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Iranian Chill Thread

You see, there's an issue here. A little caveat. A little hair in the soup: We do not have any humanitarian or legal obligation to accept them and provide them with a better life.
They can live in their own country and try to make it better. It's not our problem.
He is saying just because Iran's Quds force ''allegedly'' assisted the US in taking down the Talib regime it is now Iran's duty to accept all of Afghanistan's refugee. It is clear what he says, even a blind man would understand his intentions. He is trying to blame US' geopolitical blunder on Iran and wants Iran to pay the cost.

F off.
He is saying just because Iran's Quds force ''allegedly'' assisted the US in taking down the Talib regime it is now Iran's duty to accept all of Afghanistan's refugee. It is clear what he says, even a blind man would understand his intentions. He is trying to blame US' geopolitical blunder on Iran and wants Iran to pay the cost.

F off.
Even if so, it is still not our problem.
Remember how Afghans on social media claimed Afghanistan was more advanced than Iran?
We should not forget what these people have said, have done, and continue to be doing until this very day.
They are more than welcome to stay in their advanced country. We do not need uneducated refugees who offer nothing but economic and social challenges to us.
I'm not saying we should not accept any Afghan immigrant. The decent ones are always welcome to Iran through legal channels.
I'm just saying that we cannot let 5000 illegal, undocumented refugees come to Iran every day. We cannot host 10 million Afghan refugees in Iran, making them third after Persians and Turks, and above Kurds.

By the way, Iran didn't abandon Afghanistan. The Afghans sided with the British and revolted against us to gain their independence. That pretty much shows that our paths are separate. Add to this radically different cultures as well.
درمان راه حل ابتکاری ه نه احساسی

مرز قابل بستن نیست
آدم کشی و شکنجه علنی هم فایده نداره

مثالش فاطمیون
یا راه اروپا

و غیره
Even if so, it is still not our problem.
Remember how Afghans on social media claimed Afghanistan was more advanced than Iran?
We should not forget what these people have said, have done, and continue to be doing until this very day.
They are more than welcome to stay in their advanced country. We do not need uneducated refugees who offer nothing but economic and social challenges to us.
I'm not saying we should not accept any Afghan immigrant. The decent ones are always welcome to Iran through legal channels.
I'm just saying that we cannot let 5000 illegal, undocumented refugees come to Iran every day. We cannot host 10 million Afghan refugees in Iran, making them third after Persians and Turks, and above Kurds.
I remember there was a huge propaganda campaign by the UN and other globalist institutions after 1 Afghan refugee girl became a doctor in Iran. Yes, after a few hundred thousands refugees (majority are military aged males anyway and escaped their country cowardly) just 1 turned useful and there was a huge propaganda to sell this to the world.

I am not sure who is deciding Iran's border policies (most likely the interior ministry) but there is for sure some corruption going on. There is no reason to put our borders so wide open that any hyena can come in.
درمان راه حل ابتکاری ه نه احساسی

مرز قابل بستن نیست
آدم کشی و شکنجه علنی هم فایده نداره

مثالش فاطمیون
یا راه اروپا

و غیره
راه اروپا بسته هست. یک درصد فکر نکن اینها می‌رن اروپا
مرز هم قابل بستن هست. دیوارکشی مرز ایران و افغانستان باید پارسال شروع می‌شد
لهستان و یونان و اسلواکی و هزاران مورد دیگه هست که جلوی مهاجرت رو گرفتن​

I remember there was a huge propaganda campaign by the UN and other globalist institutions after 1 Afghan refugee girl became a doctor in Iran. Yes, after a few hundred thousands refugees (majority are military aged males anyway and escaped their country cowardly) just 1 turned useful and there was a huge propaganda to sell this to the world.

I am not sure who is deciding Iran's border policies (most likely the interior ministry) but there is for sure some corruption going on. There is no reason to put our borders so wide open that any hyena can come in.
Yeah. A thousand decent people out of 4 million Afghan residents is not going to cut it for us. Particularly for a country like Afghanistan that has a very rich history of animosity with Iran and Iranians.
راه اروپا بسته هست. یک درصد فکر نکن اینها می‌رن اروپا
مرز هم قابل بستن هست. دیوارکشی مرز ایران و افغانستان باید پارسال شروع می‌شد
لهستان و یونان و اسلواکی و هزاران مورد دیگه هست که جلوی مهاجرت رو گرفتن​

Yeah. A thousand decent people out of 4 million Afghan residents is not going to cut it for us. Particularly for a country like Afghanistan that has a very rich history of animosity with Iran and Iranians.

When there is a will there is a way.

مرز خندق داره و سیم خادار راستی
When there is a will there is a way.
Not really. If Europe hadn't closed its borders to Middle Eastern refugees, over 50 million refugees had moved there since the civil war in Syria. Strict immigration laws work.
Not really. If Europe hadn't closed its borders to Middle Eastern refugees, over 50 million refugees had moved there since the civil war in Syria. Strict immigration laws work.

