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Iranian Chill Thread

Have you any proof that they took bribe from US?
عزیز من ساسی مانکن رو تلویزیون پخش می‌کنه؟
چیزهایی رو بگو که تلویزیون پخش می‌کنه
ساسی مانکن خودش ضد ارزش‌ترین چیزی هست که جمهوری اسلامی ساخته

باز گوگوش و داریوش و ابی و امثال اینها آهنگ‌های ارزشمند و درست حسابی می‌خوندن
امثال تتلو و ساسی مانکن و اینها رو هیچ جای دنیا با این محبوبیت پیدا نمی‌تونی بکنی
که اون هم دلیلش سقوط جامعه هست

ماهواره مخابراتی برای چی؟
مگه صدا و سیما برای پخش سیگنال تو خود کشور ماهواره مخابراتی می‌خواد؟
مگه باندهای یو اچ اف و وی اچ اف دیگه این حرف‌ها رو داره؟
بعد فکر می‌کنی ماهواره مخابراتی داشته باشیم امثال علم الهدی و جنتی می‌ذارن چیز درست پخش کنیم؟


بیت کوین به نظرم یه ۲ - ۳ هزار دلار دیگه جا داره بیاد پایین بعد احتمالاً یه چند هفته حسابی کم نوسان داشته باشه تا اینکه بکشه روی ۵۰ هزار دلار و دوباره بریزه​

قبول داری مهران مدیری ده تا ارحام صدر یا صمد میرزه؟

قبول داری عابد زاده ده تا مرحوم حجازی میرزید؟

قبول داری علی دایی ده برابر قیلیچ خانی یا چنگیز و امثالش افتخار داره و خودش رو به عربها هم نفروخته مثل چنگیز؟

قبول داری​
All Iran has to do is supply Armenia with weapons. That is all. No need for Iran to get involved in this situation directly.

Is the IR willing to do that? I don't know, obviously they have not done so today but they may change their minds later.

All that is required for Armenia are layered defences.
AAA systems (Sarrir)
3rd Khordad and 9th Dey configuration
S-band radars

Offensive force multipliers
Combat UAVs, small recon UAVs, loitering UAS
HAARM missiles
Short Surface-to-Surface missiles, cheaper stuff like Fajr-5, and Fath for precise targeting positions and assets.
Short range CMs for airports.
Lots of remote operated ATGMs,

I can't express how important precision guided Fajr-5s, including laser based targeting is for Armenia.

Do this and you have atleast 20 years of peace.
This of course is not a cheap aid package, but the cost of doing nothing is far higher than this.

The time it would take to train these forces is months to years.

Also we don’t even know much about Iran’s air defense and radar production rates. We have the video of mass production of 3rd Khordad, but we have seen such mass production videos of Karrar and Saeghe and reality says the production rate is slower.

So we don’t know if Iran even has (excess supply of the other things you mentioned) to give while it is arming Hezbollah and Houthi’s.

Also Iran has a large Azeri population and even political factions who have Azeri roots, it has to balance this with any major aid package to Armenia.

If hostilities emerge and Azerbaijan does not backdown then Iran can do a large BM strike on major Azeri assets across the country and force a complete closure of Azeri airspace.

Furthermore, the deployment of S-300 and Bavar in the North can blanket the entire airspace of both countries. But Azeri has no real airforce.

The best thing Iran can supply (and likely already has) is a lot of anti tank missiles and maybe some suicide UAVs. These don’t require too much major training.

The wildcard here is Turkey, who while going against Iranian interest in many fields...also aids Iran economically via sanctions busting schemes.

