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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Eighty cluster warheads are evenly dispersed against an Aegis ship somewhere within a 10 km x 10 km area.
The number of missiles required to hit one of those warheads would be 370.
Even the United States would not be able to withstand such a waste!
Eighty cluster warheads are evenly dispersed against an Aegis ship somewhere within a 10 km x 10 km area.
The number of missiles required to hit one of those warheads would be 370.
Even the United States would not be able to withstand such a waste!
and that would be one 15kg or so warhead , guess how many warhead need to damage the ship. to send it for repair.

the cluster warhead have its use , targeting ships is certainly not one of them , they are used to target personnel , airport and power grids, if you have parked many military vehicle in open in an area then the cluster warhead is weapon of choice .
its near to useless against warships. specially this Khoramshahr-4 that don't have terminal guidance
Isn't that type of cluster warheads considered as illegal?

Why wouldn't they put incendiary explosives in them so the ship burns with it? When Iran got sunk a frigate by US in Iran Iraq war, they used cluster bombs from A-6 intruder against the frigate and incendiary rounds, and a harpoon touched the frigate, it sunk in no time

When Israel sunk a US ship, they also used incendiary bombs

Well no one would care in a state of war with the US about illegal weapons
Isn't that type of cluster warheads considered as illegal?
in civilian areas otherwise the cluster warhead in itself is not illegal . by the way who care about it . look at Ukraine , anti personnel mines are illegal and guess what both side used them , and favorite of western civilization in that war used the worst form of antipersonnel mines , the butterfly mine that actually target children on cities in donbass , did you ever here a cry about it a mention of it in social medias or news outlet .
honestly were you even aware of the use of butterfly mines by Ukraine in cities ?

Why wouldn't they put incendiary explosives in them so the ship burns with it?
com on its a steel ship , Israel bombed Uss Liberty for half an hour with incendiarry ammunition and only managed to kill and injure some personnel who were initially in open

they used cluster bombs from A-6 intruder against the frigate and incendiary rounds, and a harpoon touched the frigate, it sunk in no time
in prying mantis operation it Was Standard missiles who defeated Iranian navy those bombs and harpoon were fired against crippled ships, the harpoons that fired before standard missiles were missed.
and A-6 used AGM-123 Skipper II , I assure you they are not incendiary its an MK-83 bomb equipped with jet motor and guidance system
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Khorramshahr-4 is likely the most expensive missile in Iran's arsenal by a distance, I doubt it will be fired in large numbers for saturation strikes

I don't recall whether an exact price was mentioned but the official did say the missile costs 1/10th of its foreign counterparts.
I don't recall whether an exact price was mentioned but the official did say the missile costs 1/10th of its foreign counterparts.
What are the foreign counterparts?

Pakistan's Shaheen?
Original Hwasong 10?
I don't recall whether an exact price was mentioned but the official did say the missile costs 1/10th of its foreign counterparts.
Yes, but still more expensive than any other missile in Iran's arsenal, so not suited to saturation attacks
Yes, but still more expensive than any other missile in Iran's arsenal, so not suited to saturation attacks

The prices of these missiles will not be > $1million per system, most likely in the 300-500k range. Iran could certainly produce them in the needed quantity for saturation attacks against high/very high value targets such as carriers, enemy AB defences etc. Missiles like Khorramshahr and the upcoming IRGC-AF hypersonic system will not the main work horses of their missile strikes, but their prices will be low enough for saturation strikes against above targets. P.s saturation strikes does not necessarily mean 10's of missile per targets. It can be just several missile per high value targets or whatever number Iran decides is needed.
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and that would be one 15kg or so warhead , guess how many warhead need to damage the ship. to send it for repair.

the cluster warhead have its use , targeting ships is certainly not one of them , they are used to target personnel , airport and power grids, if you have parked many military vehicle in open in an area then the cluster warhead is weapon of choice .
its near to useless against warships. specially this Khoramshahr-4 that don't have terminal guidance
You can use cheaper solutions with bomblets to target large air bases and such, their wouldn't be much need for such a difficult to produce missile.
The prices of these missiles will not be > $1million per system, most likely in the 300-500k range. Iran could certainly produce them in the needed quantity for saturation attacks against high/very high value targets such as carriers, enemy AB defences etc. Missiles like Khorramshahr and the upcoming IRGC-AF hypersonic system will not the main work horses of their missile strikes, but their prices will be low enough for saturation strikes against above targets. P.s saturation strikes does not necessarily mean 10's of missile per targets. It can be just several missile per high value targets or whatever number Iran decides is needed.
Absolute price is irrelevant, price relative to other missiles is important. And for that K-4 would be the last missile chosen for saturation strikes

Comparing relative military budgets, even $300k (too cheap but not important here) for Iran is more costly than $5 million for the USA
Absolute price is irrelevant, price relative to other missiles is important.

Relative to which missiles? Not all missiles will necessarily have the same role to play.

And for that K-4 would be the last missile chosen for saturation strikes

Saturation is not necessarily a fixed number for all missiles. Lets imagine a scenario x , you may need lets say 20 Emad to saturate an enemies AB defence but 3 Khoramhsahr-4s can do the same job. Which is more cost effective? saturation simply means you overwhelm the ability of that particular system to defend againt you. The threshold for that depends on the capabilities of your offensive systems.

That's why I said these missiles can be used to saturate very high value targets allowing other cheaper missiles room to target without being intercepted.
Iran's domestic price system is severely distorted due to the U.S. blockade, which has caused the exchange rate to plummet.
This makes it very difficult to compare prices of goods with foreign prices.
When the real exchange rate against the dollar falls, suppliers immediately raise the prices of food, appliances, automobiles, etc., so that these prices are the same as international prices.
On the other hand, large machine tools, trucks, and buses cannot be easily exported, making it difficult for suppliers to raise their prices and making them unusually cheap compared to international prices.
For example, medium-sized buses with seating capacity of 50 passengers are sold at 1/10 to 1/20 of the international price.
Heavy-duty trucks in the 50-ton class are also about 1/10th of the international price.
Conversely, companies that sell automobiles and home appliances are using the weak currency as an excuse to raise prices and rake in huge profits.
Bicycle prices are often many times cheaper than in Japan, and batteries are relatively inexpensive.
Comparing the price of machine tools with Japan, the price of a laser welder is the same, but the price of a large CNC with 5-axis control is in some cases 1/10 of the price in Japan.
Conversely, the price of small welding machines seems to be the same as in Japan.
For this reason, it is nearly impossible to estimate the cost of equipment procured by Iran.
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