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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

I believe that the main region of the "maneuver" is Sistan province.
They have recently got the permit to from Pakistani authorities to pursuit militants deep inside Pakistan.
Where did you read about this? Does it mean Pakistan has allowed Iran military to enter their soil? That's a bit strange to me.
Where did you read about this? Does it mean Pakistan has allowed Iran military to enter their soil? That's a bit strange to me.
I cannot post links for now but you can search Tabnak for news item #459180.
I believe that the main region of the "maneuver" is Sistan province.
They have recently got the permit to from Pakistani authorities to pursuit militants deep inside Pakistan.
yeah and we also need help clearing our border with aghanistan. help us with that too, can you?
I cannot post links for now but you can search Tabnak for news item #459180.
Seems to be the case! They either trust us too much or this is a big joke!

ایران برای ورود به خاک پاکستان مجوز دارد - سایت خبری تحلیلی تابناك|اخبار ایران و جهان|TABNAK

yeah and we also need help clearing our border with aghanistan. help us with that too, can you?
Had you heard about this in your country too? Has Pakistan allowed our military to chase terrorists inside your soil?
Seems to be the case! They either trust us too much or this is a big joke!

ایران برای ورود به خاک پاکستان مجوز دارد - سایت خبری تحلیلی تابناك|اخبار ایران و جهان|TABNAK

Had you heard about this in your country too? Has Pakistan allowed our military to chase terrorists inside your soil?

no there is no such thing. but we would officially enter into a full fledged war soon enough. even the schools and universities are being closed and students are being told to go back home.
no there is no such thing. but we would officially enter into a full fledged war soon enough. even the schools and universities are being closed and students are being told to go back home.
Sorry to hear that. Is you military starting operation against Taliban?
Sorry to hear that. Is you military starting operation against Taliban?
operation had begun around 5 months back. we were moving against these bastards slowly and gradually to limit collateral damage. however, after the recent peshawar attack, the enemy has given a clear message, and we have heard it loud and clear. Its either them or us. according to reports, the operation WILL be taken to new heights. and that is precisely what i am concerned about. we havent inflicted any serious damage on these scums after the recent attacks.
operation had begun around 5 months back. we were moving against these bastards slowly and gradually to limit collateral damage. however, after the recent peshawar attack, the enemy has given a clear message, and we have heard it loud and clear. Its either them or us. according to reports, the operation WILL be taken to new heights. and that is precisely what i am concerned about. we havent inflicted any serious damage on these scums after the recent attacks.

Where did you read about this? Does it mean Pakistan has allowed Iran military to enter their soil? That's a bit strange to me.

This thing has actually happened before in history. In 1970's there was a Soviet/Indian backed uprising in Pakistan's Baluchistan which was threatening to break up Pakistan, then Iranian army went into Pakistan and crushed the uprising. At the time, this information was kept hush, hush and only decades later we have found out about it. So this could be true. But it is really a shame that a news site has published this news just to get an increase in hits. Since such things must be kept hush, hush in order not to inflame or hurt the nationalist passions of Pakistanis. Such a help should be completely secret and only decades later information about it released just for historical purposes.
This thing has actually happened before in history. In 1970's there was a Soviet/Indian backed uprising in Pakistan's Baluchistan which was threatening to break up Pakistan, then Iranian army went into Pakistan and crushed the uprising. At the time, this information was kept hush, hush and only decades later we have found out about it. So this could be true. But it is really a shame that a news site has published this news just to get an increase in hits. Since such things must be kept hush, hush in order not to inflame or hurt the nationalist passions of Pakistanis. Such a help should be completely secret and only decades later information about it released just for historical purposes.

Thanks for the input. I didn't know that.
This thing has actually happened before in history. In 1970's there was a Soviet/Indian backed uprising in Pakistan's Baluchistan which was threatening to break up Pakistan, then Iranian army went into Pakistan and crushed the uprising. At the time, this information was kept hush, hush and only decades later we have found out about it. So this could be true. But it is really a shame that a news site has published this news just to get an increase in hits. Since such things must be kept hush, hush in order not to inflame or hurt the nationalist passions of Pakistanis. Such a help should be completely secret and only decades later information about it released just for historical purposes.
You mean that some elements of ISI or KSA affiliates there have nothing to do with current bloodshed in Sistan?
What other assurances do you suggest for the communities who blame Iranian government for not taking decisive action against militants?
You mean that some elements of ISI or KSA affiliates there have nothing to do with current bloodshed in Sistan?
What other assurances do you suggest for the communities who blame Iranian government for not taking decisive action against militants?
He means these kinds of operations should be kept in secret. Otherwise I agree that there is no other solution but military operation.
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