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Iranian Chill Thread

Offhand I can think of at least a couple that would be comparable,if not in fact actually worse:
The Saudi invasion of yemen in 2015 and the israeli invasion of lebanon in 2006.Both of these militaries failed utterly in their war aims,despite their military forces having [on paper] massive military advantages.
Plus last time I looked the war in the ukraine still wasnt officially over yet,so I`d say its just a tad premature to call it a russian "defeat for the ages",that would be something more along the lines of what the iraqis suffered during the 100 hours of ground combat to liberate kuwait during operation desert storm in 1991.

Well said.

It seems (not seems, it just is) like the Western lead information war is causing way too much detrimental damage to the actual on the ground facts, so much so that we're seeing people believe completely fabricated realities in place of real ones.

Clearly Ukraine is going to lose, there is zero possibility of them winning or much less ending up in any superior position. The number of Russian casualties and loss of equipment, however embarrassing, doesn't change the fact that significant amounts of Ukrainian territory are currently under the control of Russian forces with more towns and cities falling each week. The number of losses for Ukrainian forces is astronomically higher compared to the Russian military. Any "official" numbers pointing to the opposite are simply citing extremely biased sources that have a vested interest in spinning this war as an "Ukrainian victory". It's nonsense personified and I can't believe I actually fell for it..... This doesn't explicitly take away from the legit wins or battles UKR-forces have won (however many) but to actually think the Russians are being "routed" or are straight losing (lol) is beyond academic negligence at this point. One only need look at the sham of an "investigation" supposedly being carried by Ukraine itself in order to determine what happened in Bucha... I mean just how much more information do you need to understand that those bodies were almost certainly killed by right wing radical elements when they came into town shortly after the Russians left. Most likely died due to neighbors ratting those who helped out the Russians (in anyway) so they made examples out of them. We know this is a possibility due to damning videos coming out of Ukrainian servicemen torturing and killing Russian POWs. So it isn't outside the realm of possibility that a general "kill Russians/Russian collaborators" order was given.

Onto equipment: Zelensky is asking for weapons and equipment because the ones he had are all destroyed and the ones that are being funneled in aren't enough to win the war. I sincerely wonder just how many of these photos are either doctored, manipulated or are using obliterated Ukrainian equipment as a stand in for Russian armor.

Orxy, Rob Lee, Elint News, Aurora Intel and so many others are simply spewing total nonsense in order to push a version of this war that just doesn't exist on the ground (whatsoever). As before, anything coming out of the mouth of Americans is to be either completely ignored or taken with the largest grain of salt possible.

Russia's faint around Kiev was a simple wartime tactic (literally theatre conflict 101) to get Ukraine to commit a decent bulk of armor and men in order to defend the city. ~45,000 RUS-troops were never going to be able to take the city of millions but tens of thousands of UKR-forces were needed (logically) to defend it. So they did and the Russians made sweeping progress in the south due to UKR-forces being spread across a vast area.

Now the focus is firmly in the Donbass region with the eventual goal being the siege and or takeover of Odessa (all of Southern Ukraine).

- Russia controls the war
- Russia controls the pace
- Russia controls the skies (contrary to Western disinformation)
- Russia controls the seas
- Russia controls the information on the battle

Where the Russian Federation was always going to fail was the PR/information war. They were going to be made a mockery out of in this field no matter what they did and they knew that, so I guess it really doesn't matter...

Anyways, we'll see what's gonna happen next I guess lol.
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خامنه ای مشهدی یاید بلد باشه از مشهد دفاع کنه

