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Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

Lol this is funny... no need to get all wired up my fellow countrymen... It was just a chopper and that too a transport one! Ok well it can be used to drop in some soldiers but I guess our official response says it all. The matter has already been resolved and all is well... Chill guys... we got enough on our hands already, being harassed by a common "enemy" so to speak. The sanctions on Iran and the drone attacks on Pakistan have the same source!
The only thing superior is the " nukes " . Really ? :azn: What do you know about the " Armed forces of Pakistan " , if I may know , Canadian citizen ?

I wonder how many members from Iran will agree to the following statement given by a person who has no idea of the reality of the ground , clearly shows ignorance of the topic and underestimates the seventh largest army in the world ? One can just start researching with " Pakistan Air force " Wiki Page and that will be it .

Plus , Tehran is sanctioned and isolated , Pakistan isn't . In case of any conflict , Islamabad will have the complete backing of the G.C.C. weapons and cash so the Iranians hell bent here with their provocative and confrontationary statements every now and then , may want to reconsider . This " superiority complex " with decade old technologies and outdated weapons , is beyond belief .

Why the Super Power Americans/Israel along with GCC countries have to think twice before attacking them ? If Iran does not give two hoots to them then do you think you will be able to get hold of them ? As far as I understand Russia will back Iran and China will not allow you to pick up a fight with them. 
Pakistani members may want to calm down a bit. This is just a cross border incident that regularly happens in the world, no need to nuke Tehran or declare a holy war against us. I'm not saying this act is justified, but you can at least understand us. We lost 14 border guards no more than few weeks ago by terrorists who launched a surprise attack from Pakistani side of border. So it's natural to see increased security and military patrols and then, this incident has happened. It may have been just a human error or that actually the helicopter was pursuing terrorists in to Pakistan, which is justified, the same way it would be justified for Pakistan to very briefly infiltrate Iranian air space IF there were terrorists on Iranian side who attacked Pakistan regularly.

We are both suffering from the instability in the Baluchistan, so instead of acting super-patriotic, it would be nice if we could increase our cooperation on this terrorism disease. Also, the last thing Iran would want is further instability in Baluchistan, so let's just put away these ridiculously weird conspiracy theories that Iran wants to provoke Pakistan in to a war. We have too many problems in home to start a bloody with our populous eastern neighbor who HAPPENS to be a Muslim country too.

Is this your pic mate and If Yes then I would like to say that your angel is really beautiful. May God bless her.
Why the Super Power Americans/Israel along with GCC countries have to think twice before attacking them ? If Iran does not give two hoots to them then do you think you will be able to get hold of them ? As far as I understand Russia will back Iran and China will not allow you to pick up a fight with them.

Just because of the Strait of Hormuz , nothing more , nothing less , there's complex geopolitics that comes with oil as well as the fact that the Americans are involved elsewhere at the moment , not to mention the financial crisis . Something , which has nothing to do with Pakistan . Actually , we aren't looking to pick up a fight , but once attacked , we reserve the right to defend ourselves by any means possible and are more than capable of sending the adversary back with a bloody nose . 
@Surenas Nah , kid , you know nothing , absolutely nothing about my country and its forces or its history . I will seriously leave that joke of a post to be answered by somebody else , unfortunately I am not the one , engaging in serious debates with trolls here to remind you again of the capabilities of the armed forces of Pakistan and its self reliance in military industry . Enjoy the ground breaking plans for some military stuff introduced to the world , every day , as if innovation is something that quick and cheap - rest assured the tank you mentioned , never claimed totally indigenous , is enough to beat any MBT in your arsenal . :tup:
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Anything that you dont agree with is not trolling. Learn that already after all these years.
The Saudis and Iranians compete for influence in Pakistan which has the Pakistani state trying to pull a balancing act between the two. Hence, while you cannot do more for Iran..you cannot do less for it at the expense of Saudis.
I suggest that Pakistan must investigate the scenario,and if Iran has intended to 'infiltrate' then Pakistan must record her protest.
We are in such a situation that Pakistan cannot afford any destablization of her relationship with Iran...we have to at the same time, sustain our relationship with Saudi Arab as well.
If such mentality is getting 'strength' in Iranian regime that Pakistan is 'unable' to halt insurgencies,then we must assure them in ' round table conference' by covering 'trust deficiency' rather then on 'borders'
We have to deal things with great patience and sensibility,and if this news is true and ISPR has denied it,then do understand the reason of their 'silence'
That's even more funny on your expectations from Mian sahib when its an established fact that an Army President possess far reaching powers and such absolute decision making independence one civilian head of state can only dream of......so a civilian performing even parallel under less privileged atmosphere and circumstance available to an Army General is hell of a performance in itself..........accept it dear wholeheartedly.....your beating around the bush does't help:azn:

