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Rumours keep swirling of Western military advisers trapped in Mariupol​

There have been unconfirmed rumors on social media that US Army Major General Cloutier has been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol.

Published: April 6, 2022, 12:22 pm

Intel Slava Z, a Telegram channel, reported earlier that NATO officers from Germany, France, the UK and Sweden were trapped with Azov fighters in Mariupol.

Some frantic efforts to rescue these trapped individuals have been recorded. Western powers would not like to see NATO commanders or mercenaries eventually paraded with Azov fighters for obvious historical purposes. The optics of fighting for Nazis is not a popular one.

There are even rumors of a captured US general but they could not be confirmed. The general in question is to the Ukrainian military what Victoria Nuland is to Ukrainian politicians – an instrumental figure.

US Army Major General Cloutier may have been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol. As an old-school, hands-on military man, he was photographed many times on the ground inside Ukraine before the war, training the Ukrainian Army to NATO standards. In a press conference Cloutier described Ukrainians as his brothers.

The British were incidentally aiding the Ukrainian Navy while France had trained the air force.

Cloutier would have been instrumental in the planned Ukrainian assault on Donbass and such a knowledgeable man would be keen to be on the ground helping to co-ordinate the combined American, British and French intelligence and technical support to Ukraine during the preparation of the assault on Donbass. “His arrogance may also have got him trapped inside Mariupol,” one source pointed out.

Another fact which may point to the importance of those trapped inside the steel plant in Mariupol: According to French researcher Thierry Meyssan, on March 29, 2022, General Eric Vidaud, director of French military intelligence, was dismissed and no official explanation was given. “It seems that in reality, General Vidaud had deployed men on the direct instruction of President Macron’s private staff, in 2021 when he was commander of special operations, to supervise the Azov Banderites regiment.”

Two of the five Ukrainian helicopters that had tried to flee the stronghold of the Azov regiment, after the Russians had encircled Mariupol, were shot down on March 30. The survivors were taken prisoner by the Russian army and were quite co-operative. Reporters near the scene have meanwhile found items belonging to French soldiers. According to unconfirmed rumours, a second attempt to flee via helicopter has also failed.

The story of the evacuation of Western advisers from Mariupol became the plot of a minicomic. According to the plot, for them everything ends sadly. Screenshot of minicomic.

“The soldiers of the Special Operations Command are placed for all logistical matters under the orders of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Thierry Burkhard, but they take their orders directly from the head of the armed forces, President Emmanuel Macron,” Meyssan explained.

Special operations helicopter pilots are not usually dispatched to exfiltrate mercenaries or even intelligence operatives, unless they happen to be senior CIA, MI6 or Mossad agents, a source said. “Much less would highly skilled and valuable Spec Ops pilots be sent on an ultra high risk mission twice.” Unless of course there happens to be high-level individuals trapped inside the steel plant.

Attacks in the vicinity by the Russian navy is believed to be connected to British Sea Skua missiles being set up, suggesting further measures by the British to ensure that such operatives are not taken prisoner.

“Although Sea Skua is an old system, the British have large stockpiles of them and they can be set up on a ground launch platform and fired from cover, a truck, inside a warehouse. They would make a mess of Russian supply ships and landing craft.”

The British have so far supplied thousands of missiles to Ukraine in the form of NLAWs, and now Starstreak, a short-range man-portable air-defence system. Boris Johnson earlier confirmed that anti-ship missiles would be sent to Ukraine.

An American General, co-ordinating Ukraine’s efforts against Russia together with NATO, could expose the direct military involvement of NATO and therefore its active participation in the war.

War commentator Pepe Escobar is certain that NATO advisers are still trapped in Mariupol: “Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal. Yet the key is what was going on in this underground eight floors down.”

According to Escobar there is a bioweapons laboratory in a deep bunker in which civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” are tortured and possibly exposed to human experiments. “The ‘pit’ may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal.”

Avostal’s owner Rinat Akhmetov, a Ukrainian oligarch, has been involved in these experiments, said Escobar. Akhmetov is linked to Metabiota, a company in which Hunter Biden’s is implicated. On Hunter’s abandoned laptop there are emails detailing how Hunter had helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons.

Furthermore, Biden introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a “science project” involving high biosecurity level labs.

