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Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

See Iran Have not been pumping as much oil as the Saudi do to the sanction so their reserve will last longer than the Saudi...

How many Pakistani die in Balochistan as result of direct Iranian action?

There is no need to take action as such. The Iranians have zero force deployment as such at the Pakistan Iran border nor are there any aggressive stances taken by the government. Unfortunately, for some people the idea of i+i = 2i is prevalent. There is a statement by a MP(just as there is support by a member of Pakistani parliament declaring terrorists a martyr) which is blown out of proportion and then linked to a navigational error by nuts. 
LOL, U forgets he's just a b****Y politician but what happened to your pure and brave SSG Commando President who sell the whole nation on just one telephone call of a mere defense secretary:haha:

Well, I could care less about him. He sold the whole nation out on a phone call and more..including bounties and what not.

But you were expecting to somehow poke fun at him and gain some salvation on political ego on the assumption that I support Musharraf.. ??
Bad luck for you... that backfired.. I think Musharraf was an arrogant fool who led us into Hara Kiri. I hate dictators more than corrupt businessmen-politicians.. at least Nawaz has to play around to keep his seat..and he will be questioned and put under the grill. That being said, he is still very loyal to the house of Saud and hence his claims of being "independent" are false.
Well, I could care less about him. He sold the whole nation out on a phone call and more..including bounties and what not.

But you were expecting to somehow poke fun at him and gain some salvation on political ego on the assumption that I support Musharraf.. ??
Bad luck for you... that backfired.. I think Musharraf was an arrogant fool who led us into Hara Kiri. I hate dictators more than corrupt businessmen-politicians.. at least Nawaz has to play around to keep his seat..and he will be questioned and put under the grill.

That's even more funny on your expectations from Mian sahib when its an established fact that an Army President possess far reaching powers and such absolute decision making independence one civilian head of state can only dream of......so a civilian performing even parallel under less privileged atmosphere and circumstance available to an Army General is hell of a performance in itself..........accept it dear wholeheartedly.....your beating around the bush does't help:azn:

That being said, he is still very loyal to the house of Saud and hence his claims of being "independent" are false.

deep down you seems quite jealous with NS past 5 months performance..........:coffee:
All that 2,500 year none sense is irrelevant. And in the end Pakistan's military assets are superior to Iran's, that should be enough to impress.

Anyways, many of you are over reacting about nothing.
The only thing "superior" is nukes, that's it. Nukes are useless weapons anyway, so I can't even give you tha.

On top of all that, cash is non existent. Oil reserves are also non existent. You need money to fight wars.
The only thing "superior" is nukes, that's it. Nukes are useless weapons anyway, so I can't even give you tha.

On top of all that, cash is non existent. Oil reserves are also non existent. You need money to fight wars.

what about airforce, army, navy :lol:
The only thing "superior" is nukes, that's it. Nukes are useless weapons anyway, so I can't even give you tha.

On top of all that, cash is non existent. Oil reserves are also non existent. You need money to fight wars.

Actually, it seems Pakistan's branches are superior and more modern than Iran's. It's just not the nukes.
The only thing "superior" is nukes, that's it. Nukes are useless weapons anyway, so I can't even give you tha.

On top of all that, cash is non existent. Oil reserves are also non existent. You need money to fight wars.
Who financed the war in Iraq?
Dont you think against Iran the financiers would step up again with even more money?
The only thing "superior" is nukes, that's it. Nukes are useless weapons anyway, so I can't even give you tha.

On top of all that, cash is non existent. Oil reserves are also non existent. You need money to fight wars.

Abii, You are right since we have no money (Like Iran or Inida) & Pakistanis life are cheap too who kills your 14 soldiers like they did with Indians as well, so what stopping you common show some guts & prestige and takes us out:pop:

Or else accept that you too are only cowards and useless like Indians with huge money and resources...not Pakistanis!!
The only thing "superior" is nukes, that's it. Nukes are useless weapons anyway, so I can't even give you tha.

On top of all that, cash is non existent. Oil reserves are also non existent. You need money to fight wars.

The only thing superior is the " nukes " . Really ? :azn: What do you know about the " Armed forces of Pakistan " , if I may know , Canadian citizen ?

I wonder how many members from Iran will agree to the following statement given by a person who has no idea of the reality of the ground , clearly shows ignorance of the topic and underestimates the seventh largest army in the world ? One can just start researching with " Pakistan Air force " Wiki Page and that will be it .

