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Iranian Chill Thread

Parts of Tehran/Iran are dangerous (nobody is denying that), but what we are acknowledging is the objectively high rates of violent and random crime that occurs within the continental United States even within "higher class" areas, let alone lower socioeconomic ones for a supposedly "first world" country. Living here and having been unfortunate enough to both come across and experience it first-hand. Iranians just simply have it MUCH better in this regard, flat-out. It helps that Iranians look like one another (generally), talk the same language and have a shared cultural identity and religion. America on the other hand... lol, it's really beginning to feel like a free-for-all depending on the area. If you're unlucky enough to have been born or end up in a place where the economy is shit or there is lots of gang/drug activity. Odds are you're going to encounter some sort of crime happening either around you or to you. Good thing we have rights to carry firearms although from a moral standpoint, if a society is compelled to need firearms. Then something is wrong with the people/culture/environment. I'll probably end up owning several firearms of my own sooner or later but I need to save up some money first. Such an acquisition comes from a place of fear, not strength or safety (at least for me).

Anyways...America (outside of Canada lol) has a rampant problem with criminality that has recently exploded due to COVID-19, BLM race riots, inflation, rapidly increasing political instability and general tensions along race/ethnic lines. It's a situation that cannot easily remedy itself and will most likely be the impetus that sets the bedrock for America's eventual downfall and dissolution of U.S. as a nation. You could think of it as "Rome burning" essentially.

People here really don't like one another. This is a point I cannot stress enough to those outside of these "United" States. You're race, skin-color, ethnicity, background, attractiveness, religion, political-views, job title, social position, income, wealth: just about any category defining metric will determine how most Americans will either perceive or interact with you. It's nearly unavoidable as well. Like it or not, you're going to put into a group against your will.

There was a time where many American citizens would have identified politically as "center" or "independent". Recently, after Obama's polarizing presidency which saw a dramatic rise in Black Afro-centric political awareness that caused racial tensions to flare up again. That was followed up by a tense 2016 election which saw both Democrats and Republicans (mainly radicalized progressive liberals) resort to utter slander and harassment of the other side. Leading to an election where the majority of people were simply voting so that the other person wouldn't get it in lol. Trump's further radicalization of American political landscape due to his ego, demeanor and how he carried himself as the head-of-state. More or less put in the nail in America's coffin. There really isn't going to be a way for American's to go back to a politically more stable time especially given that the USD world order to eroding away into a firmly multi-polar one.

Idk.... I could go way more in-depth about this but you get the basic idea of what's going on.

To sum it up succinctly, it's a total shit-show.

Bro... I used to carry a 9mm Ruger on me in my business in Huston TX...... its no fun, and you really are a danger to yourslf and everyone around you... best not to carry firearms ever if you can help it....

Well I mean Saddam....

Couldn’t get past Kermanshah after he boasted he would be in Tehran by end of the month.

This is an Iran that had:

  • Just had a revolution
  • Purged its entire military leadership
  • Disbanded the Air Force (the best in the Middle East at the time)
  • Was highly unstable And disorganized
  • Saddam had a very formidable military at the time
  • Iraq Had massive support of Western countries and intelligence services
  • Iraq Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia for 20B (in 1980’s dollars)
  • Iraq Bankrolled by Kuwait for 10B+ (in 1980’s dollars)
  • Iraq Armed by Russia, Europe, US, China

Russia didn’t invade in 2014 when Ukraine was going thru a color revolution and completely disorganized with large Russian support still in parts of Ukraine. It should have, but instead fell for EU/NATO tricks and negotiated the Minsk agreement that Ukraine never ended up following.

Ukraine ended up re arming and spending the next 8 years preparing for war.
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Well I mean Saddam....

Couldn’t get past Kermanshah after he boasted he would be in Tehran by end of the month.

This is an Iran that had:

  • Just had a revolution
  • Purged its entire military leadership
  • Was highly unstable And disorganized
  • Saddam had a very formidable military at the time
  • Iraq Had massive support of Western countries and intelligence services
  • Iraq Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia for 20B (in 1980’s dollars)
  • Iraq Bankrolled by Kuwait for 10B+ (in 1980’s dollars)
  • Iraq Armed by Russia, Europe, US, China

Russia didn’t invade in 2014 when Ukraine was going thru a color revolution and completely disorganized with large Russian support still in parts of Ukraine. It should have, but instead fell for EU/NATO tricks and negotiated the Minsk agreement that Ukraine never ended up following.

