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Iranian Chill Thread

After Crimea the west imposed sanctions on Russia which halved the value of the Russian currency. Since then Russia paid off its foreign debs and saved up foreign currency and gold reserves, large portions in Russian banks. That's why this time around Russia's currency rebounded quickly after new sanctions were imposed.

This war isn't about helping Ukraine in any way. It's about hurting Russia as much as possible and selling as many US made weapons as possible. The war in Afghanistan ended and for a while defense contractors were worried. Now they're doing just fine.

I thought Putin never invading in 2014 was a mistake, but he listened to Germany and France. Signed the flawed Minsk agreement. Signing agreements with the West is always risky.

Then he waited 5 months (build up) to invade Ukraine in 2021/2022.

Everyone was ready for him.
After Crimea the west imposed sanctions on Russia which halved the value of the Russian currency. Since then Russia paid off its foreign debs and saved up foreign currency and gold reserves, large portions in Russian banks. That's why this time around Russia's currency rebounded quickly after new sanctions were imposed.

This war isn't about helping Ukraine in any way. It's about hurting Russia as much as possible and selling as many US made weapons as possible. The war in Afghanistan ended and for a while defense contractors were worried. Now they're doing just fine.

It just means that its a matter of time before their foreign currency reserves run out and they no longer will be able to defend the ruble. They are trying to compensate by forcing countries to pay in Ruble, which is definitely not going to happen. The scenario played out in both Turkey and Iran. Turkey had the perk of its local currency already being overvalued and needed to decrease which is why it benefited to some extent from this, though the average Turkish citizen did suffer in their purchasing power it also made our services and goods more competitive, therefore exports boomed. Russia does not have that luxury.
In global business, the seller determines the currency that the buyer must pay to purchase their product. Not the other way around. There is currently no way for the EU to substitute Russian gas. The infrastructure for large scale LNG distribution simply does not exist in the EU. Also there aren't enough ships in the worlds to transport the necessary LNG to the EU anyways. Building the necessary infrastructure would cost hundreds of billions and take 5-10 years. On top of that the LNG itself would cost several times more than Russian gas. It's simply not feasible.

Some countries have already agreed to pay in Ruble but it's not as simple as that. The more important aspect is that hostile countries must now setup Russian bank accounts to make payment deposits. In actuality the buyer can pay in Euros and then the Euros are converted into Rubles in Russia. Once the Rubles are received, the transaction is considered complete. In this way the EU countries can save face as well by saying that they've defied Putin and that they're paying in Euros when in fact the Euros will be converted into Rubles anyways.

The reason the buyers have to setup accounts in Russia ? Well that's obvious. In the last few weeks the west has frozen hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Russian assets abroad. Therefore if the EU countries do not setup Russian bank accounts, what guarantee does Russia have that the west won't simply freeze Russian assets abruptly ?

In regards to the Turkish economy, there's no way to paint it in a positive light. Turkey is a net importer and because the currency is so devalued, it doesn't even make sense to use it anymore. Exporters pay for raw materials in foreign currency and sell the finished product in foreign currency, avoiding the Lira as much as possible.

Inflation is at 60%+. 2/3rd of cash transactions are in Euros or USD. The only reason the Lira hasn't completely collapsed is because the government is pumping billions into keeping it afloat. However unlike Russia, Turkey doesn't have a large war chest of foreign currency and gold reserves. Right now the Turkish government only has enough foreign currency to cover two months of electricity needs for the nation.

The Europeans have lost their minds. Gas prices have gone up by 4x in the UK. Petrol prices are completely unaffordable even for most middle gas in the EU. Food prices are about to go up as well since wheat prices are at an all time high and fertilizer prices have also gone up by 4x. Many economists are predicting a recession in the next year or two.

Look at this clip. This is Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition recommending that Europeans cease taking showers in order to stick it to Putin. I don't think Europeans realize that if Russia turns off the gas, they will go back to the stone age without electricity or industry.