US ousts Imran Khan but his revolutionary narrative endures

Washington has reactivated old cronies in Islamabad to unseat PM Imran Khan, but the latter has sown seeds of immense dissatisfaction with the old guard and their US backers within the Pakistani public. And Khan's domestic and foreign allies will not sit by idly either.

By MK Bhadrakumar
April 05 2022


The US may control a handful of Pakistani political and military officials, but PM Imran Khan owns the street.
Photo Credit: The Cradle

Last Wednesday, during a meeting with Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi in the Tunxi city of eastern China’s Anhui province, China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the thoughtful remark that there was a need to “to guard against the negative spillover effects of the Ukraine crisis” in the Asian region:

“We can’t allow the Cold War mentality to return to the Asian region. It’s impossible to allow a repeat of camp confrontation in Asia. We mustn’t allow turning medium and small states in the region into an instrument or even a victim of the games of big powers. The Chinese side intends to move in the same direction along with Pakistan and neighbouring countries, play a constructive role in ensuring regional and global peace and make its contribution to Asia.”

Curiously, as it turned out, that was also Qureshi’s last tour abroad as Pakistan’s top diplomat. No sooner than he came back home, his government fell, engulfed in a murky situation of precisely the kind that Wang Yi warned against.

Did Wang Yi have a premonition? We may never know but it is inconceivable that he was unaware of the tensions in Pakistan’s domestic politics fueled from outside, which led to the regime change last weekend.

From all accounts, the coup attempt in Pakistan unfolded as per an Anglo-American script. Prime Minister Imran Khan claimed to have documentary evidence to show that the senior-most official in the US state department dealing with the region, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu, had sent to him a threatening message via the Pakistani ambassador in Washington that his time was up in Islamabad as prime minister.

Imran Khan also alleged that the US embassy in Islamabad had been fraternizing with local politicians who subsequently defected from his coalition government. Washington has been vaguely dismissive about the allegations.

According to Khan, it was his official visit to Moscow in February, which coincided with the launch of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine, that provoked Washington the most – apart from his independent foreign policies and stubborn refusal to set up US military bases in Pakistan.

On Saturday, against the backdrop of the tumultuous political developments in Pakistan, the powerful army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa waded into an unusual topic — Russia. He openly criticized Russia for its special operation in Ukraine, calling it a “great tragedy” that had killed thousands and made millions refugees and “half of Ukraine destroyed,” demanding that it must be “stopped immediately.”

He noted that Pakistan had enjoyed excellent defence and economic relationships with Ukraine since its independence but relations with Russia were “cold” for a long time because of numerous reasons, and that Pakistan had sent humanitarian assistance to Ukraine via Pakistan Air Force planes and would continue to do so.

Significantly, Bajwa also stated that “we share a long and excellent strategic relationship with the US,” and that Pakistan sought to broaden and expand relations with both China and the US “without impacting our relations with [either].”

Without doubt, the powerful general spoke with an eye on Washington, acutely conscious of the political transition in his country and taking care to place himself on the ‘right side of history.’

Bajwa’s message to Washington was three-fold: one, he didn’t share Imran Khan’s enthusiasm for close ties with Russia; two, nor did he share Imran Khan’s ‘anti-American’ foreign policies; and, three, he wouldn’t allow Pakistan’s alliance with China to overshadow his desire to deepen relations with the US.

Make no mistake, Pakistani generals are first and last seasoned politicians. That is why both China and Russia are acutely conscious of the geopolitical significance of the regime change event in Islamabad. Wang Yi’s prescient remarks find their echo in a report by the influential Russian daily Kommersant on Monday, based on expert opinion in Moscow:

“The dynamics of the current crisis indicate that Pakistan is at the threshold of a power change which may nullify many agreements with Moscow, considering that the new regime in Pakistan which will form in the next few months will be much more pro-American.”

According to the Director of the analytical center at the Moscow-based Russian Society of Political Scientists Andrey Serenko, “A special concern is caused by the fact that… Bajwa openly supported Russia’s adversaries. The drift of military-political heavyweights in Pakistan towards the US may have much more negative consequences for it [Russia] in the Central Asian region bordering Afghanistan. Belligerent and extremist elements in the Taliban, which are traditionally controlled by Pakistan’s special services, as well as the terrorist groups of the Islamic State and Jamaat Ansarullah have not lost interest in spreading jihad beyond Afghan borders.”

