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Iranian Diaspora

Not so much, especially as the offspring in the new country are in fact a hybrid in terms of culture and the east/west concern gets very blurred. I don't see it as a struggle to adapt anew as much as changes/adaptations happening organically over time.

Everyone outside of Iran is still patriotic towards the country.
Bullshit story to try to say that she could only be successful if she left Iran....BBC made an identical story about her.... I know this business well....I bet you she is not worth very much money!
I wonder how much her worth would have been if she had stayed ?
by the way by her positions according to Wikipedia
Separate from her role at BroadbandTV, Rafati is also a board member for a number of organizations including Hootsuite, a social media management platform, and Bjarke Ingels Group, an architecture firm, as well as Vice Chair of the board at Invest in Canada.[13] She has also been a board member of the Vancouver Economic Commission,[14] and the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs.[15]

I must say her fortune must be considerable, and let be clear on this ,I and a lot of peoples like me respect her a lot more than people who gained their money as an model or actor or being athlete .
I know you are the type who always tries to sh¡t on Iran every oppertunity you get..... but let me tell you about my experiances livig for a very long time in England, Ireland, Germany and the US and I have seen Iranians coming and going for decades.

Fact of the matter is that most of the Iranians I hae seen who have moved to the west have at best average lives, but they always pretend to their families back home that they have amazing lives.
Almost evefyone I know who has moved to the US, Canada or Europe in the past 15 yers has regretted it, but is stuck in the west doing a crappy job just to have money for food a a roof over their head. They thought they are moving to heaven from hell, but realise they were lied to.
On the other hand almost everyone I know who has moved back to Iran is successful. It is much easier to set up a profit making company in Iran than in the west.... not least because the corporations that controle the west dont allow for any competition.

The fact is that your habbit of sh¡tting on Iran at every oppertunity has blinded you to the propeganda of the story. The story is meant to show that Iranians can only be successful if they move out of Iran, while in reality the opposit is the true.

The fact is that unless you live in the west, you dont realise how crap their lives are compared to the highly subsedised lives of Iranians. You need to see it for yourself to believe it.
Everyone outside of Iran is still patriotic towards the country.
Any Iranian outside of Iran (including those so called patriots who have empty talks about loving Iran) that doesnt send/invest money to/in Iran or doesnt import products/services from Iran or doesnt transfer knowledge to Iran is a traitor.

Government should remove some stupid laws in Iran, make it easy for diaspora to come back and invest.

Irainan government should go full nationalist and impose a low "diaspora tax". Iranian government should create a honest rating system that shows what service each Iranian did for their country (in field of economy, art and culture, technology, sport, defence/war).
Almost evefyone I know who has moved to the US, Canada or Europe in the past 15 yers has regretted it, but is stuck in the west doing a crappy job just to have money for food a a roof over their head. They thought they are moving to heaven from hell, but realise they were lied to.
I agree... the job market for someone who comes from Iran even if you have Iranian university education is very unforgiving..you will be competing with local graduates and if you do not speak fluently that is another handicap added to your situation and you end up being a taxi driver or Pizza delivery man.
However if you go through local University programs and graduate you are almost guaranteed success if you are hard worker and know how to deal with people and that applies to any job anywhere..

I was a graduate of Canada had a great job in Iran (I got my job on my own merits not because I had connections) When I left Iran and came back to Canada I had to start at the bottom of my job domain in a small shitty company but hey,.. you move up if you work hard and smart... I finished my career at to top of my domain in the best and biggest corporations at age 55...And In the process I helped many Iranians who now have great lives in here..So I paid my dues..

I actually would have taken my money and move to Iran to start some thing because now days in the newly industrialized Iran the opportunities are great but I am too old for that shit now..lol
I agree... the job market for someone who comes from Iran even if you have Iranian university education is very unforgiving..you will be competing with local graduates and if you do not speak fluently that is another handicap added to your situation and you end up being a taxi driver or Pizza delivery man.
However if you go through local University programs and graduate you are almost guaranteed success if you are hard worker and know how to deal with people and that applies to any job anywhere..

I was a graduate of Canada had a great job in Iran (I got my job on my own merits not because I had connections) When I left Iran and came back to Canada I had to start at the bottom of my job domain in a small shitty company but hey,.. you move up if you work hard and smart... I finished my career at to top of my domain in the best and biggest corporations at age 55...And In the process I helped many Iranians who now have great lives in here..So I paid my dues..

I actually would have taken my money and move to Iran to start some thing because now days in the newly industrialized Iran the opportunities are great but I am too old for that shit now..lol

My question here is..... if someone like you had put the same effort in Iran as you had in Canada.... where would you have had more financial success?

My experiance is that 90% of the time, one would have been more successful in Iran.

I would also make a big distinction between the 1970s and 80s America and Canada, and the Americas of the past 15 years.... things are getting visibally worse ever year that passes.
My question here is..... if someone like you had put the same effort in Iran as you had in Canada.... where would you have had more financial success?

My experiance is that 90% of the time, one would have been more successful in Iran.

