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Iranian Chill Thread

Here is our local Sunni apologist to tell us how it’s all the Shiites fault. How it is was a “poor” Sunni who was brainwashed. How come there aren’t any Shiites blowing themselves up?

What are you talking about? "Sunnis" this, "Shiites" that, just axe the sectarian vocabulary and sectarian reading of the events, for such interpretations and language are in line with the zionist and US agenda.

I never made such a claim. Read again. I stated, and correctly so, that a certain number of Iranian citizens broke the law by resorting to vigilantism instead of letting the justice system punish the culprit. This is an offense and like it or not, will be dealt with by Iranian law enforcement.

And the main culprits, responsible for the brainwashing and handling of that 14-year old useful idiot, are sitting in Tel Aviv and Washington. Let's not try and brush this under the carpet by focusing on "Sunnis" sui generis. One needs to have the memory of a fish not to remember how Tel Aviv, Washington and their regional vassals have been fomenting sectarian fitna for the past decades practically everywhere.

Also, anyone who seriously believes a 14-year old takfiri simpleton can pass through some of the strictest security checks in West Asia, namely those practiced at the entrance of Mashhad's holy shrine, armed with a large knife and do so without the backing of a powerful organization pulling his strings in the background is either playing dumb or an effective dimwit indeed. We know who that organization is.

Are the Shiites that die daily in Pakistan to suicide bombings in the house of god, schools, buses also to blame for instigating Sunnis? Maybe Shiites breathed too much air and deserved this? Maybe they didn’t walk fast enough on the road? Are the Shiites in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia who are being tortured and murdered also to blame for instigating those poor defenseless Sunnis? How about those last month who had their head chopped off by the Saudi Arabian government?

I've no clue what you're on about here. I have not only condemned all of the above often enough, but also confronted anti-Shia sectarianists on this website more often and more efficiently than whoever I can think of .

The point is that the above doesn't justify attacks against random Afghan immigrants or Sunni compatriots, the great majority of whom are neither takfiris nor supportive of the Saudi regime or "I'SIS. Furthermore, what that small bunch did - forcing an Afghan immigrant to slander a Sunni figure, is a direct violation of our Supreme Leader's fatwa banning this sort of thing. So I would recommend not to legitimize this.

And if you're suggesting that in response to the crimes of PGCC regimes and Pakistani terrorist outfits against Shia Muslims, people in Iran should spontaneously take it out on Sunni civilians and resort to mob "justice", then you should realize that nobody will benefit from such actions other than the enemy.

Sunni’s have been murdering Shiites in cold blood for hundreds of years. They get a pass by the likes of you who say “it’s ok it’s an isolated incident” when in reality their holy book commends them to kill Shiites.

It has nothing to do with Sunnis per se, but with the regimes that brainwash some of them with takfiri propaganda. And said regimes, in turn, are acting on behalf of their imperial masters, the US and Isra"el".

There's no genetic nor any ideological predisposition of Sunni Muslims to go after their Shia brothers. It has all to do with propaganda and careful social engineering of antagonism.

It's impossible to obfuscate the decisive role of the zionist and American puppet masters, or to make this out to be some sort of an inevitable fatality, some kind of a centuries old sectarian war, as if Shia and Sunni Muslims were doomed to fight each other for all eternity, which is exactly what Iran's existential enemies would like to see.

Yet they scream bloody murder when they get any taste of their own medicine.....hmmm where does this sound so familiar? It is the same tactic the JEWS and Anglo Saxons have used against Muslims in the Middle East to justify their atrocities!

Portrayal of a Shia sectarianist posture, which is but an emulation of the zionist- and Anglo-Saxon sponsored takfiri curse, as some sort of a counterpoint to zionism and western imperialism is a pointless exercise.

It is amply established that any such discourse in the Muslim world is sponsored by these same zionists and Anglo-Saxon imperialists. The proponents of a Shia version of sectarianism are well identified, British-sponsored troublemakers, namely the Shirazi clan as well as certain Hojjatieh elements. They are, furthermore, extremely hostile against the Islamic Republic and its allies including Hezbollah. We should refrain from rehashing Shirazi clan type of sectarianism, for it is a narrative condemned by the Islamic Republic and spread by western-backed existential enemies of Iran.

As our Supreme Leader declared: it doesn't matter whether it's a Shia or a Sunni engaging in sectarianism and targeting their brothers in Islam, those doing so are neither Shias nor Sunnis.

So save your Sunni propaganda for the Takfiris.

Save sectarianist drivel for the Americans who're desperate to infect Iranian society with it.

