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Iranian Diaspora

Well.... I see now... you are either a lier or dont know what the hell you are talking about.

In Germany the minimum wage still pays 50% depending on family states NO NE PAYS 12% direct taxes. This is total bullsh!t. And on top of the 50% tax, you still have to pay for health insurance.....

Again lets look at reality....most German will never be able to own their own home. Large percentge of Germans can only afford to rent a room in a shared house with stangers.....there are armies of homeless people in ALL German cities..... most Germans will go crazy if you turn the heat or electricity on in their homes, cauz they cannot afford to pay any extra costs.....

Iran is not like this....now go and say whatever bullcrap you like
Well.... I see now... you are either a lier or dont know what the hell you are talking about.

In Germany the minimum wage still pays 50% depending on family states NO NE PAYS 12% direct taxes. This is total bullsh!t. And on top of the 50% tax, you still have to pay for health insurance.....

Again lets look at reality....most German will never be able to own their own home. Large percentge of Germans can only afford to rent a room in a shared house with stangers.....there are armies of homeless people in ALL German cities..... most Germans will go crazy if you turn the heat or electricity on in their homes, cauz they cannot afford to pay any extra costs.....

Iran is not like this....now go and say whatever bullcrap you like
Man, I have seen all kinds of clowns here, including the ones that believe Iran has invisible flying saucers that can target anywhere (who cite Omid Dana for that), but you have really impressed me.

You talk like healthcare is free in Iran. Have you ever been to Iran? Do you even speak Persian?
Iranians abroad should form alliances such as Jews and always support Iran no matter who is in power.

unfortunately, we are so fragmented that as soon as we have a party who is not in our liking we want to burn down all bridges and call each other traitors etc

the only way diaspora can have long term positive effect is to agree not interfere with Iran’s affairs. No matter who is in power. Vice versa is also valid. IRI should not interfere how diaspora conduct themselves outside Iran. If this agreement can be struck then i think it will be very beneficial for all parties involved.
I see it, as a German, for MY people, excactly the same way...
Germans are assimilating too much into their new societies, like in Murrica. On one side, that's what I expect when you go to "similar" society (values, race etc.) but it would help the FATHERLAND more, if they would still love it to the core and doing business and try to get a boni for their REAL homecountry...
Sadly... Germans slaughtering Germans.
Jews stay, from personal problems away as soon as Jewish-Core is attacked and mobilize nearly ALL their influental people... I respect this.
I think, Iranians and Germans, have some mental illness (Indo-European) when something like that has to be done and will prefer to sleep with the enemy only because one of the own isn't your personal favorite.
That's a hard weakness...
Man, I have seen all kinds of clowns here, including the ones that believe Iran has invisible flying saucers that can target anywhere (who cite Omid Dana for that), but you have really impressed me.

You talk like healthcare is free in Iran. Have you ever been to Iran? Do you even speak Persian?

Well...then my job is done here....all I wanted to achieve is impress nobodies like you here. Now you can get back living your amazing life in Deutschland....
Well...then my job is done here....all I wanted to achieve is impress nobodies like you here. Now you can get back living your amazing life in Deutschland....
Thank you for amusing me though.
تو داشتی خود ارضایی میکردی ولی اشتباهی خیال کردی سکس میکنی....

Frohe Weihnachten.
من که نفهمیدم دقیقاً چرا بهت برخورد. خودت گفتی توضیح بدم چرا، من هم نشستم اعداد رو برات حساب کردم منبعشون رو هم بهت گفتم
اینکه دیگه انقدر کون سوزی و مثل بچه ها لج بازی نداره​
راست میگی خیلی کون سوزی شود

حالا بگو تو کجای المانی و چند وقته اونجایی؟
بعدش هم بگو چی کار میکنی و تهسیلاتت در چه صطحیه؟
این محاسبات خیلی پیچیده بود
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Lower income class is better in Germany/Europe/US, if you are middle class it is better in Iran/Pakistan.
middle class in Iran is shrinking day by day and some people don't want to see it
I see it, as a German, for MY people, excactly the same way...
Germans are assimilating too much into their new societies, like in Murrica. On one side, that's what I expect when you go to "similar" society (values, race etc.) but it would help the FATHERLAND more, if they would still love it to the core and doing business and try to get a boni for their REAL homecountry...
Sadly... Germans slaughtering Germans.
Jews stay, from personal problems away as soon as Jewish-Core is attacked and mobilize nearly ALL their influental people... I respect this.
I think, Iranians and Germans, have some mental illness (Indo-European) when something like that has to be done and will prefer to sleep with the enemy only because one of the own isn't your personal favorite.
That's a hard weakness...