It just means that its a matter of time before their foreign currency reserves run out and they no longer will be able to defend the ruble. They are trying to compensate by forcing countries to pay in Ruble, which is definitely not going to happen. The scenario played out in both Turkey and Iran. Turkey had the perk of its local currency already being overvalued and needed to decrease which is why it benefited to some extent from this, though the average Turkish citizen did suffer in their purchasing power it also made our services and goods more competitive, therefore exports boomed. Russia does not have that luxury.
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Look at this clip. This is Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition recommending that Europeans cease taking showers in order to stick it to Putin. I don't think Europeans realize that if Russia turns off the gas, they will go back to the stone age without electricity or industry.
They are so far removed from reality, they think that asinine gimmicks like practicing bad hygiene (like their relatively recent ancestors) will somehow do anything other than make them nastier than they already are!
So India has just received more S-400 batteries from Russia. But wait a second, didn't western sources claim that Russia was so desperate for weapons that Iran had to send their S-300 & Bavar-373 SAM systems to Russia ? Didn't they also claim that Iran had to take back weapons from the PMU in Iraq like RPGs and ATGMs to send them to Russia ? LOL What a bad joke.

I don't think the gays and vegans of the west can handle living without a hot shower, air conditioning or having to take public transit. Don't get me wrong, there are those that can, but the vast majority in the west will lose their minds at the mere prospect ?

They are so far removed from reality, they think that asinine gimmicks like practicing bad hygiene (like their relatively recent ancestors) will somehow do anything other than make them nastier than they already are!
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Well to be fair, they're freezing the assets of the wealthiest Russians, the "oligarchs" as they call them, but in the west they don't call billionaires "oligarchs" do they ? Or westerners that immigrate to foreign countries, they call them "expats" because they don't want to be known as "immigrants" or "migrants". Westocentric double standards. Anyways this is why some of the wealthiest people in the world keep their money in offshore tax havens, to avoid politics or tax all together. Crypto is another way but there are risks involved with that as well.

Raeesi seems to be just as incompetent as Rouhani, or probably worse.
The only achievement of the Raeesi government so far has been their vaccination campaign at the beginning of its presidency.
Western propaganda has a very effective tactic thats being parroted by some of the consumers of it even here.

What western propaganda does is set your goals for you, and then arbitrarily say you failed because you did not meet those goals that they set:

example: "NATO intelligence/shitstream confirms the russians were expecting to take all of kiev in 48 hours, They havent so they failed!!!"

"Nato intelligence/shitstream media confirms Russia has failed to achieve any objective, and have failed on all fronts"

"Nato intelligence/shitstream media confirms that the russians have failed in all their war goals and have already lost"

This in addition to their censoring anything that goes against their narrative. and the industrial scale horseshit propaganda thats almost cartoonishly ridiculous.

on what universe does NATO have Russian battle plans? On what universe does any serious military man think a massive country with 45m population and unlimited western support would fall in 48 hours?

On what universe do 35K russian troops succesfully capture a 3.5m heavily defended capital city?

in what universe does an airforce engage in a months long high intensity warfare against a competent and well armed foe that is recieving the latest western tech.intelligence and not take some losses? does that mean losing?

the Ukies have the entire western network of satellites, spies, and radars, with teh addition of equipment. Some of it state of the art, better then what the Russian field?

in reality the ukies are getting pounded. Losing territory. Russians have complete initiative and are taking territory at will, while pinning ukie forces every with diversionary troops.

The Russians are fighting the war on their own terms, and pace, and will complete their objectives on their own timelines. not western invented ones.

Its been an absolute industrial scale slaughter of ukies. The maps dont lie, western media/intelligence does.
Well to be fair, they're freezing the assets of the wealthiest Russians, the "oligarchs" as they call them, but in the west they don't call billionaires "oligarchs" do they ? Or westerners that immigrate to foreign countries, they call them "expats" because they don't want to be known as "immigrants" or "migrants". Westocentric double standards. Anyways this is why some of the wealthiest people in the world keep their money in offshore tax havens, to avoid politics or tax all together. Crypto is another way but there are risks involved with
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in reality the ukies are getting pounded. Losing territory. Russians have complete initiative and are taking territory at will, while pinning ukie forces every with diversionary troops.

Russian Control March 5th


Russian control today:


If Iran did this level of damage to US, that Ukraine did to Russia. Then everyone here would be praising Iran.