These guys are baboons. Actually that’s an insult to baboons.

The only good Taliban is a dead Taliban. Send these worthless scum to meet Allah so they can get their 100 male virgins in hell.

There's not going to be a war between Iran and Aghanistan. The Taleban leadership have shown themselves to be intelligent enough and they have good ties with the IRGC. What two or three morons among their rank and file say shall be of no consequence in the big picture. No matter the amount of efforts the US regime puts into it, it's not going to result in a new armed conflict.
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more likely we are seeing true nature of Taliban ,a question what happened to the promises they made before they get the power? , what happened to the equal right for all afghans ? what happened to the inclusive government ?

The two Taleban in that clip got over-excited by the events of Mashhad. Proof is that no similar statement has come from any Taleban member for eight full months since they took Kabul.

This whole story, from the terrorist attack at Harame Razavi, the initial trigger, to the social hysteria fueled by hostile media in its aftermath is obviously a plot by foreign intelligence services. Smart people on all sides can see through it and aren't going to fall for it.

Anyone seeking to disturb social peace or border security of Iran, no matter who and from what side they are, will be slapped harshly by the Islamic Republic, mark my words.
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These token few Taleban fighters in that clip reacted to the events in Mashhad. Proof is that no similar statement has come from any Taleban member for eight full months since they took Kabul.

This whole story, from the terrorist stabbing attack at Harame Razavi which triggered it to the social hysteria fueled by hostile media in the aftermath is obviously a plot by foreign intelligence services. Smart people on all sides aren't going to fall for it though.
Dude, we are talking about 5,000 illegal, undocumented immigrants a day. It's a security threat that needs to be dealt with.
+ Hosting over 4 million Afghan refugees for decades that has been nothing but a burden on our economy.
A simple mathematical calculation shows that if we don't do something about it, in about 10 years, the population of Afghans will be third after Persians and Turks. Even more than Kurds.
Dude, we are talking about 5,000 illegal, undocumented immigrants a day. It's a security threat that needs to be dealt with.
+ Hosting over 4 million Afghan refugees for decades that has been nothing but a burden on our economy.
A simple mathematical calculation shows that if we don't do something about it, in about 10 years, the population of Afghans will be third after Persians and Turks. Even more than Kurds.
An enormous burden that has to be paid for by the pockets of Iranians.

It's not like Iran is receiving 8 million Germans who are skilled and knowledgable workers. Its literally 8 million of the most poor and lowest skilled and least educated workers in the world. Oh and to add on-top of it, the Taliban sympathizers.
Dude, we are talking about 5,000 illegal, undocumented immigrants a day. It's a security threat that needs to be dealt with.

I wasn't talking about that.

+ Hosting over 4 million Afghan refugees for decades that has been nothing but a burden on our economy.
A simple mathematical calculation shows that if we don't do something about it, in about 10 years, the population of Afghans will be third after Persians and Turks. Even more than Kurds.

These were my statements on the topic:



So I've been clear about the need to contain the influx from Afghanistan.

What is not going to happen though, is locals taking it out randomly on Afghan immigrants and vice versa. What is not going to happen, is Shia versus Sunni strife at the societal level in Islamic Iran. What is not going to happen, is war between Iran and the Taleban-led Afghan government.

If further incidents take place, security forces are going to clamp down on perpetrators, no matter if they're Iranian or Afghan, Sunni or Shia. Iran stands out and is a role model for social integration and peaceful civil coexistence and intermingling between indigenous religious communities. None of the communal conflicts which marred the region ever spilled over into Iran, and all attempts by the zio-American enemy to engineer similar crises within Iran have failed blatantly for 43 years. We're not all of a sudden going to allow the enemy and its PGCC clients to compromise the social peace. That was my point.

When it comes to mass immigration from Afghanistan yes, as I underscored, it must be kept within a limit. And the means to achieve this will thus have to be rational and non-conflictual.
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Its literally 8 million of the most poor and lowest skilled and least educated workers in the world. Oh and to add on-top of it, the Taliban sympathizers.
Try to make them Iran sympathisers, extremely easy if you just try a little bit.

We have this kind of problem in Tunisia, with a massive flux of African immigrants seeking to reach Europe, our south borders are full of corrupted border guards and our politicians stopping those African from joining Europe to please their masters in Bruxelles .....

Most African immigrants are young, desperate for money and troublemakers, so thank God you have family muslim immigrants.....
No, I wasn't talking about that. Re-read what you quoted.

Again, read correctly. These were my statements on the topic:

View attachment 833697

View attachment 833702

So I've been pretty clear about the need to contain the uncontrolled influx from Afghanistan.

