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Iranian Chill Thread

I am not a Rohani or something like that. But them getting stabbed in one of the Shia holy sites breaks my heart. The ones that you call scum, rubbish, less than bedroom waste etc, are the ones who have made our ideological bases in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc. The criminal knew them well, their job was managing Afghan refugees.

Not only has the revolutionary clergy of Iran established ideological bases for anti-imperial Resistance outside of Islamic Iran's borders in recent decades, but in fact Iranians to a very large extent owe their very independence, sovereignty, as well as the very construction of their modern nation-state to the same clergy.

From the instrumental role it played during the Safavid dynasty in shaping contemporary Iranian national identity around Islam and Iranianness, and generating all the building blocks of the modern Iranian state, to ayatollah Mirza Mohammad Hassan Shirazi (r.a.)'s fatwa that initiated the popular Tobacco Revolt in 1891 against the tobacco monopoly granted by the Qajar monarchy to the British Empire, the Islamic clergy has been the strongest catalyst and pillar of Iranian self-determination against imperial oppression and exploitation.

The Tobacco uprising by the way was the first manifestation of anti-imperial awakening in Iran, more than a decade before the Constitutional Revolution which ended up being infiltrated (a pity that some of Mirza Shirazi's descendants have deviated from the path defined by their ancestor, but that too is a specialty of Anglo-Saxon imperialists, to influence the descendants of leading historic figures of the anti-imperialist struggle in countries of the global south).

Think about this for a moment, 3 humans were stabbed. This might change your mind. The criminal was a Wahabi and why he chose the holy shrine unveils a sobering fact. It was like stabbing Pope in Vatican's grand church. What kind of massage would it convey to Catholics? What was the massage of the attack to Iranians?

A big Majority of Sunnis comndemned the criminal attack and announced that Wahabis have nothing to do with Sunnis. That was an appreciated response to this attack.

Problem is, the governors and managers of foreign refugees did not their job well. Afghans need to return to their country, they are changing the demography of Mashhad city. It will be done for sure, but the Afghans who helped us in Syraq, and the 8 years war are Iranians more than many of us. We have hundreds of Afghan martyrs in Iran who fought for Iran during Iran-Saddam war.

Thanks for articulating this rational and levelheaded view. Thing is, the mindset of extremist secular nationalists, who represent only a small fraction of public opinion given how most have converted to liberalism and globalism over the past generation (see Reza Pahlavi junior and so on), often display a mindset informed by superficial emotion as well as by enād against either Islam, the (Shia) Muslim clergy or the Islamic Republic. That's why at times, they may even become apologetic towards takfiris.

Think of the collaboration between expatriate oppositionists, where Anjomane Padeshahi terrorists will work side by side with takfiris and sectarianists, with the intelligence services of the zio-American enemy plotting to bring these currents under a single umbrella. Or Farsi-language media such as Manoto, the BBC and Saudi International offering platforms to all these ideologically incompatible grouplets side by side, and trying to legitimize them collectively.

Hence some radical secular nationalist will go as far as expressing indifference towards terrorist attacks by "I"SIS-like maniacs, under the pretext that victims were Muslim clerics. Clearly, secular nationalists can only be tolerated and/or integrated under the condition that they recognize the legitimacy of both the Islamic Republic and its Supreme Leadership, as some of them have been seen doing since a couple of years. With those who don't, no meaningful dialogue nor cooperation can take shape. Islamic revolutionary forces should keep extending a hand and presenting reasonable arguments to well-meaning Iranians from other political horizons, however at the end of the day it'll be up to the latter to decide where they stand. If they cannot get themselves to ditch some of their extremist positions, they'll have no place in the Islamic Republic and will forever remain the marginal oppositionists they are, with no impact on the ground, and restricted to venting frustrations on satellite TV and on the internet.

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Iran should ship all Afghan refugees to Europe and NATO countries
They created this mess, they should deal with it

This is a much better idea than some of the unbalanced and unacceptable suggestions conveyed earlier.

However, the globalist elites ruling over NATO regimes fundamentally have no issues with greater numbers of immigrants arriving in their countries, after all they're the ones who imposed the immigrationist agenda on their peoples in order to dilute their national specificity. But, this agenda can't be implemented at once: it is a very long term one, which requires to proceed by little steps, so that citizens can be sufficiently conditioned and that strong counter-reaction is averted. In that sense, if Iran - and Turkey, whose cooperation would be necessary, opened the floodgates of immigration a little more, it will pose a challenge for these regimes.
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As ridiculous as it sounds I will say it...make these illegal afghans to build a wall along Iran Afghan border ...it may not work 100 percent but it will slow down the influx...this is a problem that will not go away...as Iran becomes more prosperous the more will want to come in...bite the bullet and build the wall..the labor is free ..all it takes is steel and concrete...think long term..plan now.

