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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

Haha you are funny,see who is talking about winning a war.You were in Vietnam (Which was much more weaker than Iraq of 1980) for 15 years and then you had your as*es kicked after losing that war.You couldn't even win war in Afghanistan.
a few thing you should know about Iran-Iraq war: when Iran fought Iraq,it had the most powerful army in Middle East.All of the major powers were supporting Iraq,from U.S to USSR,Germany,France,Belgium.Brazil,Canada and etc.U.S showed it's real face by not allowing other and U.N to condemn Iraq while it was using chemical bombs against Iranian armed forces and civilians.You even shot down a civilian airliner and killed 266 Innocent people and then you honored Captain of that destroyer for doing this.only cowards can do such things.When you invaded Iraq,it was at it's weakest situation after 2 bloody wars and 15 years of sanctions and starvation and that food for oil program.

I have a question: What do you define as winning a war? I define it as being able to achieve your major goal in war.Iran achieved it in war by not allowing Iraq to capture even 1 sq inch of it's soil.but U.S main goal was to bring another U.S puppet for Iraq's leadership.now look at Iraq,It's one of the Iran closest allies.You spent trillions of dollar in there and what did you gain from it?
Has Iran invaded any country that is not in the middle east? We crossed the Pacific to Vietnam, you dump idiot , considered the time being and our abilities were limited. By the way, we did achieve some of our goals in iraq and afghanistan that I don't even have to explain to you. Who are you kidding? let's see how your closest iraq is gonna help you when we kick your ***.
Has Iran invaded any country that is not in the middle east? We crossed the Pacific to Vietnam, you dump idiot , considered the time being and our abilities were limited. By the way, we did achieve some of our goals in iraq and afghanistan that I don't even have to explain to you. Who are you kidding? let's see how your closest iraq is gonna help you when we kick your ***.
can someone ban this a.sh..e member or i must ..... him now?
Has Iran invaded any country that is not in the middle east? We crossed the Pacific to Vietnam, you dump idiot , considered the time being and our abilities were limited. By the way, we did achieve some of our goals in iraq and afghanistan that I don't even have to explain to you. Who are you kidding? let's see how your closest iraq is gonna help you when we kick your ***.
Hey hey,why so angry?I think i smell something burning.
You just confessed that you go to otherside of the world,where it's none of your business and bully others and turn everything in to sh** then come back while your a**es are kicked.You may hurt Iran in a war bad,But you are going to hurt too.i don't support any war and i wish that day never comes.it's you who like the smell of blood warmonger.not all Americans are like you.
grandpa, don't be so thick. You guys are broke. You can't fight wars for the lolz anymore. Time to pack your bags and piss off. Nobody is going to miss you guys.

Yes we are broke that don't stop us from defending the nation. Remember the Great Depression? We went to war even though we were broke. Still haven't pay the debt from the Civil War.
Haha you are funny,see who is talking about winning a war.You were in Vietnam (Which was much more weaker than Iraq of 1980) for 15 years and then you had your as*es kicked after losing that war.You couldn't even win war in Afghanistan.
a few thing you should know about Iran-Iraq war: when Iran fought Iraq,it had the most powerful army in Middle East.All of the major powers were supporting Iraq,from U.S to USSR,Germany,France,Belgium.Brazil,Canada and etc.U.S showed it's real face by not allowing other and U.N to condemn Iraq while it was using chemical bombs against Iranian armed forces and civilians.You even shot down a civilian airliner and killed 266 Innocent people and then you honored Captain of that destroyer for doing this.only cowards can do such things.When you invaded Iraq,it was at it's weakest situation after 2 bloody wars and 15 years of sanctions and starvation and that food for oil program.

I have a question: What do you define as winning a war? I define it as being able to achieve your major goal in war.Iran achieved it in war by not allowing Iraq to capture even 1 sq inch of it's soil.but U.S main goal was to bring another U.S puppet for Iraq's leadership.now look at Iraq,It's one of the Iran closest allies.You spent trillions of dollar in there and what did you gain from it?

We didn't lose the Vietnam war. North Vietnam signed the treaty to end the war yet violated that peace treaty when American troops left. Think about it. North Vietnam couldn't conquer South Vietnam for many many years until American troops left.
We didn't lose the Vietnam war. North Vietnam signed the treaty to end the war yet violated that peace treaty when American troops left. Think about it. North Vietnam couldn't conquer South Vietnam for many many years until American troops left.
Pay no mind to these self-made 'experts' of the Vietnam War. Their knowledge and understanding of military affairs are confined to what they learned from playing computer games. Sitting down with a real book is something alien to them.
can somebody ban a bunch of these American trolls?
As much of a sellout as Gambit is, at least he's not a complete idiot. Grandpa and the other one are a few trillion brain cells short.
can somebody ban a bunch of these American trolls?
As much of a sellout as Gambit is, at least he's not a complete idiot. Grandpa and the other one are a few trillion brain cells short.
Typical of a dictator-wannabe. :lol:
We didn't lose the Vietnam war. North Vietnam signed the treaty to end the war yet violated that peace treaty when American troops left. Think about it. North Vietnam couldn't conquer South Vietnam for many many years until American troops left.
This depends on how you define defeat. Militarily we never suffered a loss (battle wise), much as we havn't in Iraq or Afghanistan. If we ever 'lost' a battle it would be a battle we never showed up to fight.

