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Iranian Chill Thread

First of all tell me why all these things are a concern of an Iranian?

US pressure can be taken as it was taken when we tested our nuclear weapons during Nawaz Sharif (his brother Shahbaz shareef became PM of Pakistan today)
US has sanctioned our institutions who work on nuclear weapons and missiles but that lead to development of indiginous engines of our cruise Missiles.

So no compromise on nuclear weapons.

Because if they can bribe politicians to remove IK, they can bribe them to ignite our border too for no reason.

سنتی چیه؟ مگه گوگوش و ابی و داریوش و هزاران نفر دیگه که می‌شه اسم برد سنتی هستند؟

بنامین هم همچین مالی نبود. می‌خوای با امثال داریوش و اینها مقایسه‌اش کنی؟ الان کسی اصلاً بنیامین گوش می‌ده؟ هنوز دارن ابی و داریوش و هایده گوش می‌دن

ساسی رسماً گسترش فحشا و انگلی و لودگی هست​

بنیامین زمانی با فاصله اولین بود

هشتادی ها خیلی کم گوگوش گوش میدن
اغلب جدیدا

ساسی هم یک مدل ه
مدل رپ لوده و عصیانگر
رپ ه دیگه
زیارت عاشورا که نیست
ولی مشکلی هم نداره

حالا متون اشعار ابی خیلی اخلاقیه؟
@SalarHaqq Jan...I like IR...do not get me wrong..I have praised Raisi government for many of things he has planned and done so far ...the Immigration...he has dropped the ball..as we speak refugees are pouring in...the Vahidi minister in charge better get his act together and tell the nation what he is doing about it.....I do not listen to any Iran opposition propaganda...my take is only based on Iran's official news reports...and I am well aware how enemies will use or mis use all this issues...not green..my dear..

Dear friend, what reliable figures are there to suggest the situation in this regard has been exceptional during the past couple of days where all of a sudden, the topic is making headlines and everyone feels they need to offer their two cents? For as long as I remember, Afghans have been emigrating to Iran and there have been other periods of high intensity movements. Periodically, illegal Afghan migrants were reconducted in numbers to Afghanistan as well.

The problem was just as palpable and present three, four or ten months ago. Why weren't people getting as excited over it back then as they are now? Because "someone" is choosing the "topic of the day", setting the agenda, creating momentum through isolated, symbolic occurrences presented to people in an out-of-context manner, and that "'someone" is also fabricating the two opposite narratives it wants Iranians to confront each other upon - as well as Iranians confronting Afghans, Sunnis confronting Shias and so on.

And as said, there is no quick nor simple fix to the issue although yes, immigration even from Afghanistan, which is an Iranian country, must be regulated and kept within a precisely defined numerical limit, for a series of reasons. However, this panicked reaction of many to a phenomenon that is in essence a slow process, is not rational and here we can clearly see the hands of zio-American social engineers attempting to manufacture and exploit a socially destabilizing trend. We, not the enemy, not Manoto, not Saudi International, not the CIA nor Mossad must have control over the agenda, choose on what day of the week what topic is to be discussed, and what the main sets of contradictory arguments have to be. This is crucial, and this is what I'm trying to explain.

If people do not see action from government they take matters on their own hand and that will not be fair on a poor refugee...you know how ranchers in the US treat Mexican illegals...

Not a great idea honestly, especially if this is what the enemy wants and has prepared accordingly, so as to trigger sustained strife within Iranian society. These sorts of actions will not be of any use in stemming immigration and societal challenges stemming from it. As far the latter are concerned, they risk only getting worse if people act outside of the framework of the law. The government will take action but for any policy to bear fruit, it will take months and years; nothing much can be done in just a matter of days or weeks to reverse migration flows. And if the government appears not to be doing enough, then the same legal avenues used in other matters will need to be invested in order to motivate officials.

There are other creeping existential threats to Iran such as slow demographic growth and various others, yet I don't see nearly as much mobilization when it comes to these - maybe because the enemy, which controls the foreign-based media watched and read by a considerable proportion of Iranians, doesn't want these to be addressed, as opposed to the question of Afghan immigrants - which it wants discussed, but not in an orderly, civil manner but in a hostile and destabilizing fashion.
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Seems Iran once again is warning once again against any possible redrawing of Armenian borders that would link Azerbaijan back to its breakaway province.