من فکر می‌کنم عمدی بین سران حکومت در کار هست که ایران رو نابود کنند. چون این سطح از اشتباه در هر موردی که فکر می‌کنم نمی‌تونه ناآگاهانه باشه
هجوم این افراد کم کم داره شبیه اشغال کشور توسط محمود افغان می‌شه منتهی بدون سر و صدا
دارن حتی تو شهرهایی مثل تهران گروه و گنگ تشکیل می‌دن. جدیداً گروهی برای مردم مزاحمت ایجاد می‌کنند
اونی که افتخار می‌کنه ایران امن هست و می‌گه تهران چند محله ناامن هست با این وضعیت همون امنیت هم باقی نمی‌مونه
این همه آدم بی‌سواد با تفکرات بدوی آسیب‌های اجتماعی خیلی زیادی برای کشور خواهد داشت
تنها راهش هم تیراندازی به پناهجوها لب مرز هست. بدون تعارف و استثنا. هر کی از مرز غیرقانونی رد شد رو بکشند. چه مرد بود چه زن و بچه
این جنگنده‌های به درد نخور ایران مثل اف-۴‌ها جز بمبارون یه مشت بی‌دفاع ازشون هیچ کار دیگه‌ای بر نمیاد. لااقل همین مورد که هنوز ازشون می‌شه استفاده کرد رو انجام بدن. نهایتش می‌خوان سازمان‌های حقوق بشر جیغ و فریاد کنند که جمهوری اسلامی هیچ وقت براش مهم نبوده
و بعد هم سرکوب شدید این ۵ میلیون آواره‌ای که تو ایران هستند. به ویژه مشهد و اصفهان و تهران. همه رو پلیس دستگیر کنه هر کی قانونی نیومده بود بندازه تو قفس و گله‌ای بندازن از کشور بیرون
اگه این کار انجام نشه مشکلات بسیار شدیدی در ۵ تا ۱۰ سال آینده پیش میاد
روزی ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون ۸۲۵ هزار نفر. حالا بگیم حدود نصف هم بشه باز یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون افغانی در ایران
قبل از طالبان نزدیک ۳ - ۴ میلیون افغان در ایران بودن و با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغانی‌ها از کردها بیشتر می‌شه
اون هم با سطح سواد ۳۵٪ که از هر ۳ زن افغان ۲ زن سواد خوندن و نوشتن ندارن. نرخ زادآوری هم بالای ۴ یا ۵ بچه
یعنی عملاً ایران می‌شه فارس، ترک، افغان، کرد و بقیه اقوام. و البته جمعیت اهل سنت به بالای ۲۰٪ و حتی بالای ۲۵٪ می‌تونه برسه
یعنی این آخوندهای مفت‌خور تا ایران رو عراق ۲ نکنند ول کن این مملکت نیستند​

You ever ask yourself why they sent munitions in amounts that far exceed the amount of tanks or airplanes that exist in all of Europe?

@TheImmortal @SalarHaqq

What's your guy's thoughts on Scott Ritter's comments during this podcast?

Well, they're spot on as usual. In fact I had shared the same video a couple of posts above. Once again I learnt several new things listening to Ritter, and his analyses are obviously far closer to reality than the outlandish NATO propaganda global audiences are being saturated with.

For instance:

* His debunking of the war crimes allegations, including with regards to Bucha.
* His debunking of NATO propaganda about so-called intercepts of Russian communications (to imagine that the Russian military would use ordinary cellphones rather than some the most secure communication devices at its disposal, is simply ridiculous).
* How he sets the record straight on the thorough irrelevance of ongiong arms supplies from NATO member states to Ukraine, since the Ukrainian military for all practical purposes has been shattered for good and these new weapons arrivals won't make any difference.
* His comments on what denazification actually consists of, and how anti-Russian Ukrainians will probably be expelled from the areas Russia has and will conquer.
* His interesting take on why no viable guerilla movement can emerge in Ukraine once the remainders of their military are erased by Russia.
* His fascinating, technical remarks on how NATO has for a long time stopped conducting the regular large scale wargames and systematic maneuvers typical of the Cold War era, which had prepared them well for confrontation against peer level adversaries, and how the current neglect will inevitably put NATO in a very dire situation in case of a war against the likes of Russia and China. The catastrophic actual state of the German military, beneath the shiny surface.
* As usual, Ritter's highly informed analysis of the military situation per se, on the brilliance of Russian maneuver warfare, on specific units involved in the battles on both sides, complete with classic bibliographic references for those interested in familiarizing themselves more with the theoretical aspects of the conduct of war.
* An extremely astute take on why western sanctions against Russian oligarchs are actually bound to backfire big time, insofar as the Russian state and the Kremlin will no longer have to share power or compromise with these people. Same goes for a large chunk of the liberal, western-oriented middle and upper classes. President Putin has indirectly invited them to emigrate, and has made them understand that they're not needed anymore.
* A great forecast on how Russia's victorious campaign in Ukraine is going to impact the situation in the South China Sea and Taiwan, and a nice description of the multipolar world we're now living in, where the west is not only on the decline, but has in effect been defeated already by the strategic wisdom of its rivals and emerging powers.


