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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

I think the Iranians are unaware of the latest ASW technologies that the US has. The Navy is has several new acoustic and non-acoustic technologies especially tailored to the littoral environment.:

New technology developed and fielded includes.

Distant Thunder. This is a new body of advanced signal processing techniques for shallow water, littoral environments that uses innovative computer processing to detect target echoes generated by low frequency active sources.

Interactive Machine-Aided Training (IMAT). This is a new approach that uses computer-generated visualizations of underwater sound fields and propagation phenomena to develop operator intuition and greater understanding of sonar conditions and sensor effectiveness.

Advanced Rapid COTS Insertion (ARCI). The submarine community is leading the way in introducing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) computer technology into its ASW systems and sensors, and processing gains are pretty dramatic.

Advanced Deployable System (ADS). ADS is a rapidly deployable, short-term undersea surveillance system designed for ASW monitoring of shallow water littoral operating areas like in the Strait of Hormuz. It will use an expendable, battery-powered, large-area field of passive acoustic arrays, interconnected and cabled to shore with fiber-optic cables.

Rapid Environmental Assessment. The Ocean-ographer of the Navy is developing techniques and procedures to assess the ASW environment of the littoral battlespace for rapid optimization of sensors and weapons and decision support. Remote off board sensors and satellite signal processing play key roles.

Advanced Technology Demonstrations (ATDs). ASW projects have fared well in recent years in this important program that encourages high-risk projects that offer potential for high payoff.

And don't forget the latest in the arsenal of ASW assets - the P-8 Poseidon which is fitted with the CAE advanced integrated magnetic anomaly detection (MAD) System that can identify even mini submarines in deep water.

So, the Iranian subs better watch out. It ain't gonna be a walk in the park!

I think the Iranians are unaware of the latest ASW technologies that the US has. The Navy is has several new acoustic and non-acoustic technologies especially tailored to the littoral environment.:

New technology developed and fielded includes.

Distant Thunder. This is a new body of advanced signal processing techniques for shallow water, littoral environments that uses innovative computer processing to detect target echoes generated by low frequency active sources.

Interactive Machine-Aided Training (IMAT). This is a new approach that uses computer-generated visualizations of underwater sound fields and propagation phenomena to develop operator intuition and greater understanding of sonar conditions and sensor effectiveness.

Advanced Rapid COTS Insertion (ARCI). The submarine community is leading the way in introducing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) computer technology into its ASW systems and sensors, and processing gains are pretty dramatic.

Advanced Deployable System (ADS). ADS is a rapidly deployable, short-term undersea surveillance system designed for ASW monitoring of shallow water littoral operating areas like in the Strait of Hormuz. It will use an expendable, battery-powered, large-area field of passive acoustic arrays, interconnected and cabled to shore with fiber-optic cables.

Rapid Environmental Assessment. The Ocean-ographer of the Navy is developing techniques and procedures to assess the ASW environment of the littoral battlespace for rapid optimization of sensors and weapons and decision support. Remote off board sensors and satellite signal processing play key roles.

Advanced Technology Demonstrations (ATDs). ASW projects have fared well in recent years in this important program that encourages high-risk projects that offer potential for high payoff.

And don't forget the latest in the arsenal of ASW assets - the P-8 Poseidon which is fitted with the CAE advanced integrated magnetic anomaly detection (MAD) System that can identify even mini submarines in deep water.

So, the Iranian subs better watch out. It ain't gonna be a walk in the park!


How many of these are actually operational and to what extent? There is no doubt about the fact that the US has been scaling back its ASW programs significantly since the fall of the USSR.
A country that could not win a war against Iraq in 7 years , talks about taking us on. We have Tehran Bob's all around. The only thing we will see, is what that region is famous for: Their soldiers waving white flags after they strip off their uniforms.
genius of the year
The war was in the 80's and you still haven't got the memo lmao

We had no functioning army when Iraq attacked. Our airforce was dissolved. Our officers were either escaping to the US or in jail after the revolution. WE HAD NO domestic production capabilities in anything what so ******* ever. We didn't even have fuel pumps. We were isolated and sanctioned. Back then we didn't have any ballistic missiles, no anti ship missiles, no submarines... We couldn't even make the simplest of items and we managed to hold against a fully American/Russian and Western backed army and airforce. We were able to make bullets and RPG rounds when Iraq attacked and that was the extent of our abilities!! The country of Iraq was being bankrolled by arabs (saudis). Oil was selling at less than 20 dollars a barrel back then as well and we had to finance total war and a country that had just came out of revolution (industry had collapsed). Against all odds we held our ground.

You Americans can't even show your own country on the map so I don't expect you to know much about other countries, but if you're going to make a smart comment, make sure you don't look like an a ss.