I would also make a big distinction between the 1970s and 80s America and Canada, and the Americas of the past 15 years.... things are getting visibally worse ever year that passes.
I have asked that question myself and the answer is probably better. Iran is a great place to be the problem is that Iranians think the neighbours grass is always greener,,,lol
I have not been in Iran for 40 years so I do not know why some iranians even take a boat ,risk their lives to get to Australia just to be humiliated and put in prison as refugee!! ..
My question here is..... if someone like you had put the same effort in Iran as you had in Canada.... where would you have had more financial success?

My experiance is that 90% of the time, one would have been more successful in Iran.

I would also make a big distinction between the 1970s and 80s America and Canada, and the Americas of the past 15 years.... things are getting visibally worse ever year that passes.

I have asked that question myself and the answer is probably better. Iran is a great place to be the problem is that Iranians think the neighbours grass is always greener,,,lol
I have not been in Iran for 40 years so I do not know why some iranians even take a boat ,risk their lives to get to Australia just to be humiliated and put in prison as refugee!! ..

Do I need to remind you that the average salary in Iran is about $150 to $200 per month with an inflation that is fluctuating between 30% to 50%? If you're really smart, you may earn $1000 after working several jobs from 9AM to 10PM. You can't earn more than that without being a capitalist with at least a million dollars in your bank account. And the majority of people (like 90% of the people) can't earn even $300 per month.
My question here is..... if someone like you had put the same effort in Iran as you had in Canada.... where would you have had more financial success?

My experiance is that 90% of the time, one would have been more successful in Iran.

I would also make a big distinction between the 1970s and 80s America and Canada, and the Americas of the past 15 years.... things are getting visibally worse ever year that passes.
you would have gone nowhere because you must had some sort of connection to make any advancement.

you don't want see the black spots , I see them so you say i want to shit Iran , my difference with you guys is, is you left Iran and talk with no experience living in Iran , I live in Iran and see what is the situation here

My question here is..... if someone like you had put the same effort in Iran as you had in Canada.... where would you have had more financial success?

My experiance is that 90% of the time, one would have been more successful in Iran.

I would also make a big distinction between the 1970s and 80s America and Canada, and the Americas of the past 15 years.... things are getting visibally worse ever year that passes.
yes if he was corrupt , evaded the tax and new how to grease the wheel
Do I need to remind you that the average salary in Iran is about $150 to $200 per month with an inflation that is fluctuating between 30% to 50%? If you're really smart, you may earn $1000 after working several jobs from 9AM to 10PM. You can't earn more than that without being a capitalist with at least a million dollars in your bank account. And the majority of people (like 90% of the people) can't earn even $300 per month.

You live in Germany?

Tell me this... in your experiances, who lives in nicer houses... the average person in Iran or in Germany?
I am currently living in one of the richest parts of Germany.... and there is no comparison....the average Iranian lives in a Palace compared to the average German.

you would have gone nowhere because you must had some sort of connection to make any advancement.

you don't want see the black spots , I see them so you say i want to shit Iran , my difference with you guys is, is you left Iran and talk with no experience living in Iran , I live in Iran and see what is the situation here

yes if he was corrupt , evaded the tax and new how to grease the wheel

Stop pretening like you know me.... Iran´s economy is my bread and butter.
I am not saying that Iran´s economy is heaven.... what I am saying is Iive between Iran and the west, I see how people live in Iran and in Europe and America... and the average Iranian is still better off, despite all the pressures from outside and inside.

You need to see the number of homeless in likes of Berlin, Paris, London or anywhere in Canada and the US.... then you will realise how Iranians are still better off..... and lets not even compare livig standards of average Iranians to 95% of countires of the world.

People in Iran only think that the only countries out there are America, Canada, England, Switzerland and Germany...... they forget about India, Afghanestan, Romainia, Ukraine, Africa and South America....
I am currently living in one of the richest parts of Germany.... and there is no comparison....the average Iranian lives in a Palace compared to the average German.
This is by far the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time. Sorry.
All successful and unsuccessful countries have one thing in common:

The successful countries have a population smarter than their diaspora.

The unsuccessful countries have a diaspora smarter than their population.
This is by far the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time. Sorry.

I would not go so far as to say average Iranian but generally speaking, Iranian middle class in Iran does live better than German middle class in Germany. It is actually the same phenomenon in Pakistan.

Lower income class is better in Germany/Europe/US, if you are middle class it is better in Iran/Pakistan.

Middle class in Iran/Pakistan can basically afford mini palaces for the same price as a nasty apartment in Germany.

On the flip side, if you are low income/poor you will be treated like dirt in Iran/Pakistan whereas you will be treated better in Germany/US with access to same basic social services.

Ironically most people who are wealthy in Iran/Pakistan will initially become poorer when they immigrate to west while the low income people from Iran/Pakistan quickly find a job and become richer when they move to west.
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People in Iran only think that the only countries out there are America, Canada, England, Switzerland and Germany...... they forget about India, Afghanestan, Romainia, Ukraine, Africa and South America....

people move to those places because they are seeking life. A Chinese girl said this to me, "Of course I would prefer to marry a Chinese man and live in China but there is no life there. I want to live in Canada."
They all stole from me. Should have paid. Now Kurt will be Gort. 33 5
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