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Iranian Chill Thread

These baboons did it once....threat should be taken seriously. Send a team in to liquidate this monkey, then hang him in the streets of Afghanistan so Taliban knows what happens when you make threats.

These two morons got excited after a small number of short-sighted, emotive Iranians fell into the zio-American-Saudi trap and reacted the wrong way. Following the terrorist stabbing at the Mashhad holy shrine by a young Afghan national brainwashed with rabid anti-Shia ideology and handled by hostile intelligence services, an unrepresentative handful of people proceeded to strip naked an Afghan immigrant and force him to slander one of the figures revered by Sunni Muslims, grabbing it all on video and uploading it to the internet. State and governmental authorities of the Islamic Republic condemn these type of actions.

Clearly we're witnessing the unfolding of a plot hatched by the US, Saudi, zionist and possibly EU regimes which aims to involve Iran into conflict at several levels: domestic, regional and global. This is why it's so important to keep promoting Islamic unity and to reject any and all sectarianism, to encourage closeness and solidarity between the people of Iran and Afghanistan as well as to work towards keeping intact the stable relationship between Islamic Iran and the post-occupation government in Kabul. Which is what defines Tehran's policy.

These three principles are directly being targeted by the common enemy through manipulative operations such as the Mashhad terrorist attack, and they're relying on useful idiots like the teenager they sent to stab Shia Muslim clerics in a holy place. Prior to the attack, they made him recite provocative remarks about Imam Ali (a.s.) in a video spread online.

It's so obvious that the majority of Iranians and Afghans have become aware of this classic Hollywoodian-style plot. State-owned media of the Islamic Republic are doing a good job at informing people and setting the facts straight. So there's little chance that this will degenerate into a serious clash between Iran and Afghanistan, or between Iranian citizens and Afghan immigrants.

Just another attempt by the usual suspects to instigate strife between Iran and the Taleban as well as between Iranians and Afghans through outside interference. It's not the first time, but much to their dismay it's not going to work, neither now nor in the future inshallah, no matter how hard they try.
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If the Taliban leadership fall for the bait and attack / harm / kill Iranian diplomats I can guarantee missile strikes / air strikes in retaliation. After that Iran can dump tens of thousands of illegal migrants on them as well.

Even last time, it was the late 90s and some kind of agreement was made behind closed doors. Anyways we all know what their erratic and arrogant behavior led to after 911.

Right now they have millions of hungry mouths to feed and ISIS constantly attacking them. I don't think they want anymore trouble.

Maybe they should actually try to control their border instead of letting migrants come and go as they please.

These baboons did it once....threat should be taken seriously. Send a team in to liquidate this monkey, then hang him in the streets of Afghanistan so Taliban knows what happens when you make threats.

He's not high profile enough for a drone. Do you know how many hungry Afghans there are right now starving for a piece of bread ? For a few thousand dollars Iran could end him.

Needs a drone strike
An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

Interesting if the propaganda turns out to be true. Would be Surprised.
Highly doubtful but would be very interesting to see pictures if it were true. But again, this sounds like bad propoganda to slander Iran and embarrass Russia. Russia has so many high-altitude AD batteries I see no reason for this.

Needs a drone strike
The clowns, will probably try to do terror attacks in Iran. Best to stay vigilant on the border for the time being.

Their entire country runs on Iranian gas supplies. I wonder how they think they can fight Iran without gas in their American equipment lol.
These "baboons" were incited by small groups of short-sighted, emotive Iranians who fell into the zio-American-Saudi trap. Following the terrorist stabbing attack at the Mashhad holy shrine by a young Afghan national who had been brainwashed with rabid anti-Shia takfiri ideology and was being handled by hostile intelligence services, an unrepresentative handful of people proceeded to strip naked an Afghan immigrant and force him to slander one of the figures revered by Sunni Muslims, grabbing it all on video and uploading it to the internet. State and governmental authorities of the Islamic Republic condemn these type of actions.

Clearly we're witnessing the unfolding of a plot hatched by the US, Saudi, zionist and possibly EU regimes which aims to involve Iran into conflict at several levels: domestic, regional and global. This is why it's so important to keep promoting Islamic unity and to reject any and all sectarianism, to promote closeness and solidarity between the people of Iran and Afghanistan as well as to work towards keeping intact the sound working relationship between Islamic Iran and the post-occupation government in Kabul. Which is what defines Tehran's policy in this regard.

These three principles are directly being targeted by the common enemy through manipulative operations such as the Mashhad terrorist attack relying on useful idiots like the teenager they sent to stab Shia Muslim clerics in a holy place, after making him pronounce questionable remarks about Imam Ali (a.s.) in a video spread online.

