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Iranian Chill Thread

I remember my grandfather and father and aunt telling me stories about harsh discipline and violence against students by faculty and teachers in the schools of Reza Shah and his son. The Reza shah schools even used falakeh, cut boys hair very short and required uniforms. The shah era school were less violent but teachers still hit and humiliated students in elementary and middle school levels, though the abuse against high schoolers were more verbal and not so physical as teenage boys would probably hit back the teachers. Even American schools routinely used paddles in elementary schools into the 80s. I imagine the IRI schools are much softer because the people are much softer and less violent toward their kids than in the previous generations. My grandfather spent his early elementary school years in a Qajar style maktab, but his middle and high school years were the Reza Shah schools and the violence from teachers was still the same. People were just more rough and mean back then...
In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid

“It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence,” one U.S. official said. “It’s more important to get out ahead of them [the Russians], Putin specifically, before they do something."



Straight from the horse's mouth, a cruelly damning admission: US regime officials tell American propaganda outlet NBC News that in their propaganda war against Russia, they will not shy away from citing shaky intelligence.

Translation: they will lie through their teeth as with the inexistent Iraqi WMD in 2003.

And they still have the nerve, in 2022, to claim that this sort of a practice represents a "break with the past", when they have amply demonstrated to every objective observer that this is, on the contrary, the very essence of their modus operandi.

After this, anyone still placing trust in mainstream media and buying into hollow US and NATO narratives about Russia's military operation in Ukraine, is a genuinely hopeless case.

Pompeo unashamedly spelled out the supreme guiding principle of US policy:


While the regime officials who talked to NBC News reminded us of the fact that the latest American propaganda campaign, namely the one on Russia and Ukraine, does not derogate from the rule.
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I remember my grandfather and father and aunt telling me stories about harsh discipline and violence against students by faculty and teachers in the schools of Reza Shah and his son. The Reza shah schools even used falakeh, cut boys hair very short and required uniforms. The shah era school were less violent but teachers still hit and humiliated students in elementary and middle school levels, though the abuse against high schoolers were more verbal and not so physical as teenage boys would probably hit back the teachers. Even American schools routinely used paddles in elementary schools into the 80s. I imagine the IRI schools are much softer because the people are much softer and less violent toward their kids than in the previous generations. My grandfather spent his early elementary school years in a Qajar style maktab, but his middle and high school years were the Reza Shah schools and the violence from teachers was still the same. People were just more rough and mean back then...

Can’t compare 1950’s to 2022.

Blacks were segregated back then so that means it’s okay if Iran segregates Afghans today? Come on.

Social freedoms are being unnecessarily restrained when the focus should be the enemy at the gates. China has this luxury to be doing this (like banning girly man movies) because it is providing economic prosperity to its citizens as well as defending the country’s national interests and expanding its power. Thus when you provide for your people you can then smack them around a little regarding social freedoms.

Not double digit inflation, corruption scandal after corruption scandal, zero economic reform...list goes on and on. And you in the middle of all this let’s kick the average citizen suffering from Western economic warfare? Makes no sense
The real sad thing is, Russia has all these heavy bombers and bomber fighters yet aid just pours in.

With all these “spy satellites” and tech available to them they cannot even detect 100 Tanks entering the country from Western side?

Remember when I told EVERYONE on here nukes don’t prevent you from getting bled to death in a proxy conflict? I was pointing to those naive individuals who thought having a nuke ment Israel and US wouldn’t challenge Iran in Syria and Yemen. That everyone would “think twice” before challenging Iran.

Well here you go, Russia has the most nukes on the planet and NATO and US are killing Russians by the thousands using Ukraine as the surrogate.

Nukes are great if you are Nazi’s and Berlin is surrounded.

Nukes are great if you are Russians and its Stalingard

Nukes are great if you are Israel and 3 Arab countries invade you at the same time.

Nukes for geopolitical expansion? Doesn’t do a damn thing.
When people were referring to Nukes, it was about those 3 examples you gave, rather than proxy conflict.
Small Arrow warfare (literally) doesn't win wars but can inflict varying degrees of damage onto the adversary.
I dunno man. A few thousand switchblades could definitely turn the tide. It's really a numbers game here. You give a country 10,000 switch blades with the ability to freely deploy them......any sort of loitering munition in the 1000s is just literally on demand CAS, instantly.