Wall won’t work. Ask the US.

The border guard in Iran gets paid next to nothing. If Someone wanted to bring several kilos over to Iran, it is easy to do so. Find the right border chief pay him a years worth salary and he will suddenly look the other way at a certain time and place.

I knew of acquaintances that got out of DUI’s and drug busts with a little Benjamin franklins.

Now imagine human trafficking. Once you shut the border, now you have created a DEMAND. Once you create a DEMAND, then organized crime fills it.

Now, i ask you. Why should Iran suffer from the consequences brought on by the US?
Is it fair for Iran to establish organized refugee exodus onto Europe? Or perhaps even, on the doorsteps of Israel, levant Arabs?

Because, this was not caused by Iran. Iran has nothing to do with the mess created by the US.

I don’t disagree with your final assessment. I merely say not much can be done. The world isn’t fair and it marches to the drum of the US.

So the Iranian saying the past is the past rings true. You cannot change the past. So look how you can solve the situation now.

If you deport then ok. But they will just come back. Until their own country stabilizes it’s not going to solve the core issue, which is stabilization and prosperity of Afghanistan.

I still think Afghans can help fix Iran’s aging demographics. They have more children than Iranian families and they are demographically younger than Iran’s aging society.

The biggest issue the world is not talking about is that demographics are rapidly changing towards elderly as birth rate plummets. The future power will be held in strong countries that have a younger demographic of workers.

Thus outside of a miraculous turn around in Iranian birth rate, Iran will need more and more young workers and more children being born. That can be done thru immigration. The only people immigrating to Iran are Afghans. Iran also suffers from severe brain drain and fleeing of youth compounding the problem.

So there is potential to turn the refugee problem into a positive solution. Iran’s demographics are going to be a major issue in next 50-75 years. Iran’s effort to encourage a higher birthrate is faltering.
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من با امید به ساخت جمعیت ایران با حتی هزاره و تاجیک مخالفم مگر جزوی از فاطمیون باشن

Seems Iran once again is warning once again against any possible redrawing of Armenian borders that would link Azerbaijan back to its breakaway province.

My thinking is if nuclear deal talks fail, US/Israel/NATO will give the green light for Azerbaijan to invade Armenia which will force Iran to invade to defend....thus giving Turkey and Azerbaijan pre-text for a fight over “South Azerbaijan” and try to cause a “fracture” in Iranian society which has a Turkmen population of its own.
You see, there's an issue here. A little caveat. A little hair in the soup: We do not have any humanitarian or legal obligation to accept them and provide them with a better life. We are not under any obligation to even help them.
They can live in their own country and try to make it better. It's not our problem.

Let's not forget that their country is, as we speak, responsible for the unprecedented drought in the east of Iran, particularly in Sistan and Baluchistan. They want us to accept 10 million of their illiterate refugees? Fine. They should completely destroy all dams around the Hirmand River and let it flow into Iran without any interference. Or else, we should kick every single one of their illegal refugees out and kill the rest of the illegal ones right at the border. Do you remember how they talked about exchanging water for oil? It's only fair.

We cannot afford to accept 10 million Afghans who are culturally very radically different from us. And we cannot afford to spend billions of dollars on them annually when our own economy is under sanctions.

نکته ای گفتی که کردها ایرانی اصیل اند

بله هستند
اصیل اصیل
کرمانشاه کلهر بیجار و بسیاری دیگه

من کرد سرانی رو‌متمایز میکنم چون خیانتهای این جماعت واضحه

از سر بریدنهای اول انقلاب در سنندج
تا شراکت یک بانه ای در ترور فخری زاده

من یک هزاره رو به کرد سنندج و بانه ترجیح میدم
Isfahan at nite by the 400 year old Khaju bridge (built in 1650).





Seems Iran once again is warning once again against any possible redrawing of Armenian borders that would link Azerbaijan back to its breakaway province.

My thinking is if nuclear deal talks fail, US/Israel/NATO will give the green light for Azerbaijan to invade Armenia which will force Iran to invade to defend....thus giving Turkey and Azerbaijan pre-text for a fight over “South Azerbaijan” and try to cause a “fracture” in Iranian society which has a Turkmen population of its own.

What do you think the chances are that some sort of conflict arises between Iran and Azerbaijan/Turkey in the near future?

