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Iranian spies got caught in Turkiye

What is even more humiliating is that Turks still fully don't control their foreign policies.....they allow/spread this anti-Iranian propaganda as told and as they have always been doing.

Look who's talking about foreign policies, the biggest Russian puppet ever!
I can understand why Persians are so upset about the news. You guys are so fanatic and nationalistic. You blame Today`s Zaman but in international arena it is accepted as a respectful newspaper, therefore, its news quoted by different reliable newspapers in the world. And before you blame someone else, you first had better look at your Press TV.

On topic, every country has spies, it is no secret. Believe or not, spies run wild in our country and there are tons of them including ally countries` spies. Catching the spies from Iran just shows how Iran initiated to destabilize our country especially after stances of Iranian politics, Chief of Staff, and Khamenei against Turkiye. This spy issue does not make me angry because every country spies on others, but what makes me so angry is that our government takes Iran issue so lightly because of the people in the government who are lover, supporter, and enthusiast of Iran despite what Iran says and does against our country.

I am not a hater of Iran, but I know history very well and it is so obvious what Iran wants to accomplish. We have an expression in our country which is "Acem Oyunu" that means in English "The trick/deception of Persian". We say this because our history taught us how Persians can play dirty games. Some examples, Turkiye got Iran back in UNSC to support Iran, we allow Iranian companies to establish in Turkiye and ease the burden of sanctions, we co-operated with Iran and shared intelligence regarding PKK when Iran fought them. Even we gave intelligence them to capture Murat Karayilan (the leader of KCK/PKK) and guess what? Iran captured Karayilan, agreed with him, and released him. After that PKK stopped fighting Iran. We all did these for Iran, but in return what we got were that Iran became using PKK to attack Turkiye; Iran allows PKK to use its territory and even guard stations to use as base to attack Turkiye; Iran tries to destabilize our country and tries to spread Shi'ism in Turkiye. Despite all of these, the sympathizers of Iran in the government still think that this situation is temporary and the relation will be all right again.

I am not saying we should be enemy of Iran, but what I am saying we must extremely careful and cautious about Iran

It's really funny you only use selective memory to describe the situation.\
Iran never arrested Murat Karayilan.That was a self-humiliation the Turkish media started and they mistook Karayilan with Murat Karasac,a PJAK commander.Your own foreign minister denied it.
Turkey, Iran deny report of PKK leader's capture
When it comes to being fanatic or ultra nationalistic,you guys beat us very hard.Turkey has a habbit of blaming its neighbors because it can't deal with PKK.It is really funny,when in 2011,Iran kicked PJAK's arse in just one month,Turkish media started the big mouthing about it that it's impossible to defeat the PJAK in one month or Iran had a secret deal with PKK.
2011 Iran-Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran has done nothing against Turkey,that just comes from your hallucination.Yes,Turkey supported Iran in UNSC and Iran thanked Turkey and Brazil dozens of time.Right now you are directly attacking Iran's interests in Syria by sending rebels and arms in there.So I think you are the one who are acting against us.

Anyway,I wanted to say,maybe with lying,you can get away temporarily,but you don't get that far.Don't think by throwing some random lies,people will believe it and no one goes after facts and proofs.
mate your general died against PJAK and hundreds of soldiers , against PKK who is times times bigger and stronger than PKK we have like 4 times or more killed them and even terrorists say this , how can a general be killed is humiliating , and PKK is the main body of this so its way stronger .
Dude as I said don't believe everything your government says(about defeat of PJAK)
mate your general died against PJAK and hundreds of soldiers , against PKK who is times times bigger and stronger than PKK we have like 4 times or more killed them and even terrorists say this , how can a general be killed is humiliating , and PKK is the main body of this so its way stronger .

Hundreds of soldiers?Really?In 2011 raid,Iran killed 160 PJAK militants and only 21 soldiers killed.We also killed PJAK's number 2 man.

If it's himiliating for you guys to lose a general,that's another story.We don't feel humiliated by losing a general.He was a soldier of this country and was died for his country.He was fighting alongside his troops.

Dude as I said don't believe everything your government says(about defeat of PJAK)

I'm not talking based on what my government said.I am talking based of what PJAK did.They requested a ceasefire and retreated from all Iran's territories and has not shot a bullet toward us.I call that a victory,you can call it a defeat or anything you like.
Hundreds of soldiers?Really?In 2011 raid,Iran killed 160 PJAK militants and only 21 soldiers killed.We also killed PJAK's number 2 man.