What is not going to happen though, is locals taking it out randomly on Afghan immigrants and vice versa. What is not going to happen, is Shia versus Sunni strife at the societal level in Islamic Iran. What is not going to happen, is war between Iran and the Taleban-led Afghan government.

Just watch, if further incidents take place in Iran, security forces are going to clamp down hard on perpetrators, no matter if they're Iranian or Afghan, Sunni or Shia. Iran stands out and is a role model for social integration and peaceful civil coexistence and intermingling between indigenous religious communities. None of the communal conflicts which marred the region ever spilled over into Iran, and all attempts by the zio-American enemy to engineer similar crises within Iran failed miserably for 43 years. We're not all of a sudden going to allow the enemy and its PGCC clients to compromise the social peace. That was my point.

When it comes to mass immigration from Afghanistan yes, as I repeatedly underscored, it must be kept within limits. And the means to achieve this aim will have to be rational and non-conflictual.
Yes, I understood you. But what I object to is the part where you depict it as a foreign plot that Iranians won't fall for it.
No, it's not. It has very deep social reasons for both sides and it is becoming really concerning.

Afghans feel mistreated in Iran and they feel we discriminate against them. Now some part of it might be justified obviously and I don't say we haven't made mistakes or we are angels and we are always right.

Iranians on the other hand are quite worried about the implications of allowing undocumented refugees who refuse to get registered because they want to go under the radar of the police and security forces, and most of them are illiterate and some of them are radically different from us culturally. Also, the past trend of crime rate among Afghan refugees gives Iranians even more reasons to refuse to accept them in Iran.

The problem is not exactly about some plot by some evil foreign power. It runs much deeper.
Yes, I understood you. But what I object to is the part where you depict it as a foreign plot that Iranians won't fall for it.
No, it's not. It has very deep social reasons for both sides and it is becoming really concerning.
The problem is not exactly about some plot by some evil foreign power. It runs much deeper.

The stabbing attack at the holy shrine can only have been orchestrated by enemy intelligence. A 14-year old armed with a long blade just doesn't enter the premises unnoticed unless backed by a competent organization. I've been there several times by the Grace of God, security checks are probably the strictest in all of Iran.

Our two propositions aren't mutually exclusive. If there's an issue of mass immigration in Iran, then Iran's existential foreign enemies sure as heck are going to do everything in their power to exploit it to their benefit. Explosive social tensions as well as daily clashes between Iranian locals and Afghan immigrants is what the enemy would like to provoke. Especially since these phenomena are comparatively rare in Iran. Now vigilantism, mob violence plus sectarianism and ethnic resentment on both sides are ways to generate such a situation. And the enemy definitely is pushing for these as we speak.

So there's no room for this kind of behavior. There's an immigration issue, indeed, and it has to be addressed through efficient policy measures by the government. Not in such a way as to aggravate the situation and create several additional problems on top.

Afghans feel mistreated in Iran and they feel we discriminate against them. Now some part of it might be justified obviously and I don't say we haven't made mistakes or we are angels and we are always right.

Iranians on the other hand are quite worried about the implications of allowing undocumented refugees who refuse to get registered because they want to go under the radar of the police and security forces, and most of them are illiterate and some of them are radically different from us culturally. Also, the past trend of crime rate among Afghan refugees gives Iranians even more reasons to refuse to accept them in Iran.

This is all correct. Iran cannot afford to host much more than 5 million Afghan immigrants - which is generous onto itself, I'm in agreement with that. At the same time, the enemy is trying to exacerbate any and all social antagonism and misperception. Now in order to curtail these foreign intrusions, solutions to the problem must stem from sound government action, not from mob violence nor from sectarianist discourse / ethno-national antagonism. It's all I'm saying.
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Iran preparing to host World Cup fans after agreement with Qatar

Iran is planning to expand air and sea travel while relaxing visa rules to host hundreds of thousands of World Cup fans.

By Maziar Motamedi
Published On 12 Apr 2022
12 Apr 2022

Tehran, Iran – Iran has reached a series of agreements with Qatar as it mobilises plans to host fans of the men’s football World Cup that will be held in its neighbouring country later this year.

The Qatari transport minister, Jassim bin Saif al-Sulaiti, was hosted by Iran’s roads minister Rostam Ghasemi during a two-day visit to the resort island of Kish, which culminated in the signing of agreements on Monday, including for operations to link the Doha Flight Information Region (FIR) with the Tehran FIR.

The two countries also agreed to increase the number of flights between them, according to state media.

