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Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

Looking for more enemies , are they ? They are most welcome to do so , but we will not guarantee our response because Islamabad reserves every right to defend itself against any such ill advised move which may result in further trouble for the already isolated and sanctioned Tehran . Last time , we arrested their border guards and only released them after the request from Govt of Iran . On another note , I will wait for more sources to confirm that because ISPR said nothing and there's nothing on the T.V. either .

well, what i think is, it is not Iran that is looking for more enemies, it is Pakistan which actually is, We need to keep the tab on sectarian militants, and do keep in mind it is not only Iran that is being effected by them but We, the Pakistanis are suffering most, and believe me some countries might not be as cool as Ours when their people are blown up like ballons everyday.
Rather than fighting against them, ww should be co-ordinating with them, just as we are carrying out Anti-insurgency excercises with China, Saudia, Sri-Lanka, same should be the case for Iran.

But wait, let me hold my horses over here because that would upset our friends in GCC and Amreeka.

Our western borders are so voilatile forget about remote areas, even today one can travel to iran on Coach by merely paying the right price on both side of the borders. Corruption is a disease that is high on the Iranian side too, that is why I am suggesting that both countries should co-ordinate.
Isn't this becoming fairly common. Indians violating our airspace, Americans doing it, now the Iranians. Our Pakistan must keep its guard up along the border and ensure there are no such violations in the future.

On the other hand we should learn a thing or two from Iran. One of them is how to aggressively defend their people and interests. In our country we have accepted death as a daily part of life. We accept that there is murder and bloodshed in our streets but the Iranians respond to every one of their citizens killed. They value life while we have a nonchallant approach to death and dying.

Furthermore Iran and Pakistan should work together. I don't think there is any country as noble as Iran right now. They are going through all kinds of sanctions but are still proceeding with their nuclear program. Atleast they know how to aggresively guard their interests.
Iranian need to understand 'Greater Balochistan' is a common threat to both of us and all those 'multiple elements' in favor of this idea due to one reason or other are the common enemy to both countries ..... support infrastructure for rouge elements exist at both sides of the border .... security establishment of both sides have cooperated with each other to deal with it successfully in the past, but what we lack is a permanent mechanism which can deal with this situation effectively in the future.

If Iran or Pakistan chose to 'adopt other options available' in their bilateral relations, will only make both country suffer heavily ..... from Iran prospective Iraq to the west, Afghanistan in North and Pakistan in the east could cause trouble at borders and hostile Arabs in the south, above all presence of USA in the region. Any arm engagement of Iran in a conflict be it limited or not would be a bonus factor for 'foreign elements' preset in this region.

And for Pakistan i would add only Afghan factor with @Oscar previous post, so healthy relations which ensures respect of sovereignty of both countries and non-interference in each other internal matters is a political & strategic compulsion for both countries. 
Isn't this becoming fairly common. Indians violating our airspace, Americans doing it, now the Iranians.

"dewaar kya gri mare kache makan ki
logoo ne sahan main raste bana liye"

Dear if 'one can do it' why not others ..... ??
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If anyone in Pakistan want to engage Iran in a hostile manor they are not thinking.. LOL Once the embargo end Iran is Turkey with boat load of oil reserve.. They will dominate the muslim world with oil money plus self reliance.. Pakistan will be back by the Saudi and their about to run out oil reserve money, While Iran will team up with India to double bang Pakistan. both India and Iran are on the rise while Pakistan is in a sustain decline thanks to their Saudi funded extremism that is reckoning the country..

So what are you basically saying that Pakistan shouldn't even bother to respond because we are domed any way. Lets Iran kill as many people of Balochistan as they wish. After that allow Afghanistan to kill from west and India from east.

And while Saudi oil reserves will run out and Iran's are permanent? 
Laughing out loud at the Pakistani fanboys who are threatening with firing nukes and missiles on Iranian cities, while their army even struggles to fight rag-tag militias, and who are controlling various parts of Pakistan to this day. Perhaps Pakistan should first control its own border sections, before trying to fight with a country that has been preparing for an armed conflict with its border countries for more than 30 years. Pakistanis may impress Indians with their bravery, but Iranians have been fighting wars 2500 years before anyone in the world knew about Pakistan or Pakistanis.