My thinking is if nuclear deal talks fail, US/Israel/NATO will give the green light for Azerbaijan to invade Armenia which will force Iran to invade to defend....thus giving Turkey and Azerbaijan pre-text for a fight over “South Azerbaijan” and try to cause a “fracture” in Iranian society which has a Turkmen population of its own.
Did you notice that Nakhchavan was not highlighted at all in the map. Curious if that was an oversight or not.

What do you think the chances are that some sort of conflict arises between Iran and Azerbaijan/Turkey in the near future?

I can't help shake this feeling something dire is coming sooner rather than late.... Anyways, if Azerbaijan wants to step up then I say good. Iran will push em' down a peg or two.
Russia being pre-occupied in Ukraine means such a circumstance is more likely than ever.

First of all tell me why all these things are a concern of an Iranian?
We are neighbours :))
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Did you notice that Nakhchavan was not highlighted at all in the map. Curious if that was an oversight or not.

Russia being pre-occupied in Ukraine means such a circumstance is more likely than ever.

We are neighbours :))

That's what I've been worrying about. RuAF can't effectively manage their peace-keeper status in the region if Azerbaijan/Turkey decide to make a push through Armenian territory in order to link up with the Nakhchavan enclave. Russian Federation is knee-deep in Ukraine with more reinforcements coming in as the battle naturally heats up.

Like before, this presents an even greater risk to Iranian sovereignty/border security and would need to be confronted head-on. Quite frankly, if IRGC/Artesh doesn't have a plan to swiftly obliterate a measured amount of Azeri-assets in order to get them to re-think their ambitions. I fear this may blow-up in Iran's face. Maybe a demonstration, or the highest-levels of diplomatic talks.... but idk, I don't think Azerbaijan will be deterred by words alone.

We know both Turkey and Azerbaijan (no matter how "friendly" with Iran they may be) want to expand "Turkic" land via supposed reclamation of they think is theirs. They've long sought our own beloved Iranian lands for decades, so the threat is clearly there.

I don't wish for war, nor do I hate Turkey/Azerbaijan but I'm uneasy about what they plan on doing in general.
That's what I've been worrying about. RuAF can't effectively manage their peace-keeper status in the region if Azerbaijan/Turkey decide to make a push through Armenian territory in order to link up with the Nakhchavan enclave. Russian Federation is knee-deep in Ukraine with more reinforcements coming in as the battle naturally heats up.

Like before, this presents an even greater risk to Iranian sovereignty/border security and would need to be confronted head-on. Quite frankly, if IRGC/Artesh doesn't have a plan to swiftly obliterate a measured amount of Azeri-assets in order to get them to re-think their ambitions. I fear this may blow-up in Iran's face. Maybe a demonstration, or the highest-levels of diplomatic talks.... but idk, I don't think Azerbaijan will be deterred by words alone.

We know both Turkey and Azerbaijan (no matter how "friendly" with Iran they may be) want to expand "Turkic" land via supposed reclamation of they think is theirs. They've long sought our own beloved Iranian lands for decades, so the threat is clearly there.

I don't wish for war, nor do I hate Turkey/Azerbaijan but I'm uneasy about what they plan on doing in general.
We can not take out Baku assets directly. We have to do it through Armenia so there is some sort of plausible deniability. In any way, if Armenia does not seek our help it is up to them if they want to get crushed by Azarbaijan+Turkey.

There is also no rush from Armenian side to train their forces or acquire new weapons. Their leader is a Zionist puppet.

یه مشت حروم‌زاده وطن فروش مثل شغال منتظر نشستن تا فرصت پیدا کنند
بعد مردم می‌شینن چنین آشغال‌هایی رو تماشا می‌کنند