Equally, a member of the faculty of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy, Vadim Kozyulin, had this explicit warning to give: “Washington putting pressure on the Pakistani government inevitably leads to the complication of the security situation in the Central Asian region and the emergence of new risks for the CSTO countries.”

Succinctly put, Russian experts anticipate a reversal of Imran Khan’s friendly policies seeking Eurasian integration. China too will be apprehensive that one of the US’s top priorities is to undermine the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), of which Pakistan is a major hub. Certainly, the US will not want Islamabad to be a facilitator for the expansion of Chinese influence in Afghanistan. During a recent visit to Kabul, Wang Yi had proposed to the leadership of the Taliban Interim government the extension of the China-Pakistani Economic Corridor (CPEC), the flagship of the BRI, to Afghanistan.

From Iran’s perspective too, any surge in the US presence in Pakistan would have serious security implications, especially if US bases were to reopen. The negotiations in Vienna for the revival of the JCPOA are yet to come to fruition, and in any case, even with the lifting of US sanctions, Washington’s containment strategy against Iran is expected to continue in some newer form. The agenda of the recent conclave of the top Abraham Accords signatories, Egypt and the US [(hosted by Israel), was to build up a coordinated approach to countering Iran’s regional policies.

Pakistan has a history of aligning with the US’ Persian Gulf allies in their rivalry with Iran. Imran Khan deviated from that path and genuinely sought rapprochement with Tehran. To be sure, Washington will encourage the new regime in Islamabad to revert to the default position.

The broader US objective will be to roll back the Chinese presence in the Persian Gulf region. Thus, for a variety of reasons, while in the US strategic calculus, Pakistan always remained an important player, in the current context of global realignment, this becomes a pivotal relationship. The Pakistani military has an impeccable record of subserving American regional interests — and, it does have a rare capability and ‘expertise’ to do so — which no Muslim country is willing to perform in the current circumstances.

The US may be able to count on the Pakistani generals to ensure that Imran Khan does not ever again return to power. But the paradox is that his electrifying narrative — against corruption, for social justice and inclusion, Islamism and ‘anti-Americanism’ — has struck deep roots in Pakistani soil and will be difficult to vanquish. The main opposition parties stand hopelessly discredited in the public perception, given their track record of corruption and cronyism in office.

So, the big question is: Who will garner Imran Khan’s revolutionary rhetoric? A prolonged period of political turmoil can be expected. Now, in such a scenario, the role of the military becomes extremely crucial. The military leadership’s future intentions remain unclear. Traditionally, Pakistani military leaderships have been pro-US, and for its part, Washington always regarded the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi as its number one interlocutor.

The military denies involvement in civilian politics but the generals have in the past never hesitated to take advantage of political chaos to assume power. Of course, US backing for such a dispensation is indispensable and that is where Bajwa’s olive branch to Washington sets the agenda for politicking.

Russian pranksters pretend to be Ukrainian Prime Minister / government representatives, get through to UK defense secretary and home secretary. LOL

So, on the very same day that Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted, Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency comes out and links purported Liwah Zeynabiyoun members accused of "money laundering" with the representative of Iran's Supreme Leader himself. Of course, allegations attempting to suggest Iran is supporting any and all kinds of ethno-separatist militants against Pakistan via her local sympathizers (going as far as claiming Tehran is aiding separatists in the province of Sindh next to India) have for some years represented a permanent feature in the activity of a number of Pakistani institutions, likely staffed with pro-PGCC / pro-western personnel and influenced by corresponding political factions.

However, directly implicating the Office of the Supreme Leader marks not only a serious escalation of this policy, it is also guaranteed to alienate the Iranian government and the Islamic Republic as a whole, some authorities in Islamabad were well aware of when they chose to issue this declaration. Which in turn may end up causing mutual ties to deteriorate, and possibly lead to decreased cooperation on border security, which could then potentially translate into heightened instability on both sides of the fence.