No offence but you guys aren't even match for tiny country Israel, the days of stone age warfare are over. And you just compared guerilla warfare to actual war, no wonder Israelis dont even respect you.
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dont take it serious if some ttp terrorist(could be raw and cia agents) attack and kill their soldier on pak iran boarder then they have the right to moniter pak iran border even from pakistan side...and i think they did it with our permission becuase a few days ago they request to moniter and take action against terrorists involved in the murder of iranian border scuirty force soldiers from our army, or give them permission to do so by themselves......pakistan should make sure the scuirity of pak iran border....they are pakistan's friends....just think about drones, thats the real problem we should think 
first we should take action agianst drones........then talk about other infiltraion 
we should'nt make our enimeis succeful in this propanga to craet a harm between pak iran relashionships....
nothing got to do with saudis, stop threatening a nuclear power and talk sensibly

we need one button to wipe your barren country existence out of this planet 

mullahs threatened us few days ago, this is not coincidence

why don't you guys do a joint patrol of your border?

If you join hands then no terrorists will raise their ugly heads.
they have the right to moniter pak iran border even from pakistan side....

No country have right to cross the International Border of any country .....
Isn't this becoming fairly common. Indians violating our airspace, Americans doing it, now the Iranians. Our Pakistan must keep its guard up along the border and ensure there are no such violations in the future.

On the other hand we should learn a thing or two from Iran. One of them is how to aggressively defend their people and interests. In our country we have accepted death as a daily part of life. We accept that there is murder and bloodshed in our streets but the Iranians respond to every one of their citizens killed. They value life while we have a nonchallant approach to death and dying.

Furthermore Iran and Pakistan should work together. I don't think there is any country as noble as Iran right now. They are going through all kinds of sanctions but are still proceeding with their nuclear program. Atleast they know how to aggresively guard their interests.
well you said it right, we categorize it into two actions

1- Proactive- that includes holidng joint excercises, joint operations, better co-rdination of Border forces, shutting down sectarian madrasas in our country, elimnating corruption

2- Reactive - when iranians voilet airspace- you give warning, still no affect, you shoot it down - that is only when you want to send a clear message, if you want better relations, then rather than shooting it down, you would go back to Proactive action
This violation by Iranians helicopter shall not be viewed as aggressive move as there can be many reasons for it including technical error
Can we see such attempts from Iran as a pressure tactic to try to improve our relations with them and eventually sign Gas pipeline? After our uncuth behavior over pipeline and if u take the Irani Ministry for Oil and Gas's statement that he has no hope of pak ever importing gas from them has to do with it?

Because honestly before they havent done anything like this when we were improving our relations with Iranis and then this ganja arrived and spoiled that party.

It might be. Since despite Mian Sahab's claims.. his foreign policy is still set by telephone calls.
our uncouth behaviour with the Iranians not withstanding, the Iranians are not being very accomodating considering our delicate position. They chose to be a Pariah of the world and the sanctions on them are testament to it. As such, the sanctions on Iran are much more half hearted than the ones that will be slapped on us if we do anything.
So what are you basically saying that Pakistan shouldn't even bother to respond because we are domed any way. Lets Iran kill as many people of Balochistan as they wish. After that allow Afghanistan to kill from west and India from east.

And while Saudi oil reserves will run out and Iran's are permanent?

See Iran Have not been pumping as much oil as the Saudi do to the sanction so their reserve will last longer than the Saudi...

How many Pakistani die in Balochistan as result of direct Iranian action?
It might be. Since despite Mian Sahab's claims.. his foreign policy is still set by telephone calls.
our uncouth behaviour with the Iranians not withstanding, the Iranians are not being very accomodating considering our delicate position. They chose to be a Pariah of the world and the sanctions on them are testament to it. As such, the sanctions on Iran are much more half hearted than the ones that will be slapped on us if we do anything.

LOL, U forgets he's just a b****Y politician but what happened to your pure and brave SSG Commando President who sell the whole nation on just one telephone call of a mere defense secretary:haha:
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