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Iranian Chill Thread

You apparently said:
At this point Turkey could invade Russia and reach Moscow let alone Iran.”

Ok, relax a bit. You were on this site for years. :D

Putin is good for Russia and not Iran. He miscalculated in the war and is going to try it differently.

It’s a figure of speech. But I do feel a lot better for Iran’s prospects in war after I see Russia in Ukraine. Iran also has “Russia” -esque flaws that it needs to fix.

But Russian military should no longer be considered Top 5 military power. Their performance, professionalism, and depth of weapons is all sub par. Outside of Iskander and SU-35, the military is stuck in 1960’s in both weapons and war doctrine/strategy.
In global business, the seller determines the currency that the buyer must pay to purchase their product. Not the other way around. There is currently no way for the EU to substitute Russian gas. The infrastructure for large scale LNG distribution simply does not exist in the EU. Also there aren't enough ships in the worlds to transport the necessary LNG to the EU anyways. Building the necessary infrastructure would cost hundreds of billions and take 5-10 years. On top of that the LNG itself would cost several times more than Russian gas. It's simply not feasible.

Some countries have already agreed to pay in Ruble but it's not as simple as that. The more important aspect is that hostile countries must now setup Russian bank accounts to make payment deposits. In actuality the buyer can pay in Euros and then the Euros are converted into Rubles in Russia. Once the Rubles are received, the transaction is considered complete. In this way the EU countries can save face as well by saying that they've defied Putin and that they're paying in Euros when in fact the Euros will be converted into Rubles anyways.

The reason the buyers have to setup accounts in Russia ? Well that's obvious. In the last few weeks the west has frozen hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Russian assets abroad. Therefore if the EU countries do not setup Russian bank accounts, what guarantee does Russia have that the west won't simply freeze Russian assets abruptly ?

In regards to the Turkish economy, there's no way to paint it in a positive light. Turkey is a net importer and because the currency is so devalued, it doesn't even make sense to use it anymore. Exporters pay for raw materials in foreign currency and sell the finished product in foreign currency, avoiding the Lira as much as possible.

Inflation is at 60%+. 2/3rd of cash transactions are in Euros or USD. The only reason the Lira hasn't completely collapsed is because the government is pumping billions into keeping it afloat. However unlike Russia, Turkey doesn't have a large war chest of foreign currency and gold reserves. Right now the Turkish government only has enough foreign currency to cover two months of electricity needs for the nation.

The Europeans have lost their minds. Gas prices have gone up by 4x in the UK. Petrol prices are completely unaffordable even for most middle gas in the EU. Food prices are about to go up as well since wheat prices are at an all time high and fertilizer prices have also gone up by 4x. Many economists are predicting a recession in the next year or two.

Look at this clip. This is Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition recommending that Europeans cease taking showers in order to stick it to Putin. I don't think Europeans realize that if Russia turns off the gas, they will go back to the stone age without electricity or industry.

Turkish economy will collapse which is why Erdogan is licking Jew ballz these days

It’s a figure of speech. But I do feel a lot better for Iran’s prospects in war after I see Russia in Ukraine. Iran also has “Russia” -esque flaws that it needs to fix.

But Russian military should no longer be considered Top 5 military power. Their performance, professionalism, and depth of weapons is all sub par. Outside of Iskander and SU-35, the military is stuck in 1960’s in both weapons and war doctrine/strategy.
I mean if they really hit Moskva with Neptune anti-shipping then I have real hopes for Qader anti-shipping missile and the other ones in the same family.

This war of course, confirms the T-72S uselessness against modern day armaments, it also confirms that NATO will flood any enemy of Iran with weapons in case of war (which had already happened). Iran should not be baited into a land conflict and should only perform surgical actions.