It's so obvious that the majority of Iranians and Afghans have become aware of this classic hollywoodian-style plot. State-owned media of the Islamic Republic are doing a good job at informing people and setting the facts straight. So there's little chance that this will degenerate either into a serious clash between Iran and Afghanistan, or between Iranian citizens and Afghan immigrants.

Just another attempt by the usual suspects to instigate strife between Iran and the Taleban as well as between Iranians and Afghans through outside interference. It's not the first time, but much to their dismay it's not going to work, neither now nor in the future inshallah, no matter how hard they try.
more likely we are seeing true nature of Taliban ,a question what happened to the promises they made before they get the power? , what happened to the equal right for all afghans ? what happened to the inclusive government ?
These "baboons" were incited by small groups of short-sighted, emotive Iranians who fell into the zio-American-Saudi trap. Following the terrorist stabbing attack at the Mashhad holy shrine by a young Afghan national who had been brainwashed with rabid anti-Shia takfiri ideology and was being handled by hostile intelligence services, an unrepresentative handful of people proceeded to strip naked an Afghan immigrant and force him to slander one of the figures revered by Sunni Muslims, grabbing it all on video and uploading it to the internet. State and governmental authorities of the Islamic Republic condemn these type of actions.

Clearly we're witnessing the unfolding of a plot hatched by the US, Saudi, zionist and possibly EU regimes which aims to involve Iran into conflict at several levels: domestic, regional and global. This is why it's so important to keep promoting Islamic unity and to reject any and all sectarianism, to promote closeness and solidarity between the people of Iran and Afghanistan as well as to work towards keeping intact the sound working relationship between Islamic Iran and the post-occupation government in Kabul. Which is what defines Tehran's policy in this regard.

These three principles are directly being targeted by the common enemy through manipulative operations such as the Mashhad terrorist attack relying on useful idiots like the teenager they sent to stab Shia Muslim clerics in a holy place, after making him pronounce questionable remarks about Imam Ali (a.s.) in a video spread online.

It's so obvious that the majority of Iranians and Afghans have become aware of this classic hollywoodian-style plot. State-owned media of the Islamic Republic are doing a good job at informing people and setting the facts straight. So there's little chance that this will degenerate either into a serious clash between Iran and Afghanistan, or between Iranian citizens and Afghan immigrants.

Just another attempt by the usual suspects to instigate strife between Iran and the Taleban as well as between Iranians and Afghans through outside interference. It's not the first time, but much to their dismay it's not going to work, neither now nor in the future inshallah, no matter how hard they try.

Here is our local Sunni apologist to tell us how it’s all the Shiites fault. How it is was a “poor” Sunni who was brainwashed. How come there aren’t any Shiites blowing themselves up?

Are the Shiites that die daily in Pakistan to suicide bombings in the house of god, schools, buses also to blame for instigating Sunnis? Maybe Shiites breathed too much air and deserved this? Maybe they didn’t walk fast enough on the road? Are the Shiites in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia who are being tortured and murdered also to blame for instigating those poor defenseless Sunnis? How about those last month who had their heads chopped off by the Saudi Arabian government?

Sunni’s have been murdering Shiites in cold blood for hundreds of years. They get a pass by the likes of you who say “it’s ok it’s an isolated incident” when in reality their holy book commends them to kill Shiites.

Yet they scream bloody murder when they get any taste of their own medicine.....hmmm where does this sound so familiar? It is the same tactic the JEWS and Anglo Saxons have used against Muslims in the Middle East to justify their atrocities!

So save your Sunni propaganda for the Takfiris.

more likely we are seeing true nature of Taliban ,a question what happened to the promises they made before they get the power? , what happened to the equal right for all afghans ? what happened to the inclusive government ?

These guys are baboons. Actually that’s an insult to baboons.

The only good Taliban is a dead Taliban. Send these worthless scum to meet Allah so they can get their 100 male virgins in hell.
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The roach infestation in northern iraq is very severe and it seems the entire region is in desperate need for a violent & thorough purge!
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قبول داری مهران مدیری ده تا ارحام صدر یا صمد میرزه؟

قبول داری عابد زاده ده تا مرحوم حجازی میرزید؟

قبول داری علی دایی ده برابر قیلیچ خانی یا چنگیز و امثالش افتخار داره و خودش رو به عربها هم نفروخته مثل چنگیز؟

قبول داری​
خسته نباشی که داری مملکت رو با ۵۰ سال پیش مقایسه می‌کنی
اون زمانی که ایران قبل انقلاب رفت جام جهانی کلاً از آسیا یک تیم می‌رفت جام جهانی
کلاً جام جهانی ۱۶ تیم بود

