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Iranian Chill Thread

1) Tolerate dealers selling tourists alcohol and instruct law enforcement not to intervene. Not only shameful, not only a privilege granted to foreigners, but moreover a potential health risk for these same tourists.
It's more than just tolerating the dealers, the government will have to ensure the alcohol's safety & purity by whatever equivalent of the FDA that Iran has, placing the government in the position of enabling the tourists alcohol consumption. Legitimate shops licensed by the government will have to be the sources, as tourists shouldn't have to deal with seedy dealers peddling goods in dark alleyways. So government approval will be inevitable. In the case of the religious minorities, I assume the government just leaves the matter as caveat emptor and doesn't meddle in the alcohol purity or content, unless maybe if people get blinded or killed like in Qazvin some years back.
Now I am curious as to whether the government would execute a dealer for knowingly ( or unknowingly) selling toxic alcohol or hit them with heavier charges.
There was some discussions in the imf forum years back regarding allowing cruise ships docked at Kish to have alcohol on board as the vessels would be sovereign territory similar to airliners and technically not subject to regular Iranian regulations except if the vessel is suspected of carrying something dangerous. You will still have the occasional occurrences of public intoxication in the islands though.
Look at this aid package.


You can do quite alot of damage with some of the items on this list.
Saudi, Kuwait to develop gas field despite Iran condemnation

Tehran in late March said the deal contravened ‘previously held negotiations’, adding it ‘reserves its right to exploit’ the field.

Iran [File: Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA]
Published On 13 Apr 2022

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will develop a disputed gas field despite Iranian objections while urging Tehran to engage in negotiations.

The Gulf allies will honour their deal – branded “illegal” by Iran – to develop the Arash/Dorra maritime gas field, the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Saudi Arabia and … Kuwait affirm their right to exploit the natural resources in this area and that they will continue working to enforce what was agreed upon,” it said.

But the two countries also issued a new invitation for Iran to negotiate over the boundary of the gas field, the subject of a dispute that goes back decades.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait, as a single negotiating party, renew their invitation to the Islamic Republic of Iran to hold these negotiations,” the statement said.

Tehran in late March said the deal contravened “previously held negotiations”, adding it “reserves its right to exploit” the field.

The row over the field dates back to the 1960s, when Iran and Kuwait each awarded an offshore concession, one to the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, the forerunner to BP, and one to Royal Dutch Shell.

The two concessions overlapped in the northern part of the field, whose recoverable reserves are estimated at some 220 billion cubic metres (seven trillion cubic feet).

Iran and Kuwait have held unsuccessful talks for many years over their disputed maritime border area, which is rich in natural gas.

Iranian drilling of the field in 2001 spurred Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to agree on a maritime border deal, which stipulated they jointly develop the natural resources of the offshore zone.

Kuwait said in March the field was expected to produce one billion cubic feet of natural gas per day, with 84,000 barrels of condensate daily.

Iran-Saudi talks
A news outlet affiliated with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) reported last month that Iran unilaterally suspended talks with regional rival Saudi Arabia without citing the reason.

Riyadh and Tehran have said they hope the discussions can ease years of tensions, but have downplayed expectations of a significant breakthrough.

The two countries ended diplomatic ties in 2016 when Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran was stormed by protesters following the execution of a prominent Shia religious leader by the Sunni-majority kingdom.

Riyadh supported then-United States President Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign of harsh sanctions on Iran after his unilateral withdrawal from the country’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. It also blamed Iran for a major attack on its oil facilities in 2019, an allegation Tehran denied.

The two countries also stand on opposite sides in the war in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition has been fighting against the Iran-aligned Houthi movement since 2014.

The first round of secret talks, which was held in Iraq’s capital in April 2020, had signalled a potential thaw between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Look at this aid package.

View attachment 834028

You can do quite alot of damage with some of the items on this list.

The real sad thing is, Russia has all these heavy bombers and bomber fighters yet aid just pours in.

With all these “spy satellites” and tech available to them they cannot even detect 100 Tanks entering the country from Western side?

Remember when I told EVERYONE on here nukes don’t prevent you from getting bled to death in a proxy conflict? I was pointing to those naive individuals who thought having a nuke ment Israel and US wouldn’t challenge Iran in Syria and Yemen. That everyone would “think twice” before challenging Iran.

Well here you go, Russia has the most nukes on the planet and NATO and US are killing Russians by the thousands using Ukraine as the surrogate.

Nukes are great if you are Nazi’s and Berlin is surrounded.

Nukes are great if you are Russians and its Stalingard

Nukes are great if you are Israel and 3 Arab countries invade you at the same time.

Nukes for geopolitical expansion? Doesn’t do a damn thing.
3,000 Switchblades, 10 per system

Small Arrow warfare (literally) doesn't win wars but can inflict varying degrees of damage onto the adversary.
The real sad thing is, Russia has all these heavy bombers and bomber fighters yet aid just pours in.

With all these “spy satellites” and tech available to them they cannot even detect 100 Tanks entering the country from Western side?

Remember when I told EVERYONE on here nukes don’t prevent you from getting bled to death in a proxy conflict? I was pointing to those naive individuals who thought have a nuke ment Israel and US wouldn’t challenge Iran in Syria and Yemen.

Well here you go, Russia has the most nukes on the planet and NATO and US are killing Russians by the thousands using Ukraine as the surrogate.

It is my understanding (thus far) that the vast majority (near complete totality) of Ukrainian heavy/light armor has been obliterated with fuel/supply lines being destroyed leaving any remaining Ukrainian armor without the necessary fuel to even move. UKR-AD is also gone (despite what Western media says) and believing pro-Ukraine reports would just be silly given that they will always paint a pretty picture on the ground contrary to what is actually happening.

