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Iranian Chill Thread

A lot of people think that high-energy lasers, or HELs, can't penetrate fog, rain and dust, said Thomas Webber, director of the Directed Energy Division's Technical Center, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command. That's just plain wrong.

I’m sure the engineers of Iran, US, Israel, and China know much more than a handful of fanboys on a military forum....

Lasers weapons will likely make their debut also on 6th Gen fighter jets in the future.

Also KSA and Israel barely can see and track Iranian drones.

It is useless when you cannot track it well.

KSA said they are using Chinese laser weapons and have neutralized one UAV so far.

The guys who own the project have gain to overstate things. He wants to use pure spectra and multiple rays that will increase the price and complexity.

Among us you are the one who has never touched engineering books and advanced Laser equipments.

I would recommend to stay humble.
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We know Iran recently announced their own project.

This could be gamechanging in the future as lasers get more powerful and costs drop down.

Video shows UAV and mortar interception using a laser beam. This is helpful for a short range air defense system. Or a supplement to a long or medium range air defense system.

Such a system accompanying S-300, Bavar, or 3rd Khordad, can help intercept suicide drones or TB2 from attacking them.

Also can move along side troop convoys or troop groupings to prevent those disastrous TB2 montage clips we saw in Armenia and Ukraine.
The utility of lasers will really be seen in combatting small UAVs that are hard to engage with SAMs, but I only see it as a complimentary system to current SAM based AD. Lasers can't really compete with Iron dome in terms of rate of fire unless they radically revamp this system into something like Star wars.

Honestly, I haven't seen any TB2 footage from Ukraine in a long while.
Finally Laser is LOS:

-It can be detected easily. Very vulnerable.

-It needs a line of attack and cannot engage low flying objects.

Many more that can be found in this tread.

We will see a lot more laser guns coming out soon but no miracle to happen.
I read years ago that China and Iran had developed a type of paint / coating that could deflect the laser from such weapons. Not sure if there's any truth to it, but I know that there are only a few countries in the world that have experimented with laser weapons.

The viability of such weapons will depend on the price and how effective such a weapon would be in the real world as opposed to a controlled environment. I wonder how effective such a weapons would be vs something like the Phalanx ? Either way any weapon can be overwhelmed with saturation attacks.

We know Iran recently announced their own project.

This could be gamechanging in the future as lasers get more powerful and costs drop down.

Video shows UAV and mortar interception using a laser beam. This is helpful for a short range air defense system. Or a supplement to a long or medium range air defense system.

Such a system accompanying S-300, Bavar, or 3rd Khordad, can help intercept suicide drones or TB2 from attacking them.

Also can move along side troop convoys or troop groupings to prevent those disastrous TB2 montage clips we saw in Armenia and Ukraine.
Also KSA and Israel barely can see and track Iranian drones.

This is just plain wrong.

Israel has done very well intercepting LO Shahed models over Iraq, Golan, and reaching Israel borders. Just last month they did intercept 2.

As for Saudi Arabia they don’t have anywhere near the radar density as a small country like Israel or nearly as powerful radars like OTH radar that Israel has. Even then they have intercepted a large amount of Yemen drones. As for Iranian drones, Iran only attacked once directly (Armaco attack) so not a huge thing to go off of.

Even Iran has struggled with drones with Karaj attack and Drone base attack to name recent ones. So some will make it thru.

The guys who own the project have gain to overstate things. He wants to use pure spectra and multiple rays that will increase the price and complexity.

Your theory doesn’t make sense given the amount of countries pursuing this tech.

Iran and China don’t work like Western Military industrial complexes that trick the military into fantasy projects.
I might be wrong but I think you can see the Iranian laser weapon in this video at 24 seconds

here's a screenshot of it

iran laser.jpg
This is just plain wrong.

Israel has done very well intercepting LO Shahed models over Iraq, Golan, and reaching Israel borders. Just last month they did intercept 2.

As for Saudi Arabia they don’t have anywhere near the radar density as a small country like Israel or nearly as powerful radars like OTH radar that Israel has. Even then they have intercepted a large amount of Yemen drones. As for Iranian drones, Iran only attacked once directly (Armaco attack) so not a huge thing to go off of.

Even Iran has struggled with drones with Karaj attack and Drone base attack to name recent ones. So some will make it thru.

Your theory doesn’t make sense given the amount of countries pursuing this tech.

Iran and China don’t work like Western Military industrial complexes that trick the military into fantasy projects.

Chinese lasers are in active use in KSA.
Maybe western laser guns too.

A Saudi officer recently claimed one kill with a Chinese gun.

Same officer said it is very difficult to see these drones and when you see them they go off radar constantly.