علی دایی هم یک نابغه هست که ربطی به حکومت نداره

انگشت کوچیکه امثال هایده و داریوش و اینها به کل سرتاپای یه مشت اراذل اوباش لوده و فالش جمهوری اسلامی می‌ارزند
امثال فریدون و فروغ فرخزاد به کل هنر ۴۳ سال جمهوری اسلامی می‌ارزه​

می خواستم اینو اینجا بفرستم که فرستادی، ممنون. این شبکه اینترنشنال باید به عنوان‌ بازوی رسانه ای یه سازمان تروریستی (استخبارات عنترستان) طبقه بندی بشه هر شخصی که با این رادیو ریاض مرتبط هست و هر کسی هم که تو برنامه های اینا شرکت میکنه باید به عنوان تروریست طبقه بندی بشه و خودش و تمام خانواده درجه یکش از پدر مادر خواهر برادر زن بچه تا نوه هاش باید جمیعا به کوره آدم سوزی فرستاده بشن همین سیاست‌ها باید در مورد مخاطبین ثابت این شبکه و هر کسی که اخبار این شبکه رو به هر نحوی هم پخش کنه باید اجرا بشه.
این مادرجنده ها قشنگ شمشیر رو از رو بستن کسی هم نیست که نفهمه سیاست اینا چیه قشنگ خودشون دارن میگن اگه از این به بعد کسی با اینا ارتباط داشته باشه علاجش فقط کوره آدم سوزی هست
حالا در حد اعدام نه اما باید از حقوق شهروندی محروم بشن

حرومزاده‌هایی امثال صادق زیبا کلام دست پرورده همین حکومت کثیف آخوندی هست
فعلاً جایگزینی برای این حکومت وجود نداره چون اون وری‌ها به مراتب آشغال‌تر و لاشخورتر هستند

راه اصلاح همین حکومت هست که این هم داره به بیراهه می‌ره متاسفانه
راه نجات ایران فاشیسم هست​

These guys are baboons. Actually that’s an insult to baboons.

The only good Taliban is a dead Taliban. Send these worthless scum to meet Allah so they can get their 100 male virgins in hell.
When I told you that we should kick them all out, you were trying to pretend we are responsible for them.

The best solution is to create a buffer zone in Afghanistan up to the Hirmand River and locate the Afghan diaspora there. But the Islamic Republic is too weak and corrupt to do something that is the national interest of Iran.

راهکار مشکل افغانستان ایجاد یک منطقه بافر و اشغال خاک افغانستان تا بالای رود هیرمند هست
با این کار هم مشکل خشکی سیستان حل می‌شه هم مشکل مهاجرین افغان حل می‌شه

اما حیف که جمهوری اسلامی یکی از ضعیف‌ترین نیروهای نظامی چند دهه اخیر ایران رو از نظر توان متعارف داره
و تمام متحدین ما هم یه مشت حرومزاده مفت خور کمونیست مثل چین و روسیه هستند که به قیمت گونی سیب‌زمینی ایران رو می‌فروشن​
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It's easy to get viewers if you have no regards for morality or care for the stability/ good of the society. An extreme example is ****. IRIB could get more viewers than all its rivals if it showed ****, but what would that do to society? Our enemies have no qualms in using destructive temptations, slimy tactics, and outright lies in gaining viewers.
Everywhere in the world Liberal/leftist media has more viewers than conservative/moralist media for this very reason. Just look at the US, the only "conservative" channel with decent viewership is FOX news.
While IRIB could get more viewers by using cognitive sciences, effective media tactics (most of which toe the line when it comes to morality), more attractive entertainment, but at the end of the day, on an equal playing field they will always lose to western media.
I hate to say it but effective censorship is the only solution.
راست می‌گی
ساسی مانکن و بهنوش بختیاری و بهاره رهنما و مهناز افشار خوب هستند​

mage in eshaal talab ina nistan (va roasa shoon dar kharej az keshvar) ke ashk mirizan baraye in heyvoonhaye afghani?

jumhori eslaami bere, in secularha mihan va madar-forukhte zood be hame ejaaze midan ke hojom biaran keshvaremoon va be gand bekeshan hamechiz ro. farz kon yek kasi mesle angela merkel, versione iranish dar iran baashe (ke ham hast, kheyli ziaadesh ham hast).
khodaya tobeh
خسته نباشی که داری مملکت رو با ۵۰ سال پیش مقایسه می‌کنی
اون زمانی که ایران قبل انقلاب رفت جام جهانی کلاً از آسیا یک تیم می‌رفت جام جهانی
کلاً جام جهانی ۱۶ تیم بود

علی دایی هم یک نابغه هست که ربطی به حکومت نداره

انگشت کوچیکه امثال هایده و داریوش و اینها به کل سرتاپای یه مشت اراذل اوباش لوده و فالش جمهوری اسلامی می‌ارزند
امثال فریدون و فروغ فرخزاد به کل هنر ۴۳ سال جمهوری اسلامی می‌ارزه

