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Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

Next time Iran come in Pak Space then Shoot them like what we did to American Helicopter in Pak. Space, there are millions of Pakistanis with Persian Iran Roots so they will Stand with Pak. against Iran as they donot like Shia Kafir State of Iran, Enemy of Sunni Muslims in Syria and Around the World, Shoot them Down, InshAllah Next time

"HumanJinn, post: 4945386, member: 151179"]Next time Iran come in Pak Space then Shoot them like what we did to American Helicopter in Pak. Space,

When did that happen please share with us all.You mean when they:usflag: took your beloved :sniper:Osama and hope fully feed him to the sharks

there are millions of Pakistanis with Persian Iran Roots so they will Stand with Pak.

And who do u think they should stand with Mr HumanJin like you with house of saud.

against Iran as they don't like Shia Kafir State of Iran

All these Millions of Pakistanis with Persian Iran roots(Even though he lives in Canada still cant read and write :close_tema:) called you personally and informed you of this?

, Enemy of Sunni Muslims in Syria and Around the World, Shoot them Down, InshAllah Next time

I know you :alcoholic:cant read and write but this is the only way i can show you the way

The grand mufti, appointed by the Saudi king, also warned preachers against encouraging young men to fight in Syria during their sermons, after delivering what the paper said was a lecture on "Deviation among the youth" at a mosque.

"Muslim should be fearful of God and not deceive young Muslims and exploit their weakness and lack of insight and push them to an abyss," the mufti was quoted by the paper on Monday.

"I advise them (preachers) to advise (young people) as they would advise their sons."

Good news is Humanjin lives in canada and hates the Americans True patriots :hitwall:
says a guy who is more loyal to iran then his own country? just because iran is his fellow shia country

Why cause i am not pro Saudi i am not a patriotic pakistani? come to your jin brothers defense are we.just cause he is a Wahhabi?
@Cheetah786 Pakistani shia have nothing in common with Iranis apart from religion and still you defending them and i dont think you will mind if they come and kill so called terrorists inside Pakistan. While Pakistani Pashtuns tribals fought Afghanistan pashtuns when they attacked Bajaur in 1960, and both are related by blood! Sorry but you are not better then Saudi lovers of Pakistan.
says a guy who is more loyal to iran then his own country? just because iran is his fellow shia country
@Cheetah786 Pakistani shia have nothing in common with Iranis apart from religion and still you defending them and i dont think you will mind if they come and kill so called terrorists inside Pakistan. While Pakistani Pashtuns tribals fought Afghanistan pashtuns when they attacked Bajaur in 1960, and both are related by blood! Sorry but you are not better then Saudi lovers of Pakistan.
Oi @Cheetah786 @W.11 - Tum donooon 'own goal' karneiii bussss karooo eik hiiii team mein hooo ! :hitwall:
OFFTOPIC POSTS :offpost::offpost::offpost:

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I think it is right time to close this thread ..... it is heading towards the wrong direction .....
When did that happen please share with us all.You mean when they:usflag: took your beloved :sniper:Osama and hope fully feed him to the sharks

And who do u think they should stand with Mr HumanJin like you with house of saud.

All these Millions of Pakistanis with Persian Iran roots(Even though he lives in Canada still cant read and write :close_tema:) called you personally and informed you of this?

I know you :alcoholic:cant read and write but this is the only way i can show you the way

Good news is Humanjin lives in canada and hates the Americans True patriots :hitwall:
I speak and Write in Slangs also what I said it all True, Americans Never Kill Osama as Osama died and already buried in Afghanistan in 2005, they killed some one and they said he is Osama and they did not show his Face to the World 
I speak and Write in Slangs also what I said it all True, Americans Never Kill Osama as Osama died and already buried in Afghanistan in 2005, they killed some one and they said he is Osama and they did not show his Face to the World 
This violation by Iranians helicopter shall not be viewed as aggressive move as there can be many reasons for it including technical error
No Technical Faults or Error, Iran did it on Purpose!
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I don't think Iran did it by mistake. Iran just wanted to show Pakistan that if required they can hunt the terrorists themselves.One thing I know about Iranians that they are not ready to bow down in front of anyone. Despite of Sanctions and threat from powerful countries they are standing tall and heading towards what they want to achieve.Respect for Iran !!!
Why cause i am not pro Saudi i am not a patriotic pakistani? come to your jin brothers defense are we.just cause he is a Wahhabi?
No, not at all. When your loyalty is totally and utterly to Khomeini and Iran, you're a true Pakistani.

You people are pathological sellouts, so please avoid giving lessons about loyalty.
No, not at all. When your loyalty is totally and utterly to Khomeini and Iran, you're a true Pakistani.

You people are pathological sellouts, so please avoid giving lessons about loyalty.

Does he need certificate from you that his loyalty lies with Pakistan or not ? It is your hate towards Shias that is making you to blabber this shit.
well, what i think is, it is not Iran that is looking for more enemies, it is Pakistan which actually is, We need to keep the tab on sectarian militants, and do keep in mind it is not only Iran that is being effected by them but We, the Pakistanis are suffering most, and believe me some countries might not be as cool as Ours when their people are blown up like ballons everyday.
Rather than fighting against them, ww should be co-ordinating with them, just as we are carrying out Anti-insurgency excercises with China, Saudia, Sri-Lanka, same should be the case for Iran.

But wait, let me hold my horses over here because that would upset our friends in GCC and Amreeka.

Our western borders are so voilatile forget about remote areas, even today one can travel to iran on Coach by merely paying the right price on both side of the borders. Corruption is a disease that is high on the Iranian side too, that is why I am suggesting that both countries should co-ordinate.
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