Did you watch the drone attack footage on the Jeddah reservoirs? I could not see the drone at all. It was invisible!!!!

A guy who pitches his project will over state. He needs funding for his project :)

There is a place for Lasers in the coming years but no miracle.
Finally Laser is LOS:

-It can be detected easily. Very vulnerable.

-It needs a line of attack and cannot engage low flying objects.

Many more that can be found in this tread.

We will see a lot more laser guns coming out soon but no miracle to happen.

You seem to misunderstand it’s purpose. It is made to be a SHORAD and can accompany troops and expensive long range systems to defend it against small projectiles. Iran has plenty of EO based defense systems, so clearly LOS based air defense isn’t dead. A lot more effective than sky guard and AAA systems.

It is not ment to be a “miracle” but a lower cost solution than the the $100K-250K per interceptor USD that some countries use for anti rocket interception tech.

If it can intercept TB2 or a suicide drone the cost saved alone from one interception would pay for the entire system. Look at what one TB2 did to an entire column of Russian troops. Tens of millions of dollars in damages.

Technology is still very new and as time passes the lasers will get stronger and more cost effective as mass production of components brings down price.

I think Iran can be a game changer in this field. I await to see their designs.

Chinese lasers are in active use in KSA.
Maybe western laser guns too.

A Saudi officer recently claimed one kill with a Chinese gun.

Same officer said it is very difficult to see these drones and when you see them they go off radar constantly.

Did you watch the drone attack footage on the Jeddah reservoirs? I could not see the drone at all. It was invisible!!!!

A guy who pitches his project will over state. He needs funding for his project :)

There is a place for Lasers in the coming years but no miracle.

1 drone makes it thru out of 50 attacks (example)

Shawnee: DRONES are invisible!

Come on man, everything is a game of statistics.

I guess MI-17 helicopters are “invisible” because they made it to Belograd and attacked Russian fuel depots.
Chinese navy have also experimented with laser weapons. My question is, why not just use a gattling gun directed by radar like the Phalanx ?

You seem to misunderstand it’s purpose. It is made to be a SHORAD and can accompany troops and expensive long range systems to defend it against small projectiles. Iran has plenty of EO based defense systems, so clearly LOS based air defense isn’t dead. A lot more effective than sky guard and AAA systems.

It is not ment to be a “miracle” but a lower cost solution than the the $100K-250K per interceptor USD that some countries use for anti rocket interception tech.

If it can intercept TB2 or a suicide drone the cost saved alone from one interception would pay for the entire system. Look at what one TB2 did to an entire column of Russian troops. Tens of millions of dollars in damages.

Technology is still very new and as time passes the lasers will get stronger and more cost effective as mass production of components brings down price.

I think Iran can be a game changer in this field. I await to see their designs.

1 drone makes it thru out of 50 attacks (example)

Shawnee: DRONES are invisible!

Come on man, everything is a game of statistics.

I guess MI-17 helicopters are “invisible” because they made it to Belograd and attacked Russian fuel depots.

One drone out of 50?

On the day of Jeddah attack no evidence of air defense activation happened.

This is 100 percent real life result.

I quoted the Saudi officer too.

Chinese navy have also experimented with laser weapons. My question is, why not just use a gattling gun directed by radar like the Phalanx ?

View attachment 834319

Their only only true justification is price.
Chinese navy have also experimented with laser weapons. My question is, why not just use a gattling gun directed by radar like the Phalanx ?

View attachment 834319

Phalanx needs to be reloaded. Phalanx is not precise...it relies on large projectile spray with a delay. Nothing moves faster than speed of light. Cost like you said. Unlimited Ammo with a laser as long as power source is working.

Many benefits.

They can compliment one another. You can have a CWIS system on board and a laser based. This will create even more protection
Phalanx needs to be reloaded. Phalanx is not precise...it relies on large projectile spray with a delay. Nothing moves faster than speed of light. Cost like you said. Unlimited Ammo with a laser as long as power source is working.

Many benefits.

They can compliment one another. You can have a CWIS system on board and a laser based. This will create even more protection

Until they hit your power generator with the next UAV and you are in HUGE money loss.

Speed of light and jamming are not good enough reasons.
Until they hit your power generator with the next UAV and you are in HUGE money loss.

Speed of light and jamming are not good enough reasons.
Nearly every military power is spending money on laser weapons.
Perhaps there is something that we (military fanboys) do not know yet.
Until they hit your power generator with the next UAV and you are in HUGE money loss.

Speed of light and jamming are not good enough reasons.

With such logic why build ANY weapon system. Every weapon system has a weakness. You are nitpicking.

If you hit Bavar’s C & C or fire control station battery becomes useless at that point. Guess we shouldn’t build any Bavars.
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