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Iranian Chill Thread

This is so hard to believe. Iran receiving weapons from the PMU/PMF in Iraq and then sending them to Russia ? specifically they mention RPGs and anti tank weapons. LOL I'm pretty sure that Russia has endless supplies of RPGs and ATGMs. It's also hard to believe that Iran would take back inventory from the PMU to give to Russia.

The claim that Iran gave Russia the Bavar 373 is even more unbelievable. If Russia is an exporter, how could they be short on these systems. They even retired several S-300 systems to replace them with the S-400 in recent years. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Also I don't think Iran has even produced enough Bavar-373 SAMs to be able to spare any to Russia.

Drones would be the only thing Russia would need from Iran or perhaps specific parts or hardware. Even missiles I wouldn't believe. There was a report recently that Russia was running low on missiles. However in the last few days they have struck lots of targets. Russia has so far used 2000 short range missiles on Ukrainian targets. I'm pretty sure the Russians have 5000+ or even 10,000+ short range missiles in inventory.

With such logic why build ANY weapon system. Every weapon system has a weakness. You are nitpicking.

If you hit Bavar’s C & C or fire control station battery becomes useless at that point. Guess we shouldn’t build any Bavars.

You did not talk of drawback at all.

Price of power generators?
How long to turn it on and how much keep it on, before we talk of speed of light.

Adaptive optics on emission is difficult.


And more
This is so hard to believe. Iran receiving weapons from the PMU/PMF in Iraq and then sending them to Russia ? specifically they mention RPGs and anti tank weapons. LOL I'm pretty sure that Russia has endless supplies of RPGs and ATGMs. It's also hard to believe that Iran would take back inventory from the PMU to give to Russia.

The claim that Iran gave Russia the Bavar 373 is even more unbelievable. If Russia is an exporter, how could they be short on these systems. They even retired several S-300 systems to replace them with the S-400 in recent years. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Also I don't think Iran has even produced enough Bavar-373 SAMs to be able to spare any to Russia.

Drones would be the only thing Russia would need from Iran or perhaps specific parts or hardware. Even missiles I wouldn't believe. There was a report recently that Russia was running low on missiles. However in the last few days they have struck lots of targets. Russia has so far used 2000 short range missiles on Ukrainian targets. I'm pretty sure the Russians have 5000+ or even 10,000+ short range missiles in inventory.

This is probably psyops too.

What air defense? Some AAA’s and S-200’s?

Anything that is fired into Syria hits its target.

Which is ironic, before the 2010 war Syria’s air defense network was denser and more potent than Iran’s.

Not sure how Moskva sunk from two Neptune’s. Those are made to sink 5,000 and below ton ships. I mean it’s only a 300lb warhead. Not made to bring down 10,000-15,000 ton cruisers.

If the news is true, then the neptunes must have pierced the Ammo storage or a direct hit on something that cause a larger secondary explosion.

Just goes to show you how vulnerable the US and NATO fleets are to a saturation attack from China or Iran.

We will see if this was a 2006 Israeli scenario of defense systems being “turned off”.
Isnt it embarrassing for you Yankees that Russia is about to take away the whole of the east of Ukraine? Whilst you helplessly stand there and take it. You cant do anything. The American empire cant do anything.

NATO also knows it can't do jackshit against Russia since railway system, logistics is horrendous in western Europe. NATO wudve gotten involved a long time ago if it cud. The fact is it is too militarily broke to do anything against Russia.

But u know it feels so good to see all those Ukrainian cities falling under our friend Russia's control. It feels great with every territory taken. Our Friend Russia gets bigger bigger. Make no mistake Yankee rider, whole of Ukraine will be taken and I'll get batshit drunk as to celebrate.

Glory to Iran or whatever the hell they say in Ukrainian.

It is all the more embarrassing for the US regime and its NATO cronies that Washington is actually steering the Ukrainian war effort. In all likelihood the high command of Ukrainian forces is effectively American. We've seen media reports citing left-wing volunteers from western countries who were alienated once they got wind that in reality it's US officers giving the orders.

Russia is practically facing a proper NATO force in the Ukraine. And easily defeating it. A humiliating loss of face for NATO and the US regime. The myth of western military supremacy and "superior quality" weaponry is definitely crumbling. There'll be nothing left of it after this conflict.

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Western sources keep talking about Russian mobile crematoriums. LOL Just like Saddam had mobile chemical weapons labs. So ridiculous.

