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Now, I am more convinced that your story is nearest one to what happened.
The strike was highly effective from a military perspective. The weapons hit at around 4 a.m. local time and appear to have struck from a northerly or northwesterly direction. This fits with a string of reporting that suggests related air defense alerts and engine sounds were concentrated in areas of the northern Persian Gulf, as opposed to an ingress route from Yemen. Strong U.S. government statements have ruled out Yemen (on September 14) and Iraq (on September 16), so the focus is narrowing to a direct strike originating from Iran.

These factors—plus the lack of attempted air defense interception by numerous overlapping Hawk and Patriot missile batteries—suggest a low-level cruise missile attack that hugged the ground at altitudes of under 300 feet. The footage seen thus far shows only one crashed missile, indicating that the arrival rate was very high, possibly even 95 percent, and that routes were carefully planned to avoid obstacles such as power lines and communication towers.

Seventeen individual impact points were struck at the Abqaiq facility, with a smaller number (perhaps as low as two) at Khurais. The weapons were highly accurate—for instance, all twelve of the thirty-meter-wide spheroid gas-oil separation tanks at Abqaiq were hit almost dead center. Much thinner stabilization towers were also accurately struck.

There are even indications of finesse in the strike’s “weaponeering,” the technical term for munition selection and modification. Some “aimpoints” were clearly hit with large explosive payloads consistent with an Iranian cruise missile such as the 700-kilometer-range Ya-Ali. Yet the gas-oil separation tanks appear to have been struck with high-velocity kinetic force sans explosions, perhaps signaling an effort to damage but not permanently destroy them. Similar finesse was visible in Iran’s May 12 attacks in the Fujairah anchorage off the United Arab Emirates, where four ships had their hulls expertly holed without causing the vessels to spill oil, sink, or suffer massive fires.

The full level of damage inflicted this Saturday is unknown so far, but considering the range of facilities struck and the long lead times for manufacturing such specialized equipment, the impact on Saudi oil processing capacity could extend into the four-, six-, or even twelve-month timeframe, forcing the kingdom to discontinue offering Arab Light and Arab Super Light grades. This extraordinary outcome would deeply shock oil markets and the Saudi leadership alike. And from a military perspective, no energy sector has been struck so effectively since the U.S. coalition’s precision bombing of Iraq in 1991.

You are confusing stealth cruise missiles with regular cruise missiles. A stealth cruise missile does not in fact need to be fired in large numbers and would actually be illogical as a large swarm of stealth cruise missiles would cause a higher likelihood of radar scatter and greater detection.

And I don’t know what Star Wars world you live in, but there isn’t a laser that can take down a stealth cruise missile at 30,000 altitude going 900km/hr.

If stats are correct a 900km/hr very low RCS cruise missile operating under a avoidance radar route can easily pass most Air defense envelopes and strike the target.

The world isn’t as Hollywood Movie like as you like to portray as the recent attack on Saudi Arabia oil terminal illustrated.

This missile is valuable as an asset to use. As this the 1st generation, I expect more improvements.

How many of these cruise missiles do you think Iran would need to fire at a single mid size Air Force base to effectively disable it?
Don't get me wrong, Iran most defiantly needs limited payload, low cost cruise missiles similar to this however, the whole point of having low cost cruise missile such as this is to have the ability to deploy them in mass numbers that unfortunately the design of this missiles prohibits due to this inherit design flaws.

The most effective way of a cruise missile to go undetected is to fly below the radar and you really can't use radar based SAM's to intercept low altitude cruise missiles from long distances anyways so as I mentioned before it doesn't matter how low your RCS is because the biggest ground based threat to your cruise missile is from SHORAD systems and almost all of them have thermal and optical solutions as for ground based lasers and directed energy weapons those get categorized as short ranged solutions for cruise missiles due to the line of sight restrictions and they are simply one layer of short ranged systems you'll need to defeat in highly protected area.

As for Yemen's attack on the Saudi facility, although highly sophisticated and impressive it simply isn't a real solution for a country like Iran because it was extremely limited both in the number of targets and destructive power, it likely required a relatively long time to plan and execute and it's logistics was relatively complex, time consuming and hard to replicate and the target was clearly not sufficiently protected with the proper amount and type of SHORAD defense systems.

Iran is not Yemen and unless we plan to fight a war like Yemen is fighting today with our people under the threat of famine then any attack on Iranian soil would require an immediate response that would require firing 1000's of projectiles in the 1st day so logistic, manpower needed per launch, storage space, ease of transport, deployment and launch time,… these all have to be taken into account before a weapons systems is taken into production.

Iran like every country in the world has a limited number of personal that we can afford to have on full payroll and weapon systems like this require fulltime trained personal and because Ballistic Missiles in general are not weapon systems that are easy to launch Iran needs to make up the difference in terms of projectile deployment with low cost cruise missiles
U.S. Satellites Detected Iran Readying Weapons Ahead Of Saudi Strike, Officials Say

U.S. surveillance satellites detected Iran readying drones and missiles at launch sites in Iran before Saudi oil facilities were attacked on Saturday, according to two Defense Department officials.

The imagery has not been publicly released. The officials tell NPR that U.S. intelligence views the activity as "circumstantial evidence" that Iran launched the strike from its own soil.

U.S. Satellites Detected Iran Readying Weapons Ahead Of Saudi Strike, Officials Say

U.S. surveillance satellites detected Iran readying drones and missiles at launch sites in Iran before Saudi oil facilities were attacked on Saturday, according to two Defense Department officials.

The imagery has not been publicly released. The officials tell NPR that U.S. intelligence views the activity as "circumstantial evidence" that Iran launched the strike from its own soil.

More lies from the U.S. If they had detected Iran "readying weapons" why was Iraq originally suspected?
The attack was quite sophisticated -to cross several countries, 1000km distance, bypass enemy air defenses and successfully hit the targets---quite sophisticated attack.

May USA believe it is Iran---this is just one little response to oil embargo and USA can do nothing, because if they do all oil facilities in the Persian Gulf will be burning like Abqaiq and global economy will go into recession.
The attack was quite sophisticated -to cross several countries, 1000km distance, bypass enemy air defenses and successfully hit the targets---quite sophisticated attack.

May USA believe it is Iran---this is just one little response to oil embargo and USA can do nothing, because if they do all oil facilities in the Persian Gulf will be burning like Abqaiq and global economy will go into recession.
Iran hasn't demonstrated 1000km+ cruise missile with such accuracy. So, it ie unlikely to be Iran.
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