation, and understand why they should not get destroyed for other people sitting in the comfort of there homes in the USA. Besides this the American , European economies are in very bad shape and the rest of the world has too many reasons not to allow this war.
Why is this discussion dragging on and why are iranians still deluding themselves,they may sink a few ships even get a lucky carrier,but in the end result will be same.They and the mullah overlords will be bombed back to the stone age.Best way for them is peace and use of the oil weapon as any war in iran will have bad effect on oil prices and supplies around the world.
Why is this discussion dragging on and why are iranians still deluding themselves,they may sink a few ships even get a lucky carrier,but in the end result will be same.They and the mullah overlords will be bombed back to the stone age.Best way for them is peace and use of the oil weapon as any war in iran will have bad effect on oil prices and supplies around the world.

Don't delud yourself !

they can't do anything because they don't want sth like RQ-170 in IRAN

nobody knows iran's real power
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