I’m not even sure why we have so many Russian apologists. Who cares about Russia, they screwed us on the Caspian treaty, they stole our land (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), they gave us zero thanks for flying their bombers from our airbases during the Syrian war and firing CMs over our territory.

I get wanting to see Russian bleed the Western backed order, but this blind propaganda some fanboys are preaching on here is just uncalled for.

Russian military is quite frankly a disappointment. At this point Turkey could invade Russia and reach Moscow let alone Iran. The incompetence is outstanding in the Russian military. 1990’s Saddam level incompetence.

The Iskander ended up being over hyped and inferior to F-110 in terms of targeting performance. Technologically very well developed missile with many missing advanced tech that F-110 doesn’t have, but performance against large targets (air bases) has shown a much larger CEP than f-110s.
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Russian Control March 5th

View attachment 834652

Russian control today:

View attachment 834656

If Iran did this level of damage to US, that Ukraine did to Russia. Then everyone here would be praising Iran.

I’m not even sure why we have so many Russian apologists. Who cares about Russia, they screwed us on the Caspian treaty, they stole our land (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), they gave us zero thanks for flying their bombers from our airbases during the Syrian war and firing CMs over our territory.

I get wanting to see Russian bleed the Western backed order, but this blind propaganda some fanboys are preaching on here is just uncalled for.

Russian military is quite frankly a disappointment. At this point Turkey could invade Russia and reach Moscow let alone Iran. The incompetence is outstanding in the Russian military. 1990’s Saddam level incompetence.

The Iskander ended up being over hyped and inferior to F-110 in terms of targeting performance. Technologically very well developed missile with many missing advanced tech that F-110 doesn’t have, but performance against large targets (air bases) has shown a much larger CEP than f-110s.

You apparently said:
At this point Turkey could invade Russia and reach Moscow let alone Iran.”

Ok, relax a bit. You were on this site for years. :D

Putin is good for Russia and not Iran. He miscalculated in the war and is going to try it differently.
Russian Control March 5th

View attachment 834652

Russian control today:

View attachment 834656

If Iran did this level of damage to US, that Ukraine did to Russia. Then everyone here would be praising Iran.

I’m not even sure why we have so many Russian apologists. Who cares about Russia, they screwed us on the Caspian treaty, they stole our land (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), they gave us zero thanks for flying their bombers from our airbases during the Syrian war and firing CMs over our territory.

I get wanting to see Russian bleed the Western backed order, but this blind propaganda some fanboys are preaching on here is just uncalled for.

Russian military is quite frankly a disappointment. At this point Turkey could invade Russia and reach Moscow let alone Iran. The incompetence is outstanding in the Russian military. 1990’s Saddam level incompetence.

The Iskander ended up being over hyped and inferior to F-110 in terms of targeting performance. Technologically very well developed missile with many missing advanced tech that F-110 doesn’t have, but performance against large targets (air bases) has shown a much larger CEP than f-110s.

Wouldn't it also be fair to also acknowledge that the war is still quite young? A month and a-half in is hardly enough time to come to a definitive conclusion on what the eventual outcome will be. I'm of the opinion that RuAF have still yet go full-tilt against Ukraine. We just saw a small glimpse of it in Azovstal where TU-22m3 carpet bombed a large portion of the plant. There was also a recent massive PGM strike all across Ukraine and the Illyich Plant was fully liberated (or defeated). A recent push out of Azovstal was also demolished along-side thousands of Ukrainian troops surrendering.

The holdings in the North and around Kiev were a strategic feint meant to divide Ukrainian focus on two fronts rather that just on the Donbass where Russia's most immediate concerns are currently. At least this is my understanding (or cope) of what happened lol.

There have been rumors that the Russian Federation might activate CSTO and call upon member states to send troops along with a general full-mobilization order in Russia itself following a formal declaration of war against Ukraine.

It's clear that NATO training, equipment, ISR sharing with UKR-forces has proven indispensable in their combat effectiveness and severe Russian weaknesses have been revealed. How telling this is of an eventual Russian defeat, idk.

The loss of the Moskva along with other countless blunders still is embarrassing and points to issues within both Russian command and planning. No argument there whatsoever.
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