If it's himiliating for you guys to lose a general,that's another story.We don't feel humiliated by losing a general.He was a soldier of this country and was died for his country.He was fighting alongside his troops.

I'm not talking based on what my government said.I am talking based of what PJAK did.They requested a ceasefire and retreated from all Iran's territories and has not shot a bullet toward us.I call that a victory,you can call it a defeat or anything you like.

PKK requested a ceasefire like two weeks ago , when they took that terrorist MP through he they said they wanted ceasefire and said that soldiers should stop operations and also they are getting too much casualties but how can an army who protects a nation do ceasefire with a terrorist group , they have to leave their guns , they can ceasefire right? but in two years or one year they will organise again even better so thats not a solution , they have to all leave their guns and surrender .
PKK requested a ceasefire like two weeks ago , when they took that terrorist MP through he they said they wanted ceasefire and said that soldiers should stop operations and also they are getting too much casualties but how can an army who protects a nation do ceasefire with a terrorist group , they have to leave their guns , they can ceasefire right? but in two years or one year they will organise again even better so thats not a solution , they have to all leave their guns and surrender .
I think they also requested a ceasefire 20 years ago.So what?
Is that really hard for you to accept that PJAK do not operate in Iran any more?

On August 8, 2011, Murat Karayılan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) said they withdrew all PJAK fighters out of Iran and sent them to PKK camps in the Qandil mountains. He said they replaced PJAK forces on the Iranian border with PKK forces to prevent further clashes and called on Iran to end attacks because unlike the PJAK, the PKK was not at war with Iran.Karayılan released the following statement:
As the PKK, we have not declared any war against Iran. We do not wish to fight against the Islamic Republic of Iran either. Why? Because one of the aims of the international forces who seek to re-design the region is to besiege Iran. Currently, they are more preoccupied with Syria. If they just manage to work things out there as they wish, it will be Iran’s turn next. As Kurds, we do not think it quite right to be involved in a war with Iran at such a stage. You have no interest in targeting the PKK ... You must end this conflict. It is America that wants this conflict to go on. Because these attacks of yours serve America’s interests. They want both the PKK and Iran to grow weaker.
Words speak better.
Every single time,you make me regret for arguing with you,because you are the most ignorant member here.It was a complete waste of time.
Yes Iran supports PKK to destroy Turkey,Iran also plans to drop nuclear weapons on Turkey,no to forget supporting the Satan army to attack Turkish armed forces.Problem??

Or think from a wider perspective

First what you should know, no PKK & PJAK is not a bunch of cavemen, defeating them is not easy as you think, whatever people think about them they're well trained in Guerilla warfare and using the fitting geoghraphy well, similar organizations always caused formidable problems to standing armies doesn't matter if the army they're clashing strong or weak, so no defeating an organization like this in 1 month is not much believeable, in the past they were clashing with pretty much everybody based on ideologic reasons, now they're thinking more logically, they didn't had any benefits from dividing forces and clashing both Turkey and Iran in the same time, in fact its caused Turkey and Iran to even cooperate in some military ways againts them, I think they're simply decided to choose one priority and act more easily, thats why they're postponed their claims in Iran.(practically, not ideologically)

