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Iranian Chill Thread

Damn didnt take them a month to topple imran khan. After he had the audacity to try and act like an independent country with an independent foreign policy

He wasnt even anti-western.

This shows you how easily CIA can infiltrate and take out a foreign head of state if you let them. Lots of parasitic generals with more loyalty to their rank/bank accounts in thr american pockets.

This is exactly the reason why the office of the supreme leader/ guardan council exists.

No other form of Iranian governmebt could withstand western aggression/enslavement. And protect Irans territorial integrity from the zio-american alliance.

Iran is simply too strong for the west to ever chance it becoming hostile again. Make no mistake, the disintegration of the Iranian state is their main goal now.

To be fair he hasn’t done much for Pakistan.

A long line of politicians that do nothing for Pakistan still the same old issues crippling debt, lack of funds, electricity issues, etc etc.

It’s not like this guy was Erodgan who at least since the late 90’s had a phase of impressive economic growth for Turkey before becoming a hallucinating sultan wannabe.
The Afghan war and its consequences should not be borne by Iran. Totally unjustified.

Seems you were probably too young to remember.

Iran supported the Afghan war. Just a few years early it almost invaded Afghanistan for the killing of its diplomats by takfiri elements within the Taliban. The government directly aided the Western coalition by activating the Northern Alliance and providing targeting Intel and valuable aid to the Western war effort. It wanted the Taliban toppled.

All it’s goodwill got it landed on the “Axis of Evil” by George W Bush. The government of Iran was stunned.

Then Quds force spent next 20 years playing both sides against each other. (government of Afghan and Taliban)

So let’s not act like Iran is the victim here.

The only point I agree on is that the UN should provide Iran with additional funds on top of the funds it provides Iran for combating drug trafficking into Europe. These additional funds would help stem the economic burden of the refugee crisis to an extent.

But at this point there is no war. These are not refugees anymore. The war is over. You either live in your country or you don’t. Same problem as USA, no matter the economic conditions there are people coming across the border from Mexico and South America. Just like Iranians were trying to make it to Australia the last decade paying smugglers to take them via unstable boats across treacherous waters.

War or no war, Afghans will continue to flow into Iran. It is a country with better conditions and future then their own. This is the basic issue that leads to illegal immigration across the entire world.
The course of events in Ukraine and Pakistan shows how smart the sleepy Biden team has acted. He has outperformed Chinese and Russians above expectations.

Chinese investments in Pakistan is at risk and they will have serious doubts about the future of reliance on Pakistan.

Afghanistan stays his weakness but if the mutinies against Taliban continues, it can turn into his strength.

To be fair he hasn’t done much for Pakistan.

A long line of politicians that do nothing for Pakistan still the same old issues crippling debt, lack of funds, electricity issues, etc etc.

It’s not like this guy was Erodgan who at least since the late 90’s had a phase of impressive economic growth for Turkey before becoming a hallucinating sultan wannabe.

No government is flawlessly perfect. He had the whole covid to deal with and regardless of his performance. There is no way any objective can look at the situation and deny that he was de facto couped out of power by american supported generals.

Its not like all his predecessors were Bismarck level statesmen , he inherited switzerland and turned it into shit.
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No government is flawlessly perfect. He had the whole covid to deal with and regardless of his performance. There is no way any objective can look at the situation and deny that he was de facto couped out of power by american supported generals.

Its not like all his predecessors were Bismarck level statesmen , he inherited switzerland and turned it into shit.

Coup? No Pakistani PM has finished his term in almost 100 years and you think this is American backed coup? Talk about grasping at straws. More like Pakistan has had a weak central government for a long time. This is what happens in weak central governments (see Lebanon and Iraq).

These guys have always played both sides of the fence (China vs US) and they always bow to the US when pressure gets a little to hot (Iran-Pak gas pipeline). They also accept Uncle Sam’s $$$$ handouts.