This "crematorium" theme is a recurrent one in NATO propaganda, because their public opinion has been overwhelmed and sensitized since childhood with the history of German concentration camps, gas chambers and crematoriums during WW2. So, gratuisously throwing in the word "crematorium" into their ridiculous propaganda hodgepodge is expected to trigger a strong reaction from their audiences. It shows how lowly and cheap their propaganda is.

Unbelievably, even the Syrian government was accused without proof of having acquired crematoriums to dispose of civilian corpses during the civil war. And conveniently, they claimed that the country which supplied these devices to Damascus had been... Iran. I remember reading this fantasy tale in a paper by Caroline Fourest, a French feminist, pro-zionist, pro-NATO, pro-LGBT journalist.

Honestly, zionist and NATO propaganda has reached a declining stage where it's become so unbelievably orwellian, so kafkaesque that I'm puzzled as to how cretinic one needs to be in order to take their gibberish seriously, rather than to just brush it off amidst vivid and amused laughter.

This is so hard to believe. Iran receiving weapons from the PMU/PMF in Iraq and then sending them to Russia ? specifically they mention RPGs and anti tank weapons. LOL I'm pretty sure that Russia has endless supplies of RPGs and ATGMs. It's also hard to believe that Iran would take back inventory from the PMU to give to Russia.

The claim that Iran gave Russia the Bavar 373 is even more unbelievable. If Russia is an exporter, how could they be short on these systems. They even retired several S-300 systems to replace them with the S-400 in recent years. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Also I don't think Iran has even produced enough Bavar-373 SAMs to be able to spare any to Russia.

Drones would be the only thing Russia would need from Iran or perhaps specific parts or hardware. Even missiles I wouldn't believe. There was a report recently that Russia was running low on missiles. However in the last few days they have struck lots of targets. Russia has so far used 2000 short range missiles on Ukrainian targets. I'm pretty sure the Russians have 5000+ or even 10,000+ short range missiles in inventory.

It's absurd and nonsensical, quite obviously. Now the reason why they're publishing such outlandish claims ought to be just as obvious: after weeks of relentlessly demonizing Russia in the minds of their sheepish audience, they're want to use the opportunity to land a jab against Iran as well. Given that those brainwashed by NATO are filled like never before with hatred and bitterness against Russia, anyone perceived to be assisting Moscow, by supplying weapons at that, is going to be despised just as much.

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I love it when they create Farsi equivalents for "English" words...but when it comes to "Arabic" the Islamic Republic promotes it to replace "Farsi" words for "Arabic".... no culture in the world has ever done that..

They're not promoting the replacement of Farsi vocabulary by Arabic equivalents, that's not the case. Arabic words which entered the Persian language centuries ago continue to be used, but there's no policy to discourage Farsi ones.

I believe you're under this impression because you might have the early years of the Revolution in mind, when some people out of radicalism were minimizing their personal use of Farsi vocabs and were perhaps even advocating language reforms to this effect, but nowadays they are marginal and on the state level there's definitely no policy of this kind.

Former speaker of Majles Haddad-Adel is heading an institute for the preservation of Farsi, and the Supreme Leader himself often defended and praised the beauty and literary wealth of the Persian language.

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Honestly, I haven't seen any TB2 footage from Ukraine in a long while.

Because there are none left. According to reports all 36 TB-2 drones operated by Ukraine were shot down and destroyed by the Russian armed forces.
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NATO has become so hopeless that it is flooding Ukraine with all manner of volunteers and mercenaries. Ukrainian personnel losses must be sky high.


British man fighting in Ukraine forced to surrender to Russians

Aiden Aslin said his unit in Mariupol has run out of food and ammunition and can no longer hold out

Aiden Aslin in Ukraine.

Aiden Aslin, from Newark, joined Ukraine’s marines in 2018. Photograph: Twitter/@cossackgundi



Meet the Foreign Volunteers Risking Their Lives to Defend Ukraine—and Europe

By Lisa Abend / Vilnius
March 7, 2022 5:26 PM EST


Here's how Ukraine unites veterans of Syria and Iraq - analysis

Many saw how Russia intervened in Syria in 2015 and helped reverse the Assad regime’s losses. That's why they're ready to help Putin now.

Published: MARCH 17, 2022 12:12


Foreign Fighters from Asia in Ukraine? Prospects and Possibilities

Despite the logistical and financial obstacles, small numbers of Asians have pledged to fight for the Ukrainian cause.

By Shashi Jayakumar
March 17, 2022

By the way in the last two days, no building was set on fire in Israel.

Last one was the refinery and the temple.

Note the name of the refinery... Barzan (!). What does it remind us of? Correct, of Iraqi Kurdistan, site of the recent Iranian missile strike against Mossad assets and a region ruled over by the Barzani clan, known for its unwelcome contacts to the zionists. What irony!