Just a notice I'm not claiming Iran cooperating with PKK, I see no solid evidences for that, I think it was PKK&PJAK's own decision.
MİT, İran istihbarat örgütü adına ajanlık yaptıkları iddiasıyla tutuklanan zanlılarla ilgili Erzurum Cumhuriyet Savcılığı'na gönderdiği yazıda şok detaylara yer verdi.
İran lehine çalışan şahısların, Türkiye'deki birçok stratejik kurum ve kuruluşa ait koordinatları terör örgütü PKK'ya verdiği belirtildi.
Erzurum Cumhuriyet Savcılığının İran istihbarat örgütü SAVAMA'ya yönelik operasyonla ilgili çarpıcı ayrıntılar gün yüzüne çıkmaya devam ediyor. Tutuklanan biri İranlı 9 kişiyle ilgili savcılığa yazı gönderen MİT, şahısların İran lehine çalıştığını ve İran resmi görevlileriyle PKK'lılar arasında stratejik kurum ve kuruluşların koordinat paylaşımı yapıldığını belirledi.
Yaklaşık 1 yıl önce başlatılan soruşturmada, 2 kişi gözaltına alınmıştı. Erzurum Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı soruşturmayı genişleterek bu şahıslarla irtibatlı olduğu gerekçesiyle bazı isimleri takibe almış ve operasyon sonucunda önceki gün biri İran uyruklu 9 kişi tutuklandı.
İran ajanlarının Iğdır ve Kars civarında halk ayaklanması çıkarmaya çalıştıkları, PKK'lılarla mülakatlar yaparak bu bilgileri İran'a aktardıkları, Suriyeli muhalifler, askeri binalar ve personelle ilgili bilgi topladıkları ortaya çıktı. Şahıslarda, pek çok askeri ve stratejik kurum ve kuruluşun fotoğrafı ile kameralar ele geçirildi.
İranlı ajanların GPS cihazlarına kaydettiği noktalar arasında birçok stratejik kurum ve kamu binası bulunduğu belirlendi. Bunlar arasında il emniyet müdürlüğü ve çevresi, Tuzluca Kaymakamlığı, Tuzluca Belediyesi, Tedaş ve adliye binası ile Bağlar Polis Lojmanı, İl Jandarma Alay Komutanlığı, Çevik Kuvvet binası, Merkez Camii, Suveren Jandarma gibi kritik yerler de olduğu tespit edildi.
Ajanların kaydettiği GPS noktalarının civarından PKK'nın roketatarlı ve el bombalı saldırı düzenlediği de tespit edildi. Erzurum Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı, İran ajanlarında ele geçirilen fotoğraf ve GPS işaretlemelerinin, PKK saldırısının yapıldığı Iğdır Emniyet Müdürlüğü'yle örtüştüğünü tespit etti.
Resmi ajanlar mülakat yapmış
Emniyet ve MİT'e bu kameraları incelettiren Erzurum Başsavcılığı, görüntülerde İranlılar'a bilgi sızdıran, İran için çalışan birçok Türk'ün olduğunu tespit etti. Ayrıca görüntülerde İranlılar'ın PKK'lılarla yaptığı mülakatlar da belirlendi. Bunun üzerine operasyonu genişletme kararı alan savcılık,MİT Müsteşarlığı'na delillerle birlikte bir talimat yazısı göndererek, cihazlarda yer alan Kürtçe ve Farsça konuşmaların tercümesini istedi.
MİT Müsteşarlığı'ndan savcılığa gelen cevap yazıda, şahısların İran lehine çalıştıkları, konuşmaların İran resmi görevlileriyle PKK'lı şahıslar arasında geçtiği belirtildi. Bunun üzerine ajanlar, TCK'nın 327. maddesinde yer alan "Devletin Güvenliğine İlişkin Bilgileri Temin Etme" suçunu işledikleri gerekçesiyle tutuklandı. Erzurum Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı emriyle ajanlarla bağlantısı olanlar ve ajanlarda ele geçirilen kamera kayıtlarında görüntüsü olanlar da takibe alındı.
Gizli belgeleri sızdırmışlar
Önceki gün tutuklanan ve İran'a bilgi aktardığı iddia edilen şahısların, 2 Ekim 2011 ve 1 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde Iğdır EmniyetMüdürlüğü'ne gerçekleştirilen roketatarlı saldırıyla ilgilerinin olabileceği belirtildi. Şahıslar, bölgede ayaklanma çıkaracak bilgileri derlemek, ülke aleyhine gizli ve askeri belgeleri temin etmek ve sızdırmak, Suriyeli muhalifler ve hükümet aleyhine bilgi toplamakla suçlanıyor. Şüphelilerin ev ve işyerlerinde yapılan aramalarda bir Kalaşnikof marka silah, bir av tüfeği ve İran'la yapılan çok sayıda gizli yazışmaya ait doküman ile PKK'lılarla yapılan telefon görüşme kayıtları ele geçirilmişti.

Or think from a wider perspective

First what you should know, no PKK & PJAK is not a bunch of cavemen, defeating them is not easy as you think, whatever people think about them they're well trained in Guerilla warfare and using the fitting geoghraphy well, similar organizations always caused formidable problems to standing armies doesn't matter if the army they're clashing strong or weak, so no defeating an organization like this in 1 month is not much believeable, in the past they were clashing with pretty much everybody based on ideologic reasons, now they're thinking more logically, they didn't had any benefits from dividing forces and clashing both Turkey and Iran in the same time, in fact its caused Turkey and Iran to even cooperate in some military ways againts them, I think they're simply decided to choose one priority and act more easily, thats why they're postponed their claims in Iran.(practically, not ideologically)

Just a notice I'm not claiming Iran cooperating with PKK, I see no solid evidences for that, I think it was PKK&PJAK's own decision.