At this point I'm not entirely sure why the US regime and its vassals are still clinging to their phony psy-ops efforts, quite frankly. Desperation, I would guess. Indeed they are reduced to generating more and more propaganda for lack of a good and effective option to use against Moscow, but in time everyone will realize that none of this was able to avert the outcome of the impressive Russian campaign.

Offhand I can think of at least a couple that would be comparable,if not in fact actually worse:
The Saudi invasion of yemen in 2015 and the israeli invasion of lebanon in 2006.Both of these militaries failed utterly in their war aims,despite their military forces having [on paper] massive military advantages.
Plus last time I looked the war in the ukraine still wasnt officially over yet,so I`d say its just a tad premature to call it a russian "defeat for the ages",that would be something more along the lines of what the iraqis suffered during the 100 hours of ground combat to liberate kuwait during operation desert storm in 1991.

Russia not only wasn't defeated (this a rather ridiculous suggestion indeed, since it's in fact the Ukrainians who've been soundly vanquished), but there was no setback for Russia in Kiev either. Everything points to it having been a master stroke of a strategic deceptive maneuver, one which will probably be taught at military academies in the future. I'd highly recommend listening to the podcast with Scott Ritter shared on this page.
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من فکر می‌کنم عمدی بین سران حکومت در کار هست که ایران رو نابود کنند. چون این سطح از اشتباه در هر موردی که فکر می‌کنم نمی‌تونه ناآگاهانه باشه
هجوم این افراد کم کم داره شبیه اشغال کشور توسط محمود افغان می‌شه منتهی بدون سر و صدا
دارن حتی تو شهرهایی مثل تهران گروه و گنگ تشکیل می‌دن. جدیداً گروهی برای مردم مزاحمت ایجاد می‌کنند
اونی که افتخار می‌کنه ایران امن هست و می‌گه تهران چند محله ناامن هست با این وضعیت همون امنیت هم باقی نمی‌مونه
این همه آدم بی‌سواد با تفکرات بدوی آسیب‌های اجتماعی خیلی زیادی برای کشور خواهد داشت
تنها راهش هم تیراندازی به پناهجوها لب مرز هست. بدون تعارف و استثنا. هر کی از مرز غیرقانونی رد شد رو بکشند. چه مرد بود چه زن و بچه
این جنگنده‌های به درد نخور ایران مثل اف-۴‌ها جز بمبارون یه مشت بی‌دفاع ازشون هیچ کار دیگه‌ای بر نمیاد. لااقل همین مورد که هنوز ازشون می‌شه استفاده کرد رو انجام بدن. نهایتش می‌خوان سازمان‌های حقوق بشر جیغ و فریاد کنند که جمهوری اسلامی هیچ وقت براش مهم نبوده
و بعد هم سرکوب شدید این ۵ میلیون آواره‌ای که تو ایران هستند. به ویژه مشهد و اصفهان و تهران. همه رو پلیس دستگیر کنه هر کی قانونی نیومده بود بندازه تو قفس و گله‌ای بندازن از کشور بیرون
اگه این کار انجام نشه مشکلات بسیار شدیدی در ۵ تا ۱۰ سال آینده پیش میاد
روزی ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون ۸۲۵ هزار نفر. حالا بگیم حدود نصف هم بشه باز یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون افغانی در ایران
قبل از طالبان نزدیک ۳ - ۴ میلیون افغان در ایران بودن و با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغانی‌ها از کردها بیشتر می‌شه
اون هم با سطح سواد ۳۵٪ که از هر ۳ زن افغان ۲ زن سواد خوندن و نوشتن ندارن. نرخ زادآوری هم بالای ۴ یا ۵ بچه
یعنی عملاً ایران می‌شه فارس، ترک، افغان، کرد و بقیه اقوام. و البته جمعیت اهل سنت به بالای ۲۰٪ و حتی بالای ۲۵٪ می‌تونه برسه
یعنی این آخوندهای مفت‌خور تا ایران رو عراق ۲ نکنند ول کن این مملکت نیستند​