I hope one day Europe will realize it's demise through it's governing through morality rather than governing through reason. Migrants/Immigrants influxes are causing unbearable rise in cost of living not only in European housing/apartment markets but also North America. These problems were rare in the 80s.

The truly immoral act is allow migrants to enter the country because it harms the citizens in every way possible.
Europe has no choice but to allow in the immigrants.... their population is getting old and dieing out.... which is the result of decades of encrouaging low birthrates and homosexuality.
I hope one day Europe will realize it's demise through it's governing through morality rather than governing through reason. Migrants/Immigrants influxes are causing unbearable rise in cost of living not only in European housing/apartment markets but also North America. These problems were rare in the 80s.

The truly immoral act is allow migrants to enter the country because it harms the citizens in every way possible.
But if you say that (truth) then you are Adolf 2.0 in libtardic societies.
The thing is, if these hyper "Liberals" are running the show, like Joe Dementia Burden (and all his entourage) then you will see the "liberal" media spinning around and pushing for wars/interventions.
Remember how the US/European press "loved" Donald Trump when he ordered a strike on Syria? I mean, the Russians knew it and so the Syrians to deflect most damage, it was a face saving and a "I can't do more, otherwise we will have a big fu*king war, you know?" - to the Hawks in Washington.
I know I don't make many friends with this sight in this forum but I personal think, that if Trump could have gone the Putin-Way of politics (or even making Saddam in the regard of political domestic enemies) Trump would be the best US President for a long time.
I don't care for perfect white knight, especially no hypocrites.
Madeleine Albright, the (jewish) Witch. :D
Wasn't that the person, who said/wrote, she will maybe become Muslim to show solidarity against the big, bad orange man? ...
The same woman who said in an interview it's worth that 500k Iraqi children had to die when Saddam is kicked out. Yeah yeah the morality...
I care for what is the best possible or at least where less people (has to) die... better the devil I know than the one I don't know.
Sadly you has to deal with what you are given...
Europe has no choice but to allow in the immigrants.... their population is getting old and dieing out.... which is the result of decades of encrouaging low birthrates and homosexuality.
No need, except for Industrials who wanna have modern working slaves for lower € payment on a automatical working bench and the large shopping chains like EDEKA, REWE.
A Industrial will nearly always prefer his own pocket to the fatherland and his nation, he is mostly a internationalist what I don't like.
If you are smaller, you can even pay higher wages, look at Switzerland and Austria.
Germany lost 1/3 of his territory after WW2.
Germany had 65 million Germans in Borders of 1939 pre Polish-German-War.
Germany has, like many other countries, too many people for it's size.
That's not good.
Better would be 60 million.

• 2019 estimate
1,400,050,000[9] (1st)
• 2010 census1,340,910,000[9] (1st)
• Density145[10]/km2 (375.5/sq mi) (83rd)

• 2019 estimate
83,166,711[6] (18th)
• Density232/km2 (600.9/sq mi) (58th)

You see what I mean, way too many people in Germany.
Higher quality people, less mass.
Germany is a total captive country....it is even illigal to tell the truth about the events of 80 years ago... I remember last year an 82 year old woman was sent to prison just because she had said that she doesnt belive the official story! No one in the FREE WEST objected to the poor old woman going to jail.

But more sad is that most Germans seem to like the situation....so much so that when America threatens to pull its troops out, the politicians go begging for the occuping toops to stay.

I remember when Merkel pulled the German flag out of her minister´s hand and threw it away....
I also agree that very unfair things happened to Germany.... but I cant talk about them since I live in Deutschland at the moment....
I see it, as a German, for MY people, excactly the same way...
Germans are assimilating too much into their new societies, like in Murrica. On one side, that's what I expect when you go to "similar" society (values, race etc.) but it would help the FATHERLAND more, if they would still love it to the core and doing business and try to get a boni for their REAL homecountry...
Sadly... Germans slaughtering Germans.
Jews stay, from personal problems away as soon as Jewish-Core is attacked and mobilize nearly ALL their influental people... I respect this.
I think, Iranians and Germans, have some mental illness (Indo-European) when something like that has to be done and will prefer to sleep with the enemy only because one of the own isn't your personal favorite.
That's a hard weakness...

