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Iranian Chill Thread

برای حل این معضل مهم مهاجران و بافت جمعیت راه حل های هوشمندانه و خلاقانه بهتر از بگیر ببند و بکش بکش هست

باز هم میگم‌راهها زیاده ولی علاقه ندارم اسم ببرم
@Dariush the Great
I am not a Rohani or something like that. But them getting stabbed in one of the Shia holy sites breaks my heart. The ones that you call scum, rubbish, less than bedroom waste etc, are the ones who have made our ideological bases in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc. The criminal knew them well, their job was managing Afghan refugees.

Think about this for a moment, 3 humans were stabbed. This might change your mind. The criminal was a Wahabi and why he chose the holy shrine unveils a sobering fact. It was like stabbing Pope in Vatican's grand church. What kind of massage would it convey to Catholics? What was the massage of the attack to Iranians?

A big Majority of Sunnis comndemned the criminal attack and announced that Wahabis have nothing to do with Sunnis. That was an appreciated response to this attack.

Problem is, the governors and managers of foreign refugees did not their job well. Afghans need to return to their country, they are changing the demography of Mashhad city. It will be done for sure, but the Afghans who helped us in Syraq, and the 8 years war are Iranians more than many of us. We have hundreds of Afghan martyrs in Iran who fought for Iran during Iran-Saddam war.
It needs money. Do you know how much money it takes to feed over 5 million refugees in camps?
Europe as a continent, who happens to be the most prosperous continent by the way, is whining all the time about only 5 million refugees from the Middle East since the Syrian civil war. A continent of 700 million people cannot handle 5 million refugees.

Keeping people in camps means that you will be responsible for their food, for their safety, for their education, for their entertainment, etc. It requires billions of dollars, maybe over 10 billion dollars a year. And what for? Most of these people are of no use to us. And that money can be spent on feeding our own people. It's none of our business that their country is in deep shit. They handed over their country to the Taliban (twice) and to the US and now they have to face the consequences. Even if you spend only $2 a day on a refugee for all of the things I said, it would sum up to over 5 billion dollars for hosting about 8 millions of them. This money is more than the budget of several ministries in Iran.

So, yes, I do mean it when I say that we should shoot each and every one of them that tries to cross the border illegally.
What you say is absolutely disgraceful. The situation in Afghanistan is horrendous due to Western sanctions. No Muslim should ever turn away a hungry person if Allah ta'ala has given them enough to spare.

Why Russia has been unable to enforce Air superiority in Ukraine, despite having one of the largest and most adanced airforces in the world.

Iran should ship all Afghan refugees to Europe and NATO countries
They created this mess, they should deal with it

Those same Afghans died for the Shiite cause in Syria.

Iran recruited heavily on illegal Afghans and Afghans in Afghanistan along with Shiite Pakistanis (Fatiymoun Brigades) for the Syrian civil war.

Thousands died for the cause.

I wouldn’t be ungrateful for the people of Afghanistan for that or ones in Iran. They fought way better than the Russians are fighting in Ukraine with 1/5 the gear and ammo.
Those same Afghans died for the Shiite cause in Syria.

Iran recruited heavily on illegal Afghans and Afghans in Afghanistan along with Shiite Pakistanis (Fatiymoun Brigades) for the Syrian civil war.

Thousands died for the cause.

I wouldn’t be ungrateful for the people of Afghanistan for that or ones in Iran. They fought way better than the Russians are fighting in Ukraine with 1/5 the gear and ammo.
Iran should definitely keep those Afghans and their families.
What we are talking about here is the multi-million refugee crisis which Iran has faced in the past year. That is the fault of NATO, and Iran should not bear the consequences and costs, while simultaneously being under NATO economic sanctions.
Those same Afghans died for the Shiite cause in Syria.

Iran recruited heavily on illegal Afghans and Afghans in Afghanistan along with Shiite Pakistanis (Fatiymoun Brigades) for the Syrian civil war.

Thousands died for the cause.

I wouldn’t be ungrateful for the people of Afghanistan for that or ones in Iran. They fought way better than the Russians are fighting in Ukraine with 1/5 the gear and ammo.
Nice American Zionist propaganda over there.

Those who volunteered to help Iran militarily and defend Shia religious sites (and indirectly Iran) should indeed be compensated. They should get a proper burial if killed and their families should be supported by Iran. They died for Iranian-Shia interests.

But what we are against is hordes of people who cross the border illegally and strain our national resources. This is unacceptable to any nation in the world. The Afghan war and its consequences should not be borne by Iran. Totally unjustified.

The US just did a coupdetat in Pakistan through its puppets. Big loss for China,Russia,Iran.
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Nice American Zionist propaganda over there.

Those who volunteered to help Iran militarily and defend Shia religious sites (and indirectly Iran) should indeed be compensated. They should get a proper burial if killed and their families should be supported by Iran. They died for Iranian-Shia interests.

But what we are against is hordes of people who cross the border illegally and strain our national resources. This is unacceptable to any nation in the world. The Afghan war and its consequences should not be borne by Iran. Totally unjustified.

The US just did a coupdetat in Pakistan through its puppets. Big loss for China,Russia,Iran.

I hope Pakistan can retain its composure after this upset and keep stable. Idk how these sorts of things usually go down over there brother.

Hopefully continued bi-lateral relations aren't harmed.
What you say is absolutely disgraceful. The situation in Afghanistan is horrendous due to Western sanctions. No Muslim should ever turn away a hungry person if Allah ta'ala has given them enough to spare.

Why Russia has been unable to enforce Air superiority in Ukraine, despite having one of the largest and most adanced airforces in the world.

The choice of name itself of the individual speaks of the lack of braincells
I hope Pakistan can retain its composure after this upset and keep stable. Idk how these sorts of things usually go down over there brother.

Hopefully continued bi-lateral relations aren't harmed.
There are reports of violence in Peshawar and protestors are clashing with police in Islamabad. I haven't seen confirmed videos but I would be shocked if this goes through peacefully. But regardless wishing the best for the people of Pakistan.
Excellent strategic analysis on the future of the multipolar world by Yousif Azizi:

Damn didnt take them a month to topple imran khan. After he had the audacity to try and act like an independent country with an independent foreign policy

He wasnt even anti-western.

This shows you how easily CIA can infiltrate and take out a foreign head of state if you let them. Lots of parasitic generals with more loyalty to their rank/bank accounts in thr american pockets.

This is exactly the reason why the office of the supreme leader/ guardan council exists.

No other form of Iranian governmebt could withstand western aggression/enslavement. And protect Irans territorial integrity from the zio-american alliance.

Iran is simply too strong for the west to ever chance it becoming hostile again. Make no mistake, the disintegration of the Iranian state is their main goal now.

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