RuAF (AF as in Armed forces in general) have taken away maneuver warfare from UKR-forces. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian forces in the Donbass region are surrounded in several cauldrons without any hope of getting out whilst Russia continues to roll in more men and equipment with an ever increasing amount of heavy artillery being brought to bear. It's woeful that the West has willfully chosen to focus solely on supposed Russian losses (which have been significant) whilst almost entirely ignoring Ukrainian losses. What's almost certain is that Ukrainian casualties number well in the tens of thousands and the Russians aren't really hurting nearly as badly. Why would Zelensky go to every nation in the EU/West and ask for more heavy armor? UKR-forces simply don't have much left because it's all been destroyed.

Switchblades, Javelins, MANPADS, STARSTREAKS, NLAWS, ATGMS: are all small-arrow warfare and will only slow down RuAF movements at best. Moreover, Russian precision strikes on ammo-depots, logistic centers, command posts etc, are still on-going. How many of these switchblades will actually reach the frontlines and be used before they're desroyed is beyond me. That recent Slovakian (?) S-300 system was destroyed immediately when it reached the AO.

:undecided: I don't know what version of this war people are being fed but it ain't the real one...
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prospects of a new Finnish war?

And where is Russia going to pull troops from? Drafting conscripts is deeply unpopular, or else Russia would have already done it.

There are only so many Chechens.

Small Arrow warfare (literally) doesn't win wars but can inflict varying degrees of damage onto the adversary.

It is my understanding (thus far) that the vast majority (near complete totality) of Ukrainian heavy/light armor has been obliterated with fuel/supply lines being destroyed leaving any remaining Ukrainian armor without the necessary fuel to even move. UKR-AD is also gone (despite what Western media says) and believing pro-Ukraine reports would just be silly given that they will always paint a pretty picture on the ground contrary to what is actually happening.

RuAF (AF as in Armed forces in general) have taken away maneuver warfare from UKR-forces. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian forces in the Donbass region are surrounded in several cauldrons without any hope of getting out whilst Russia continues to roll in more men and equipment with an ever increasing amount of heavy artillery being brought to bear. It's woeful that the West has willfully chosen to focus solely on supposed Russian losses (which have been significant) whilst almost entirely ignoring Ukrainian losses. What's almost certain is that Ukrainian casualties number well in the tens of thousands and the Russians aren't really hurting nearly as badly. Why would Zelensky go to every nation in the EU/West and ask for more heavy armor? UKR-forces simply don't have much left because it's all been destroyed.

Switchblades, Javelins, MANPADS, STARSTREAKS, NLAWS, ATGMS: are all small-arrow warfare and will only slow down RuAF movements at best. Moreover, Russian precision strikes on ammo-depots, logistic centers, command posts etc, are still on-going. How many of these switchblades will actually reach the frontlines and be used before they're desroyed is beyond me. That recent Slovakian (?) S-300 system was destroyed immediately when it reached the AO.

:undecided: I don't know what version of this war people are being fed but it ain't the real one...

I don’t know what version of the war you been reading, but the commander of Ukraine operations has been changed. Over 150 FSB agents fired/arrested. Several prominent Russian officials sent to Stalin’s old prisons for “re education”.

Anyone thinking this war is going successfully for Russia is being biased. We make fun of US for “failing” in Iraq and Afghanistan. But At least US held the WHOLE country both times.

Russia besides the land bridge is basically a little further than Feb 24th pre invasion. The cost? Massive.

So yes no doubt Eastern Ukraine looks like dog shit from being pounded into oblivion, but that’s also what Israel and US did when they were not meeting their objectives. They started demolishing everything and anything to “punish” the opponent. This is prime Israeli doctrine they openly boast about.

But Russia expected this to be a cakewalk and it ran into a meat grinder.
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Nothing builds loyalty to ones country like pissing off a young child and leaving a humiliating memory of the one who was responsible for all this (the government)

Glad we are a focused on keeping women out of soccer stadiums and cutting grade school boys’ hair. Forget about the massive corruption and double digit inflation.....those are peanuts compared to these diabolical issues :rolleyes1:

Cant wait for the Sunni Apologist and our very own Iranian Goebbels Spokesperson to defend this in a long massive wall of text.
And where is Russia going to pull troops from? Drafting conscripts is deeply unpopular, or else Russia would have already done it.

There are only so many Chechens.

I don’t know what version of the war you been reading, but the commander of Ukraine operations has been changed. Over 150 FSB agents fired/arrested. Several prominent Russian officials sent to Stalin’s old prisons for “re education”.

Anyone thinking this war is going successfully for Russia is being biased. We make fun of US for “failing” in Iraq and Afghanistan. But At least US held the WHOLE country both times.

Russia besides the land bridge is basically a little further than Feb 24th pre invasion. The cost? Massive.

So yes no doubt Eastern Ukraine looks like dog shit from being pounded into oblivion, but that’s also what Israel and US did when they were not meeting their objectives. They started demolishing everything and anything to “punish” the opponent. This is prime Israeli doctrine they openly boast about.

But Russia expected this to be a cakewalk and it ran into a meat grinder.

Fair enough, I've followed several Telegram channels as well as that one "The Duran" YouTube channel that has presented a very different picture of has been going on in Ukraine.

I'm still largely lost as to who exactly is telling the truth or closest to it in this war.

Nothing builds loyalty to ones country like pissing off a young child and leaving a humiliating memory of the one who was responsible for all this (the government)

Glad we are a focused on keeping women out of soccer stadiums and cutting grade school boys’ hair. Forget about the massive corruption and double digit inflation.....those are peanuts compared to these diabolical issues :rolleyes1:

Cant wait for the Sunni Apologist and our very own Iranian Goebbels Spokesperson to defend this in a long massive wall of text.

I used to be that kid.
Feelings change.

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