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Massive fire breaks out at oil refinery in Haifa, Israel (VIDEO)​

A major fire broke out at an oil refinery in Israel’s city of Haifa. The blaze, which the authorities blamed on a technical malfunction, was promptly put out, but production at the facility has reportedly been stopped.

The fire started at the Bazan oil refineries in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa late on Friday. Footage circulating online shows flames and a large plume of smoke coming from the installation.

@HAIFA2070@haifacity@EINATkalisch@rubih67@yoavetiel@GilaGamliel@10elilevi וידאו מקרוב קרוב של השריפה בביתי זיקוק 🔥 https://t.co/UL0EHVWwu8pic.twitter.com/XHrNDwobNx
— כרמליסט - חדשות לאנשים מכאן (@carmelist_news) April 30, 2021

The refineries’ emergency team battled the blaze and they were joined by Israel’s Fire and Rescue Service, who swiftly put the fire out. It was not immediately clear what damage the facility suffered, but its operations were stopped and its supply of fuel was halted, local media reported.

A fire broke out in one of the facilities at the Bazan oil refineries in #Haifa#Iran#Israel#NATANZpic.twitter.com/sgzZQxCrjd
— Yas 🇮🇷 (@YasMaryam5) April 30, 2021

According to the county's Environment Protection Ministry, the fire was caused by a “damaged pipe” in the continuous catalytic reforming system. Local media reports, however, suggested the fire started after a control valve at the facility had broken.

The fire occurred just days after an executive committee, established by the Israeli government, recommended dismantling Bazan's petrochemical plants in Haifa “as soon as possible, and within no more than a decade.” Haifa, a major industrial hub, remains one of the most polluted cities in Israel and its petrochemical installations are believed to be the main culprits.



Site of an U/C temple of the Haifan Bahai organization torched in Occupied Palestine.

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Fire in Acre, nearby residents evacuated​

Published: APRIL 8, 2022 11:32

A fire broke out on Shalom Hagalil Street in Acre on Friday, at the site of a Bahai temple under construction, Israeli media reported.

Firefighters evacuated the nearby neighborhood of Giv'at Hatmarim due to heavy smoke.

They also emphasized that there is no danger of the fire spreading, though it is not yet completely under control.

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Today the Russians used missiles to destroy another ammunition depot in Velikaya (southwestern Ukraine) near the border with Moldova

Russians used missiles to attack an airfield in Dnepropetrovsk. They destroyed a Bayraktar UAV, MIG-29 & one Mi-8 helicopter

Dozens of airstrikes hit various other targets in Ukraine as well

Clashes continue in Mariupol after 1000+ Ukrainian soldiers surrendered recently

After the sinking of the Russian Black Sea fleets flagship Moskva and Ukrainian attacks on Russian villages near the Ukrainian border, the Russians are likely planning a massive and symbolic retaliation.

April 14 situation Ukraine.jpg

This is so hard to believe. Iran receiving weapons from the PMU/PMF in Iraq and then sending them to Russia ? specifically they mention RPGs and anti tank weapons. LOL I'm pretty sure that Russia has endless supplies of RPGs and ATGMs. It's also hard to believe that Iran would take back inventory from the PMU to give to Russia.

The claim that Iran gave Russia the Bavar 373 is even more unbelievable. If Russia is an exporter, how could they be short on these systems. They even retired several S-300 systems to replace them with the S-400 in recent years. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Also I don't think Iran has even produced enough Bavar-373 SAMs to be able to spare any to Russia.

Drones would be the only thing Russia would need from Iran or perhaps specific parts or hardware. Even missiles I wouldn't believe. There was a report recently that Russia was running low on missiles. However in the last few days they have struck lots of targets. Russia has so far used 2000 short range missiles on Ukrainian targets. I'm pretty sure the Russians have 5000+ or even 10,000+ short range missiles in inventory.

My favorite was the one that had turkey sending its s400 to the ukraine and in return being allowed back into the f35 program.
I mean it does sort of have a bizarre logic to it in that nato/the us gets rid of the s400,the ukrainians get a state of the art sam system,the turks finally get their f35s [altho they are still minus a long range ad system.......😞]
But hey,if nothing else these would make good plot elements in a good[BAD] tom clancy-esque pulp novel.:guns:
What can a laser weapon do that a Phalanx type system can't ? I'm pretty sure a gattling gun directed by radar is cheaper than these laser weapons.
The laser weapons offer much more potential, It's like a bow and arrow vs a gun.
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