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Iranian Chill Thread

فخرآور در اوکراین
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مگه چند متر خاک اوکراین مال توه که رفتی اوکراین بجنگی​

Could the bad weather played a role om the Moskva's systems not working right? Even a minor role?

Can this be related to that event?

Are there nukes aboard the Russian ship possibly causing damages?
What air defense? Some AAA’s and S-200’s?

Anything that is fired into Syria hits its target.

Which is ironic, before the 2010 war Syria’s air defense network was denser and more potent than Iran’s.

Not sure how Moskva sunk from two Neptune’s. Those are made to sink 5,000 and below ton ships. I mean it’s only a 300lb warhead. Not made to bring down 10,000-15,000 ton cruisers.

If the news is true, then the neptunes must have pierced the Ammo storage or a direct hit on something that cause a larger secondary explosion.

Just goes to show you how vulnerable the US and NATO fleets are to a saturation attack from China or Iran.

We will see if this was a 2006 Israeli scenario of defense systems being “turned off”.
You ever seen that Russian ship? Tell me whats wrong with this design? Its equivalent to the Russian tank design.
Russian Control March 5th

View attachment 834652

Russian control today:

View attachment 834656

If Iran did this level of damage to US, that Ukraine did to Russia. Then everyone here would be praising Iran.

I’m not even sure why we have so many Russian apologists. Who cares about Russia, they screwed us on the Caspian treaty, they stole our land (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), they gave us zero thanks for flying their bombers from our airbases during the Syrian war and firing CMs over our territory.

I get wanting to see Russian bleed the Western backed order, but this blind propaganda some fanboys are preaching on here is just uncalled for.

Russian military is quite frankly a disappointment. At this point Turkey could invade Russia and reach Moscow let alone Iran. The incompetence is outstanding in the Russian military. 1990’s Saddam level incompetence.

The Iskander ended up being over hyped and inferior to F-110 in terms of targeting performance. Technologically very well developed missile with many missing advanced tech that F-110 doesn’t have, but performance against large targets (air bases) has shown a much larger CEP than f-110s.

To quote scott ritter “anybody who thinks Russia was trying to take 3.5m kiev with 35-40k troops is reading different military books then me”

So you think the russian plan was to take kiev? Where 8 years of unlimited western military entrenching, 3.5 m inhabitants and probably hosting 100k~ defenders. Most likely containing many of the elite reserve units of the ukies? Ok then…..

Also what you showed on the map is just looking at the picture without actually assesing it. That rural area that the russian diversion troops left is mostly rural, and putting a few checkpoints on the road means that you have a large swath of land in your hnds on paper….

Meanwhile mariopol is about to be completely captured. A major city that not only blocks the ukies from a big port, brings them closer to getting landlocked l, but most catastrophicly their massive concentration of troops defending the donbass line just lost their south flank

And are in extreme danger of getting encircled. Which is the bread and butter of russian military tactics.

Attack on multiple/unpredictable fronts. Go all out on concentrating on weak spots on the flanks, and force the enemy into either retreating. Or getting getting encircled in a cauldro. And getting completely anahilated by artillery.

Its the winning tactic used in syria. Its brutally effective. And russian military doctrine has always considered artillery as “the god of war”. For good reason.

Once mariupol falls in the next few days. Tens of thousands of russian troops will be freed to go for the rural flanks. Which would be game over for the ukie army. If that is the russian plan?

As unlike cnn , moscow never shared their detailed battle plans with me, so im just speculating
To quote scott ritter “anybody who thinks Russia was trying to take 3.5m kiev with 35-40k troops is reading different military books then me”

So you think the russian plan was to take kiev? Where 8 years of unlimited western military entrenching, 3.5 m inhabitants and probably hosting 100k~ defenders. Most likely containing many of the elite reserve units of the ukies? Ok then…..

Also what you showed on the map is just looking at the picture without actually assesing it. That rural area that the russian diversion troops left is mostly rural, and putting a few checkpoints on the road means that you have a large swath of land in your hnds on paper….