I can't help shake this feeling something dire is coming sooner rather than late.... Anyways, if Azerbaijan wants to step up then I say good. Iran will push em' down a peg or two.
The issue is that Russian peacekeepers / troops, are still there. Also Armenia is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. We're not talking about disputed territory in Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia proper like Yerevan for example, is internationally recognized Armenian territory.

On top of all that, the Turkish economy is currently in dire straits. They've run out of foreign currency reserves. 30% of the population currently uses the US dollars rather than Liras. The last thing they need right now is a war to drain them even further. Going to war with militant groups, ethnic groups is one thing, but Iran / Russia don't exactly fit into those categories.

What do you think the chances are that some sort of conflict arises between Iran and Azerbaijan/Turkey in the near future?

I can't help shake this feeling something dire is coming sooner rather than late.... Anyways, if Azerbaijan wants to step up then I say good. Iran will push em' down a peg or two.
So because border enforcement is difficult, nations should just give up and open the flood gates to hordes of illegal immigrants unconditionally ? NO! even if you want to blame Iran for what happened in Afghanistan, Iran should take no more than 5% of the blame. Borders need to be enforced and illegal immigrants need to be deported. Repeat offenders should be given harsher punishments and penalties, including forced labor, solitary confinement, no communication with the outside world and arbitrary penalties. Women and children should be exempt and simply sent back, but human traffickers and especially drug traffickers should be executed without remorse.

Wall won’t work. Ask the US.

The border guard in Iran gets paid next to nothing. If Someone wanted to bring several kilos over to Iran, it is easy to do so. Find the right border chief pay him a years worth salary and he will suddenly look the other way at a certain time and place.

I knew of acquaintances that got out of DUI’s and drug busts with a little Benjamin franklins.

Now imagine human trafficking. Once you shut the border, now you have created a DEMAND. Once you create a DEMAND, then organized crime fills it.

I don’t disagree with your final assessment. I merely say not much can be done. The world isn’t fair and it marches to the drum of the US.

So the Iranian saying the past is the past rings true. You cannot change the past. So look how you can solve the situation now.

If you deport then ok. But they will just come back. Until their own country stabilizes it’s not going to solve the core issue, which is stabilization and prosperity of Afghanistan.

I still think Afghans can help fix Iran’s aging demographics. They have more children than Iranian families and they are demographically younger than Iran’s aging society.

The biggest issue the world is not talking about is that demographics are rapidly changing towards elderly as birth rate plummets. The future power will be held in strong countries that have a younger demographic of workers.

Thus outside of a miraculous turn around in Iranian birth rate, Iran will need more and more young workers and more children being born. That can be done thru immigration. The only people immigrating to Iran are Afghans. Iran also suffers from severe brain drain and fleeing of youth compounding the problem.

So there is potential to turn the refugee problem into a positive solution. Iran’s demographics are going to be a major issue in next 50-75 years. Iran’s effort to encourage a higher birthrate is faltering.
The level of US master stroke is huge in Pakistan.

If US can have so much pressure on their leaders when their assets and families are in the west, they can control their nuclear arsenal as well.

The top general has his family members in US. Can he say no when US wants nuclear data?

Could they have killed Zia and Ali Bhutto based on their influence?
The level of US master stroke is huge in Pakistan.

If US can have so much pressure on their leaders when their assets and families are in the west, they can control their nuclear arsenal as well.

The top general has his family members in US. Can he say no when US wants nuclear data?

Could they have killed Zia and Ali Bhutto based on their influence?

Pakistan’s furtherest missile range is Shaheen-III at 2750 KM. Basically a Shahab 3.

So US isn’t as worried about their nuclear arsenal when Kim in NK can hit the US mainland and is rapidly advancing his nuclear and missile program.

Plus with no energy resources, Pakistan cannot sustain a major war without allies supplying it with oil and natural gas to power its war machine.
I should add this one the reasons Iran is one of the most possible emerging world powers of 22nd century. Again why it’s so targeted by all world powers. Turkey, Pakistan, and India have zero energy independence.

It has its own oil, gas (number one reserve in the world), and controls one major chokehold transit (PG) and two others indirectly (Red sea and Arabian Sea), a diverse economy, and its own arms industry that dwarfs the Zionists (Zionists own words).

It can theoretically sustain itself in a major war like Russia.

This is why China is so desperate on the China Sea and the islands because of the potential for offshore oil and gas. While it can rely on Iran and Russia to supply It during a major war, there is no 100% like owning your own reserves and fields.
In Mariupol alone, Ukraine and its allies had deployed 14,000 troops and militia to defend the city. As far as anyone knows only up to 3000 remain alive today and that's being optimistic. The last enclave in Mariupol was split into 3 smaller pockets and is currently completely surrounded from all sides and cut off with their backs against the sea. Western MSM and various other sources keep focusing on alleged Russian casualties, while completely neglecting Ukrainian losses. When the truth finally does surface, probably in a few years from now, the real losses on the Ukrainian side will be both appalling and shocking.

