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I don't conversate in Persian, Dutch or even Chinese on a Pakistani-English forum. Posting one sentence is different. You're compare apples with oranges. Probably because your butt still hurts the last time I handled you.

That's funny, because I remember you posting pages and pages in Dutch with atatwolf in that troll thread a while back. Also not to forgot your great "Google Translate" misunderstanding of kollang's post.

And as for you handling me, if saying "phock you" is considered handling, then yeah.... You tore me to shreds.... :lol:
That's funny, because I remember you posting pages and pages in Dutch with atatwolf in that troll thread a while back. Also not to forgot your great "Google Translate" misunderstanding of kollang's post.

I don't feel the necessity to prove myself. If you think I can't read or write Persian, that's fine to me. Who gives a sh*it frankly?

And as for you handling me, if saying "phock you" is considered handling, then yeah.... You tore me to shreds....

Says the guy who speak about 'offensive' and 'defensive' on a internet forum. You're whole existence on this forum is laughable. :lol:
I don't feel the necessity to prove myself. If you think I can't read or write Persian, that's fine to me.

Says the guy who speak about 'offensive' and 'defensive' on a internet forum. You're whole existence on this forum is laughable. :lol:

More baseless attacks... You are like Tabriz Azari when confronted with not being able to speak Azeri language lmao. Same response. I am beginning to think that you are him? You seem to know all the different forums he goes to as well.

I am sure your existence not just in this forum, but in real life is laughable. I bet you carry around your families pictures from the 1970s in your wallet to show people :rofl:
More baseless attacks... You are like Tabriz Azari when confronted with not being able to speak Azeri language lmao. Same response. I am beginning to think that you are him? You seem to know all the different forums he goes to as well.

I am sure your existence not just in this forum, but in real life is laughable. I bet you carry around your families pictures from the 1970s in your wallet to show people :rofl:

You should start an investigation. Nice counter-attack btw. Everybody knows your that guy who has mental-problems, and can't stop talking about Azeri's and pathetic Armenians. So funny, because I know no other Iranian guy with such a obsession and fetish for Azeris. Some Azeri guy probably bullied you as a teenager. You can talk about if you like too. Nothing to be shamed of.

Yes, you're right. I cherish the memories and pictures of my family quite well, and I don't feel any shame to acknowledge that. Like I said: at least I can post those pictures freely, not feeling the threat of being arrested or monitored. Freedom is something beautiful.
You should start an investigation. Nice counter-attack btw. Everybody knows your that guy who has mental-problems, and can't stop talking about Azeri's and pathetic Armenians. So funny, because I know no other Iranian guy with such a obsession and fetish for Azeris. Some Azeri guy probably bullied you. You can talk about if you like too. Nothing to be shamed of.

Yes, you're right. I cherish the memories and pictures of my family quite well, and I don't feel any shame to acknowledge that. Like I said: at least I can post those pictures freely, not feeling the threat of being arrested or monitored.

Haha yeah I got bullied and your way to prove that is that I efficiently defend my country here. You could go read it in Persian discussions to see what others think of me? But it will take you a long time to google translate all them posts.

Classic move, you got bullied hard in Netherlands, so your counter is to say that I got bullied. On top of that your inferiority complex makes you post pics of your family members in unrelated threads, to try and show their light skin. You also post pictures and videos of "dark" skin Indians to make yourself feel better. You also randomly post pictures and videos of Iranians "partying" to try and make Iranians seem westernized as you would like it to be. Man what a sad life.
calm down fellas, life is short


you could be him!!!! :)
Haha yeah I got bullied and your way to prove that is that I efficiently defend my country here. You could go read it in Persian discussions to see what others think of me? But it will take you a long time to google translate all them posts.

Defending your country efficiently on the internet against some trolls? Wow, never heard of a Iranian internet warrior. Tell me, where you on the offensive or on the defensive? Did you won the battle, or was it a stalemate? Which equipment did you use? I feel so relieved now, knowing that 'our' country is being defended by mister Shahin Vatani on the internet. Did God's man on earth, rahbar Khamenei, already awarded you? A shame if not.

Classic move, you got bullied hard in Netherlands, so your counter is to say that I got bullied. On top of that your inferiority complex makes you post pics of your family members in unrelated threads, to try and show their light skin. You also post pictures and videos of "dark" skin Indians to make yourself feel better. You also randomly post pictures and videos of Iranians "partying" to try and make yourself feel better. Man what a sad life.

I was bullied here in Holland? Haha, now that's funny. Not a sad life. On the country, my life is beautiful. I enjoy freedom, top class education and a high income. When I vote in a free and open election, you guys still have to get permission of a club of dinosaurs who screen politicians. When I go out on saturday, you probably sit behind your computer and wonder how it would be live in the west. The wet dream of almost every Iranian. But he, at least our country is being defended by mr. Vatani.
Defending your country efficiently on the internet against some trolls? Wow, never heard of a Iranian internet warrior. Tell me, where you on the offensive or on the defensive? Did you won the battle, or was it a stalemate? Which equipment did you use? I feel so relieved now, knowing that 'our' country is being defended by mister Shahin Vatani on the internet. Did God's man on earth, rahbar Khamenei, already awarded you? A shame if not.

I was bullied here in Holland? Haha, now that's funny. Not a sad life. On the country, my life is beautiful. I enjoy freedom, top class education and a high income. When I vote in a free and open election, you guys still have to get permission of a club of dinosaurs who screen politicians, etc. When I go out on saturday, you probably sit behind your computer and wonder how it would be live in the west. The wet dream of almost every Iranian. But he, at least our country is being defended by mr. Vatani.

It's not about winning or losing a "war". Wow your mental retardation is hard to beat. It's about when someone posts propaganda against your country, you go and represent your side. If someone posts separationist stuff about Iran, I will damn sure go give my side. You will probably go and post pictures of Iranians partying, like you normally do.

Well seeing as everything you say on this forum is a lie, already proven earlier in this thread, then I guess when you say you go out on Saturday you actually are the one sitting behind your computer? Or you troll the streets of Utrecht looking for strangers to show your grandma's pictures to?

Iran is full of stuff to do. Go hiking in mountains, go nice restaurant, go beach, cinema, etc, etc... You can go house parties as well which is better then clubbing. But I guess you wouldn't know any of that, as you probably never been to Iran.
Iran is full of stuff to do. Go hiking in mountains, go nice restaurant, go beach, cinema, etc, etc... You can go house parties as well which is better then clubbing. But I guess you wouldn't know any of that, as you probably never been to Iran.

You forget about mentioning 'go watching someone hanging on a crane'. I heard it attracts a lot of people. To bad I've never been to Iran, because I wouldn't like to miss that.
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