Meanwhile mariopol is about to be completely captured. A major city that not only blocks the ukies from a big port, brings them closer to getting landlocked l, but most catastrophicly their massive concentration of troops defending the donbass line just lost their south flank

And are in extreme danger of getting encircled. Which is the bread and butter of russian military tactics.

Attack on multiple/unpredictable fronts. Go all out on concentrating on weak spots on the flanks, and force the enemy into either retreating. Or getting getting encircled in a cauldro. And getting completely anahilated by artillery.

Its the winning tactic used in syria. Its brutally effective. And russian military doctrine has always considered artillery as “the god of war”. For good reason.

Once mariupol falls in the next few days. Tens of thousands of russian troops will be freed to go for the rural flanks. Which would be game over for the ukie army. If that is the russian plan?

As unlike cnn , moscow never shared their detailed battle plans with me, so im just speculating

Many expected an Iraq style blitz.
That could leave more room for a Finnish and Sweden engagement as well and then a demand to remove sanctions for some withdrawal.
To quote scott ritter “anybody who thinks Russia was trying to take 3.5m kiev with 35-40k troops is reading different military books then me”

The VDV...Russia’s “elite” paratroopers sustained 60% losses in many units trying to take the infamous airport outside Kiyv along with many Spetnaz and special operators during its week long attempt to place Kiyv under siege.

If your claiming a “feint”, which is a completely valid military tactic. You don’t do a “sacrificial feint” with your most elite and highly prized units. That is like Iran sacrificing NOHED to distract the enemy. Completely against military conventional unless the situation is ABSOLUTELY dire.

They were Initially fed bad Intel by the FSB and were told that resistance would be minimal and collapse rapidly. Zelenksy would flee to western Ukraine or to an EU country. There was supposed to be a revolt with pro Russian elements inside of Kiyv that were cultivated since 2014 using billions of dollars that were likely instead spent by the corrupt heads of military. None of what was promised ever happened. Some sabatouers here and there in the first 72 hours inside Kiyv, but UAF located them and killed them. Videos out there for you to see if you dig around.

When that mini Blitz failed....they decided they were not trying to take Kiyv and instead would place it under siege and starve them out until they surrender or the Southern and Eastern fronts reached them for a full on assault.

When they saw that those fronts also have stalled they made the tough choice to give up the northern front because it was stalled and just sucking up resources and facing harassment attacks by SOF using Western intelligence. They failed multiple times to place Kiyv under siege a la Aleppo.

As unlike cnn , moscow never shared their detailed battle plans with me, so im just speculating

You aren’t even speculating, you are trying to desperately rationalize the failures. It’s clearly visible in the way you write. Russia made bonehead decisions and the evidence is everywhere. US has done that too in history. It happens. It especially happens in “yes men militaries” like the one Putin has assembled. I been raising the red flag since the early days and was being attacked by some of you here

Its the winning tactic used in syria. Its brutally effective. And russian military doctrine has always considered artillery as “the god of war”. For good reason.

Dude, no offense you have no idea what your talking about. And your Russian apologist schtik just insulted the Shaheeds of our country who gave their lives and kept Assad from becoming one gigantic Jihadstan. I suggest you re-read Syrian War history and watch the numerous battle videos. I was following that conflict very closely.

Old washed up Soviet doctrine is what almost cost Assad his head. SAA was trained under Assad’s father whose military was trained under the Soviets.

You want to know all those armour losses (hundreds maybe thousands) and the loss of 100K+ troops? Ironic all those happened with Soviet trained SAA commanders? Ironic how Russia is facing the same type of losses in Ukraine that Syria was in the early years of the war? Why is that?

What was brutally effective was Iranian tactics. The amount of Iranian advisors and generals that landed in Syria hadn’t been seen in the Middle East since the Iraq war of 2003. Iranian military philosophy is mostly a hybrid of US military philosophy (from the days of Shah) and asymmetrical warfare (IRGC warfare from the imposed war).

Iran was the boots on the ground, not Russia. They were too scared and stayed in the air (for the most part other than Palmyra).