I agree with you on this,when I said defeat I meant rather a political one,because they simply stopped fighting,put down their guns and came back to Iraq.I didn't say Iran completely destroyed PJAK.But all their bases in Iran are captured and at least for now they don't operate.
But I agree,if they want to attack again (this time probably with great PKK help),they are gonna cause a lot of problems.But as a matter of fact,they can not fight on 2 fronts at the same time,it's too difficult,that's why PKK seems to be soft on Iran,not that they have any love for us.But unfortunately,some mebers here think only because PKK is not operating against Iran,so naturally Iran becomes their friend and as you said,it's not true or there are no proofs for it.
Turkish intelligence are more and more leaking infos about iranian terrorism support of PKK, they perfectly know the shia mullah regime is getting mad about the neutral position of turkey regarding syria which, and this position will be enough to crush the minority regime in syria.
Thats why,i dont remember his shitty name, one iranian high official said in a very crude (mullah manner) that gaziantep attack was a result of turey position on turkey. These guys have no shame, they are number 1 ennemy of turkey
Turkey should hang these iranian spies. Iran has no shame nor boundaries.
Let me tell you something Era.

Iran never arrested Murat Karayilan.That was a self-humiliation the Turkish media started and they mistook Karayilan with Murat Karasac,a PJAK commander.Your own foreign minister denied it.

The information about Karayilan was not created by Turkish media but yours. Your media first reported that Karayilan was captured and even your high ranking politician told media. After that TRT Turk reporter got this info from you and reported that Karayilan captured by Iran. Another info had also been released that MIT gave the coordinates of places where Karayilan lives or uses in Iran territory. When the news spread, Iran denied the news. Shortly after the news, PJAK declared ceasefire and Karayilan withdrew PJAK militants from Iran. Could you tell me what happened and PJAK declared ceasefire and then withdrew from Iran? What has it been changed regarding the kurdish issue in Iran? What has it changed PJAK minds to stop fighting Iran?

Also, could you tell me why PKK uses your territory to attack us? 300 PKK terrorists came from the Iran side to attack Semdinli aiming to control the town even a short time. Our intelligence knows where these terrorists came from. And this spy issue. The police found the critical information after capturing the spies. Your spies gave infos of police stations, government offices etc. to PKK to attack there. As I said you 'Acems' know very well how to play dirty games.

In addition, you do not believe all diplomatic statements, do you? Almost every country uses diplomatic statements. For example, when your scientists were assassinated, you accused some countries who were behind those assassinations. But those countries you accused denied the responsibility of those assassinations. Now tell me did you accept that statement from those accused countries regarding assassinations of you scientists? I do not think so...

When it comes to being fanatic or ultra nationalistic,you guys beat us very hard.

You are just dreaming! I guess you have not met with Persian God King or Soheil, or Shahin Vatani etc. I have also met 10 Iranian and I know you very well from my own experience when it comes to being fanatic or ultra nationalistic. I am not generalizing but especially Persians are so fanatic and ultra nationalistic. We also have some fanatics or ultra nationalistic but they are very few and minority in Turkiye.

Turkey has a habbit of blaming its neighbors because it can't deal with PKK.It is really funny,when in 2011,Iran kicked PJAK's arse in just one month,Turkish media started the big mouthing about it that it's impossible to defeat the PJAK in one month or Iran had a secret deal with PKK.

I do not know what you smoke but that must be good since you wrote this. Super ultra strong Iran dealt with PJAK in a month!!! If you were able to defeat them in a month why you had not done it before? And PJAK cannot be compared with PKK. PKK is the main terrorist group and attacks Turkiye with its full force. I am sure you know very well that PKK is our soft belly and every nation who has problem with us or wants to weaken us uses that soft belly and hits us there. I don`t remember we accused Iran before until you have started helping them. But do not forget one day same terrorists will attack you and kill your people too.

Iran has done nothing against Turkey,that just comes from your hallucination.Yes,Turkey supported Iran in UNSC and Iran thanked Turkey and Brazil dozens of time.Right now you are directly attacking Iran's interests in Syria by sending rebels and arms in there.So I think you are the one who are acting against us.

Iran has done nothing against Turkiye!!! Come on do not be ridiculous. Countless threats, helping PKK, spying are not the ways to thank!!! and in Syria there is massacre to Syrian people by Syrian government. Turkiye tried so hard to convince the baby killer Bashar Al-Assad, but he decide to kill his own people. Almost all Arap countries want Assad to leave. You, however, support a regime who kills his own people. The people you are calling as terrorist just want their rights and democracy. Just a day ago Egypt President condemned the countries who support the regime in your home. For the sake of your interests you support him and Assad killed more than 2000 people during the Holy month Ramadan. And you call yourself Islamic Republic!!! What pathetic.
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