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Iranian, Egyptian Presidents Start Talks Upon Ahmadinejad's Arrival in Cair


Dec 31, 2012
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TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Egyptian counterpart Mohammad Mursi attended a first round of talks at Cairo Airport's VIP hall minutes after Ahmadinejad's arrival in the Egyptian capital.


According to FNA dispatches, the two presidents discussed bilateral ties and cooperation and exchanged views over major developments in the region and the Muslim world.

The Iranian President arrived in Egypt earlier today to participate in a summit meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and attend talks with senior Egyptian officials on bilateral relations and cooperation.

Upon arrival at Cairo Airport, the Iranian president was warmly received by his Egyptian counterpart.

Later today, Ahmadinejad is slated to hold talks with Sheikh of Egypt's Al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayyeb in Cairo.

During their meeting, Ahmadinejad and Sheikh al-Tayyeb will discuss Islamic, Arab and international issues as well as Al-Azhar's role at both local and regional levels.

The meeting with Sheikh Tayyeb will be the first of a kind between an Iranian president and an Al-Azhar Sheikh.

In a meeting in Cairo earlier this month, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and Sheikh al-Tayyeb stressed unity among Muslim nations.

During the meeting, Salehi said enemies of Islam are trying to stir rift between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

"Enemies have made great efforts during recent years to cause a rift among Muslims and also to intensify it," the Iranian minister said, and called on Muslims to avoid conflicts and rely on commonalties instead.

Salehi invited the Sheikh of Al-Azhar to visit Iran to hold talks with Iranian clerics.

Sheikh Al-Azhar, too, urged Muslims to foster unity and said enemies should not be allowed to achieve their objectives to create conflicts in the Muslim world.
Iran President Ahmadinejad begins historic Egypt visit

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has become the first Iranian president to visit Egypt since the Islamic revolution in 1979.

Mr Ahmadinejad is in Cairo for a summit of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, which begins on Wednesday.

After arriving on Tuesday, he discussed with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi ways to end the bloodshed in Syria and strengthen relations, officials said.

Mr Ahmadinejad was later warned by Egypt's top Sunni Muslim cleric not to meddle in the affairs of Gulf states.

Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb of al-Azhar said Iran should not to seek the "extension of Shia reach" and should "respect Bahrain as a sisterly Arab state", according to a statement issued by al-Azhar's media office.

The Islamic republic has been accused by Bahrain's Sunni-led government of fomenting unrest among its majority Shia community.

The president was also told by the head of al-Azhar that Sunnis living in Iran should be guaranteed full rights.

'Pave the ground'

Diplomatic ties between Egypt and Iran broke down in 1980 after the former signed a peace treaty with Israel and gave asylum and a state funeral to Iran's exiled Shah Reza Pahlavi. In 1981, Iran named a street in Tehran after the assassin of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
Relations between the regional powers have improved since Egyptians elected an Islamist head of state in June.

However, they remain at odds over several issues, including Syria, which was suspended from the OIC at its last summit despite Iranian objections.

"I will try to pave the ground for developing co-operation between Iran and Egypt," Mr Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by Iran's state news agency, Irna, before leaving Tehran.

"If Tehran and Cairo see more eye-to-eye on regional and international issues, many [issues] will change," he added.

But Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr said any improvement in ties would not come at the expense of relations with Gulf Arab nations - Iran's regional rivals.

"The security of Gulf countries is a red line for Egypt," Mr Amr added, according to the AFP news agency.

Mr Ahmadinejad's visit follows one to Tehran by Mr Morsi for a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in August, when the two leaders agreed to reopen embassies.

As the most populous Arab country and a historic regional heavyweight, Egypt, a predominantly Sunni power, has in the past seen itself as a political rival of Shia Iran, says the BBC's Yolande Knell in Cairo.

Some analysts have expressed concern over the apparent decision of the new Islamist leader to reconnect with Iran, our correspondent adds.

They note that Tehran hailed Egypt's uprising two years ago, which forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign, as an "Islamic awakening".

President Morsi is hosting the OIC summit following days of nationwide protests by opposition supporters in which nearly 60 people have died.

Meanwhile, Mr Ahmadinejad has criticised the Iranian judiciary's decision to arrest a close ally, former Tehran prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi.

No reason has been given for the detention of Mr Mortazavi, though reports suggest it may be linked to a long-running dispute between the president and the speaker of parliament, Ali Larijani.

BBC News - Iran President Ahmadinejad begins historic Egypt visit
Civilized nation like Iran ought to cultivate ties with other civilized nations of the world. Not much would come out of ties with illiterate, ignorant bedouines of Africa.Their obsession is to kill each other and blame rest of the world for their misery.

The Bahrain people ie the Shia majority must be allowed to democratically elect their govt, the Egyptian Cleric respectfully should STFU. Regarding Egypt - the Brotherhood IMHO - should stick to it's philanthropic activities - and leave governance to more secular minded people.
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Also why I am against religious political parties - we all know what politicians are like - and what they do - what they stand for - their raison'datre is to acquire power and to use it.

And when they commit mistakes and do corruption, they discredit their own parties and their class.
When religious parties - using religion and it's principles and philosophies - do the same, because they have acquired power in God's name they discredit religion - and that's wrong.


The Bahrain people ie the Shia majority must be allowed to democratically elect their govt, the Egyptian Cleric respectfully should STFU. Regarding Egypt - the Brotherhood IMHO - should stick to it's philanthropic activities - and leave governance to more secular minded people.
People should be allowed to elect their d government, majority should rule, freedom and human rights must be guaranteed for all. Also, change must come within the people, not from outsiders.

Also why I am against religious political parties - we all know what politicians are like - and what they do - what they stand for - their raison'datre is to acquire power and to use it.

And when they commit mistakes and do corruption, they discredit their own parties and their class.
When religious parties - using religion and it's principles and philosophies - do the same, because they have acquired power in God's name they discredit religion - and that's wrong.


Amen to that!
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Did i make you proud ?!!
Bedouine, be proud of yourself. Atleast you are evolving to be innovative, intelligent humans. Thank Iranians, Greeks, Romans, Circassians,Turks, Albanians & others civilized races who ruled you. BTW,it was Nasser who boasted he was the first Egyptian to rule egypt in 2500 years !
Bedouine, be proud of yourself. Atleast you are evolving to be innovative, intelligent humans. Thank Iranians, Greeks, Romans, Circassians,Turks, Albanians & others civilized races who ruled you. BTW,it was Nasser who boasted he was the first Egyptian to rule egypt in 2500 years !
You forgot Arabs. Have you been sexually harassed by an Egyptian or something ?
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