But much more than an undeniable statement of fact or a far reaching action onto itself, this move is of an unmistakable symbolic character. Indeed, the timing could hardly have been more obvious. Therefore this quite probably is an announcement to Iran that after Imran Khan's departure, factions antagonistic towards Tehran (read the pro-US / pro-PGCC camp) will have a freer hand, and that they are ready to set a more confrontational course. Khan was keeping these currents in check and seeking enhanced cooperation with Iran, much to the dismay of Washington, Ryadh and Abu Dhabi but in tune with Beijing's grand strategy, especially considering how the viability of China's OBOR investments in Pakistan's Baluchestan province are dependent upon regional stability.

The US hand in the political maneuver that toppled Pakistan's democratically elected Prime Minister becomes apparent from this development as well. Washington and its zionist partners cannot strive other than on instability and conflict between third parties in different regions, including and especially in the Muslim world but also in Ukraine, the South China Sea and so on. The modus operandi isn't new by any means, however as the decline of US hegemony is seen accelerating at an impressive pace with emerging powers increasingly standing up to American imperial hubris, zio-American plots tend to lose their efficiency and are going to backfire more often and more heavily than ever. When it comes to the future of Iran-Pakistan relations, this can only bode well insofar as it will contribute to neutering a great deal of Washington's and Tel Aviv's policy of driving wedges between Iran and her neighbors, and getting the latter on board for destabilization activities from their soil against the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation.


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Open border policy of Raisi government:

Afghan refugees turning "AZADI square" into cockfight arena...by the way what they wear is going to become Iran's next fashion dress for men. ..First they turn our language into Arabic and now we will soon dress like Afghans...all because no one is standing up for Iranian culture, language and way of life...and I am not against Islamic republic ... I am an Iranian patriot .... I am against few traitors that speak Arabic as a second language that are selling our culture in the name of "Islamic Unity" bullshit.

So, on the very same day that Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted, Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency comes out and links purported Liwah Zeynabiyoun members accused of "money laundering" with the representative of Iran's Supreme Leader himself. Of course, allegations attempting to suggest Iran is supporting any and all kinds of ethno-separatist militants against Pakistan via her local sympathizers (going as far as claiming Tehran is aiding separatists in the province of Sindh next to India) have for some years represented a permanent feature in the activity of a number of Pakistani institutions, likely staffed with pro-PGCC / pro-western personnel and influenced by corresponding political factions.

However, directly implicating the Office of the Supreme Leader marks not only a serious escalation of this policy, it is also guaranteed to alienate the Iranian government and the Islamic Republic as a whole, some authorities in Islamabad were well aware of when they chose to issue this declaration. Which in turn may end up causing mutual ties to deteriorate, and possibly lead to decreased cooperation on border security, which could then potentially translate into heightened instability on both sides of the fence.

But much more than an undeniable statement of fact or a far reaching action onto itself, this move is of an unmistakable symbolic character. Indeed, the timing could hardly have been more obvious. Therefore this quite probably is an announcement to Iran that after Imran Khan's departure, factions antagonistic towards Tehran (read the pro-US / pro-PGCC camp) will have a freer hand, and that they are ready to set a more confrontational course. Khan was keeping these currents in check and seeking enhanced cooperation with Iran, much to the dismay of Washington, Ryadh and Abu Dhabi but in tune with Beijing's grand strategy, especially considering how the viability of China's OBOR investments in Pakistan's Baluchestan province are dependent upon regional stability.

The US hand in the political maneuver that toppled Pakistan's democratically elected Prime Minister becomes apparent from this development as well. Washington and its zionist partners cannot strive other than on instability and conflict between third parties in different regions, including and especially in the Muslim world but also in Ukraine, the South China Sea and so on. The modus operandi isn't new by any means, however as the decline of US hegemony is seen accelerating at an impressive pace with emerging powers increasingly standing up to American imperial hubris, zio-American plots tend to lose their efficiency and are going to backfire more often and more heavily than ever. When it comes to the future of Iran-Pakistan relations, this can only bode well insofar as it will contribute to neutering a great deal of Washington's and Tel Aviv's policy of driving wedges between Iran and her neighbors, and getting the latter on board for destabilization activities from their soil against the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation.


Very good point. We should be ready for a hot border. You may say that this did not happen under Musharraf or Nawaz. I hope it does not.

یک تست باز خیلی چیزا رو حل میکنه
, from inside to regional nuisance.