Like I said key is balance and not to jump the gun. This is completely different than Russia sitting idly for 20 years as Ukraine become a western CIA puppet. Iran’s situation is not nearly as dire.
but we have seen such mass production videos of Karrar and Saeghe and reality says the production rate is slower.
It just indicates production for these items are not a priority.
So we don’t know if Iran even has (excess supply of the other things you mentioned) to give while it is arming Hezbollah and Houthi’s.
You are nitpicking unnecessarily. I was providing a list of useful products where Armenia has a serious lack there of, I was not meaning to give a detailed ledger, the quantities of each pieces, and the logistics/training behind it. Of course, operating these AD systems in particular would take a lot of time.
Like I said key is balance and not to jump the gun.
Certainly, jumping the gun is what got Russia in their mess. No need to repeat their mistakes. Hence why I figured a substantial aid package to Armenia would be less costly than inaction, even if it means donating equipment. Let them fight for their desires. In the short term of course what you stated like ATGMs and UAS/UAVs, laser guided artillery are quick short-term useful remedies.

One would certainly expect NATO to funnel weapons through Georgia into Baku if Iran got involved.
عزیز من ساسی مانکن رو تلویزیون پخش می‌کنه؟
چیزهایی رو بگو که تلویزیون پخش می‌کنه
ساسی مانکن خودش ضد ارزش‌ترین چیزی هست که جمهوری اسلامی ساخته

باز گوگوش و داریوش و ابی و امثال اینها آهنگ‌های ارزشمند و درست حسابی می‌خوندن
امثال تتلو و ساسی مانکن و اینها رو هیچ جای دنیا با این محبوبیت پیدا نمی‌تونی بکنی
که اون هم دلیلش سقوط جامعه هست

ماهواره مخابراتی برای چی؟
مگه صدا و سیما برای پخش سیگنال تو خود کشور ماهواره مخابراتی می‌خواد؟
مگه باندهای یو اچ اف و وی اچ اف دیگه این حرف‌ها رو داره؟
بعد فکر می‌کنی ماهواره مخابراتی داشته باشیم امثال علم الهدی و جنتی می‌ذارن چیز درست پخش کنیم؟


بیت کوین به نظرم یه ۲ - ۳ هزار دلار دیگه جا داره بیاد پایین بعد احتمالاً یه چند هفته حسابی کم نوسان داشته باشه تا اینکه بکشه روی ۵۰ هزار دلار و دوباره بریزه​
It's easy to get viewers if you have no regards for morality or care for the stability/ good of the society. An extreme example is ****. IRIB could get more viewers than all its rivals if it showed ****, but what would that do to society? Our enemies have no qualms in using destructive temptations, slimy tactics, and outright lies in gaining viewers.
Everywhere in the world Liberal/leftist media has more viewers than conservative/moralist media for this very reason. Just look at the US, the only "conservative" channel with decent viewership is FOX news.
While IRIB could get more viewers by using cognitive sciences, effective media tactics (most of which toe the line when it comes to morality), more attractive entertainment, but at the end of the day, on an equal playing field they will always lose to western media.
I hate to say it but effective censorship is the only solution.
Economic situation in Turkey worsens. Inflation now above 60%. Up to 2/3rd of all financial transactions in cash are made in USD/EUR.

An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

Interesting if the propaganda turns out to be true. Would be Surprised.
Russia have enough air defense , if Iran wanted to donate anything , donated UCAVs, Suicide Drones , Sadid Bombs, loitering Bomb , Balaban Bomb, Akhgar and Almas Missiles ,... or air defense missile designed to close airspace to drones such as project 358 missile

those are what Russia need and failed to invest in
@aryobarzan and others affected by the recent debate on Afghan refugees: please listen to the video below (it's only 15 minutes long, watching the first 10 minutes is enough). Its maker can hardly be suspected of lacking nationalist sentiment or of not having Iran's interests in mind.

The terrorist stabbing attack at the Mashhad Holy Shrine as well as subsequent media frenzy and hysterics the attack generated among certain segments of the public are a carefully devised and highly dangerous plot by Iran's enemies (US, zionist regime and their Saudi clients) to foment permanent insecurity by way of engineering communal conflict and pitting against one another Iranians and Afghan immigrants, the states of Iran and Afghanistan, Shia and Sunni Muslims.