نگرانی تو کاملا صحیح

اما مرکز قدرت ایران مشهد ه
خودشون اولین بار خطر رو گفتن

راه حلشون رو نمیدونم چیه

اما گردان فاطمیون ده سال پیش به عقل جن هم نمیرسید
من فکر می‌کنم عمدی بین سران حکومت در کار هست که ایران رو نابود کنند. چون این سطح از اشتباه در هر موردی که فکر می‌کنم نمی‌تونه ناآگاهانه باشه
هجوم این افراد کم کم داره شبیه اشغال کشور توسط محمود افغان می‌شه منتهی بدون سر و صدا
دارن حتی تو شهرهایی مثل تهران گروه و گنگ تشکیل می‌دن. جدیداً گروهی برای مردم مزاحمت ایجاد می‌کنند
اونی که افتخار می‌کنه ایران امن هست و می‌گه تهران چند محله ناامن هست با این وضعیت همون امنیت هم باقی نمی‌مونه
این همه آدم بی‌سواد با تفکرات بدوی آسیب‌های اجتماعی خیلی زیادی برای کشور خواهد داشت
تنها راهش هم تیراندازی به پناهجوها لب مرز هست. بدون تعارف و استثنا. هر کی از مرز غیرقانونی رد شد رو بکشند. چه مرد بود چه زن و بچه
این جنگنده‌های به درد نخور ایران مثل اف-۴‌ها جز بمبارون یه مشت بی‌دفاع ازشون هیچ کار دیگه‌ای بر نمیاد. لااقل همین مورد که هنوز ازشون می‌شه استفاده کرد رو انجام بدن. نهایتش می‌خوان سازمان‌های حقوق بشر جیغ و فریاد کنند که جمهوری اسلامی هیچ وقت براش مهم نبوده
و بعد هم سرکوب شدید این ۵ میلیون آواره‌ای که تو ایران هستند. به ویژه مشهد و اصفهان و تهران. همه رو پلیس دستگیر کنه هر کی قانونی نیومده بود بندازه تو قفس و گله‌ای بندازن از کشور بیرون
اگه این کار انجام نشه مشکلات بسیار شدیدی در ۵ تا ۱۰ سال آینده پیش میاد
روزی ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون ۸۲۵ هزار نفر. حالا بگیم حدود نصف هم بشه باز یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون افغانی در ایران
قبل از طالبان نزدیک ۳ - ۴ میلیون افغان در ایران بودن و با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغانی‌ها از کردها بیشتر می‌شه
اون هم با سطح سواد ۳۵٪ که از هر ۳ زن افغان ۲ زن سواد خوندن و نوشتن ندارن. نرخ زادآوری هم بالای ۴ یا ۵ بچه
یعنی عملاً ایران می‌شه فارس، ترک، افغان، کرد و بقیه اقوام. و البته جمعیت اهل سنت به بالای ۲۰٪ و حتی بالای ۲۵٪ می‌تونه برسه
یعنی این آخوندهای مفت‌خور تا ایران رو عراق ۲ نکنند ول کن این مملکت نیستند​

اولین هشدار رو کی داد
همین علم الهدی نه رایفی پور

بعد دیگه هیچی نگفت یعنی دارن کاری میکنن

At this point I'm not entirely sure why the US regime and its vassals are still clinging to their phony psy-ops efforts, quite frankly. Desperation, I would guess. Indeed they are reduced to generating more and more propaganda for lack of a good and effective option to use against Moscow, but in time everyone will realize that none of this was able to avert the outcome of the impressive Russian campaign.
Propaganda is cheap. Why not...

