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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

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He is clearly dressed as a sniper but he is clearly not holding a sniper rifle. What's going on here?

Who says you have to be a sniper to dress up like this, any soldiers gotta blend in with the area they are about to fight or exercise... I clearly remember when I took part in one of these war games ( just for training) we were told to wear the same camouflage .
Who says you have to be a sniper to dress like this, any soldiers gotta blend in... I clearly remember when I took part in one of these war games ( just for training) we were told to were the same camouflage.
Lone soldier, out in the open. Clearly meant to be a sniper.
NOHAD Special forces training during war games:

PLOT : simulate a hostage situation in which a political figure is taken hostage by a number of terrorists and is being taken out of the country . the Hypothetical enemy which is consisted of regular army forces , can retaliate at will . they are allowed to use game changing tactics .

BRIEFING : NOHAD special forces board a C-130 cargo plane from tehran and jump in sistan province with their parachutes . then they are heliborne to the EA where they engage the hostile forces and rescue the hostage unhurt .

Result : complete success .

Pics :

S1 : landing : please remember the parachutes are chosen this way deliberately (due to war games and the fact that special judges are there to evaluate every step )




S2 : boarding helicopter and heliborne to EA .





S3 : Engaging the targets :


S4: Mission success !!

khaste nabashid :))

@SOHEIL @kollang @rahi2357 @Serpentine @jack 86000 @The SiLent crY @Ostad @raptor22 @Azlan Haider @Arminkh @Daneshmand @Dominance @yavar @Gold Eagle @ya hosein @SALMAN AL-FARSI @ALPfollowerOF373
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NOHAD Special forces training during war games:

PLOT : simulate a hostage situation in which a political figure is taken hostage by a number of terrorists and is being taken out of the country . the Hypothetical enemy which is consisted of regular army forces , can retaliate at will . they are allowed to use game changing tactics .

BRIEFING : NOHAD special forces board a C-130 cargo plane from tehran and jump in sistan province with their parachutes . then they are carried to the EA where they engage the hostile forces and rescue the hostage unhurt .

Result : complete success .

Pics :

S1 : landing : please remember the parachutes are chosen this way deliberately (due to war games and the fact that special judges are there to evaluate every step )




S2 : boarding helicopter and heliborne to EA .





S3 : Engaging the targets :




S4: Mission success !!

khaste nabashid :))

@SOHEIL @kollang @rahi2357 @Serpentine @jack 86000 @The SiLent crY @Ostad @raptor22 @Azlan Haider @Arminkh @Daneshmand @Dominance @yavar @Gold Eagle @ya hossein @SALMAN AL-FARSI
all that for a politicians? come on thats boring
This is unfair that meanwhile IRGC guys are receiving fateh and m-4 rifles, Nohed special force which is the most trained, is stuck with ancient ak-47s
well "IRGC guys" brother , enjoy better leadership and more money .

Army brought this to themselves with mismanagement of resources . how much do u think it costs to fully equip one of iran's most fearsome and disciplined wings to teeth ? nothing !!! but the dum dum leaders of Army spend their money on parallel projects which indirectly means they throw it in trash .

meanwhile IRGC is expending its money based on precise judgement and smart moves .

the regular forces in IRGC are receiving top notch Equipments gradually .

IRGC task force is armed to teeth , they are ARMED by its whole definition . Saberin is also armed pretty well .

but poor NOHAD with all their professionalism , are not armed as well . Takavaran are facing the same issues .

they pass the most EXTREME tests in the world , but are not equipped well , unfortunately .
well "IRGC guys" brother , enjoy better leadership and more money .

Army brought this to themselves with mismanagement of resources . how much do u think it costs to fully equip one of iran's most fearsome and disciplined wings to teeth ? nothing !!! but the dum dum leaders of Army spend their money on parallel projects which indirectly means they throw it in trash .

meanwhile IRGC is expending its money based on precise judgement and smart moves .

the regular forces in IRGC are receiving top notch Equipments gradually .

IRGC task force is armed to teeth , they are ARMED by its whole definition . Saberin is also armed pretty well .

but poor NOHAD with all their professionalism , are not armed as well . Takavaran are facing the same issues .

they pass the most EXTREME tests in the world , but are not equipped well , unfortunately .
Bro, things in army ground force are not improving for decades.whats the problem?whether it is poor management or lack of money, they could have solved it by now.sorry but it seems they are not caring about the ground force at all.
Bro, things in army ground force are not improving for decades.whats the problem?whether it is poor management or lack of money, they could have solved it by now.sorry but it seems they are not caring about the ground force at all.
well thats true .

as u know iran's strategy has changed a LOT during the past 5-10 years . we used to spend a lot of money on ground forces .

but since our Aerospace force got very powerful , well , we don't care abt our ground forces as much .

we spend mostly on Aerospace force then Navy and Airforce and our LEAST concern is ground forces :lol:
I recently saw photos on Palestinian page of the ones Haman posted, with the parachutes. Now there is another one with drone being shot off truck. :D
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