Ukraine ended up re arming and spending the next 8 years preparing for war.

Russias military reputation has taken a huge hit. 2,600 armor and equipment losses minimum in 6 weeks of war.
Russias military reputation has taken a huge hit. 2,600 armor and equipment losses minimum in 6 weeks of war.

I’m not disputing that.

I’m disputing the article saying never has a great military power been upset like this.

Iraq’s performance in Iran-Iraq war
US (total) performance in Vietnam

I mean both were upsets for their time.
Try to walk at night in some district of Tehran at night .

Did you assume I'm making things up? I've been to Nazi Abad and its entire surroundings in the middle of the night, at daytime also to Khaksefid and similar places. At night there was hardly anyone outside to begin with. Nothing to do with major western cities, where criminals are omnipresent roaming the streets in problematic neighborhoods.

Tehran is a walk through the park compared to London or Paris, let alone to urban centers of the USA (which I'm not familiar with, but they're worse than European ones, this much is for sure).

Iranians in the broad sense aren't acquainted with what a ghetto estate in London or Paris or even in certain areas of Brussels, Stockholm, Berlin etc actually looks like. Gangs will get suspicious of any stranger making an appearance because during the day, these gangs are engaging in large scale organized drug trafficking in the stairways of residential buildings, before everyone's eyes. The soil inside these buildings is sometimes covered with urine and trash because public services do not work properly and have abandoned these neighborhoods. Firearms are illegally stored in the basements. In fact, authorities tolerate the drug trade in various municipalities because the economic survival of families in these areas is dependent upon it.

Under normal circumstances police cannot even move in and arrest the ringleaders because if they try, they'll get pelted with stones and bulky objects, up to TV sets and refrigerators from out of the windows of aesthetically disgusting, depressing high rise concrete blocks these estates are made of. Police forces can only intervene en masse, they need to mobilize dozens if not hundreds of personnel to that effect. And even that may trigger riots involving the entire male youth population of the estate.

If one's lucky, one won't get directly mugged by some drunk or drugged thug. Or, simply, beaten half dead just "for fun". I know of people in the UK who used to walk up to random passersby from behind, and crush a glass bottle on their backheads for no apparent reason.

In France, one popular practice among street thugs (aged between 16 and 25, usually) was what they call "doing a circle" on someone ("faire un cercle"): in a schoolyard, in a metro station or anywhere else on the streets, they'll pick somebody on a purely random basis, encircle and then proceed to gratuitously beating the living daylights out of them, not seldom by kicking them repeatedly in their heads once they'd fallen to the ground. You can hardly take the metro in Paris on a saturday night without crossing at least one group of thugs, and that often means trouble.

Not surprising that tens of thousands of "I"SIS savages were recruited from these milieus.

It would make the mind of an average Tehrani spin if I told them about the brutalities I've either witnessed or heard first-hand testimonies of here in Europe. I don't like to disclose personal information, but will just say this much: these experiences include not just one but several individuals gravely wounding or outright murdering a parent of theirs, school girls getting raped inside college toilets, and much more.

So, we should stop comparing the west and Iran in terms violence, crime and insecurity. They're like apples and oranges.

Not cherry picking just wanted to point out every city have districts that are not suitable for relaxation walking at midnight.

But some cities are clearly worse than others. Western urban centers of similar size are worse off than Tehran. And Iranians who get their information from the BBC and Manoto or have no clue of what's going on around here.
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مشکل افغانی‌ها در ایران داره جدی می‌شه
یک مسئله کاملاً امنیت ملی هست
باید با لگد انداخت همشون رو بیرون​
Man nemidoonam chera in regime ejaze dade ke mashado tabdil be toalet konan. Cheghadr afghaniye gheyre ghanooni too mashad hast. mardome khodemoon khodeshoon gereftar hastand hala biya ye 4-5 milion afghani ham panah bede. ajab gereftariye.
Man nemidoonam chera in regime ejaze dade ke mashado tabdil be toalet konan. Cheghadr afghaniye gheyre ghanooni too mashad hast. mardome khodemoon khodeshoon gereftar hastand hala biya ye 4-5 milion afghani ham panah bede. ajab gereftariye.
وطن فروشی در انواع گوناگون داره انجام می‌شه
از خوردن منابع ایران توسط کویت و عربستان و امارات بگیر
تا راه دادن یه مشت آدمی که از نظر فرهنگی جز زبان (اون هم نیمی از جمعیتشون) هیچ شباهتی با ما ندارن
تا کوتاه اومدن جلو غرب و شرق بعد از این همه خیانتی که بهمون شده