American officials have already went on record and said that Iran can infact close the straight. In any case, we've been killing your men and women all over the region for 32 years. WTF have you done about it? Now we have functioning nuke reactors and enrichment facilities. Live reactors and enrichment facilities have never in history been targetted. It's estimated that if Iranian facilities were to be bombed, up to 3 million would lose their lives and the radiation would go as far as India. That means that even a limited airstrike option is now off the table (not that the Israeli slaves in washington would admit).
Or undedtectable to satelites, MAD,thermal, laser, biodetection, even if a small sub can stay undetected for a while eventualy its going to have to move and a Ghadir class with two torpedos v's a US battle group isnt going to end well for the sub.

That is a very valid point. Iran is thinking of giving the US a bloddy nose instaed of an extended conflict. The Iranians will be foolish to attack a US Battle Group.
How many of these are actually operational and to what extent? There is no doubt about the fact that the US has been scaling back its ASW programs significantly since the fall of the USSR.
Just to satisfy YOU: None of them are operational. In fact, the USN have no ASW capability at all.
genius of the year
The war was in the 80's and you still haven't got the memo lmao

We had no functioning army when Iraq attacked. Our airforce was dissolved. Our officers were either escaping to the US or in jail after the revolution. WE HAD NO domestic production capabilities in anything what so ******* ever. We didn't even have fuel pumps. We were isolated and sanctioned. Back then we didn't have any ballistic missiles, no anti ship missiles, no submarines... We couldn't even make the simplest of items and we managed to hold against a fully American/Russian and Western backed army and airforce. We were able to make bullets and RPG rounds when Iraq attacked and that was the extent of our abilities!! The country of Iraq was being bankrolled by arabs (saudis). Oil was selling at less than 20 dollars a barrel back then as well and we had to finance total war and a country that had just came out of revolution (industry had collapsed). Against all odds we held our ground.

You Americans can't even show your own country on the map so I don't expect you to know much about other countries, but if you're going to make a smart comment, make sure you don't look like an a ss.

American officials have already went on record and said that Iran can infact close the straight. In any case, we've been killing your men and women all over the region for 32 years. WTF have you done about it? Now we have functioning nuke reactors and enrichment facilities. Live reactors and enrichment facilities have never in history been targetted. It's estimated that if Iranian facilities were to be bombed, up to 3 million would lose their lives and the radiation would go as far as India. That means that even a limited airstrike option is now off the table (not that the Israeli slaves in washington would admit).

Setting aside the gibberish you posted above, you armies are pretty much operating 80's technologies . Go ahead and close the strait if Iran dares to, we issued the sanctions they threatened us not to do so. Don't worry you won't be affected since you sit in Canada , you great Iranian internet warrior.
Setting aside the gibberish you posted above, you armies are pretty much operating 80's technologies . Go ahead and close the strait if Iran dares to, we issued the sanctions they threatened us not to do so. Don't worry you won't be affected since you sit in Canada , you great Iranian internet warrior.
actually genius, I have more to lose than you. Your sorry a ss is safe in the US. I have family there. So I have more to lose.

As I said, genius of the year. You don't know jack **** about anything kid.
Setting aside the gibberish you posted above, you armies are pretty much operating 80's technologies . Go ahead and close the strait if Iran dares to, we issued the sanctions they threatened us not to do so. Don't worry you won't be affected since you sit in Canada , you great Iranian internet warrior.
ok i will see you as an american warrior in battlefield.
and what a capable 80s weapon we have which can take booty your greatest spy drone.haha
just wait and see what will that 80s weapon do to your modern weapon.

edit:we wanne send a monkey to the space next month.
because of your high IQ .... you know....would you mind sending your information to me.
ok i will see you as an american warrior in battlefield.
and what a capable 80s weapon we have which can take booty your greatest spy drone.haha
just wait and see what will that 80s weapon do to your modern weapon.

edit:we wanne send a monkey to the space next month.
because of your high IQ .... you know....would you mind sending your information to me.
Baghdad Bob...!!! Is that you...???
Why can't Americans live in peace. It's a Shame, they always need to get hookedup with some wars to get going.
Setting aside the gibberish you posted above, you armies are pretty much operating 80's technologies . Go ahead and close the strait if Iran dares to, we issued the sanctions they threatened us not to do so. Don't worry you won't be affected since you sit in Canada , you great Iranian internet warrior.

So any technology that ain't American is 80's technology? How would you know what technology Iran possesses? They haven't made everything public, have they?
The Iranian is making some bold statements here. They said if we imposed the sanction, they would close the strait of Hormuz a couple days ago. Obviously, we did it already and so what, they did not even have the guts to do what they said they would. In the meanwhile, Iran's navy is nothing compare to three aircraft carrier groups. Not to mention sink our carrier, Iran is just pathetic. We all know that if iran sank one of our carriers(which they do not have the capacity to do so), we would nuke the **** out of them within a week. It's time to let the ignorance suffers. On the other hand, we are broke but still the richest country in the world. Most importantly, we are the one who is printing the dollar.

---------- Post added at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

When your country has a couple thousands nukes and 11 aircraft carriers, your country would probably do the same thing. peace is for losers.

Now this is just lame mate!! BTW How old are you??
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