البته همش تقصیر آخوندهای جاکش هست که صدا و سیما رو در حدی پایین آوردن که هیچ کس نگاهش نمی‌کنه
اگه صدا و سیما درست بود و مخاطب رو جذب می‌کرد این کفتارها فرصت پیدا نمی‌کردند بشینند اینطوری همه چیز رو زیر سئوال ببرن
لعنت به هر چی خر مذهبی هست
وقتی هر کانالی می‌زنی یه آخوند نشسته داره کس شعر می‌گه مردم می‌رن این شبکه‌ها رو نگاه می‌کنند​
می خواستم اینو اینجا بفرستم که فرستادی، ممنون. این شبکه اینترنشنال باید به عنوان‌ بازوی رسانه ای یه سازمان تروریستی (استخبارات عنترستان) طبقه بندی بشه هر شخصی که با این رادیو ریاض مرتبط هست و هر کسی هم که تو برنامه های اینا شرکت میکنه باید به عنوان تروریست طبقه بندی بشه و خودش و تمام خانواده درجه یکش از پدر مادر خواهر برادر زن بچه تا نوه هاش باید جمیعا به کوره آدم سوزی فرستاده بشن همین سیاست‌ها باید در مورد مخاطبین ثابت این شبکه و هر کسی که اخبار این شبکه رو به هر نحوی هم پخش کنه باید اجرا بشه.
این مادرجنده ها قشنگ شمشیر رو از رو بستن کسی هم نیست که نفهمه سیاست اینا چیه قشنگ خودشون دارن میگن اگه از این به بعد کسی با اینا ارتباط داشته باشه علاجش فقط کوره آدم سوزی هست
Now Iranians are experts on Pakistani domestic politics also.

On a wider note: even though US has been involved in our domestic political show, peaceful power transfer will make Pakistani democracy stable with time.

And considering street power of IK,PDM is going to get tough time from IK.

And the idiots who are worried about nuclear weapons of Pakistan,one message for them

Pakistani Nuclear Weapons are not to engage US but for India and the ones who will support India during Indo pak war.

And Indians are not fool enough to wage a full scale war against a Nuclear powered Pakistan.

Small border/aerial skirmishes will happen and we are ready for them.
Joke republic lmao
That's what I've been worrying about. RuAF can't effectively manage their peace-keeper status in the region if Azerbaijan/Turkey decide to make a push through Armenian territory in order to link up with the Nakhchavan enclave. Russian Federation is knee-deep in Ukraine with more reinforcements coming in as the battle naturally heats up.

Like before, this presents an even greater risk to Iranian sovereignty/border security and would need to be confronted head-on. Quite frankly, if IRGC/Artesh doesn't have a plan to swiftly obliterate a measured amount of Azeri-assets in order to get them to re-think their ambitions. I fear this may blow-up in Iran's face. Maybe a demonstration, or the highest-levels of diplomatic talks.... but idk, I don't think Azerbaijan will be deterred by words alone.

We know both Turkey and Azerbaijan (no matter how "friendly" with Iran they may be) want to expand "Turkic" land via supposed reclamation of they think is theirs. They've long sought our own beloved Iranian lands for decades, so the threat is clearly there.

I don't wish for war, nor do I hate Turkey/Azerbaijan but I'm uneasy about what they plan on doing in general.
All Iran has to do is supply Armenia with weapons. That is all. No need for Iran to get involved in this situation directly.

Is the IR willing to do that? I don't know, obviously they have not done so today but they may change their minds later.

All that is required for Armenia are layered defences.
AAA systems (Sarrir)
3rd Khordad and 9th Dey configuration
S-band radars

Offensive force multipliers
Combat UAVs, small recon UAVs, loitering UAS
HAARM missiles
Short Surface-to-Surface missiles, cheaper stuff like Fajr-5, and Fath for precise targeting positions and assets.
Short range CMs for airports.
Lots of remote operated ATGMs,

I can't express how important precision guided Fajr-5s, including laser based targeting is for Armenia.

Do this and you have atleast 20 years of peace.
This of course is not a cheap aid package, but the cost of doing nothing is far higher than this.
All Iran has to do is supply Armenia with weapons. That is all. No need for Iran to get involved in this situation directly.

Is the IR willing to do that? I don't know, obviously they have not done so today but they may change their minds later.

All that is required for Armenia are layered defences.
AAA systems (Sarrir)
3rd Khordad and 9th Dey configuration
S-band radars

Offensive force multipliers
Combat UAVs, small recon UAVs, loitering UAS
HAARM missiles
Short Surface-to-Surface missiles, cheaper stuff like Fajr-5, and Fath for precise targeting positions and assets.
Short range CMs for airports.
Lots of remote operated ATGMs,

I can't express how important precision guided Fajr-5s, including laser based targeting is for Armenia.