بعد به خود ایرانی‌ها که می‌رسه سخت‌گیری شروع می‌شه. جریان ورود به زنان تو استادیوم پیش میاد
یا جریان حجاب اجباری پیش میاد که عملاً هیچ کسی از دهه ۷۰ به بعد براش تره هم خورد نمی‌کنه

جمهوری اسلامی اگه خیلی قانونمند هست جلوی ورود روزانه ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر غیرقانونی بدون هویت رو بگیره
با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغان‌ها به بالای ۱۰٪ جمعیت ایران می‌رسه. ۱۰٪ جمعیت یعنی از قوم کرد که سومین قومیت ایران هست بیشتر
اون وقت کی می‌خواد جمعش کنه؟​
Bro... I used to carry a 9mm Ruger on me in my business in Huston TX...... its no fun, and you really are a danger to yourslf and everyone around you... best not to carry firearms ever if you can help it....

Agreed, but I wouldn't mind owning one provided I train with it and use utmost caution in-general lol.
Do you think I'm making things up? I've been to Nazi Abad and its entire surroundings in the middle of the night, to Khaksefid and similar places. At night there was hardly anyone outside to begin with. There's strictly no comparison with western cities, where significant numbers of criminals roam the streets in problematic neighborhoods.

I repeat, Tehran is a walk through the park compared to London or Paris, let alone to urban centers of the USA (which I'm not familiar with, but they're worse than European ones, this much is for sure).

Iranians aren't familiar with what a ghetto estate in London or Paris or even certain areas of Brussels, Stockholm, Berlin etc actually looks like. If a stranger appears there, gangs will get suspicious of them because during the day, they are conducting large scale organized drug traffick inside the stairways of residential buildings and in front of everyone's eyes. The ground is sometimes covered with urine and trash because public services do not work properly. Firerarms are illegally stored in the basements.

That's if one's lucky and doesn't directly get mugged by some drunk or drugged thug.

Or, simply, beaten half dead just "for fun". I know of people in the UK who used to walk up to randomly chosen passersby from behind, and crush a glass bottle on their backheads for no apparent reason.

In France, one popular practice among street thugs (aged between 16 and 25, usually) was what they call "doing a circle" on someone ("faire un cercle"): in a schoolyard, in a metro station or anywhere else on the streets, they'd pick somebody on a purely andrandom basis, encircle them and then proceed to gratuitously beating the living daylights out of them, especially by kicking them repeatedly in their heads once they'd fallen to the ground.

Not surprising that "I"SIS savages were recruited from these circles.

It would make the head of an average Tehrani spin if I told them about the mind-boggling brutalities I've either witnessed or heard first-hand testimonies of here in Europe. I don't like to disclose personal information, but will just say this much: these experiences include not just one but several people gravely wounding or outright murdering a parent of theirs, school girls being raped inside college toilets, and much more.

So let's cut the nonsense and stop comparing the west and Iran in terms violence, crime and insecurity. It's apples and oranges.

Way too many Iranians have been brainwashed to believe that somehow Iran is in a much worse situation than it actually is. America did one hell of a job messing with millions of young Iranian minds and their perception of both themselves, their people and their own country.... Sure things are bad due to artificial means (inhumane sanctions/bad internal policy decisions) but Iran has a lot of be thankful for and proud of currently. I digress though, there is always progress to be made and Iran is no exception to this rule.

I've been to those 'urban' places in America and currently live in one (outskirts albeit). It's a toss-up really. Not all can be classified as third-world hellholes but a lot of them are and many more and propping up here and there following widespread economic destitution befalling much of the United States. Our "leaders" (leaches, demons, evil: are the more apt terms) are killing our prosperity for a quick buck and the hopes that they may just hold onto power just a little longer before this house of cards falls down. Off shore accounts, special interests groups, lobbyists, you name it. These are the real playmakers in America. Oligarchs rule it, we Americans are just surviving....

As I aforementioned, people in America (across the spectrum) don't like one another. A very thin-veil of money and means of living holds a very fragile visage of civility together. Once that goes (and it is going), we will see a more rapid decline in both social-stability and standard of living (which has again, been declining).

