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Iranian Chill Thread

I'm still largely lost as to who exactly is telling the truth or closest to it in this war.
There won't be a clear picture till the war ends. There is extensive coverage of Russian losses and minimization of Ukrainian losses but certainly they are high on both sides. Russia has performed much worse than expected but it's hard to say Ukraine is winning at this point IMO.

our very own Iranian Goebbels Spokesperson to defend this in a long massive wall of text.
Lmao are you talking about me?
I used to be that kid.
Feelings change.

Different. When you were that age it was during Revolution fervor. Look at American tv shows from 80’s and 90’s to get an idea how conservative the society is.

It is now 2022 and someone can identify as a Mailbox....yet in Iran its still the Middle Ages in some parts of the society.

The more you tell the youth you cannot be something the more they rebel.

In college here in the West, the biggest whores and misbehavers were kids who came from ultra strict unbringing who were now free from their family. Iron fist rule rarely brings change you seek.

Lmao are you talking about me?

I don’t know who you are. So no.
Fair enough, I've followed several Telegram channels as well as that one "The Duran" YouTube channel that has presented a very different picture of has been going on in Ukraine.

I'm still largely lost as to who exactly is telling the truth or closest to it in this war.

Russia has done a ton of damage, but taken their share of bunches and little territorial gains considering the massive difference in power between Ukraine and Russia.

It’s more an embarrassment than a failure. At this point if the Donbass offensive fails then Putin is toast.

Since when does a Quds force operative drive around in American SUV?

No bullet proof glass either....Iran never learns.
Saudi, Kuwait to develop gas field despite Iran condemnation

Tehran in late March said the deal contravened ‘previously held negotiations’, adding it ‘reserves its right to exploit’ the field.

Iran [File: Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA]
Published On 13 Apr 2022

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will develop a disputed gas field despite Iranian objections while urging Tehran to engage in negotiations.

The Gulf allies will honour their deal – branded “illegal” by Iran – to develop the Arash/Dorra maritime gas field, the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Saudi Arabia and … Kuwait affirm their right to exploit the natural resources in this area and that they will continue working to enforce what was agreed upon,” it said.

But the two countries also issued a new invitation for Iran to negotiate over the boundary of the gas field, the subject of a dispute that goes back decades.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait, as a single negotiating party, renew their invitation to the Islamic Republic of Iran to hold these negotiations,” the statement said.

Tehran in late March said the deal contravened “previously held negotiations”, adding it “reserves its right to exploit” the field.

The row over the field dates back to the 1960s, when Iran and Kuwait each awarded an offshore concession, one to the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, the forerunner to BP, and one to Royal Dutch Shell.

The two concessions overlapped in the northern part of the field, whose recoverable reserves are estimated at some 220 billion cubic metres (seven trillion cubic feet).

Iran and Kuwait have held unsuccessful talks for many years over their disputed maritime border area, which is rich in natural gas.

Iranian drilling of the field in 2001 spurred Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to agree on a maritime border deal, which stipulated they jointly develop the natural resources of the offshore zone.

Kuwait said in March the field was expected to produce one billion cubic feet of natural gas per day, with 84,000 barrels of condensate daily.

Iran-Saudi talks
A news outlet affiliated with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) reported last month that Iran unilaterally suspended talks with regional rival Saudi Arabia without citing the reason.

Riyadh and Tehran have said they hope the discussions can ease years of tensions, but have downplayed expectations of a significant breakthrough.

The two countries ended diplomatic ties in 2016 when Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran was stormed by protesters following the execution of a prominent Shia religious leader by the Sunni-majority kingdom.

Riyadh supported then-United States President Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign of harsh sanctions on Iran after his unilateral withdrawal from the country’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. It also blamed Iran for a major attack on its oil facilities in 2019, an allegation Tehran denied.

The two countries also stand on opposite sides in the war in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition has been fighting against the Iran-aligned Houthi movement since 2014.

The first round of secret talks, which was held in Iraq’s capital in April 2020, had signalled a potential thaw between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
btw thats the reason Aramco's facilities were hit 2 weeks ago
Seeing how its latest disingenuous plots to provoke instability on Iran's eastern borders as well as within Iranian society have rapidly fizzled out into yet another miserable failure of humongous proportions, the incompetent zio-American enemy has become desperate to the point of commissioning the production of ostensibly fake video clips and spreading them online in the vain hope of provoking the desired destructive outcome.


* One obviously staged video circulating on "social media" which attempts to make it look as if a young Afghan immigrant girl is stomped in the head by a male person whom they try to pass off as a member of Iranian security forces. The clip was debunked sequence by sequence by both Iranian and Afghan patriots who manage to see through this cheap piece of zionist and western intoxication, that can impossibly appeal to anyone but to certified morons. This ridiculous item is supposed to incite our Afghan brothers against us.

* A second ludicrously amateurish, transparent fallacy of a production, of equally shabby quality, has a few Afghan immigrants act as if they were proceeding to molest an Iranian woman. We're kindly asked by operatives in Tel Aviv, Washington and Brussels to believe the men in the video are stupid enough to stick their faces into the camera lens and then upload the piece to the internet, in a country where rapists are hung by their necks until dead. The enemy is deluding itself to believe that the nonsense will enrage Iranians against their Afghan cousins.

Iran's existential foes seem to have less grey matter left beneath their craniums than the feebleminded lot they aspire to trigger with this gutter-level hoax show.