Rumours keep swirling of Western military advisers trapped in Mariupol

There have been unconfirmed rumors on social media that US Army Major General Cloutier has been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol.

Published: April 6, 2022, 12:22 pm

Intel Slava Z, a Telegram channel, reported earlier that NATO officers from Germany, France, the UK and Sweden were trapped with Azov fighters in Mariupol.

Some frantic efforts to rescue these trapped individuals have been recorded. Western powers would not like to see NATO commanders or mercenaries eventually paraded with Azov fighters for obvious historical purposes. The optics of fighting for Nazis is not a popular one.

There are even rumors of a captured US general but they could not be confirmed. The general in question is to the Ukrainian military what Victoria Nuland is to Ukrainian politicians – an instrumental figure.

US Army Major General Cloutier may have been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol. As an old-school, hands-on military man, he was photographed many times on the ground inside Ukraine before the war, training the Ukrainian Army to NATO standards. In a press conference Cloutier described Ukrainians as his brothers.

The British were incidentally aiding the Ukrainian Navy while France had trained the air force.

Cloutier would have been instrumental in the planned Ukrainian assault on Donbass and such a knowledgeable man would be keen to be on the ground helping to co-ordinate the combined American, British and French intelligence and technical support to Ukraine during the preparation of the assault on Donbass. “His arrogance may also have got him trapped inside Mariupol,” one source pointed out.

Another fact which may point to the importance of those trapped inside the steel plant in Mariupol: According to French researcher Thierry Meyssan, on March 29, 2022, General Eric Vidaud, director of French military intelligence, was dismissed and no official explanation was given. “It seems that in reality, General Vidaud had deployed men on the direct instruction of President Macron’s private staff, in 2021 when he was commander of special operations, to supervise the Azov Banderites regiment.”

Two of the five Ukrainian helicopters that had tried to flee the stronghold of the Azov regiment, after the Russians had encircled Mariupol, were shot down on March 30. The survivors were taken prisoner by the Russian army and were quite co-operative. Reporters near the scene have meanwhile found items belonging to French soldiers. According to unconfirmed rumours, a second attempt to flee via helicopter has also failed.

The story of the evacuation of Western advisers from Mariupol became the plot of a minicomic. According to the plot, for them everything ends sadly. Screenshot of minicomic.

“The soldiers of the Special Operations Command are placed for all logistical matters under the orders of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Thierry Burkhard, but they take their orders directly from the head of the armed forces, President Emmanuel Macron,” Meyssan explained.

Special operations helicopter pilots are not usually dispatched to exfiltrate mercenaries or even intelligence operatives, unless they happen to be senior CIA, MI6 or Mossad agents, a source said. “Much less would highly skilled and valuable Spec Ops pilots be sent on an ultra high risk mission twice.” Unless of course there happens to be high-level individuals trapped inside the steel plant.

Attacks in the vicinity by the Russian navy is believed to be connected to British Sea Skua missiles being set up, suggesting further measures by the British to ensure that such operatives are not taken prisoner.

“Although Sea Skua is an old system, the British have large stockpiles of them and they can be set up on a ground launch platform and fired from cover, a truck, inside a warehouse. They would make a mess of Russian supply ships and landing craft.”

The British have so far supplied thousands of missiles to Ukraine in the form of NLAWs, and now Starstreak, a short-range man-portable air-defence system. Boris Johnson earlier confirmed that anti-ship missiles would be sent to Ukraine.

An American General, co-ordinating Ukraine’s efforts against Russia together with NATO, could expose the direct military involvement of NATO and therefore its active participation in the war.

War commentator Pepe Escobar is certain that NATO advisers are still trapped in Mariupol: “Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal. Yet the key is what was going on in this underground eight floors down.”

According to Escobar there is a bioweapons laboratory in a deep bunker in which civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” are tortured and possibly exposed to human experiments. “The ‘pit’ may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal.”

Avostal’s owner Rinat Akhmetov, a Ukrainian oligarch, has been involved in these experiments, said Escobar. Akhmetov is linked to Metabiota, a company in which Hunter Biden’s is implicated. On Hunter’s abandoned laptop there are emails detailing how Hunter had helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons.

Furthermore, Biden introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a “science project” involving high biosecurity level labs.

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