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Iranian Chill Thread

We should look at who is the one criticizing. Is the opinion of a Los Angeles Shahi more important than a poor truck driver complaining for his rights so he can feed his family?

Try to be more just. We have a foreign enemy, yes. And most Iranian (nationalists) support our country and when the time of duty arrives many will volunteer and go back with the first flight to defend our lands in any way or form. But there is a other duty for all of us Iranians, and that is to put the interests of our people and country first. Not some government, entity or whatever.

Just because we have a foreign enemy does not mean we should be deaf and blind to the situation of our own compatriots inside the country.

Agreed, I have nothing against this Dariush (I think you're missing my original point brother). My intent was to make light of the over exaggeration of the situation in Iran to the point where people genuinely believe the country (often as a whole) is an irredeemably shitty place. Now if this grievance is being brought up by those who are most affected by any detriment in Iran originating from woeful economic conditions and lack of progress, I'm not against it and fully support their pleas for help. -- Supporting the just plight of those suffering most acutely in Iran will always be something I stand behind.

But unabated "Iran is shit, Iran is a hellhole, **** Iran, Iran sucks" kind of talk will never fly with me. I guess my frame of reference is the expats I have come across always bashing Iran yet living lavishly here in the States.
از خوردن منابع ایران توسط کویت و عربستان و امارات بگیر
تا راه دادن یه مشت آدمی که از نظر فرهنگی جز زبان (اون هم نیمی از جمعیتشون) هیچ شباهتی با ما ندارن
تا کوتاه اومدن جلو غرب و شرق بعد از این همه خیانتی که بهمون شده

بعد به خود ایرانی‌ها که می‌رسه سخت‌گیری شروع می‌شه. جریان ورود به زنان تو استادیوم پیش میاد
یا جریان حجاب اجباری پیش میاد که عملاً هیچ کسی از دهه ۷۰ به بعد براش تره هم خورد نمی‌کنه

جمهوری اسلامی اگه خیلی قانونمند هست جلوی ورود روزانه ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر غیرقانونی بدون هویت رو بگیره
با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغان‌ها به بالای ۱۰٪ جمعیت ایران می‌رسه. ۱۰٪ جمعیت یعنی از قوم کرد که سومین قومیت ایران هست بیشتر
اون وقت کی می‌خواد جمعش کنه؟​

خامنه ای مشهدی یاید بلد باشه از مشهد دفاع کنه

More from the excellent Scott Ritter on the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, ripping apart ludicrous NATO propaganda and making it clear why US hegemony is a thing of the past. If you liked the previous analyses by Ritter, you'll love this.

Any political party or government that “weaponizes” ideology against the “other political party” will only see the destruction of their country.

You see it in USA where the divide has grown to great lengths because each side weaponized ideological differences to gain voters/power/control, but the ramifications of dividing a country beyond repair is that you get inefficient governance in the end.

Quite ironic. But most of these old farts in Congress will be long gone before they ever see ramifications of their actions. It’s generations that follow that will pay for them.
Any political party or government that “weaponizes” ideology against the “other political party” will only see the destruction of their country.

You see it in USA where the divide has grown to great lengths because each side weaponized ideological differences to gain voters/power/control, but the ramifications of dividing a country beyond repair is that you get inefficient governance in the end.

Quite ironic. But most of these old farts in Congress will be long gone before they ever see ramifications of their actions. It’s generations that follow that will pay for them.

Hell bro, we're already paying for their actions lol.

Goddamn does it suck.....
Hell bro, we're already paying for their actions lol.

Goddamn does it suck.....

This is how a recent conversation I had went typical thought process of average American:

A girl: what do you think of political climate of USA?
Me: I’m not into politics nor am I interested in either party
Her: but Biden is raising gas prices
Me: .....
Her: Democrats are crazy and Pamela Harris wants to destroy this country blah blah
Me: ....
Her: my boyfriend has over 200 guns
Me: ......what?
Her: yeah he wants to be prepared
Me: *me thinking* Man......glad I asked to not have this conversation
This is how a recent conversation I had went typical thought process of average American:

A girl: what do you think of political climate of USA?
Me: I’m not into politics nor am I interested in either party
Her: but Biden is raising gas prices
Me: .....
Her: Democrats are crazy and Pamela Harris wants to destroy this country blah blah
Me: ....
Her: my boyfriend has over 200 guns
Me: ......what?
Her: yeah he wants to be prepared
Me: *me thinking* Man......glad I asked to not have this conversation

Offhand I can think of at least a couple that would be comparable,if not in fact actually worse:
The Saudi invasion of yemen in 2015 and the israeli invasion of lebanon in 2006.Both of these militaries failed utterly in their war aims,despite their military forces having [on paper] massive military advantages.
Plus last time I looked the war in the ukraine still wasnt officially over yet,so I`d say its just a tad premature to call it a russian "defeat for the ages",that would be something more along the lines of what the iraqis suffered during the 100 hours of ground combat to liberate kuwait during operation desert storm in 1991.

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