Khan wasn’t going to change the landscape wether he had 1 term or 3 terms. Based on his actions he was likely trying to eventually like Erodgan, Xi, Putin become leader for life like Masharaf was for so many years.
What happened here lmao the dude got super triggered:


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Seems you were probably too young to remember.

Iran supported the Afghan war. Just a few years early it almost invaded Afghanistan for the killing of its diplomats by takfiri elements within the Taliban. The government directly aided the Western coalition by activating the Northern Alliance and providing targeting Intel and valuable aid to the Western war effort. It wanted the Taliban toppled.

All it’s goodwill got it landed on the “Axis of Evil” by George W Bush. The government of Iran was stunned.

Then Quds force spent next 20 years playing both sides against each other. (government of Afghan and Taliban)

So let’s not act like Iran is the victim here.

The only point I agree on is that the UN should provide Iran with additional funds on top of the funds it provides Iran for combating drug trafficking into Europe. These additional funds would help stem the economic burden of the refugee crisis to an extent.

But at this point there is no war. These are not refugees anymore. The war is over. You either live in your country or you don’t. Same problem as USA, no matter the economic conditions there are people coming across the border from Mexico and South America. Just like Iranians were trying to make it to Australia the last decade paying smugglers to take them via unstable boats across treacherous waters.

War or no war, Afghans will continue to flow into Iran. It is a country with better conditions and future then their own. This is the basic issue that leads to illegal immigration across the entire world.
You are contradicting yourself with your story here my friend. First you say Iran aided the US to get rid of radical Talib elements and then you go on to admit that the US was the one who rejected Iranian overtures.

So, the question still stands and you were not able to come up with a decent reply. Why should Iran suffer the consequences of the Afghan war? Even it tried to stabilize Afghanistan many times and even restrained itself from taking tough military action inside Afghanistan.
So, again. Why should Iran suffer the consequences of the US decision to occupy Afghanistan?

Why should Iranian national resources, which are much needed in times of unprecedented sanctions, be spent in quelling the fire brought on by the disastrous US foreign policy?

So, no. Iran is not obliged to take in anymore refugees because it already has enough. Documented and undocumented Afghans number more than 6 million. And we are talking only about Afghans here. Why doesn't your country, the one who occupied Afghanistan, take all Afghan refugees?
You are contradicting yourself with your story here my friend. First you say Iran aided the US to get rid of radical Talib elements and then you go on to admit that the US was the one who rejected Iranian overtures.
No contradiction, just your lack of reading comprehension. Let me break it down for you so you understand:

  1. Iran aided US greatly during the run up and invasion
  2. Iran expected a thawing of relations and a possible diplomatic breakthrough for all its work
  3. US took all that work and then slapped Iran with a terror designation.
  4. Iran learned the US would never see Iran as a force for good
Why should Iran suffer the consequences of the Afghan war? Even if it tried to stabilize Afghanistan many times and even restrained itself from taking tough military action inside Afghanistan.

Iran destabilized Afghanistan by supporting the invasion then destabilized it further by running covert ops against the Afghan government and coalition forces. Pakistan did the same, so did China, so did Russia. Everyone was in there for their own interest.

So, no. Iran is not obliged to take in anymore refugees because it already has enough.

I don’t think you seem to get it. They aren’t refugees there is no more war. They are illegal immigrants trying to find a better life.

US faces the same problem at its Southern Border. Is it US fault that economic conditions and political conditions in Mexico and South American is poor? Yes and no (just like Iran). But at the end of the day people will immigrate to the country that has the better opportunity wether legally or illegally.

So even if there was no Afghan war, Afghans would still be coming over into Iran.
No contradiction, just your lack of reading comprehension. Let me break it down for you so you understand:

  1. Iran aided US greatly during the run up and invasion
  2. Iran expected a thawing of relations and a possible diplomatic breakthrough for all its work
  3. US took all that work and then slapped Iran with a terror designation.
  4. Iran learned the US would never see Iran as a force for good
You got to be the slowest member on this whole forum. What part of ''This has nothing to do with Iran'' you not get?