تعداد مهاجران از پنج میلیون کمتره
اغلب هزاره و تاجیک اند

بقیه کم اند
راه اروپاهم نشد نداره
تعداد مهاجران از پنج میلیون کمتره
اغلب هزاره و تاجیک اند

بقیه کم اند
راه اروپاهم نشد نداره
حدود ۴ میلیون پارسال بودن
وقتی روزی داره ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر غیر قانونی میاد یعنی به احتمال خیلی زیاد اگه کاری نشه تا ۵ سال دیگه از ۸ - ۹ میلیون که ۱۰٪ جمعیت ایران هست رد می‌شن
یعنی تعدادشون از کردها که یکی از اقوام اصیل ایرانی هستند بیشتر می‌شه
به این عدد ورودی مهاجرت، حاصل زاد و ولد با نرخ باروری ۵ بچه رو هم اضافه کن
ببین ۱۴۱۰ چه دورنمایی داره​
حدود ۴ میلیون پارسال بودن
وقتی روزی داره ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر غیر قانونی میاد یعنی به احتمال خیلی زیاد اگه کاری نشه تا ۵ سال دیگه از ۸ - ۹ میلیون که ۱۰٪ جمعیت ایران هست رد می‌شن
یعنی تعدادشون از کردها که یکی از اقوام اصیل ایرانی هستند بیشتر می‌شه
به این عدد ورودی مهاجرت، حاصل زاد و ولد با نرخ باروری ۵ بچه رو هم اضافه کن
ببین ۱۴۱۰ چه دورنمایی داره​

خروجی هم داره به ترکیه و اروپا
البته خطر هست
باید روی جمعیت کار اساسی کنیم
خروجی هم داره به ترکیه و اروپا
البته خطر هست
باید روی جمعیت کار اساسی کنیم
خروجی‌اش یک دهم ورودی‌اش هم نیست​
Iran ''helped'' the US in freeing the Afghan people from Talib elements yet it has to accept millions of more refugees because it acted in goodwill?

How is this goodwill? Overthrowing a government causes chaos wether that government is secular and progressive like Afghanistan of 1970’s or repressive and backwards like Taliban of 2000’s.

War displaces people see Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, etc.

So no one here is saying Iran is responsible for the refugee crisis. This is mainly a consequence of US and allied invasion, but to say Iran has NO responsibility and only acted in “goodwill” is childish. Sounds like excuse US uses when it invades countries to bring “democracy”. All the countries in the region and world powers have a responsibility for the state of Afghanistan.

The entire world banded together to defeat the Nazi’s, you are telling me they can’t defeat some sandal wearing Neanderthal’s? No political will was never there. Troop count was never there. And countries like Pakistan were aiding the Taliban behind the scenes and providing shelter. Even Iran held senior Taliban leadership.

And newsflash the neighbors (Iran and Pakistan) will be the ones that suffer those consequences. Just like Poland, Germany, etc are suffering consequences of Ukraine war.

Iran cannot stop the refugee crisis even if it deploys 50,000 troops on the border...now you have to feed and house those troops....more cost.

As for the current refugees in Iran, if Iran doesn’t want them then they can begin deportation procedures. It’s quite that simple.

So you need to stop throwing emotional tantrums like a child. If you don’t want the current refugees then deport them. But the second that Iran’s economic conditions improve and the rial strengthens from 27,000 back to sub 15,000 or 10,000 then they will start coming over again to make money (illegally). That was my point.

You can sit and cry all you want that US caused this, but at the end of the day US is leading this world order and is on the other side of the globe. So good luck having them take responsibility.

You see, there's an issue here. A little caveat. A little hair in the soup: We do not have any humanitarian or legal obligation to accept them and provide them with a better life. We are not under any obligation to even help them.
They can live in their own country and try to make it better. It's not our problem.

This is true. So deport them. Obviously since you haven’t deported them yet, there is a reason. Issue isn’t as black and white.

But US deports illegal immigrants all the time, they just come back on further attempts. US border is also much more secure than the Afghan-Iran border and they still get thru. So good luck for Iran trying to secure that porous mountainous border. Human traffickers will find a way.
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How is this goodwill? Overthrowing a government causes chaos wether that government is secular and progressive like Afghanistan of 1970’s or repressive and backwards like Taliban of 2000’s.

War displaces people see Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, etc.

So no one here is saying Iran is responsible for the refugee crisis. This is mainly a consequence of US and allied invasion, but to say Iran has NO responsibility and only acted in “goodwill” is childish. Sounds like excuse US uses when it invades countries to bring “democracy”. All the countries in the region and world powers have a responsibility for the state of Afghanistan.