Again, this doesn't imply that the issue of immigration shouldn't be addressed nor regulated. However, the topic needs to be discussed and adequate policies devised in a dispassionate and levelheaded manner. Also, there's no justification for impulsive acts of violence on the societal level between Iranians and their fellow Persian-speaking Afghans. Any involuntary indentation to the state's monopoly of violence can potentially lead to outright collapse of central state authority down the road, so such behavior will be harshly dealt with by authorities.

Don't forget that the enemy is furthermore deeply frustrated at its utter failure to use Afghanistan as a launch pad for destabilization of Iran after the withdrawal of NATO occupation troops and the Taleban power grab, including because the latter have taken rather efficient action to keep "I"SIS-K in check.

So let's not fall into this trap, which becomes quite blatant once examined with a cool head.

Russia have enough air defense , if Iran wanted to donate anything , donated UCAVs, Suicide Drones , Sadid Bombs, loitering Bomb , Balaban Bomb, Akhgar and Almas Missiles ,... or air defense missile designed to close airspace to drones such as project 358 missile

those are what Russia need and failed to invest in

I doubt the news too. If correct interesting.
Several people shot and ‘bombs discovered’ at New York subway station
Isabel Keane
Tuesday 12 Apr 2022 2:38 pm

Police are looking for a man wearing a gas mask and an orange construction vest, who they believe opened fire in the station

Police are looking for a man wearing a gas mask and an orange construction vest, who they believe opened fire in the station (Picture: Armen Armenian)

At least five people were shot during morning rush hour Tuesday at a subway station in Brooklyn, New York, where ‘several undetonated devices’ were found, according to city officials.

A man wearing a gas mask and orange construction vest, similar to what a Metropolitan Transportation Authority worker might wear, was seen throwing a device into the subway station before opening fire, according to law enforcement officials.

Four of the victims were found at the 36th Street subway station while a fifth was found at the 25th Street station in Greenwood Heights. At least 13 people were injured in total, several by gunfire, according to fire officials. Officials found multiple people shot in the station while responding to reports of smoke at the 36th Street station in Sunset Park, a New York City Fire Department spokesperson said. The bloody incident broke out just before 8.30am.

The bloody incident broke out just before 8.30am. Officials had initially responded to the station over reports of smoke when they discovered numerous people had been shot.

Police respond to the shooting early Tuesday morning in Brooklyn

Police respond to the shooting early Tuesday morning in Brooklyn (Picture: Reuters)

It's unclear how many people were shot while waiting at the subway station Tuesday morning

At least five people were injured during a shooting Tuesday morning in Brooklyn, New York

Graphic photos of the incident being shared across social media show blood-stained subway platform floors and injured people being carried away from the station on stretchers. Videos shared reveal the moment panicked passengers flee a smoke-filled subway car.

The NYPD’s bomb squad is on the scene investigating. Officials are searching for as many as four packages they’ve deemed suspicious.
The suspect was described as a Black male, 5-foot-5 and 175 to 180 pounds.

No arrests have been made.

Around 10am police said there were no active explosive devices in the area of the shooting.

In regard to the multiple people shot at the 36th Street subway station in Brooklyn, there are NO active explosive devices at this time. Any witnesses are asked to call @NYPDTips at #800577TIPS. Please stay clear of the area. More provided information when available. pic.twitter.com/8UoiCAXemB
— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) April 12, 2022

N and R line power is off as police search for the suspect. Trains running on the D, N and R lines would be delayed because of an unspecified investigation, MTA officials said.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul said in a tweet that she’s been briefed on the ‘developing situation’ in Brooklyn, and that her office will work with the MTA and NYPD as the investigation continues.

Schools in the area are also sheltering in place as police search for the gunman.

President Joe Biden has also been briefed on the shooting, and White House senior staff are in contact with New York City Mayor Eric Adams to provide assistance as needed, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a tweet.


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