Politically (for the administrations at the time) our goal for being in Vietnam was a failure, something that can't be doubted. After all, our goal at the time wasn't to just keep South Vietnam independant for a few years after we were gone, but to keep it independant for at least until the end of the cold war, or even to unify Vietnam under the South's government.

Of course whether it was truly a political defeat for the United States at large is debateable considering the state of the larger picture in Asia today.
This depends on how you define defeat. Militarily we never suffered a loss (battle wise), much as we havn't in Iraq or Afghanistan. If we ever 'lost' a battle it would be a battle we never showed up to fight.
There are several ideas here that are beyond these guys' ken:

- That political goals determine military objectives.

- That political goals cannot be credible in the absence of successful military objectives.

- That both political goals and military objectives are parallel in importance.

- That political goals can be discarded in spite of successful military objectives.

Any wonder why they continues to make fools of themselves on a military oriented discussion?
i guess we all know that Iran would not do it . she is making empty threat
This kind of language is not an empty threat
"As regards Iran's reaction to the vessel's redeployment, Salehi stated, "We advise, warn and recommend them (US Navy) not to return this carrier to its previous location in the Persian Gulf."

"We are not in the habit of repeating the warning and we warn only once," Salehi reiterated, without mentioning the name of the US aircraft carrier."
So Iran will fight if US cross the line , I think US will not dare to do this .
We didn't lose the Vietnam war. North Vietnam signed the treaty to end the war yet violated that peace treaty when American troops left. Think about it. North Vietnam couldn't conquer South Vietnam for many many years until American troops left.

Pay no mind to these self-made 'experts' of the Vietnam War. Their knowledge and understanding of military affairs are confined to what they learned from playing computer games. Sitting down with a real book is something alien to them.
Well,maybe you didn't lose that war militarily,but strategically,surely you lost as you couldn't surrender the communist north and left there while they were still powerful.
i wrote my last post,because almost every American comes here and and starts saying that Iran couldn't win war with Iraq after 8 years while U.S won it in 1 month.no one can compare these 2 wars.first of all, of course Iran won that war because Iraq couldn't achieve it's goal.almost every big power was supporting Iraq during the war and even gave them chemical weapons to use against Iranians and second,when U.S invaded Iraq,it had became very weak because of 15 years of sanctions and 2 bloody wars.
Well,maybe you didn't lose that war militarily,...
There is no 'may be' about it. The US simply DID NOT lost the military aspect of Viet Nam.

...but strategically,surely you lost as you couldn't surrender the communist north and left there while they were still powerful.
That falls under item 4: 'That political goals can be discarded in spite of successful military objectives.' The US abandoned its political goals and along with it, South Viet Nam.

i wrote my last post,...
Smart thing to do because you would be way over your head on this subject.

...because almost every American comes here and and starts saying that Iran couldn't win war with Iraq after 8 years while U.S won it in 1 month.no one can compare these 2 wars.
Yes we can. In every war, past or present, there are commonalities, least of all: Technology.

Technology is the only thing that make progress while the other aspects of warfare pretty much does not. Weapons may change, but the mentality behind the wielders of weapons and executors of policies have not. Under threat, ordinary men become extraordinary in both ways: Heroes and cowards. Educated people truly revealed themselves as to whether their education and intellect served them and the countries well enough or not. Why else do you think there is a study called 'Military History'?

first of all, of course Iran won that war because Iraq couldn't achieve it's goal.
Iraq can say the same about Iran.

almost every big power was supporting Iraq during the war and even gave them chemical weapons to use against Iranians and second,...
Nonsense. Iraq's weapons were of Soviet origins and those chemical weapons had Egyptian origins.

...when U.S invaded Iraq,it had became very weak because of 15 years of sanctions and 2 bloody wars.
When Desert Storm happened, Iraq was not under sanctions and we did invaded Iraq in Desert Storm.
In the Iran-Iraq war, the Iranians thoroughly outclassed the Iraqis, even after having lost many talented men to the purge that followed the revolution. Their superiority was based on their training, tactics, and equipment...all of which owe their origin to the US. The inability of the Iranian leadership to accept the obvious shortcomings of a military dragged the war out for many years after the sovereignty of Iran was secure. A military that had lost many of it's leaders to the paranoid new government and had little military supplies coming in, to replace the predominantly American equipment, were in no position to fight a prolonged war.
Now, the modern Iranian military still faces the same dilemma and issues, only for equipment that is decades old at this point...to think they could take on the Americans with equipment they procured from their very adversary, 30-40 years ago is a wrong and dangerous assessment.
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