یه مشت حروم‌زاده وطن فروش مثل شغال منتظر نشستن تا فرصت پیدا کنند
بعد مردم می‌شینن چنین آشغال‌هایی رو تماشا می‌کنند

البته همش تقصیر آخوندهای جاکش هست که صدا و سیما رو در حدی پایین آوردن که هیچ کس نگاهش نمی‌کنه
اگه صدا و سیما درست بود و مخاطب رو جذب می‌کرد این کفتارها فرصت پیدا نمی‌کردند بشینند اینطوری همه چیز رو زیر سئوال ببرن
لعنت به هر چی خر مذهبی هست
وقتی هر کانالی می‌زنی یه آخوند نشسته داره کس شعر می‌گه مردم می‌رن این شبکه‌ها رو نگاه می‌کنند​

یه مشت حروم‌زاده وطن فروش مثل شغال منتظر نشستن تا فرصت پیدا کنند
بعد مردم می‌شینن چنین آشغال‌هایی رو تماشا می‌کنند

البته همش تقصیر آخوندهای جاکش هست که صدا و سیما رو در حدی پایین آوردن که هیچ کس نگاهش نمی‌کنه
اگه صدا و سیما درست بود و مخاطب رو جذب می‌کرد این کفتارها فرصت پیدا نمی‌کردند بشینند اینطوری همه چیز رو زیر سئوال ببرن
لعنت به هر چی خر مذهبی هست
وقتی هر کانالی می‌زنی یه آخوند نشسته داره کس شعر می‌گه مردم می‌رن این شبکه‌ها رو نگاه می‌کنند​
Saudi internationale dige. Che entezari dari? Ina doshmanhayi ma hastan va dast be har kari mizanan, baraye man taajob barangiz nist.

Felan ke servisha etelaati ma khaab hastan. Be ja inke soraghe in haroomzadeha beran mardome badbakhtemoono dar daakhel sar koob mikonan.
My response to a user in the Ukraine thread about accusations directed at Scott Ritter.

Will he write a piece on why he finds children so sexually attractive? We would love to know. God knows what the Russians have on thus guy for him to so openly betray his country.

According to the US regime and its cronies, that is. The same ones who tried to accuse Julian Assange of a sexual crime. Quite brazen and morally corrupt, coming from regimes many of whose ruling elites have notoriously been linked to paedocriminal activities, of which the revelations made so far about the Epstein case represent but the tip of the iceberg. Ask yourself why the FBI is keeping under wraps the names list of regulars at Epstein's paedocriminal sessions...

See, this right here is the true face of much of the ruling oligarchy in imperialist NATO regimes which you appear to be supportive of:




Here's Marina Abramovic, a buddy of John Podesta, the former White House Chief of Staff; also has ties to oligarch Bill Gates:



This is the "artwork" hanging on the walls of Podesta's private home:


I noticed it's been largely taken off the internet. Had to search for close to an hour to locate the above, and there's an even more shocking one which was no longer to be found. Wonder why.

Page from the book "La Vilaine Lulu" by French millionaire and fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, former homosexual partner of his heir Pierre Bergé, an oligarch known for financing presidential campaigns and intervening in politics:


So I'd advice against taking at face value charges leveled by western regimes against dissidents and whistleblowers. Rather, we ought to ponder how shameless they are to issue such claims when it's among their own oligarchic elites that paedocriminals actually abound and operate with impunity.

By the way, Ritter started denouncing US policy long before the Ukrainian crisis, because he witnessed first hand how the regime in Washington was manipulating information to generate bogus "WMD evidence" against Iraq and justify an illegal invasion in 2003.
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Open border policy of Raisi government:

Afghan refugees turning "AZADI square" into cockfight arena...by the way what they wear is going to become Iran's next fashion dress for men. ..First they turn our language into Arabic and now we will soon dress like Afghans...all because no one is standing up for Iranian culture, language and way of life...and I am not against Islamic republic ... I am an Iranian patriot .... I am against few traitors that speak Arabic as a second language that are selling our culture in the name of "Islamic Unity" bullshit.

What's wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language ???? It's the Quran language after all!!!!

You are writing in English, the language of USA and Britains, your vilest enemies .