Don't worry, it's not related to Indo-Europeans in particular - all peoples are equally susceptible to propaganda, psy-ops and social engineering. And patriotism nowadays is discouraged practically everywhere by the elites. Since their goal is a totalitarian, unified one-world regime ruling over a completely enslaved, uprooted mankind (or its future "transhumanized" or chimeric offsprings).

Only one group is going to be allowed to retain its own specific national and religious character. You know which one it is I al alluding to: the only one not targeted day-in day-out by the subversive propaganda I'm talking about, and whose treacherous elites are among the main conceptors of that same propaganda. So don't forget the "ethno"-theocratic elites (and their bankster / capitalist / freemason associates) are cultivating these patriotic traits among their own coreligionists, while actively undermining and erasing them in every other nation and religious community.

In other words, the Jewish public is just as brainwashed as its goy counterparts (arguably it is in fact the most brainwashed of all). It's just that the global elites who author the propaganda for us all, have been manipulating the Jewish public in an opposite sense to how they are manipulation other nations. Whatever it is one might thus find respectable about social-cultural habits of the Jews (such as their unparallelled group solidarity and cohesiveness etc), is neither inscribed in their genes nor is it generated completely autonomously and spontaneously at the grassroots level. Rather, it is results from the minute execution of a top-down policy based on careful planning.

And of course when:

- Numerically, you are a community of extremely reduced dimensions (some 14 million individuals among 7 billion goys), when you are taught from earliest childhood that everybody is potentially out to exterminate you (which suggests that ultimately, it is going to be either you or them),

- When this is reinforced by story after story on persecutions throughout the ages at the hands of goy rulers and their subjects, culminating in what the dominant historic thesis enshrined in law teaches us to be the biggest evil bar none ever committed by man,

- And when this cultural-psychological conditioning at the hands of elites who hijacked the leadership of your people, has been going on for centuries if not millennia (some scholars consider that it began with some Jewish thinkers of the Middle Ages who introduced the idea of active messianism independent of divine intervention, which postulates that the Jewish people must in fact become their own messiah, while other authors trace the roots of the phenomenon back to the period of the temple merchants chastised by prophet Issa / Jesus (as), and others yet see signs of it in the golden calf idolatry denounced by prophet Musa / Moses (as)),

then it is not really surprising that you will tend to exercise such comparatively unwavering and unconditional loyalty to your group vis a vis outsiders. Some other factors are at play as well, but let's just say that any other group would have acted the same under equal material circumstances.

Apart from that, one also needs to look at the dosis of propaganda different nations are subjected to. Due to historical and various conjunctural circumstances, some nations pose a more serious risk to the oligarchy and are considered as greater obstacles to their sinister designs for mankind.

Iran absolutely tops the list worldwide. A survey by a popular Iranian vlogger named Omid Dana showed that the Persian language service of the BBC is churning out about 8 times more propaganda than their second most active foreign language branch on Twitter and Instagram.

As for Germany, well, it is not hard to figure why the victors of WW2 have focused that much on delegitimizing nationalism with the German public in particular: they didn't want to have to confront Germany a third time in a row... That said, and despite the fact that I am certainly no friend whatsoever of said victorious powers of WW2, I must also add that in my opinion, the German leadership and Hitler in particular committed certain critical mistakes (including in the type and nature of the violence they resorted to), which after 1945 indirectly helped the zio-American oligarchy to implement their program.

But if you say that (truth) then you are Adolf 2.0 in libtardic societies.
The thing is, if these hyper "Liberals" are running the show, like Joe Dementia Burden (and all his entourage) then you will see the "liberal" media spinning around and pushing for wars/interventions.
Remember how the US/European press "loved" Donald Trump when he ordered a strike on Syria? I mean, the Russians knew it and so the Syrians to deflect most damage, it was a face saving and a "I can't do more, otherwise we will have a big fu*king war, you know?" - to the Hawks in Washington.
I know I don't make many friends with this sight in this forum but I personal think, that if Trump could have gone the Putin-Way of politics (or even making Saddam in the regard of political domestic enemies) Trump would be the best US President for a long time.
I don't care for perfect white knight, especially no hypocrites.
Madeleine Albright, the (jewish) Witch. :D
Wasn't that the person, who said/wrote, she will maybe become Muslim to show solidarity against the big, bad orange man? ...
The same woman who said in an interview it's worth that 500k Iraqi children had to die when Saddam is kicked out. Yeah yeah the morality...
I care for what is the best possible or at least where less people (has to) die... better the devil I know than the one I don't know.
Sadly you has to deal with what you are given...