If you listen to IRGC they couldn’t even provide close air support well either (not shocking given what we see in Ukraine).

Lastly basically every military since pre-WWI placed emphasis on artillery. It was US artillery pieces that Iran had during the imposed war that shredded Iraqi forces that even Solemani mentioned them in his remembrance of the war. Def not a Russian thing.

Side note: Many videos like this exist below for those that followed the war. Don’t ever say again it was “Russian tactics” that won the Syrian civil war on the ground. That is disrespectful to our damn country and the men that died on frontlines in some of the worst fighting in half century.

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Super mirror coatings, super prism, ablative materials, and thermal transport delay can decrease the damage.

Also LOS avoidance for ground TAL units.

Most importantly staying invisible. You cannot get hit unless you are perfectly tracked for several seconds.
Yes,finding the target AND having the dew IN the right place,and AT the right time for a successful intercept is still going to be the BIG problem here.
The countermeasures need to be a balance between cost versus performance,naturally this increases depending on the type/model of drone and the threat.For instance for a cheap ababil 2 or samad type drone a spray on ablative is probably the simplest and most cost effective counter measure.However for a more expensive and capable drone like the shahed 129,or the gaza or the jet powered simorgh,you would definitely want an active countermeasures system as well as passive protection.
Yes,finding the target AND having the dew IN the right place,and AT the right time for a successful intercept is still going to be the BIG problem here.
The countermeasures need to be a balance between cost versus performance,naturally this increases depending on the type/model of drone and the threat.For instance for a cheap ababil 2 or samad type drone a spray on ablative is probably the simplest and most cost effective counter measure.However for a more expensive and capable drone like the shahed 129,or the gaza or the jet powered simorgh,you would definitely want an active countermeasures system as well as passive protection.

Shahed-129 or any MALE UAV can engage well outside the laser range envelope and altitude cieling.

The current laser based air defenses are ment to be cost effective SHORADs. They are not designed to kill higher altitude heavy drones like S-129, S-171, that can drop payloads from 10KM+ away at 30,000 feet.
Iran has embraced drone technology alot more quickly than Russia, which is surprising. One thing to keep in mind is that Russia is not just at war with Ukraine but also with NATO inside Ukraine. Ukraine did not fold, but I don't see how they can ever hope to retake the Russian majority regions from the Russians.

Russia is right next door and cannot be brushed off or ignored. The Ukrainians should have agreed to the Minsk accords, but even now they're better off negotiating. I don't believe that a hodgepodge of weapons from the weapons will be enough for them to successfully go on the offensive against Russia. I mean come on Leopard 1s ? BMP-1s from the 1960's ?

Yes they're getting some new MRAPS and more ATGMs and MANPADS but much of this equipment will be destroyed before it ever gets to the frontline. Also training and such will take time. The airspace in Ukraine is still contested but Russia largely has the upper hand. Honestly I don't see how Ukraine can benefit from fighting on rather than negotiating.

Unfortunately the Ukrainian government has been hijacked by the CIA who only care about western interests, specifically American interests. They're using this war to turn Russia into a bogeyman, dump Europe's old weapons stockpiles, weaken Russia as much as possible and sell new weapons to Europe. Not to mention selling American LNG and oil to Europe.

This is basically a way for America to consolidate its grip on Europe. Zelensky is their handler who will rally Ukraine to it's ultimate demise. How can a comedian be worth more than 1 billion ? He owns a 30 million dollar villa in Florida. No doubt when all is said and done, you'll be able to find Zelensky toasting with US defense contractors and billionaire neo-con war hawks (George Soros) in his villa. Hunter Biden will probably be there as well.

It’s a figure of speech. But I do feel a lot better for Iran’s prospects in war after I see Russia in Ukraine. Iran also has “Russia” -esque flaws that it needs to fix.