حالا در حد اعدام نه اما باید از حقوق شهروندی محروم بشن

حرومزاده‌هایی امثال صادق زیبا کلام دست پرورده همین حکومت کثیف آخوندی هست
فعلاً جایگزینی برای این حکومت وجود نداره چون اون وری‌ها به مراتب آشغال‌تر و لاشخورتر هستند

راه اصلاح همین حکومت هست که این هم داره به بیراهه می‌ره متاسفانه
راه نجات ایران فاشیسم هست​

When I told you that we should kick them all out, you were trying to pretend we are responsible for them.

The best solution is to create a buffer zone in Afghanistan up to the Hirmand River and locate the Afghan diaspora there. But the Islamic Republic is too weak and corrupt to do something that is the national interest of Iran.

راهکار مشکل افغانستان ایجاد یک منطقه بافر و اشغال خاک افغانستان تا بالای رود هیرمند هست
با این کار هم مشکل خشکی سیستان حل می‌شه هم مشکل مهاجرین افغان حل می‌شه

اما حیف که جمهوری اسلامی یکی از ضعیف‌ترین نیروهای نظامی چند دهه اخیر ایران رو از نظر توان متعارف داره
و تمام متحدین ما هم یه مشت حرومزاده مفت خور کمونیست مثل چین و روسیه هستند که به قیمت گونی سیب‌زمینی ایران رو می‌فروشن​

برو با یه دهه هفتادی هشتادی حرف بزن ببین کی بیشتر تماشاچی داره

دوره ما گذشت

هایده هم برای من نوستالژی ه
در حد نوستالژی کلاه قرمزی و فردین
برو با یه دهه هفتادی هشتادی حرف بزن ببین کی بیشتر تماشاچی داره

دوره ما گذشت

هایده هم برای من نوستالژی ه
در حد نوستالژی کلاه قرمزی و فردین
خود من متولد ۷۳ هستم برادر عزیز من

بحث نوستالژی نیست
بحث هنر هست
هایده با شش دانگ صدا رو بذار با این دلقک‌های جمهوری اسلامی مقایسه کن
یارو راننده پیک اسنپ بوده خواننده شده
ازش می‌پرسن نت‌های یه اکتاو رو بگو
فقط ۵ تاش رو می‌تونه بگه​
خود من متولد ۷۳ هستم برادر عزیز من

بحث نوستالژی نیست
بحث هنر هست
هایده با شش دانگ صدا رو بذار با این دلقک‌های جمهوری اسلامی مقایسه کن
یارو راننده پیک اسنپ بوده خواننده شده
ازش می‌پرسن نت‌های یه اکتاو رو بگو
فقط ۵ تاش رو می‌تونه بگه​

یعنی از ۱۷ سالگی تو این سایت بودی

ای ول

خداییش مهران مدیری تولید این دستگاه فشل بهتر صمد و ارحام صدر نیست؟

ایران مشکل رسانه زیاد داره ولی کارهایی هم شده
یعنی از ۱۷ سالگی تو این سایت بودی

ای ول

خداییش مهران مدیری تولید این دستگاه فشل بهتر صمد و ارحام صدر نیست؟

ایران مشکل رسانه زیاد داره ولی کارهایی هم شده
من از دبیرستان و راهنمایی و اینها اول میلیتاری آی آر رو می‌خوندم بعد اینجا رو دیدم می‌خوندم خیلی پست نمی‌کردم ولی

صمد آخه چرت و پرت هست. بعد هم طنز به شرایط اون روز جامعه بر می‌گرده
همون پرویز صیاد که می‌گی خیلی مشکلات اون روز جامعه رو بیان می‌کرد و از شرایط زمان شاه با طنز انتقاد می‌کرد
شب‌های برره رو با دایی جان ناپلئون مقایسه کن مثلاً

تو رسانه حتی از ترکیه و عربستان و لبنان و سوریه و مصر و حتی آذربایجان عقب هستیم
کشورهای قدرتمند مثل آمریکا و انگلیس که دیگه جای خود
در حالیکه زمان شاه و حتی الان موسیقی ایران و رسانه‌های ایران حرف اول رو تو منطقه می‌زدن​
more likely we are seeing true nature of Taliban ,a question what happened to the promises they made before they get the power? , what happened to the equal right for all afghans ? what happened to the inclusive government ?
IMO a bigger concern for Iranians should be whether they continue to honor the 1973 water treaty regarding the Helmand River. Water will become a bigger issue in the next few decades and this will be a major source of pressure on the nation.

It's not out of the question that a military operation will be needed at some point to secure this source.

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