ممکنه کسی این جریان ؛مشهد؛ رو مختصر و‌ رک توضیح بده؟ بازیگران کیین؟ چیین؟ و چرا؟
با سپاس.
من فکر می‌کنم عمدی بین سران حکومت در کار هست که ایران رو نابود کنند. چون این سطح از اشتباه در هر موردی که فکر می‌کنم نمی‌تونه ناآگاهانه باشه
هجوم این افراد کم کم داره شبیه اشغال کشور توسط محمود افغان می‌شه منتهی بدون سر و صدا
دارن حتی تو شهرهایی مثل تهران گروه و گنگ تشکیل می‌دن. جدیداً گروهی برای مردم مزاحمت ایجاد می‌کنند
اونی که افتخار می‌کنه ایران امن هست و می‌گه تهران چند محله ناامن هست با این وضعیت همون امنیت هم باقی نمی‌مونه
این همه آدم بی‌سواد با تفکرات بدوی آسیب‌های اجتماعی خیلی زیادی برای کشور خواهد داشت
تنها راهش هم تیراندازی به پناهجوها لب مرز هست. بدون تعارف و استثنا. هر کی از مرز غیرقانونی رد شد رو بکشند. چه مرد بود چه زن و بچه
این جنگنده‌های به درد نخور ایران مثل اف-۴‌ها جز بمبارون یه مشت بی‌دفاع ازشون هیچ کار دیگه‌ای بر نمیاد. لااقل همین مورد که هنوز ازشون می‌شه استفاده کرد رو انجام بدن. نهایتش می‌خوان سازمان‌های حقوق بشر جیغ و فریاد کنند که جمهوری اسلامی هیچ وقت براش مهم نبوده
و بعد هم سرکوب شدید این ۵ میلیون آواره‌ای که تو ایران هستند. به ویژه مشهد و اصفهان و تهران. همه رو پلیس دستگیر کنه هر کی قانونی نیومده بود بندازه تو قفس و گله‌ای بندازن از کشور بیرون
اگه این کار انجام نشه مشکلات بسیار شدیدی در ۵ تا ۱۰ سال آینده پیش میاد
روزی ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون ۸۲۵ هزار نفر. حالا بگیم حدود نصف هم بشه باز یعنی سالی ۱ میلیون افغانی در ایران
قبل از طالبان نزدیک ۳ - ۴ میلیون افغان در ایران بودن و با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغانی‌ها از کردها بیشتر می‌شه
اون هم با سطح سواد ۳۵٪ که از هر ۳ زن افغان ۲ زن سواد خوندن و نوشتن ندارن. نرخ زادآوری هم بالای ۴ یا ۵ بچه
یعنی عملاً ایران می‌شه فارس، ترک، افغان، کرد و بقیه اقوام. و البته جمعیت اهل سنت به بالای ۲۰٪ و حتی بالای ۲۵٪ می‌تونه برسه
یعنی این آخوندهای مفت‌خور تا ایران رو عراق ۲ نکنند ول کن این مملکت نیستند​
This mass Afghan refugee settlement into Iranian major cities must stop..
We can not shoot them but we can settle them in refugee camps by the border...like every other country who is having a refugee problems..Bringing them into big cities is pure mistake...F*ck the islamic solidarity shit..I do not know who is doing this dangerous policy but I smell treason...I have praised Raisi government for many things but this policy makes no sense..You are changing the demography of a nation and ruining its economy in the name of "Religious solidarity"..F*ck that shit..:mad::mad:
An ex-Army youtuber I follow who has been refreshingly going against the pro-Ukraine propaganda, providing good analysis on Russia's shortcomings.