deep down you seems quite jealous with NS past 5 months performance..........:coffee:

You are defending something that is not even in question in attempts to berate me.. I already told you how amusing it is that you are trying to compare Dictators with Civilian rulers in an attempt to score ego cherries for yourself when I agree with you already. The Civilian system has never been allow to florish by our establishment and its "gods gift to earth" dictators.. hence expecting the same sort of "mein ne keh diya hai, hojayega" arrogance is no longer possible with the advent of media and other checks. What I insist is that regardless of his claim, Pakistan's foreign policy is not independent and subject to being influenced by external powers on a phone call or diplomatic visit.

As for me being Jealous? Why the heck would I be jealous? I dont support any other candidate on the seat and as such I found NS the best choice given the circumstances. As of yet again, you are creating an imaginary scenario for yourself in which you are trying to defend NS against critique by a PTI,APML,PPP etc etc supporter.. when I am neither.. and the result is that you sounding like a Bewkoof.
Is this your pic mate and If Yes then I would like to say that your angel is really beautiful. May God bless her.

No dear, he is one of Iranian war heroes in Iran-Iraq war, Abbas Babaie, pilot of F-14 Tomcat and F-5, killed in action in 1987. But thanks btw.

On topic: there is no news in Iranian media about this incident. I truly hope Pakistan and Iran end all the useless talks about Baluchestan and actually do something about this terrorism issue. It won't be solved with talks only.
there is no news in Iranian media about this incident. I truly hope Pakistan and Iran end all the useless talks about Baluchestan and actually do something about this terrorism issue. It won't be solved with talks only.

Neither it is here , in Pakistan , except for this one . So , I really wonder about the credibility of it from the first post here . Tehran and Islamabad can return to co-operating with each other on the Baluchistan issue like always , what else do you want us to do ? Remember , mate , my country handed over the head of Jundallah to your's , I do not know what else counts as " something great " for your countrymen .
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- Actually, I do not have the appetite in a lengthy discussion.
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It's also not a time

It wasn't the time or place to discuss India and Pakistan anywhere in the thread first of all , from your first post here . Yes , quite convenient to disagree with the " facts " , it becomes at times , no worries , a part is a part even if some NRI's dont agree . :D 
- Actually, I do not have the appetite in a lengthy discussion.

Actually , you are here to basically troll with self made " development histories " of weapons , with nothing to back it up with . So , before making a mockery out of your posts and by extension yourself , it was actually wise to delete it before somebody else with a little more time than me , came and educated you about what is a modification of what , how much is what indigenous and how real air craft from this decade matter , not paper planes which may materialize some day or not or old planes from Shah era , kept air worthy and shown as a great achievement . A good move , I would say , considering the majority of the post was based on made up stories and " a guy who worked there " saw this and hence I am basing my opinion on his words , which no-one knows where it is from . :azn:
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Pakistan is in NO shape to take any action against any terrorist. In fact, Pakistan might join Iran in fighting terrorists and extremist who crossing the border from Iran to Pakistan.

20 years ago Pakistan should have merged the tribal area into Pakistan but Pakistan has some dumpa$$ politicians who only care about their pockets.