For an extensive discussion of the above, watch the following instructive program:


Sunni Apologist

"Sunni vs Shia" is a bogus reading of events which exists only in the minds of takfiris, sectarianists, as well as some other short-sighted folk. Every conflict in the region has been political at its roots, by its essence and in the way it was carried out. In each and every case, at least one of the opposing sides has been of a composite nature from the sectarian or ethnic point of view.

Another recurrent factor is the relentless policy of the zionist, US and EU regimes to try and foment regionwide social tensions along subjectively perceived religious and ethno-national lines, in conformity with their goal of dismembering every large nation-state in the area and uprooting corresponding societies for generations to come.

Thank God Iranian authorities, above all the Supreme Leader himself, are smart enough to have banished from official use all such keywords designed for neuro-linguistic programming purposes by the Iran's existential enemies.


theyve been sharing intellligence since the start of the war man

An American user suddenly popping up to flood the Iranian Chill Thread with Ukraine-related NATO propaganda from "Tweets" hardly anyone is going to read... Just shows us how worried Washington and its supporters have become about Russo-Iranian ties and how much effort they're putting into trying to inflame Iranian public opinion against the Islamic Republic's Russian partners. Not that any of these attempts has ever born fruit or allowed them to alter the ground reality though. Let them, it's nothing but a waste of their time and resources.

The US empire has entered an advanced stage of decline, is finding itself powerless to stymie the inexorable rise of emerging powers and the subsequent advent of a multipolar order (which is going to greatly benefit nations of the global south), and is acting accordingly: like a blinded person panicking and gesticulating erratically, not knowing how to escape their predicament.
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Russia has done a ton of damage, but taken their share of bunches and little territorial gains considering the massive difference in power between Ukraine and Russia.

It’s more an embarrassment than a failure. At this point if the Donbass offensive fails then Putin is toast.

Since when does a Quds force operative drive around in American SUV?

No bullet proof glass either....Iran never learns.
Even for an ambassador of any country should be in an armored vehicle.
Even for an ambassador of any country should be in an armored vehicle.

Iran is either slow, unable to, or willfully negligent in providing the basic security necessities for its diplomats abroad. How this person was riding in an unarmored vehicle is beyond me....

You'd think that after shahid Hajj-Qassems murder, Iran would take the most precautions in making sure its own guys are somewhat safe but this recent incident doesn't exactly inspire much confidence.
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Even for an ambassador of any country should be in an armored vehicle.

At least that’s a nice Tahoe.

Solemani was in something like this:


Fakhrizadeh was in this:


Meanwhile they show their 10th armoured vehicle that never gets mass produced. And spend most of their time wondering if a strand of a woman’s hair has fallen out of a hijab somewhere in Tehran or if a guy is buying alcohol to party with his friends.

Telling you, the priorities make no sense.

Took them 20 years and countless sabatoges to build a military branch/unit dedicated that will protect nuclear facilities
Iran is either slow, unable to, or willfully negligent in providing the basic security necessities for its diplomats abroad. How this person was riding in an unarmored care is beyond me....
Lack of oversight or shortage of armored vehicles.

At least that’s a nice Tahoe.

Solemani was in something like this:

View attachment 834069

Fakhrizadeh was in this:

View attachment 834070

Meanwhile they show their 10th armoured vehicle that never gets mass produced. And spend most of their time wondering if a strand of a woman’s hair has fallen out of a hijab somewhere in Tehran or if a guy is buying alcohol to party with his friends.

Telling you, the priorities make no sense. As for the

Took them 20 years and countless sabatoges to build a military branch/unit dedicated that will protect nuclear facilities
He was in a Honda pilot? Didn't know that.

I mean you can get an armored version of the Tahoe.
Lack of oversight or shortage of armored vehicles.

Respectfully speaking no, I genuinely think their priorities are messing with any sort of proper initiative meant to tackle such issues in the first place.

TheImmortal is correct. Iran is placing focus on things that don't matter and are WAY TOO SLOW in responding to critical security issues that should have been rectified years ago.
Respectfully speaking no, I genuinely think their priorities are messing with any sort of proper initiative meant to tackle such issues in the first place.

TheImmortal is correct. Iran is placing focus on things that don't matter and are WAY TOO SLOW in responding to critical security issues that should have been rectified years ago.
Well that's surprising if true considering their main enemy Israel willing to go so far to target Iranians in high places with the exception of what U.S. did but that's extremely rare and only in response to something.
Different. When you were that age it was during Revolution fervor. Look at American tv shows from 80’s and 90’s to get an idea how conservative the society is.

It is now 2022 and someone can identify as a Mailbox....yet in Iran its still the Middle Ages in some parts of the society.

The more you tell the youth you cannot be something the more they rebel.

In college here in the West, the biggest whores and misbehavers were kids who came from ultra strict unbringing who were now free from their family. Iron fist rule rarely brings change you seek.

I don’t know who you are. So no.

I am as not that close to the revolution spike either.
I am as not that close to the revolution spike either.

Revolution honeymoon lasted to about mid 1990’s.

Then the infamous student protests happened also Khatami’s presidency led to some minor social reforms.

1995 iran and 2022 Iran are two very different places. You did have any guts to say anything against the Supreme Leader in the streets then. Now they are burning down statues and screaming it. The taboo has worn off.

Iran needs to negotiate with the people. Put up social issues to referendum.

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