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Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

sign of aggression, pakistan should take the same step and immediately cancel all trades and relations with iran 

stop talking like a douche
Why am ' I talking like a douche.. to make an enemy of Iran is not the smartest thing Pakistan can do... To deny Saudi extremist imam influence on the sunni to cause the instability in Pakistan is ignoring the problem.. Its like saying Saudi funded imam have no influence in the extremist behavior of the sunni in Pakistan. Those extremist sunni have cause the death of thousand of follow muslim in Pakistan.
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I'm sadden to see some Pakistani members here are so hostile to Iran. Really you want to drop nukes on Tehran? This is your defense doctrine? Maybe this was a mistake on Iran's part or maybe there was a terrorist attack again and they were chasing the terrorists over the border. Some of you are so hot headed. I hope you don't represent the Pakistani people or the government.
I'm sadden to see some Pakistani members here are so hostile to Iran. Really you want to drop nukes on Tehran? This is your defense doctrine? Maybe this was a mistake on Iran's part or maybe there was a terrorist attack again and they were chasing the terrorists over the border. Some of you are so hot headed. I hope you don't represent the Pakistani people or the government.

Everybody has opinions. Just as each country promotes its interests. Iran does so in Pakistan, the Saudis do as well. We try to keep our influence on Iran and so does India.. etc etc.
However, taking a hostile stance against Iran is not the way nor is it going to be productive for Pakistan.
Everybody has opinions. Just as each country promotes its interests. Iran does so in Pakistan, the Saudis do as well. We try to keep our influence on Iran and so does India.. etc etc.
However, taking a hostile stance against Iran is not the way nor is it going to be productive for Pakistan.

Iran and Pakistan have many common interests specially when it comes to fighting these border terrorists. Keep in mind these terrorists are a bigger threat to Pakistan than Iran.

I don't understand why Pakistan is not helping Iran on this issue. I get a feeling right now your country is under the Saudi influence to try to support these terrorists to attack Iranians

Strategically, it will be a huge mistake for Pakistan. Supporting these terrorists will always backfire. Short term, they might be able to kill Iranian soldiers but in reality long run maximum damage will be done to Pakistan's national security.
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Keep your helicopters out of our airspace.

You talk peace and coexistence to our faces and behind our backs talk about every country around you as inferior and every other disgusting racial comments you people make about others.

You are very fortunate we are kind people, I would hate to see your cities being pounded by our missiles.
Keep your helicopters out of our airspace.

You talk peace and coexistence to our faces and behind our backs talk about every country around you as inferior and every other disgusting racial comments you people make about others.

You are very fortunate we are kind people, I would hate to see your cities being pounded by our missiles.

Wont u also do the same to ksa funding terrorism in our country? surely tht has killed more people than some helicopter.. ?
Wont u also do the same to ksa funding terrorism in our country? surely tht has killed more people than some helicopter.. ?

well they never threatened us like iran and violating our airspace, that means not respecting us

it was pakistan's choice to get used by saudis

and you should go and talk to iranis and see how they curse pakistan day and night

saudis are the one who have positive opinions about our country unlike iranis
God..its just a helicopter not a missile! It might have malfunctioned or pilot taking a short nap, not a big deal. Already enough headaches, add more for no reason.
Why am ' I talking like a douche.. to make an enemy of Iran is not the smartest thing Pakistan can do... To deny Saudi extremist influence in the instability Pakistan is ignoring the problem.. Its like saying Saudi funded imam have no influence in the extremist behavior of the sunni who are killing shia in Pakistan.

nothing got to do with saudis, stop threatening a nuclear power and talk sensibly

we need one button to wipe your barren country existence out of this planet 
God..its just a helicopter not a missile! It might have malfunctioned or pilot taking a short nap, not a big deal. Already enough headaches, add more for no reason.

mullahs threatened us few days ago, this is not coincidence
Laughing out loud at the Pakistani fanboys who are threatening with firing nukes and missiles on Iranian cities, while their army even struggles to fight rag-tag militias, and who are controlling various parts of Pakistan to this day. Perhaps Pakistan should first control its own border sections, before trying to fight with a country that has been preparing for an armed conflict with its border countries for more than 30 years. Pakistanis may impress Indians with their bravery, but Iranians have been fighting wars 2500 years before anyone in the world knew about Pakistan or Pakistanis.
boy wishes to smell nuclear fumes

sniff sniff
boy wishes to smell nuclear fumes

sniff sniff

Don't act tough fanboy. Iran has been harassing American ships in the Persian Gulf, has arrested British sailors in the same water and has attacked Israel by its proxies on more than 4 continents. All these countries (US, UK and Israel) have nuclear weapons, but that didn't stop Iran from confronting these nations. Now you seriously think they will be impressed if you as nobody will threaten to fire nukes?

You think Iran has a nuclear program as a joke?
Laughing out loud at the Pakistani fanboys who are threatening with firing nukes and missiles on Iranian cities, while their army even struggles to fight rag-tag militias, and who are controlling various parts of Pakistan to this day.

First of all , the terrorists control only the Waziristans - less than 0.5 % of the total area of Pakistan so you may want to think again on " various parts " . Well actually before laughing mindlessly , you may want to learn something about the difference in " symmetric " or " asymmetric " warfare , the seventh largest army in the world can easily take care of that threat if it ever arises , because the advantages which the militants/terrorists/guerrillas force enjoy , the state doesn't , so you might want to research more , before showing your lack of knowledge on the topic . This isn't about fighting a war , since these border violations have been carried out by your country previously , only to be arrested by the Pakistani authorities and released after interrogations on the request of your Govt . So maybe its about time that instead of trying to make more enemies than it can afford , Tehran works with us . The same terrorists that killed your border guards have been operating from your soil too against Pakistani forces - both the countries have an insurgency in their respective Baluchistan funded by foreign elements so why not work together like we have in the past ? Just like during the time of Shah when he provided weapons and even sent financial assistance to Islamabad or the recent co-operation by my country to arrest the head of Jundallah and countless other rebels - that emotional outburst by one of your MP's was totaled uncalled for . It would be better for Tehran to work with the Pakistani Govt against the common enemy instead of calling for " hot pursuits " , because this will lead to further escalation which isn't in the interests of both countries . Rest assured that our forces are fully capably of defending the country , against any ill advised adventure .
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Don't act tough fanboy. Iran has been harassing American ships in the Persian Gulf, has arrested British sailors in the same water and has attacked Israel by its proxies on more than 4 continents. All these countries (US, UK and Israel) have nuclear weapons, but that didn't stop Iran from confronting these nations. Now you seriously think they will be impressed if you as nobody will threaten to fire nukes?

You think Iran has a nuclear program as a joke?

not trying to act macho or 'tough'

our country is too engaged in our own matters, please spare us your little theatrics, now behave

regarding the strength, iran is not the country pakistan can worry keep this nuiscense and lets have peace

about the issue, i believe that Balochistan security must be hiked up and iran shouldn't be effected with our terrorism in pakistan

iran should realise that we ourselves have suffered the most from this nuisance

you should control your own baluch people first who are aiding those terrorists inside our territory

both countries should work together and its pakistan which is a very open country unlike iran which is taking this matter too personally
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