But Russian military should no longer be considered Top 5 military power. Their performance, professionalism, and depth of weapons is all sub par. Outside of Iskander and SU-35, the military is stuck in 1960’s in both weapons and war doctrine/strategy.
Pro Russian militants (DPR) have taken control of the Illich Iron and Steel Plant in Mariupol. You can see the plant colored in yellow in the map below. Now all that remains is the final pocket, the Azovstal Plant colored in blue. The last holdout there are completely surrounded with their backs against the ocean.

According to Russia, in the last 10 days, 1600 Ukrainian service mean have surrendered, including 176 officers.

The VDV...Russia’s “elite” paratroopers sustained 60% losses in many units trying to take the infamous airport outside Kiyv along with many Spetnaz and special operators during its week long attempt to place Kiyv under siege.

If your claiming a “feint”, which is a completely valid military tactic. You don’t do a “sacrificial feint” with your most elite and highly prized units. That is like Iran sacrificing NOHED to distract the enemy. Completely against military conventional unless the situation is ABSOLUTELY dire.

They were Initially fed bad Intel by the FSB and were told that resistance would be minimal and collapse rapidly. Zelenksy would flee to western Ukraine or to an EU country. There was supposed to be a revolt with pro Russian elements inside of Kiyv that were cultivated since 2014 using billions of dollars that were likely instead spent by the corrupt heads of military. None of what was promised ever happened. Some sabatouers here and there in the first 72 hours inside Kiyv, but UAF located them and killed them. Videos out there for you to see if you dig around.

When that mini Blitz failed....they decided they were not trying to take Kiyv and instead would place it under siege and starve them out until they surrender or the Southern and Eastern fronts reached them for a full on assault.

When they saw that those fronts also have stalled they made the tough choice to give up the northern front because it was stalled and just sucking up resources and facing harassment attacks by SOF using Western intelligence. They failed multiple times to place Kiyv under siege a la Aleppo.

You aren’t even speculating, you are trying to desperately rationalize the failures. It’s clearly visible in the way you write. Russia made bonehead decisions and the evidence is everywhere. US has done that too in history. It happens. It especially happens in “yes men militaries” like the one Putin has assembled. I been raising the red flag since the early days and was being attacked by some of you here

Dude, no offense you have no idea what your talking about. And your Russian apologist schtik just insulted the Shaheeds of our country who gave their lives and kept Assad from becoming one gigantic Jihadstan. I suggest you re-read Syrian War history and watch the numerous battle videos. I was following that conflict very closely.

Old washed up Soviet doctrine is what almost cost Assad his head. SAA was trained under Assad’s father whose military was trained under the Soviets.

You want to know all those armour losses (hundreds maybe thousands) and the loss of 100K+ troops? Ironic all those happened with Soviet trained SAA commanders? Ironic how Russia is facing the same type of losses in Ukraine that Syria was in the early years of the war? Why is that?

What was brutally effective was Iranian tactics. The amount of Iranian advisors and generals that landed in Syria hadn’t been seen in the Middle East since the Iraq war of 2003. Iranian military philosophy is mostly a hybrid of US military philosophy (from the days of Shah) and asymmetrical warfare (IRGC warfare from the imposed war).

Iran was the boots on the ground, not Russia. They were too scared and stayed in the air (for the most part other than Palmyra).

If you listen to IRGC they couldn’t even provide close air support well either (not shocking given what we see in Ukraine).

Lastly basically every military since pre-WWI placed emphasis on artillery. It was US artillery pieces that Iran had during the imposed war that shredded Iraqi forces that even Solemani mentioned them in his remembrance of the war. Def not a Russian thing.

Side note: Many videos like this exist below for those that followed the war. Don’t ever say again it was “Russian tactics” that won the Syrian civil war on the ground. That is disrespectful to our damn country and the men that died on frontlines in some of the worst fighting in half century.

They should've been given better equipment to do the work really. As far as I'm aware, counter-battery systems were not provided, and laser guided shells were rare. Still they did they job correctly. Russia provided alot of fire support but almost entirely unguided munitions.

Totally agree with your assessment, and the excuses made for Russia here are really inadequate.