Iran could really use a potent shoulder fired derivative of the Almas missile. Theirs a big gap in this regard that can cut the need for a new tanks if we are surely to remain defensive on land as a national doctrine. Given the lack of probability of land conflict. Focus should remain on major force multiplier weapons and air capability via UAVs/UAS and focus on developing a serious fighter platform. Kowsar is a good test bed for experimenting with sub systems. Perhaps it is not a viable future fighter platform but it's gotta start somewhere.

No it was not, many thought it would make Israel/US back off. Doesn’t work that way. They know Iran isn’t going to nuke Israel because it bombed its assets in Syria. Iran isn’t suicidal. It would guarantee Saudi Arabia going nuclear and likely Turkey. Would work completely counter productive to Iranian interests.

A land invasion of Iran is basically impossible without at least 750K soldiers. No country in the region can wage such a war nor does any country have such a war chest for such a war.

Iran has home field advantage (see Ukraine), topography (bad for invasion), troop count (1M+ Including basij it could be as many as 5M+), make war extremely costly (1T+).

So again a land invasion of Iran where nukes would be needed to save the country is a fairytale.

US and maybe China could wage such a war on Iran and neither will ever do it since the political, economic, and military capital required is beyond reasonable.
Well I don't know how others are justifying it, but my own thought process was simply to balance the Israeli nuclear arsenal. Iran has no response to the level for force they can inflict if things get tough for them.
I mean if they really hit Moskva with Neptune anti-shipping then I have real hopes for Qader anti-shipping missile and the other ones in the same family.
well , Neptune is a lot more advance than kh-35 its based on , but one thing baffle me , they say drone was used to harass and distract its air defense . honestly , how the ship was a damn cruiser it was supposed to protect other ships in the area , how it could not track drone and cruise missile at the same time ? why it focused on a drone tens of km away but omit the threat of two cruise missile

have nothing to do with Iran , there is a separate thread for it
I mean if they really hit Moskva with Neptune anti-shipping then I have real hopes for Qader anti-shipping missile and the other ones in the same family.

Houthi’s have already test C-802 missiles against US warships and they batted and destroyed them no problem. Iran has collected data on them. US then attacked Yemen’s radar sites as retribution.

So C-802 will not do well against a modern US cruiser if fired in numbers of 1-2. However, if fired as part of targeting salvo then it will help penetrate the target.

It does mean that the PG missile will likely have high probability of destroying US warships.
Houthi’s have already test C-802 missiles against US warships and they batted and destroyed them no problem. Iran has collected data on them. US then attacked Yemen’s radar sites as retribution.

So C-802 will not do well against a modern US cruiser if fired in numbers of 1-2. However, if fired as part of targeting salvo then it will help penetrate the target.

It does mean that the PG missile will likely have high probability of destroying US warships.
well , Neptune is a lot more advance than kh-35 its based on , but one thing baffle me , they say drone was used to harass and distract its air defense . honestly , how the ship was a damn cruiser it was supposed to protect other ships in the area , how it could not track drone and cruise missile at the same time ? why it focused on a drone tens of km away but omit the threat of two cruise missile

have nothing to do with Iran , there is a separate thread for it

The drone conclusion I've seen doesn't seem to make sense, Moskva is stacked with many layers of defence, I don't see how such a simple distraction would succeed. But I dunno, theirs lots of surprises here. It really makes you wonder the purpose of all these defences if simple attack with two sea skimming missile can penetrate it.

Perhaps a very simple option is to use a very small drone with enough range to drop a tiny payload on its fire control system, or suicide. Then again, EO systems with CIWS should've been able to catch that.

The reasons I linked them together is because of their flight profiles are very similar, although the success of Neptune might have more to do with terrible Russian defence and vigilance. The US warships should technically be fully capable of combatting these sea skimming missiles (as they have) but maybe, it is not as easy as expected.
Somebody asked about a protective paint/layer against Laser weapons.

If you place very small prisms on the body of the drone, it is very effective in decreasing damages.

Multiple other ways exist of course.

Bennet claimed 3 bucks per shot.