This mass Afghan refugee settlement into Iranian major cities must stop..
We can not shoot them but we can settle them in refugee camps by the border...like every other country who is having a refugee problems..Bringing them into big cities is pure mistake...F*ck the islamic solidarity shit..I do not know who is doing this dangerous policy but I smell treason...I have praised Raisi government for many things but this policy makes no sense..You are changing the demography of a nation and ruining its economy in the name of "Religious solidarity"..F*ck that shit..:mad::mad:
We do not have enough resources to settle them in refugee camps. And we should not waste our resources on them. Just tell the border guards to shoot anyone who wants to cross the border illegally.
Refugee camps are actually a terrible idea. Gather them all in one place? Terrible idea.
Ask Arab countries that hosted Palestinian refugees, for example.
Lebanon and Jordan had regular riot and rebellion issues with Palestinian refugees.
And believe it or not, Levant Arabs are much more similar to each other than Afghans and Iranians.
We do not have enough resources to settle them in refugee camps. And we should not waste our resources on them. Just tell the border guards to shoot anyone who wants to cross the border illegally.
Refugee camps are actually a terrible idea. Gather them all in one place? Terrible idea.
Ask Arab countries that hosted Palestinian refugees, for example.
Lebanon and Jordan had regular riot and rebellion issues with Palestinian refugees.
And believe it or not, Levant Arabs are much more similar to each other than Afghans and Iranians.
I hope you do not really mean it when you say shoot them...lol...we are all human beings and terrible things happen to any one..this mass refugee issue from poor countries to more prosperous countries is not unique for Iran as you know it yourself..How Iran is miss handling it is a unique f*ck up of Iran.

Settling them in well organized camps by the border works the best ask any UN agency. A refugee in a tent knows the stay is temporary and he has to go back..and it gives Iran a chance to properly filter them for transfer to cities to compensate for low birth rate of the country...UN also helps with them if in the camp.

And that is all I have to say on the issue..it is still snowing in this freaking place ...lol
I hope you do not really mean it when you say shoot them...lol...we are all human beings and terrible things happen to any one..this mass refugee issue from poor countries to more prosperous countries is not unique for Iran as you know it yourself..How Iran is miss handling it is a unique f*ck up of Iran.

Settling them in well organized camps by the border works the best ask any UN agency. A refugee in a tent knows the stay is temporary and he has to go back..and it gives Iran a chance to properly filter them for transfer to cities to compensate for low birth rate of the country...UN also helps with them if in the camp.

And that is all I have to say on the issue..it is still snowing in this freaking place ...lol
It needs money. Do you know how much money it takes to feed over 5 million refugees in camps?
Europe as a continent, who happens to be the most prosperous continent by the way, is whining all the time about only 5 million refugees from the Middle East since the Syrian civil war. A continent of 700 million people cannot handle 5 million refugees.

Keeping people in camps means that you will be responsible for their food, for their safety, for their education, for their entertainment, etc. It requires billions of dollars, maybe over 10 billion dollars a year. And what for? Most of these people are of no use to us. And that money can be spent on feeding our own people. It's none of our business that their country is in deep shit. They handed over their country to the Taliban (twice) and to the US and now they have to face the consequences. Even if you spend only $2 a day on a refugee for all of the things I said, it would sum up to over 5 billion dollars for hosting about 8 millions of them. This money is more than the budget of several ministries in Iran.

So, yes, I do mean it when I say that we should shoot each and every one of them that tries to cross the border illegally.
It needs money. Do you know how much money it takes to feed over 5 million refugees in camps?
Europe as a continent, who happens to be the most prosperous continent by the way, is whining all the time about only 5 million refugees from the Middle East since the Syrian civil war. A continent of 700 million people cannot handle 5 million refugees.

Keeping people in camps means that you will be responsible for their food, for their safety, for their education, for their entertainment, etc. It requires billions of dollars, maybe over 10 billion dollars a year. And what for? Most of these people are of no use to us. And that money can be spent on feeding our own people. It's none of our business that their country is in deep shit. They handed over their country to the Taliban (twice) and to the US and now they have to face the consequences. Even if you spend only $2 a day on a refugee for all of the things I said, it would sum up to over 5 billion dollars for hosting about 8 millions of them. This money is more than the budget of several ministries in Iran.

So, yes, I do mean it when I say that we should shoot each and every one of them that tries to cross the border illegally.

در حالی که اسراییلی ها حفظ ظاهر میکنند و فلسطینی ها رو خیلی علنی نمیکشند
ما هم باید اقلا ظاهر رو برای افغان ها حفظ کنیم

خیلی کارها میشه کرد که خودت حدس میزنی و نمیخوام اسم ببرم

اگر ما میتونیم صدامی بفرستیم توی قلب اونها
اونها هم میتونن تکفیری بفرستن حرم

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