The VDV...Russia’s “elite” paratroopers sustained 60% losses in many units trying to take the infamous airport outside Kiyv along with many Spetnaz and special operators during its week long attempt to place Kiyv under siege.

If your claiming a “feint”, which is a completely valid military tactic. You don’t do a “sacrificial feint” with your most elite and highly prized units. That is like Iran sacrificing NOHED to distract the enemy. Completely against military conventional unless the situation is ABSOLUTELY dire.

They were Initially fed bad Intel by the FSB and were told that resistance would be minimal and collapse rapidly. Zelenksy would flee to western Ukraine or to an EU country. There was supposed to be a revolt with pro Russian elements inside of Kiyv that were cultivated since 2014 using billions of dollars that were likely instead spent by the corrupt heads of military. None of what was promised ever happened. Some sabatouers here and there in the first 72 hours inside Kiyv, but UAF located them and killed them. Videos out there for you to see if you dig around.

When that mini Blitz failed....they decided they were not trying to take Kiyv and instead would place it under siege and starve them out until they surrender or the Southern and Eastern fronts reached them for a full on assault.

When they saw that those fronts also have stalled they made the tough choice to give up the northern front because it was stalled and just sucking up resources and facing harassment attacks by SOF using Western intelligence. They failed multiple times to place Kiyv under siege a la Aleppo.

You aren’t even speculating, you are trying to desperately rationalize the failures. It’s clearly visible in the way you write. Russia made bonehead decisions and the evidence is everywhere. US has done that too in history. It happens. It especially happens in “yes men militaries” like the one Putin has assembled. I been raising the red flag since the early days and was being attacked by some of you here

Dude, no offense you have no idea what your talking about. And your Russian apologist schtik just insulted the Shaheeds of our country who gave their lives and kept Assad from becoming one gigantic Jihadstan. I suggest you re-read Syrian War history and watch the numerous battle videos. I was following that conflict very closely.

Old washed up Soviet doctrine is what almost cost Assad his head. SAA was trained under Assad’s father whose military was trained under the Soviets.

You want to know all those armour losses (hundreds maybe thousands) and the loss of 100K+ troops? Ironic all those happened with Soviet trained SAA commanders? Ironic how Russia is facing the same type of losses in Ukraine that Syria was in the early years of the war? Why is that?

What was brutally effective was Iranian tactics. The amount of Iranian advisors and generals that landed in Syria hadn’t been seen in the Middle East since the Iraq war of 2003. Iranian military philosophy is mostly a hybrid of US military philosophy (from the days of Shah) and asymmetrical warfare (IRGC warfare from the imposed war).

Iran was the boots on the ground, not Russia. They were too scared and stayed in the air (for the most part other than Palmyra).

If you listen to IRGC they couldn’t even provide close air support well either (not shocking given what we see in Ukraine).

Lastly basically every military since pre-WWI placed emphasis on artillery. It was US artillery pieces that Iran had during the imposed war that shredded Iraqi forces that even Solemani mentioned them in his remembrance of the war. Def not a Russian thing.

Side note: Many videos like this exist below for those that followed the war. Don’t ever say again it was “Russian tactics” that won the Syrian civil war on the ground. That is disrespectful to our damn country and the men that died on frontlines in some of the worst fighting in half century.

You ever seen this doc?

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I still haven't seen the two IL-72s that the Ukrainians supposedly shot down when Russia tried to raid that airbase near Kiev. Similar stories like "the ghost of kiev" and "the last stand at snake island" have all turned out to be fake myths made up to rally and motivate the Ukrainian public. One day, the fog of war clears, we'll have a better understanding of what really happened.

Anyways Russia never wanted to occupy all of Ukraine by force. They wanted the Ukrainian government to accept their peace terms so as to secure southern / south eastern Ukraine for the ethnic Russian majority there.

Of course they were hoping that the government in Kiev would fold. When it didn't, the Russians decided not to commit to it unconditionally. Being flexible in warfare, correcting mistakes, being versatile, is not a sign a weakness, but rather a sign of intelligence and strength.