The Laser to zoom on a rocket precisely and melt the shell of the rocket with three bucks. All this with servo motors keeping the focal point of the beam on the projectile and tracking it perfectly.

Let’s say no anti laser measure on the projectile at all.

Bennet claims melting the rocket 4 -10 km away with Laser costs less than melting it on the ground within 10 cm with Lasers.


Carbon copy to
The immortal @TheImmortal
Mohsen Reyhani

Bennet claimed 3 bucks per shot.

The Laser to zoom on a rocket precisely and melt the shell of the rocket with three bucks. All this with servo motors keeping the focal point of the beam on the projectile and tracking it perfectly.

Let’s say no anti laser measure on the projectile at all.

Bennet claims melting the rocket 4 -10 km away with Laser costs less than melting it on the ground within 10 cm with Lasers.


Carbon copy to
The immortal @TheImmortal
Mohsen Reyhani
This is where iran would probably want to start looking at ablative type coatings for drones.
To give you a sense of what these can potentially do,I can remember back in the late 80s watching a bbc program on a compound that an amateur chemist had cooked up in his backyard,the results were quite impressive to say the least.

Countermeasures to these sort of low powered directed energy weapons certainly is a potentially very interesting area of research,and one that could have spinoffs into multiple other areas as well.

Bennet claimed 3 bucks per shot.

The Laser to zoom on a rocket precisely and melt the shell of the rocket with three bucks. All this with servo motors keeping the focal point of the beam on the projectile and tracking it perfectly.

Let’s say no anti laser measure on the projectile at all.

Bennet claims melting the rocket 4 -10 km away with Laser costs less than melting it on the ground within 10 cm with Lasers.


Carbon copy to
The immortal @TheImmortal
Mohsen Reyhani

Not sure why he says “worlds first”. US and China have similar versions.
The drone conclusion I've seen doesn't seem to make sense, Moskva is stacked with many layers of defence, I don't see how such a simple distraction would succeed. But I dunno, theirs lots of surprises here. It really makes you wonder the purpose of all these defences if simple attack with two sea skimming missile can penetrate it.

Perhaps a very simple option is to use a very small drone with enough range to drop a tiny payload on its fire control system, or suicide. Then again, EO systems with CIWS should've been able to catch that.

The reasons I linked them together is because of their flight profiles are very similar, although the success of Neptune might have more to do with terrible Russian defence and vigilance. The US warships should technically be fully capable of combatting these sea skimming missiles (as they have) but maybe, it is not as easy as expected.
One possibility that doesnt seem to get much mention at all is naval mines.
Both the russian and ukrainians have accused each other of deploying sea mines,and the turkish navy has encountered and destroyed at least 3 stray mines so far.
This is where iran would probably want to start looking at ablative type coatings for drones.
To give you a sense of what these can potentially do,I can remember back in the late 80s watching a bbc program on a compound that an amateur chemist had cooked up in his backyard,the results were quite impressive to say the least.

Countermeasures to these sort of low powered directed energy weapons certainly is a potentially very interesting area of research,and one that could have spinoffs into multiple other areas as well.

Super mirror coatings, super prism, ablative materials, and thermal transport delay can decrease the damage.

Also LOS avoidance for ground TAL units.

Most importantly staying invisible. You cannot get hit unless you are perfectly tracked for several seconds.
Super mirror coatings, super prism, ablative materials, and thermal transport delay can decrease the damage.

Also LOS avoidance for ground TAL units.

Most importantly staying invisible. You cannot get hit unless you are perfectly tracked for several seconds.

You are just adding more cost and research to a counter weapon. Nobody said lasers are invincible. But the things you recommend just add cost to simple suicide drones. And you aren’t adding those things to mortar rounds or a cheap 10k-20K rocket.

Every weapon system has pros and cons and a counter to it.

Welcome to war....since the dawn of man. Seems like you are just anti-laser for some super odd reason.
Could the bad weather played a role om the Moskva's systems not working right? Even a minor role?
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