The increased cooperation is meant to facilitate fans’ stay on Kish island, which is a 40-minute flight or a six-hour boat journey away from Doha, in addition to boosting boat routes and flights that would take fans back and forth at regular intervals.

Cooperation on the World Cup was the subject of one of 14 agreements Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani signed in late February in Doha. The two leaders also discussed Monday’s agreements in a phone call last week.Map of Kish, Iran

While Kish is the main focus, Iranian authorities also hope to be able to utilise other islands and cities of the southern Hormozgan Province to welcome fans.

They also wish to potentially extend some of the measures beyond the World Cup, which starts in November, in order to boost tourism and travel ties between the two countries, but the details are still unclear.

Ghasemi said he expected hundreds of thousands of World Cup fans to stay in Iran.

“We are now planning to create the grounds for foreign fans and tourists to travel to Iran during their leisure times to visit our country’s attractions as well,” the Iranian roads minister said.

Stays in Iran will likely be much cheaper for foreign visitors than those in Qatar, in part because of the battering the Iranian rial has taken due to sanctions imposed by the United States in recent years.

Iranian authorities hope fans staying on Kish and travelling back and forth during the World Cup could benefit the country’s tourism sector, which has been significantly affected in recent years by the combined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sanctions.

Mohammad Mohammadi, the head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation, said there are now 72 flights between Iran and Qatar daily. That number, he said, could be boosted to 100 flights per day.

Mohammadi also said Iran could facilitate cargo transfer between the two countries during the World Cup period.

Iran is also trying to employ new cruise ships to facilitate sea travel to Qatar. Deputy Roads Minister Ali Akbar Safaei promised several new cruise lines will be activated by Eid al-Fitr in May.

To encourage and facilitate more travel, Iran is also expected to waive visas required for incoming visitors from Qatar.

Leila Azhdari, who heads the foreign tourism department at the Iranian tourism ministry, said the foreign ministry had agreed to waive visas for travel from Qatar for two months during the World Cup, which will end on December 18.

Visitors, she said, can apply for free single or multiple-entry passes for 20-day stays during those two months, the exact dates of which will be announced later
Iran preparing to host World Cup fans after agreement with Qatar

Iran is planning to expand air and sea travel while relaxing visa rules to host hundreds of thousands of World Cup fans.

By Maziar Motamedi
Published On 12 Apr 2022
12 Apr 2022

Tehran, Iran – Iran has reached a series of agreements with Qatar as it mobilises plans to host fans of the men’s football World Cup that will be held in its neighbouring country later this year.

The Qatari transport minister, Jassim bin Saif al-Sulaiti, was hosted by Iran’s roads minister Rostam Ghasemi during a two-day visit to the resort island of Kish, which culminated in the signing of agreements on Monday, including for operations to link the Doha Flight Information Region (FIR) with the Tehran FIR.

The two countries also agreed to increase the number of flights between them, according to state media.

The increased cooperation is meant to facilitate fans’ stay on Kish island, which is a 40-minute flight or a six-hour boat journey away from Doha, in addition to boosting boat routes and flights that would take fans back and forth at regular intervals.

Cooperation on the World Cup was the subject of one of 14 agreements Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani signed in late February in Doha. The two leaders also discussed Monday’s agreements in a phone call last week.Map of Kish, Iran

While Kish is the main focus, Iranian authorities also hope to be able to utilise other islands and cities of the southern Hormozgan Province to welcome fans.

They also wish to potentially extend some of the measures beyond the World Cup, which starts in November, in order to boost tourism and travel ties between the two countries, but the details are still unclear.

Ghasemi said he expected hundreds of thousands of World Cup fans to stay in Iran.

“We are now planning to create the grounds for foreign fans and tourists to travel to Iran during their leisure times to visit our country’s attractions as well,” the Iranian roads minister said.

Stays in Iran will likely be much cheaper for foreign visitors than those in Qatar, in part because of the battering the Iranian rial has taken due to sanctions imposed by the United States in recent years.

Iranian authorities hope fans staying on Kish and travelling back and forth during the World Cup could benefit the country’s tourism sector, which has been significantly affected in recent years by the combined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sanctions.

Mohammad Mohammadi, the head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation, said there are now 72 flights between Iran and Qatar daily. That number, he said, could be boosted to 100 flights per day.

Mohammadi also said Iran could facilitate cargo transfer between the two countries during the World Cup period.

Iran is also trying to employ new cruise ships to facilitate sea travel to Qatar. Deputy Roads Minister Ali Akbar Safaei promised several new cruise lines will be activated by Eid al-Fitr in May.