Do this and you have atleast 20 years of peace.
This of course is not a cheap aid package, but the cost of doing nothing is far higher than this.
if you want supply Armenia with any thing its the time , when the war start it would be late
If the Armenians are attacked, they will want to garner as much international support as possible. They will likely do this by playing the victim card. Nagorno-Karabakh was disputed territory. Armenia itself is internationally recognized. Armenia is also a member of the CTSO (Collective Security Treaty Organization). Russian peacekeepers/troops are there as well.

If Iran launches missiles to deter aggressive actions, I'm pretty sure they won't give a damn about plausible deniability. Just like the recent missile strikes in Iraq, there was no denial. Iran simply stated the reasons why and that's it.

We can not take out Baku assets directly. We have to do it through Armenia so there is some sort of plausible deniability. In any way, if Armenia does not seek our help it is up to them if they want to get crushed by Azarbaijan+Turkey.

There is also no rush from Armenian side to train their forces or acquire new weapons. Their leader is a Zionist puppet.

I don't think Nakhchivan was an oversight. Maybe a warning ? Most people don't realize the kind of advantage Iran has in Nakhchivan. The entire Nakhchivan enclave stretches along Iran's border. Turkey only has access via a narrow mountain pass. Aside from that they would have to go directly through Iranian territory.


Did you notice that Nakhchavan was not highlighted at all in the map. Curious if that was an oversight or not.

Russia being pre-occupied in Ukraine means such a circumstance is more likely than ever.

We are neighbours :))
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There is nothing wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language.. but when you fill the whole country with Arabic banners and name everything in Arabic I have a big problem...Iwill have a big problem if it were in Greek or Italien also...what would a Tunisian feel if you have Farsi banners all over your cities..and Farsi names for things that you make...what would an Egyptians say if he sees Farsi spoken first in every official ceremony...the IR is taking religion one step further into Changing a culture of a people...people that loose their culture are easy to defeat.

ISLAMIC UNITY IS NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH NATIVE CULTURE OF A NATION..THEY CAN COEXSIT....Some in Iran that speak Arabic as second language do not think so..and trying to eliminate Iranian culture to achieve Islamic unity...
Tbh, I'd prefer Turkish, Indonesian, Persians, Pakistani, ... Even Chinese or Russian banners upon French and English ones .....

To have some kind of patriotism is fine, but being harsh to Arabic, being the language of Quran is astonishing.

You just giving reason to some brainwashed Arab takfiris .....

الله يهديك ......
What can I say ? How about they stop flooding the border with illegal immigrants, drugs, contraband ? There is a legal path for immigration but you can't just swarm the border with drugs, women, children. Iran is under sanctions and is already hosting millions of Afghans.

Honestly I feel like the only way to deal with this is to be extremely harsh towards illegal migrants. Yes some of them are vulnerable people but some are also extremely arrogant. You send them back without any penalty or punishment and they simply keep coming back again and again until they get through. They get kicked out, they simply repeat the entire process.

Enough is enough. First of all drug traffickers, human traffickers, execute them without remorse. Repeat offenders must be put into labor camps with any assets they have confiscated. No communications with the outside world.

They should be told what they are charged with but the detention should be arbitrary. So they don't know if it's 3 months, 6 months, 5 years. The system has to discourage this type of behavior. It's sad but it seems like this is the only way to deal with these people.

Pakistan has build fences all along their border and they deported every illegal migrant they could get their hands on. They confiscated their businesses and their assets. Iran should use migrant penal labor to build trenches, fences, barriers, border posts. Use drone technology and surveillance technology as well. If this isn't a wake up call then I don't know what is.

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Did you notice that Nakhchavan was not highlighted at all in the map. Curious if that was an oversight or not.

It was intentional... Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to connect Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan this would cut Iran and Armenia from important trade routes (Iran with the north like Russia and from loss of transit tariffs for both).

Also there is this Pan-Turkic crescent dream these crescent flag countries have to unite under a pseudo new Ottomanic Islamic “Empire”.

Thus Iran needs to be very vigilant

“The Western objective must be to leave Russia profoundly weakened and militarily crippled ... internally divided until the point that an aging autocrat falls from power,” Eliot A. Cohen of Johns Hopkins University, a former official in the George W. Bush administration, wrote recently.

Was this not mine (and some others) viewpoints for years? Putin looked the other way as the monsters tentacles surrounded him and Russia.
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