@TheImmortal said it perfectly. We are witnessing the terminal decline of America.
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وطن فروشی در انواع گوناگون داره انجام می‌شه
از خوردن منابع ایران توسط کویت و عربستان و امارات بگیر
تا راه دادن یه مشت آدمی که از نظر فرهنگی جز زبان (اون هم نیمی از جمعیتشون) هیچ شباهتی با ما ندارن
تا کوتاه اومدن جلو غرب و شرق بعد از این همه خیانتی که بهمون شده

بعد به خود ایرانی‌ها که می‌رسه سخت‌گیری شروع می‌شه. جریان ورود به زنان تو استادیوم پیش میاد
یا جریان حجاب اجباری پیش میاد که عملاً هیچ کسی از دهه ۷۰ به بعد براش تره هم خورد نمی‌کنه

جمهوری اسلامی اگه خیلی قانونمند هست جلوی ورود روزانه ۵۰۰۰ مهاجر غیرقانونی بدون هویت رو بگیره
با این حساب تا ۵ سال دیگه جمعیت افغان‌ها به بالای ۱۰٪ جمعیت ایران می‌رسه. ۱۰٪ جمعیت یعنی از قوم کرد که سومین قومیت ایران هست بیشتر
اون وقت کی می‌خواد جمعش کنه؟​
bozorgtarin faaje'e ke dare alan rokh mikhe hamin hojoom panahendagaan ke har rooz varede Iran mishan. Vali chon ke keshvar tahrime, monzaviye, badbakhte, kasi be harfesh goosh nemide. Ta vaghti ke amsaale faasedi mesle oon jakesh alamolhoda ya chandta amaame be sar boozine dige raase ghodrat bashan, hamine ke hast.

badbakht tarin nezaam taarikhe iran.

Way too many Iranians have been brainwashed to believe that somehow Iran is in a much worse situation than it actually is.
Mate, it is all right if we are talking about military related issues or our progress in some fields but to brush off any criticism about the situation in our country as being ''brainwashed'' is simply an insult and i am sure you do not want to go there or degrade yourself to that level.
bozorgtarin faaje'e ke dare alan rokh mikhe hamin hojoom panahendagaan ke har rooz varede Iran mishan. Vali chon ke keshvar tahrime, monzaviye, badbakhte, kasi be harfesh goosh nemide. Ta vaghti ke amsaale faasedi mesle oon jakesh alamolhoda ya chandta amaame be sar boozine dige raase ghodrat bashan, hamine ke hast.

badbakht tarin nezaam taarikhe iran.

Mate, it is all right if we are talking about military related issues or our progress in some fields but to brush off any criticism about the situation in our country as being ''brainwashed'' is simply an insult and i am sure you do not want to go there or degrade yourself to that level.

Lol, I didn't brush off criticism Dariush-jan. I said there is progress to made and Iran is no exception to that rule. There are problems, bad policy decisions, corruption and horrendous leadership (in select places). But listening to so many Iranians talk as if Iran is some hell-hole in the middle of the mountains irks me a little bit. Not necessarily just on PDF mind you, many expat groups of Iranians love to gather around and participate in the annual "who can talk the most shit about Iran" game. I joke, but still it's a little concerning.

This is what I meant by "brainwashed", but I'm absolutely not absolving Iran of its current problems nor am I trying to set up an argument that paints Iran as being perfectly or with just a few minor flaws.

Granted my position on things has changed "a little bit" in recent months, but general stance is that there are improvements to made across the board.
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Lol, I didn't brush off criticism Dariush-jan. I said there is progress to made and Iran is no exception to that rule. There are problems, bad policy decisions, corruption and horrendous leadership. But listening to so many Iranians talk as if Iran is some hell-hole in the middle of the mountains irks me a little bit.

This is what I meant by "brainwashed".
We should look at who is the one criticizing. Is the opinion of a Los Angeles Shahi more important than a poor truck driver complaining for his rights so he can feed his family?

Try to be more just. We have a foreign enemy, yes. And most Iranian (nationalists) support our country and when the time of duty arrives many will volunteer and go back with the first flight to defend our lands in any way or form. But there is a other duty for all of us Iranians, and that is to put the interests of our people and country first. Not some government, entity or whatever.

Just because we have a foreign enemy does not mean we should be deaf and blind to the situation of our own compatriots inside the country.

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