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Iranian soldier equipment

Who say's I agree with that?

Your man Ghalibaf does. Or the system you live in, and support by voting in a undemocratic election. Just like I said: how does it feel to be ignorant? I guess your familiar with the 'ignorance is a blessing' proverb.
Your man Ghalibaf does. Or the system you live in, and support by voting in a undemocratic election. Just like I said: how does it feel to be ignorant? I guess your familiar with the 'ignorance is a blessing' proverb.

Better ignorant then a self-hating Iranian. Also show me a video where Ghalibaf expressively supports hanging people from cranes? Even if he does, does that mean that everything he supports so do I? Is that how it works in the west? If someone votes for Obama they have to love all his policies? Because I thought it is the candidate you agree with most, not everything.

I rather give my vote to a moderate like Ghalibaf, who has done well as mayor of Tehran, then not vote at all and let someone worse come in. Anyway this is not the thread for these discussions.
Better ignorant then a self-hating Iranian.

Wrong. I do not hate myself for being an Iranian, or Iran as a country. I hate the regime and the system, which have occupied my country for more than 40 years. I hate the backward elements of Iran's society, such as people who watch hangings in mass numbers. I on the other hand respect the Iranians who see that everything in Iran is being controlled by a bunch of uneducated mullahs, and don't take part in elections or other rigged phenomenons. My respect for them is infinite.
Wrong. I do not hate myself for being an Iranian, or Iran as a country. I hate the regime and the system, which have occupied my country for more than 40 years. I hate the backward elements of Iran's society, such as people who watch hangings in mass numbers. I on the other hand respect the Iranians who see that everything in Iran is being controlled by a bunch of uneducated mullahs, and don't take part in elections or other rigged phenomenons.

As I said, not thread for these discussions. You want to talk about politics, open a politics thread.
Army is still using old classic leather boots, But they are also replacing New clothes,Uniform and helmets for their units.





Mind you, this thread is started by the same guy who is an open supporter of FSA (Free Syrian Army). If I was an Iranian, i wouldnt want to reveal much in this public forum. What is the west planning now? :sniper:
Great i just received an infraction because some persians are fighting in my thread !,
Back to topic why Iran use American M16 and not kh2002 ?

It had ergonomic problems.Although they solved some of them ,but still aiming with this rifle is not as much easy as M-16.
Most of the rifles have many problems in their first versions such as M-16 or British SA-80 ,So it is more rational and economical for a country like Iran to produce some thing which has proved itself.

IRGC also uses original American made M16 and M4 rifles and also various kinds of aiming sites.
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