Plus , Tehran is sanctioned and isolated , Pakistan isn't . In case of any conflict , Islamabad will have the complete backing of the G.C.C. weapons and cash so the Iranians hell bent here with their provocative and confrontationary statements every now and then , may want to reconsider . This " superiority complex " with decade old technologies and outdated weapons , is beyond belief .
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Pakistani members may want to calm down a bit. This is just a cross border incident that regularly happens in the world, no need to nuke Tehran or declare a holy war against us. I'm not saying this act is justified, but you can at least understand us. We lost 14 border guards no more than few weeks ago by terrorists who launched a surprise attack from Pakistani side of border. So it's natural to see increased security and military patrols and then, this incident has happened. It may have been just a human error or that actually the helicopter was pursuing terrorists in to Pakistan, which is justified, the same way it would be justified for Pakistan to very briefly infiltrate Iranian air space IF there were terrorists on Iranian side who attacked Pakistan regularly.

We are both suffering from the instability in the Baluchistan, so instead of acting super-patriotic, it would be nice if we could increase our cooperation on this terrorism disease. Also, the last thing Iran would want is further instability in Baluchistan, so let's just put away these ridiculously weird conspiracy theories that Iran wants to provoke Pakistan in to a war. We have too many problems in home to start a bloody with our populous eastern neighbor who HAPPENS to be a Muslim country too.
I hate to burst you bubble budd, but you probably were high on drugs when you made such a claim.

Not to mention natural gas, shale gas, and untapped oil reserve wills.

See Iran Have not been pumping as much oil as the Saudi do to the sanction so their reserve will last longer than the Saudi...
I like Iran but this couldn't be further from the truth. :rofl:

Say what you want to say , but the record of the Pakistani Armed forces against an adversary which is fives time larges than us , is indeed impressive . This ai'nt just me , a biased Pakistani , if you will , but from time to time , even the neutral sources and your own army top brass have admitted that .
probably strayed in by mistake; i dont think they'd violate the air-space on purpose, especially in a hostile way. That would be foolish, since our air defense capabilities far outweigh what they have
they aren't at fault recently dozen of their soldiers were killed at boarder and this curse of militant factions settlement on our beautiful broader is a menace to us along with mullah mentality parties and people even on pdf you can witness internet mullahs
If anyone in Pakistan want to engage Iran in a hostile manor they are not thinking.. LOL Once the embargo end Iran is Turkey with boat load of oil reserve.. They will dominate the muslim world with oil money plus self reliance.. Pakistan will be back by the Saudi and their about to run out oil reserve money, While Iran will team up with India to double bang Pakistan. both India and Iran are on the rise while Pakistan is in a sustain decline thanks to their Saudi funded extremism that is reckoning the country..

while i agree that extremism has been a plague in parts of the country, extremist acts of violence are down considerably.....you are also acting as if once the embargo is lifted that there will be sudden regime change in Iran...by and large it's the regime which the 'West' has its reservations about :laugh:

lastly -- i dont know what you mean by "by the Saudi".....I think in some ways we've undertaken decisions which went against those of the Saudi regime - for example the official statements on Bahrain as well as the brotherhood-sisi tussle in which we took no sides or no position on. Americans asked the Saudis to ask Pakistan to distance itself from the Afghanistan Haqqani guys -- but we showed that on Afghan affairs we wont budge, since our security is tied to what goes on there

double banged? by india and Iran? Give me a break. You must be an indian hiding behind an American flag to even think that way. Similar garbage we heard after 26/11 too, nothing came about it despite we were anxiously waiting :laugh:

so when push comes to shove, pretty much everything in your "argument" holds no weight
I would like too see a few of these neutral sources, and the considering our unbeaten record you really have nothing to really brag about.

Research it yourself for the time being or come to another thread . This ai'nt the thread for discussing how Pakistan still controls thirty seven percent of the former princely state and ten percent of Rann of Kutch captured after independence . 
Sorry for not being impressed by your military history nor your history of warfare.

Well , this ai'nt your problem . You just do not know nothing about the seventh largest army in the world , research about it , compare with yours and then come back . Even the generations of our respective technologies do not match , dear and you are talking about other things . What exactly have you got equal to even JFT's seeing its arnament and sensor suite ? As for the co called fighters , wars aren't fought by paper planes , which are introduced like Android smartphones every day in Iran @Yzd Khalifa :D
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