The Russians initial front was much too long and there were far too many objectives to focus, so they adapted to the situation. They abandoned the objectives that were deemed too difficult and draining and focused on the areas where they had experienced the most success.

In 2014, before NATO got a chance to train and arm Ukraine, we saw how easily Russia dealt with the Ukrainians in Crimea. Of course the fact that the majority in Crimea are Russian, did have alot to do with it, since in many cases the majority of Ukrainian servicemen decided to defect to Russia. But still it's obvious that on its own Ukraine would not be able to put up much of a fight against Russia. However with NATO training, weapons and intelligence, that changes everything.

The Russians in the end were not able to take Kiev but they were get to remove the sensitive nuclear material from Chernobyl, which was one of their objectives. They were also able to pin down some hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian troops, including some of Ukraine's most elite units, which is what enabled their offensive in southern Ukraine to be successful.

At this point the Russians have already taken most of the Donbas and have established a land bridge from Donbas to Crimea. Obviously the Russians want the rest of the Donbas, but the question is, will the Russians also try to extend their land bridge to Transnistria by taking Odessa ? The fall of Mariupol seems imminent. Once that happens over 5000+ Russian and allied troops will be freed up.

Depending on how the offensive goes in western Donestk and whether the Ukrainians want to negotiate, will determine whether Russia will go for Odessa or not ? Realistically though the Ukrainians might not be satisfied until they have had a chance to go on the offensive against Russia using their assortment of new and used weapons from NATO. The question is, what will the Ukrainians want to do if their offensives fail and most of their offensive weapons from NATO lie in ruin ?

Realistically Russia could easily target Ukraine's electrical grid and water treatment plants. Of course doing so would probably lead to a massive humanitarian catastrophe, with millions more refugees flooding into Europe and perhaps hundreds of thousands dying from hunger and disease ? At this point in time, many believe that it is the Americans, not the Ukrainians themselves, who are the ones directing the war.The question is, how much suffering will the Ukrainians tolerate until they're had enough and decide to actually negotiate in good faith ?

The VDV...Russia’s “elite” paratroopers sustained 60% losses in many units trying to take the infamous airport outside Kiyv along with many Spetnaz and special operators during its week long attempt to place Kiyv under siege.

If your claiming a “feint”, which is a completely valid military tactic. You don’t do a “sacrificial feint” with your most elite and highly prized units. That is like Iran sacrificing NOHED to distract the enemy. Completely against military conventional unless the situation is ABSOLUTELY dire.

They were Initially fed bad Intel by the FSB and were told that resistance would be minimal and collapse rapidly. Zelenksy would flee to western Ukraine or to an EU country. There was supposed to be a revolt with pro Russian elements inside of Kiyv that were cultivated since 2014 using billions of dollars that were likely instead spent by the corrupt heads of military. None of what was promised ever happened. Some sabatouers here and there in the first 72 hours inside Kiyv, but UAF located them and killed them. Videos out there for you to see if you dig around.

When that mini Blitz failed....they decided they were not trying to take Kiyv and instead would place it under siege and starve them out until they surrender or the Southern and Eastern fronts reached them for a full on assault.

When they saw that those fronts also have stalled they made the tough choice to give up the northern front because it was stalled and just sucking up resources and facing harassment attacks by SOF using Western intelligence. They failed multiple times to place Kiyv under siege a la Aleppo.

You aren’t even speculating, you are trying to desperately rationalize the failures. It’s clearly visible in the way you write. Russia made bonehead decisions and the evidence is everywhere. US has done that too in history. It happens. It especially happens in “yes men militaries” like the one Putin has assembled. I been raising the red flag since the early days and was being attacked by some of you here

Dude, no offense you have no idea what your talking about. And your Russian apologist schtik just insulted the Shaheeds of our country who gave their lives and kept Assad from becoming one gigantic Jihadstan. I suggest you re-read Syrian War history and watch the numerous battle videos. I was following that conflict very closely.

Old washed up Soviet doctrine is what almost cost Assad his head. SAA was trained under Assad’s father whose military was trained under the Soviets.