According to your own logic, which i tried to help you make understand (but i am now forced to waste my time more and explain it more to you) Iran ''helped'' the US in freeing the Afghan people from Talib elements yet it has to accept millions of more refugees because it acted in goodwill?

Are you okay?

You are trying to find a sneaky hole to crawl in and blame Iran. Mage inja shahre herte dadash?

What has your argument of ''Iranian assistance'' to do with US destabilization of Afgh and refugee stream to Iran? It does not make sense.

And most importantly, what has your reply to do with my question in post nr45160
''So, the question still stands and you were not able to come up with a decent reply. Why should Iran suffer the consequences of the Afghan war?''

Iran destabilized Afghanistan by supporting the invasion then destabilized it further by running covert ops against the Afghan government and coalition forces. Pakistan did the same, so did China, so did Russia. Everyone was in there for their own interest.

Tell your Zionist Nato garbage to your own kind. ''Iran destabilized''. Yeah sure.
What ''destabilization'' did Iran bring to that hellhole of a country named Afghanistan?
Decision to invade was not Iran's. So why are you singling out Iran only?

Iran has abandoned Afghanistan since the 1800's. I suggest you to pick a history book or two and brush up your knowledge.

I don’t think you seem to get it. They aren’t refugees there is no more war. They are illegal immigrants trying to find a better life.
Just because you say ''there is no war'' does not mean that is the case. Any conflict or its aftermath that causes dislodgment of people from their home is called a refugee crisis.

And if someone reads your post they would think that Afghanistan is now that paradise that your Neocon kind always promised. Stream of Afghan refugees whose homes are taken by Taliban or feel unsafe into Iran is directly the cause of American president decision to invade Afghanistan.

Now you can come with a counter reply to blame Iran again. Who the f cares.

US faces the same problem at its Southern Border. Is it US fault that economic conditions and political conditions in Mexico and South American is poor? Yes and no (just like Iran). But at the end of the day people will immigrate to the country that has the better opportunity wether legally or illegally.

So even if there was no Afghan war, Afghans would still be coming over into Iran.
Nope, was not the case during the Shah era. Even the soviet war in Afghanistan did not cause so much Afghans into coming to Iran. Ever since your American lords invaded that nation and destabilized it the stream of refugees from Afgh to Iran intensified.

Google is your friend.
No contradiction, just your lack of reading comprehension. Let me break it down for you so you understand:

  1. Iran aided US greatly during the run up and invasion
  2. Iran expected a thawing of relations and a possible diplomatic breakthrough for all its work
  3. US took all that work and then slapped Iran with a terror designation.
  4. Iran learned the US would never see Iran as a force for good

Iran destabilized Afghanistan by supporting the invasion then destabilized it further by running covert ops against the Afghan government and coalition forces. Pakistan did the same, so did China, so did Russia. Everyone was in there for their own interest.

I don’t think you seem to get it. They aren’t refugees there is no more war. They are illegal immigrants trying to find a better life.

US faces the same problem at its Southern Border. Is it US fault that economic conditions and political conditions in Mexico and South American is poor? Yes and no (just like Iran). But at the end of the day people will immigrate to the country that has the better opportunity wether legally or illegally.

So even if there was no Afghan war, Afghans would still be coming over into Iran.
You see, there's an issue here. A little caveat. A little hair in the soup: We do not have any humanitarian or legal obligation to accept them and provide them with a better life. We are not under any obligation to even help them.
They can live in their own country and try to make it better. It's not our problem.

Let's not forget that their country is, as we speak, responsible for the unprecedented drought in the east of Iran, particularly in Sistan and Baluchistan. They want us to accept 10 million of their illiterate refugees? Fine. They should completely destroy all dams around the Hirmand River and let it flow into Iran without any interference. Or else, we should kick every single one of their illegal refugees out and kill the rest of the illegal ones right at the border. Do you remember how they talked about exchanging water for oil? It's only fair.

We cannot afford to accept 10 million Afghans who are culturally very radically different from us. And we cannot afford to spend billions of dollars on them annually when our own economy is under sanctions.

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