Pakistan should have 33 provinces/super districts.
*Smaller and more effective
*Decentralisation of government task
*Fewer tasks for central government
*Small, effective government with less corruption and less overhead.
Pakistani members may want to calm down a bit. This is just a cross border incident that regularly happens in the world, no need to nuke Tehran or declare a holy war against us. I'm not saying this act is justified, but you can at least understand us. We lost 14 border guards no more than few weeks ago by terrorists who launched a surprise attack from Pakistani side of border. So it's natural to see increased security and military patrols and then, this incident has happened. It may have been just a human error or that actually the helicopter was pursuing terrorists in to Pakistan, which is justified, the same way it would be justified for Pakistan to very briefly infiltrate Iranian air space IF there were terrorists on Iranian side who attacked Pakistan regularly.

We are both suffering from the instability in the Baluchistan, so instead of acting super-patriotic, it would be nice if we could increase our cooperation on this terrorism disease. Also, the last thing Iran would want is further instability in Baluchistan, so let's just put away these ridiculously weird conspiracy theories that Iran wants to provoke Pakistan in to a war. We have too many problems in home to start a bloody with our populous eastern neighbor who HAPPENS to be a Muslim country too.

Both sides are going gaga.. while their respective governments are taking it easy. Again, it shows the population of both online nations are built on testosterone and very little grey matter. In all technicality, the chopper made a violation that is harmless and as such the government response on it shows that it was perceived as such. Just another day is what it all was. However, the response of both Iranian and Pakistani members shows a very different trend emerging slowly(I say slowly as the population itself is not that representative of the sentiment here which is an odd case for Pakistanis) that the support for Saudis, Extremism is spilling into anti-Iranian sentiment. Predicably for a nation that has a lot to prove after humiliations in May-2, Salala and other terrorist losses..Pakistanis are trying to show up a big chest to the Iranians. After all, on paper the Pakistani military has better equipment and exposure(due to lesser period of sanctions and off course.. no revolution that took away 15 years).. That does not leave the Iranian Military a lame duck either.. but that is besides the point. The fact that both are being gauged against each other belies the fact that neither looks to the other as an adversary nor prepared for conflict in that regard. Which simply plays out clearly the policy between the two nations.
To Iran with Love.










Thanks mate, for your generosity. :)

I would recommend after sending Iran back to stone age, use at least 0.001% of these fancy stuff on Taliban, LeJ and terrorists in Baluchestan. ;)
I'm sadden to see some Pakistani members here are so hostile to Iran. Really you want to drop nukes on Tehran? This is your defense doctrine? Maybe this was a mistake on Iran's part or maybe there was a terrorist attack again and they were chasing the terrorists over the border. Some of you are so hot headed. I hope you don't represent the Pakistani people or the government.

The hostiles Paudies you see here will not hesitate to drop a nuke on Islamabad to protect House of saud.
Cmon thats just a helicopter, we've made Chinese to camp and what not inside our borders :sarcastic:

All the more reason for Pakistan to force that helicopter to land and give the Pilot some MANDATORY NAVIGATION LESSONS for few weeks, courtesy of Pakistan Air Force, before allowing the Pilot to return back to Iran.
Thanks mate, for your generosity. :)

I would recommend after sending Iran back to stone age, use at least 0.001% of these fancy stuff on Taliban, LeJ and terrorists in Baluchestan. ;)

CB4 is only in pakistan till nawaz governemt is in power af that this patriotic poakistani wil go back to canada with some pakistani tax payers money.
Thanks mate, for your generosity. :)

I would recommend after sending Iran back to stone age, use at least 0.001% of these fancy stuff on Taliban, LeJ and terrorists in Baluchestan. ;)

Saudis have spend Billions to destroy pakistan and its a common knowledge you will not see Cb4 likes even say ouch. But as soon as Iranian unarmed helicopter by mistake comes into pakistani air space all hell breaks lose and they wanna nuke Iran.

CB4 and others like him are just upset that pakistan forces have started killing their beloved ARABs trained and financed Terrorist. So the only way they can show their frustration is by dreaming of nuking shias.
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