To encourage and facilitate more travel, Iran is also expected to waive visas required for incoming visitors from Qatar.

Leila Azhdari, who heads the foreign tourism department at the Iranian tourism ministry, said the foreign ministry had agreed to waive visas for travel from Qatar for two months during the World Cup, which will end on December 18.

Visitors, she said, can apply for free single or multiple-entry passes for 20-day stays during those two months, the exact dates of which will be announced later

But, how is Iran going to cater to the needs of the many drinkers among these football fans, considering that alcoholic beverages are strictly outlawed in Islamic Iran and cannot be purchased legally anywhere? To many of them, spending even a day and especially a holiday without drinking is unthinkable. It'd be a shame if police were to turn a blind eye to dealers approaching these foreigners to sell them liquor.

As for rowdy football hooligans who brawl on the streets and disturb the public, who wants these in their country? Also spectators use football World Cups and similar events as an opportunity for large scale contracting of extra-marital intimate relations, something which again violates the law in the Islamic Republic.

Laws are the same for all, and tourists shouldn't receive favorable treatment. Moreover if Iran allows these people to freely engage in the mentioned activities, it could initiate a move towards their legalization.

So in my opinion, it wouldn't be such a good idea to host them, and I hope authorities will rethink their stance and won't go ahead with it.
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The stabbing attack at the holy shrine can only have been orchestrated by enemy intelligence. A 14-year old armed with a long blade just doesn't enter the premises unnoticed unless backed by a competent organization.
in fact you can enter the premises with knifes if the security is like the last time I was there

But, how is Iran going to cater to the needs of the many drinkers among these football fans, considering that alcoholic beverages are strictly outlawed in Islamic Iran and cannot be purchased legally anywhere?
come on don't be naïve . no country around Persians gulf consume as much alcohol as Iran .
and i yet to see any high class hotel that don't serve it to its foreign guests, they are just need to be discreet .
in hospital when I'm at night shift , its drunk fights that we have to treat not to people who disagree on price of a refrigerator. if Iranian can get it that easy then be assured its far easier for foreigners.
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in fact you can enter the premises with knifes if the security is like the last time I was there

In my personal experience of visiting several times, security checks were the strictest I've witnessed anywhere in Iran. The shrine was already bombed in 1994 and is high on the list of potential targets for takfiri terrorists.

Also the takfiri ideology this person was brainwashed with is part of a decades old plot by intelligence services of the zionist, American, European regimes and their regional allies, to foment sectarian strife among Sunni and Shia Muslims. So the responsibility of Iran's foreign enemies is established either way.
Also spectators use football World Cups and similar events as an opportunity for large scale contracting of extra-marital intimate relations, something which again violates the law in the Islamic Republic.
do you recall some years ago about videos of foreign pilgrim's to Mashhad and some houses there ? did you forget the protest it resulted.? so again don't ever think Iranian are above such things , specially with this economic situations ? by the way there are some documentary by some famous revolutionary and principalist film maker about these things if you want i can post their links here
But, how is Iran going to cater to the needs of the many drinkers among these football fans, considering that alcoholic beverages are strictly outlawed in Islamic Iran and cannot be purchased legally anywhere? For many of them spending a day and especially a holiday without drinking is totally unthinkable. It'd be a shame if police were to turn a blind eye to dealers approaching these foreigners to sell them liquor.

As for rowdy football hooligans who brawl on the streets and disturb the public, who wants these in their country? Also spectators use football World Cups and similar events as an opportunity for large scale contracting of extra-marital intimate relations, something which again violates the law in the Islamic Republic.

Laws are the same for all, and tourists shouldn't receive favorable treatment. Moreover if Iran allows these people to freely engage in the mentioned activities, it could initiative a move towards their legalization.

So in my opinion, it wouldn't be such a good idea to host them, and I hope authorities will rethink their stance and won't go ahead with it.
They'll probably open up Kish Qeshm Island etc... They are already special economic zones and to be honest, alcohol is pretty available in Iran.

EdIt: I just realized it mentions Kish and other Islands as staying destinations.
In my personal experience of visiting several times, security checks were the strictest I've witnessed anywhere in Iran. The shrine was already bombed in 1994 and is high on the list of potential targets for takfiri terrorists.

Also the takfiri ideology this person was brainwashed with is part of a decades old plot by intelligence services of the zionist, American, European regimes and their regional allies, to foment sectarian strife among Sunni and Shia Muslims. So the responsibility of Iran's foreign enemies is established either way.
you can put it at the sole of your shoe , you can hide it inside your trousers ,
you can sew it inside your hand bag ........

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