The entire world banded together to defeat the Nazi’s, you are telling me they can’t defeat some sandal wearing Neanderthal’s? No political will was never there. Troop count was never there. And countries like Pakistan were aiding the Taliban behind the scenes and providing shelter. Even Iran held senior Taliban leadership.

And newsflash the neighbors (Iran and Pakistan) will be the ones that suffer those consequences. Just like Poland, Germany, etc are suffering consequences of Ukraine war.

Iran cannot stop the refugee crisis even if it deploys 50,000 troops on the border...now you have to feed and house those troops....more cost.

As for the current refugees in Iran, if Iran doesn’t want them then they can begin deportation procedures. It’s quite that simple.

So you need to stop throwing emotional tantrums like a child. If you don’t want the current refugees then deport them. But the second that Iran’s economic conditions improve and the rial strengthens from 27,000 back to sub 15,000 or 10,000 then they will start coming over again to make money (illegally). That was my point.

You can sit and cry all you want that US caused this, but at the end of the day US is leading this world order and is on the other side of the globe. So good luck having them take responsibility.

This is true. So deport them. Obviously since you haven’t deported them yet, there is a reason. Issue isn’t as black and white.

But US deports illegal immigrants all the time, they just come back on further attempts. US border is also much more secure than the Afghan-Iran border and they still get thru. So good luck for Iran trying to secure that porous mountainous border. Human traffickers will find a way.
As ridiculous as it sounds I will say it...make these illegal afghans to build a wall along Iran Afghan border ...it may not work 100 percent but it will slow down the influx...this is a problem that will not go away...as Iran becomes more prosperous the more will want to come in...bite the bullet and build the wall..the labor is free ..all it takes is steel and concrete...think long term..plan now.
How is this goodwill? Overthrowing a government causes chaos wether that government is secular and progressive like Afghanistan of 1970’s or repressive and backwards like Taliban of 2000’s.

War displaces people see Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, etc.

So no one here is saying Iran is responsible for the refugee crisis. This is mainly a consequence of US and allied invasion, but to say Iran has NO responsibility and only acted in “goodwill” is childish. Sounds like excuse US uses when it invades countries to bring “democracy”. All the countries in the region and world powers have a responsibility for the state of Afghanistan.

The entire world banded together to defeat the Nazi’s, you are telling me they can’t defeat some sandal wearing Neanderthal’s? No political will was never there. Troop count was never there. And countries like Pakistan were aiding the Taliban behind the scenes and providing shelter. Even Iran held senior Taliban leadership.

And newsflash the neighbors (Iran and Pakistan) will be the ones that suffer those consequences. Just like Poland, Germany, etc are suffering consequences of Ukraine war.

Iran cannot stop the refugee crisis even if it deploys 50,000 troops on the border...now you have to feed and house those troops....more cost.

As for the current refugees in Iran, if Iran doesn’t want them then they can begin deportation procedures. It’s quite that simple.

So you need to stop throwing emotional tantrums like a child. If you don’t want the current refugees then deport them. But the second that Iran’s economic conditions improve and the rial strengthens from 27,000 back to sub 15,000 or 10,000 then they will start coming over again to make money (illegally). That was my point.

You can sit and cry all you want that US caused this, but at the end of the day US is leading this world order and is on the other side of the globe. So good luck having them take responsibility.

This is true. So deport them. Obviously since you haven’t deported them yet, there is a reason. Issue isn’t as black and white.

But US deports illegal immigrants all the time, they just come back on further attempts. US border is also much more secure than the Afghan-Iran border and they still get thru. So good luck for Iran trying to secure that porous mountainous border. Human traffickers will find a way.
Iran did not overthrow Afghanistan's ''government''. The US was the sole driving force of the Afghan invasion.

The Taliban was also not really a government. A few guys in Toyota pick up trucks patrolling Kabul does not mean they were an active, effective government. Where was their parliament? Where were the Talib presidential elections, national assembly and other state institutions?

So how, in which way or form did Iran ever act against an official Afghan government, body, institution?

Just because Iran's Quds force were active in Persian speaking areas during the US invasion and were securing their interests does not mean they were hand in hand with the US. Removal of Talib thugs from the streets of Kabul, Mazar Sharif etc was just in Iran's interests. A few more years and they would have launched Scuds on Iranian cities. Iran in the 90's was also in a much weaker position than now. It had no choice but to pursue anti-Taliban activities.

Now, i ask you. Why should Iran suffer from the consequences brought on by the US?
Is it fair for Iran to establish organized refugee exodus onto Europe? Or perhaps even, on the doorsteps of Israel, levant Arabs?

Because, this was not caused by Iran. Iran has nothing to do with the mess created by the US.
As ridiculous as it sounds I will say it...make these illegal afghans to build a wall along Iran Afghan border ...it may not work 100 percent but it will slow down the influx...this is a problem that will not go away...as Iran becomes more prosperous the more will want to come in...bite the bullet and build the wall..the labor is free ..all it takes is steel and concrete...think long term..plan now.

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