Trump is not what many of his supporters think he is. If he was that person, then the totalitarian US ruling system would not have permitted him to be elected. In reality, he is a controlled opposition figure, used by the elites (the Kissinger-led camp within the US deep state, with strong tentacles in the NSA) to feign denouncing the establishment while actually serving their goals.

Trump did the zionist overlords in Tel Aviv a number of major services - maybe not starting a new war (but who is to say Hillary Rodham would have? There are not many targets left at the moment other than Iran, and even Clinton wouldn't have dared to directly attack Iran), but as good as everything short of it, from the cowardly murder of martyr general Soleimani to recognizing the annexation of the Golan Heights and recognizing Jerusalem as the "capital" of the illegitimate regime, emitting death threats to the Iraqi prime minister if he pressed for US troop withdrawal and so on.

Now some western supporters of Trump think "well, if delivering Iran's head to the zionists on a silver platter is the price he has to pay for being allowed to conduct domestic reforms that benefit Americans, like shutting down immigration or trying to hald offshoring by rescinding trade deals and reintroducing tarrifs, then so be it". But this is naive thinking. And I'm not saying this due to my favorable views of Iran but from a purely rational and functional perspective.

At this sort of game, the zionists will prove more clever: they used Trump to advance their agenda against Iran, and when they got what they could out of him, dumped him like a piece of trash; now, comfortably, they'll have his successor reverse "anti-globalist" actions taken by him. You cannot enter this sort of a compromise with the oligarchy from a subordinate position and hope to ultimately weasel your way around and trap them. It's not going to work that way (and had not been Trump's intention to start with).

The more you strengthen the zionist regime and help it reach its goals in its own neighborhood, the more you indirectly assist the global oligarchy in breaking up nations. Mileikowsky (aka "Netanyahu") and Soros might publicly pull faces at each other, but at the end of the day they work hand-in-hand in a complementary manner.

Also Trump's policies hardly improved the situation of the American working class but were extremely favorable to big capitalists. Banksters and cut-throat corporate magnates weren't really unhappy with his regime's economic measures.

Trump is in fact proof that the US regime can not be reformed from within, and that it will never ever serve the interests of its people at large.

I said it before, the only solution for the US is a total and radical revolution. An authentic one, not a "colored" pseudo-revolution with the same elites pulling the strings in the background. Such a mass upheaval would benefit from considerable support among members of the American armed forces and security services, in addition to the fact that the population there is armed, which puts chances on its side to overcome the regime's barbarian repression apparatus. A revolution by the American people might also enjoy backing from influential and capable outside powers friendly to the cause (Iran, Russia, China).


middle class in Iran is shrinking day by day and some people don't want to see it

It has been a global phenomenon for the past 40 years. And particularly in the west.

Which in fact shows what a failure liberalism and ultra-capitalism have been. So if any country wants to reverse the trend, additional liberal economic reforms and so-called structural adjustment or submission to World Bank and IMF diktats are definitely not the way to go - these would only cement the status quo.


I hope one day Europe will realize it's demise through it's governing through morality rather than governing through reason. Migrants/Immigrants influxes are causing unbearable rise in cost of living not only in European housing/apartment markets but also North America. These problems were rare in the 80s.

The truly immoral act is allow migrants to enter the country because it harms the citizens in every way possible.

Oh, there never was any morality involved on the part of European policymakers, rest assured. Not even when it came to accepting immigrants.

Afterall, this isn't done for humanist reasons at all, but to serve the 1% of capitalist cut-throat moguls who wish to make use of slave labor by driving wages down for employees and workers. They also use the presence of immigrant communities to engineer divisions among the working class (or between domestic working class and immigrant lumpenproletariat), in order to direct popular frustration and anger away from themselves, and onto other vulnerable categories of society.

Secondly and more importantly, if these European regimes didn't actively participate in the economic exploitation of the global south, as well as in US- and zionist-imposed wars, coups, "colored revolutions" and other mischievous interventions against developing nations, then the volume of south to north migratory movements would certainly be far more reduced than it is.

But in reality all these phenomena form part of an elaborate scheme put into practice by the global oligarchy, where one dynamic feeds the other.
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