Please enlighting us, Is being Iranian patriot equals being anti Anything Arabic ?? If yes, can you explain why?
What's wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language ???? It's the Quran language after all!!!!

You are writing in English, the language of USA and Britains, your vilest enemies .

Please enlighting us, Is being Iranian patriot equals being anti Anything Arabic ?? If yes, can you explain why?
I think he did not elaborate further. Arabic language in Iran is only taught for Quranic classes. Most people after learning it will quickly forget it after they finish their compulsory education. So i think he meant we must put more restrictions on this matter.

That being said, i do not consider Arabs to be our enemies nowadays. We have the best cooperation with the Yemeni Arabs (true Arabs) and other levant Arabs etc. So our problems is not based on who they are as a people but their ideology/political point of view.

Even the Iraqi Arabs who started a war against Iran, we let hundreds of thousands in as refugees.
What's wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language ???? It's the Quran language after all!!!!

You are writing in English, the language of USA and Britains, your vilest enemies .

Please enlighting us, Is being Iranian patriot equals being anti Anything Arabic ?? If yes, can you explain why?
There is nothing wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language.. but when you fill the whole country with Arabic banners and name everything in Arabic I have a big problem...Iwill have a big problem if it were in Greek or Italien also...what would a Tunisian feel if you have Farsi banners all over your cities..and Farsi names for things that you make...what would an Egyptians say if he sees Farsi spoken first in every official ceremony...the IR is taking religion one step further into Changing a culture of a people...people that loose their culture are easy to defeat.

ISLAMIC UNITY IS NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH NATIVE CULTURE OF A NATION..THEY CAN COEXSIT....Some in Iran that speak Arabic as second language do not think so..and trying to eliminate Iranian culture to achieve Islamic unity...
There is nothing wrong about speaking Arabic as a second language.. but when you fill the whole country with Arabic banners and name everything in Arabic I have a big problem...Iwill have a big problem if it were in Greek or Italien also...what would a Tunisian feel if you have Farsi banners all over your cities..and Farsi names for things that you make...what would an Egyptians say if he sees Farsi spoken first in every official ceremony...the IR is taking religion one step further into Changing a culture of a people...people that loose their culture are easy to defeat.

ISLAMIC UNITY IS NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH NATIVE CULTURE OF A NATION..THEY CAN COEXSIT....Some in Iran that speak Arabic as second language do not think so..and trying to eliminate Iranian culture to achieve Islamic unity...
None of these things are happening. Religious Iranians use quranic texts because it is according to the official islamic religion.

What you saying is not true at all. Iranian culture is not making place for Islamic culture. They have been living side by side since centuries.

What you just said is a propaganda against Iran used by some people.
Saudi internationale dige. Che entezari dari? Ina doshmanhayi ma hastan va dast be har kari mizanan, baraye man taajob barangiz nist.

Felan ke servisha etelaati ma khaab hastan. Be ja inke soraghe in haroomzadeha beran mardome badbakhtemoono dar daakhel sar koob mikonan.
سئوال اینجاست که چرا باید در رسانه انقدر فاجعه باشیم که مردم همیشه به تلویزیون دشمن پناه برن؟
آمریکا و انگلیس کم بوده حالا عربستان هم اضافه شده

جواب سئوال وجود اراذل و اوباش و انگل‌هایی مثل علم الهدی و اون جنتی هست
اگه تلویزیون ایران مثل تلویزیون زمان شاه بود اصلاً کسی ماهواره نگاه نمی‌کرد

هنوز مردم دارن آهنگ‌های ۵۰ سال پیش داریوش و ابی و گوگوش و اینها رو گوش می‌دن
ما در این ۴۳ سال برای فرهنگ و هنر چه کردیم؟
افتخارات سینما ما در خارج از کشور هم که به جز مجید مجیدی بقیه همه با وطن فروشی و سیاه‌نمایی کشور به دست اومده​
None of these things are happening. Religious Iranians use quranic texts because it is according to the official islamic religion.

What you saying is not true at all. Iranian culture is not making place for Islamic culture. They have been living side by side since centuries.

What you just said is a propaganda against Iran used by some people.
Those Afghan I see in every photo of Iran are only mirage..and those Arabic Banners ..may be I forgot what Farsi looks like. !!.
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