You want to know all those armour losses (hundreds maybe thousands) and the loss of 100K+ troops? Ironic all those happened with Soviet trained SAA commanders? Ironic how Russia is facing the same type of losses in Ukraine that Syria was in the early years of the war? Why is that?

What was brutally effective was Iranian tactics. The amount of Iranian advisors and generals that landed in Syria hadn’t been seen in the Middle East since the Iraq war of 2003. Iranian military philosophy is mostly a hybrid of US military philosophy (from the days of Shah) and asymmetrical warfare (IRGC warfare from the imposed war).

Iran was the boots on the ground, not Russia. They were too scared and stayed in the air (for the most part other than Palmyra).

If you listen to IRGC they couldn’t even provide close air support well either (not shocking given what we see in Ukraine).

Lastly basically every military since pre-WWI placed emphasis on artillery. It was US artillery pieces that Iran had during the imposed war that shredded Iraqi forces that even Solemani mentioned them in his remembrance of the war. Def not a Russian thing.

Side note: Many videos like this exist below for those that followed the war. Don’t ever say again it was “Russian tactics” that won the Syrian civil war on the ground. That is disrespectful to our damn country and the men that died on frontlines in some of the worst fighting in half century.

Meanwhile mariopol is about to be completely captured. A major city that not only blocks the ukies from a big port, brings them closer to getting landlocked l, but most catastrophicly their massive concentration of troops defending the donbass line just lost their south flank

Not to mention the center and headquarters of Ukraine's pseudo-nazi Azov militia, a considerable portion of whose forces had been stationed at Mariupol.

Russia has indeed conducted an strong campaign thus far. Russian forces are maneuvering aptly and at will, meanwhile since the beginning of the war we haven't seen the Ukrainian military perform any proper maneuver. Practically all they're doing is to bunker themselves off along entrenched lines and stack their forces among human shields in densely populated areas. Hence why Russia, short of carpet bombing the place which it deliberately chose to refrain from, must operate surgically and on a reduced pace.

Again, Ukraine is under American command - both militarily and politically (on the latter front, the zionists are playing a significant role as well). Whilst they have inferior equipment compared to their NATO protectors, they benefit from a large number of nihilistic, fanaticized elements ready to engage in irrational undertakings only to delay the inevitable, à la Berlin 1945. And the staggering losses the Ukrainians have incurred means that the tactics their NATO commanders made them implement have been quite awful. It suggests that in a war against NATO, Russian superior strategy and tactics are likely going to prevail.

You're right to remind that the early Russian incursion towards Kiev was a textbook example of a diversion. Russians did not conceive of it as a blitz, and they are definitely not so amateurish and ignorant as to believe that token squadrons of special forces will do the trick whilst the fact is that even 100.000 troops aren't enough to conquer Kiev in a short time (versus the 40.000 they actually deployed), and that couldn't have been lost on them. However, 40.000 regular units plus a few special forces taking airfields outside town is exactly what's needed to keep the Ukrainian side guessing as to whether Russia might be aiming to go directly for the capital after possible troop reinforcements. This achieved to pin down tens of thousands of Ukraine's elite forces which otherwise could have been dispatched to the decisive eastern front.

The way NATO is directing their Ukrainian assets in battle has simply proven to be catastrophic. They made them lose an enormous quantity of personnel and weapons, and none of the mostly second-tier weaponry they're pouring into Ukraine is going to have a significant impact on the ground, especially since Russians are targeting and destroying many of these weapons right upon arrival. Boy am I glad Iran's armed forces, especially the IRGC, have stopped trying to emulate obsolescent western doctrines long time ago.

I believe that those who're still willing to do so should stop paying attention to western propaganda - which obviously is living off extensive censorship and flawed intelligence (read conscious lies) as they openly admitted, otherwise hardly anyone would be falling for their disinformation; but also, it ought to start dawning on us that the notion of western military superiority is quite simply an illusion. The only realm in which it continues its existence is that of suggestive perceptions, induced by mass psy-ops and propaganda on a scale never witnessed before.
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