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Iranian Submarines' Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf

When your country has a couple thousands nukes and 11 aircraft carriers, your country would probably do the same thing. peace is for losers.

Then doesn't that justify Iran's quest for Nuclear Weapons, if the allegation is true that she is indeed in pursuit of WMD's. Shouldn't all countries of the world start making Nuclear Weapons to develop a status quo?
Now this is just lame mate!! BTW How old are you??
yeah, i guess that's kinda lame. I m sorry i had to put it that way, but it's the truth. my age is totally irrelevant to the statement i made.

---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

Then doesn't that justify Iran's quest for Nuclear Weapons, if the allegation is true that she is indeed in pursuit of WMD's. Shouldn't all countries of the world start making Nuclear Weapons to develop a status quo?
you see, the thing is when everybody has it, the world will become a more dangerous place.
Now this is just lame mate!! BTW How old are you??

Coming from a mu7aarib, a warrior, eh? You should better represent your name and make "peace is for losers" your siggy!

Edit: Oh I noticed, you're kaafir as well. On second thoughts, just hide your thoughts it's ok!
The Strait of Hormuz isn't too wide. The deep-draft channel itself is pretty narrow. Just the mere info that these midgets are around is going to cause enough hype to block the Hormuz. That is exactly what Iran is aiming at.
The Strait of Hormuz isn't too wide. The deep-draft channel itself is pretty narrow. Just the mere info that these midgets are around is going to cause enough hype to block the Hormuz. That is exactly what Iran is aiming at.
i guess we all know that Iran would not do it . she is making empty threat

well lets wait and see, I made this point in another thread about Iran true intention and i will say it here as well, you see Iran knows when they block the stright for even a short amount of time the arabs will also get invloved to open it, and Iran will have a reason to destroy their oil fields, imgine what a single missiles will do, Iran main targest would not be the usa but the arabs, anyway when Iran finished off with the arabs, the world economy would be fucked up badly.

Iran does not want to do that, but if you push a country till the point where there very existance is at stake you be surprised what they can and WILL do.
The Iranian is making some bold statements here. They said if we imposed the sanction, they would close the strait of Hormuz a couple days ago. Obviously, we did it already and so what, they did not even have the guts to do what they said they would. In the meanwhile, Iran's navy is nothing compare to three aircraft carrier groups. Not to mention sink our carrier, Iran is just pathetic. We all know that if iran sank one of our carriers(which they do not have the capacity to do so), we would nuke the **** out of them within a week. It's time to let the ignorance suffers. On the other hand, we are broke but still the richest country in the world. Most importantly, we are the one who is printing the dollar.

---------- Post added at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

When your country has a couple thousands nukes and 11 aircraft carriers, your country would probably do the same thing. peace is for losers.
you are a wild animal!shame on you
we'll give you a lesson about the humanity soon!
peace is not for losers.its for humans.
America should not make any stupid move in Persian gulf!

We all know America is much more powerful from every expect but Iran is not pushover either!

Iran is a country with honour and dignity! And war with Iran is not good for this entire region and America itself!

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------

:what: What the faaaaaaak!!!

Ignore the low life!!

Cant/Shudnt India, being a common friend of Iran and US, broker a peace talk ?

Any conflict is not good.
Hope sanity Prevails.
U.S. is broke yet I still see the Navy has boats in the Persian Gulf. Don't say something that makes you look stupid.

You clearly dont follow your own rule lol
whats usa having boats in the PG have to do with you being broke? matter of fact it shows how desperate you are, since its another evidence for the parlous state of your economy.
A country that could not win a war against Iraq in 7 years , talks about taking us on. We have Tehran Bob's all around. The only thing we will see, is what that region is famous for: Their soldiers waving white flags after they strip off their uniforms.
Haha you are funny,see who is talking about winning a war.You were in Vietnam (Which was much more weaker than Iraq of 1980) for 15 years and then you had your as*es kicked after losing that war.You couldn't even win war in Afghanistan.
a few thing you should know about Iran-Iraq war: when Iran fought Iraq,it had the most powerful army in Middle East.All of the major powers were supporting Iraq,from U.S to USSR,Germany,France,Belgium.Brazil,Canada and etc.U.S showed it's real face by not allowing other and U.N to condemn Iraq while it was using chemical bombs against Iranian armed forces and civilians.You even shot down a civilian airliner and killed 266 Innocent people and then you honored Captain of that destroyer for doing this.only cowards can do such things.When you invaded Iraq,it was at it's weakest situation after 2 bloody wars and 15 years of sanctions and starvation and that food for oil program.

I have a question: What do you define as winning a war? I define it as being able to achieve your major goal in war.Iran achieved it in war by not allowing Iraq to capture even 1 sq inch of it's soil.but U.S main goal was to bring another U.S puppet for Iraq's leadership.now look at Iraq,It's one of the Iran closest allies.You spent trillions of dollar in there and what did you gain from it?
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