Russia will have to pay a very heavy price for victory here. It could be offset if Russia had total air superiority and run 100s of sorties a day, but that is not that case. Fighting a ground war when the enemy has a info advantage, and an equipment advantage due to the combine inventory of NATO countries, 1000s of switch blades and javelins. It's pretty bleak.
In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid

“It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence,” one U.S. official said. “It’s more important to get out ahead of them [the Russians], Putin specifically, before they do something."



Straight from the horse's mouth, a cruelly damning admission: US regime officials tell American propaganda outlet NBC News that in their propaganda war against Russia, they will not shy away from citing shaky intelligence.

Translation: they will lie through their teeth as with the inexistent Iraqi WMD in 2003.

And they still have the nerve, in 2022, to claim that this sort of a practice represents a "break with the past", when they have amply demonstrated to every objective observer that this is, on the contrary, the very essence of their modus operandi.

After this, anyone still placing trust in mainstream media and buying into hollow US and NATO narratives about Russia's military operation in Ukraine, is a genuinely hopeless case.

Pompeo unashamedly spelled out the supreme guiding principle of the US policy:

View attachment 834077

While the regime officials who talked to NBC News reminded us of the fact that the latest American propaganda campaign, namely the one on Russia and Ukraine, does not derogate from the rule.

Thanks for being in this forum!

By the way in the last two days, no building was set on fire in Israel.

Last one was the refinery and the temple.
When people were referring to Nukes, it was about those 3 examples you gave, rather than proxy conflict.

No it was not, many thought it would make Israel/US back off. Doesn’t work that way. They know Iran isn’t going to nuke Israel because it bombed its assets in Syria. Iran isn’t suicidal. It would guarantee Saudi Arabia going nuclear and likely Turkey. Would work completely counter productive to Iranian interests.

A land invasion of Iran is basically impossible without at least 750K soldiers. No country in the region can wage such a war nor does any country have such a war chest for such a war.

Iran has home field advantage (see Ukraine), topography (bad for invasion), troop count (1M+ Including basij it could be as many as 5M+), make war extremely costly (1T+).

So again a land invasion of Iran where nukes would be needed to save the country is a fairytale.

US and maybe China could wage such a war on Iran and neither will ever do it since the political, economic, and military capital required is beyond reasonable.
Atleast half of these weapons get destroyed on route. One military analysts estimated that no more than 1/4-1/3 would make it to the Ukrainians on the front. I guess as long as the defense contractors get paid, that's all that counts.

Look at this aid package.

View attachment 834028

You can do quite alot of damage with some of the items on this list.
Honestly I feel so bad for the Ukrainian people. Zelensky is extremely corrupt. A comedian worth more than 1 billion with a 30 million dollar villa in Florida demanding more and more weapons ? A dream come true for the military industrial complex of the United States. Defense contractors will surely celebrate with him at his villa when all is said and done.

What's wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language ???? It's the Quran language after all!!!!

You are writing in English, the language of USA and Britains, your vilest enemies .

Please enlighting us, Is being Iranian patriot equals being anti Anything Arabic ?? If yes, can you explain why?
Arabic language is one of the strongest languages in the world. You can convey a massage full of meaning in a short sentence. Most of Iranian scientists during Islamic golden ages published their works in Arabic such as Abu Ali Sina, Abul wafa Buzjani, Abu rayhan Birouni etc etc. It made Arabic language of science and technology, thanks to Iranians Europeans had to learn Arabic to catch up with us during their Renaissance.

Arabic words have extensively strengthened Persian language, our outstanding poet Hafez begins his work with an Arabic sentence. Sa'adi uses Arabic words in the lines to make his works outstaدding. Arabic is an inseparable part of Iranian literature. We love Arabic language, specially, when we want to speak too politely, we use Arabic word in order to strengthen our words. An Arab guy can easily read through the lines of Iranian official letters. Our alphabet is Arabic having 4 extra letters پ ژ گ چ

Btw, Arabic should have become the number language of the world, the internal conflicts caused backwardness in our societies.

Speaking Persian and learning the language is like eating honey, so soft, lovely and beautiful. I advice you learn Persian, it is the language of revolution, the voice of humanity against international bullies.

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