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Iranian Chill Thread

Last remnants of Azov fighters in Mariupol hiding in underground tunnels. According to reports, Russians are demanding they surrender otherwise they will flood the tunnels with the help of half a dozen firetrucks.

waste of resources , use Egyptian, western and Israeli approved tactic of filling the tunnels with gases , easier and more effective
Any Word about up coming military parade,every year on 18-20 April there was military parade, should be in few days
Gases ? But then they'll cry to the world about chemical weapons. Honestly the Russians should flood the tunnels with manure water. Either Azov fighters can surrender or drown in feces. LOL

waste of resources , use Egyptian, western and Israeli approved tactic of filling the tunnels with gases , easier and more effective
Can’t compare 1950’s to 2022.

Blacks were segregated back then so that means it’s okay if Iran segregates Afghans today? Come on.

Social freedoms are being unnecessarily restrained when the focus should be the enemy at the gates. China has this luxury to be doing this (like banning girly man movies) because it is providing economic prosperity to its citizens as well as defending the country’s national interests and expanding its power. Thus when you provide for your people you can then smack them around a little regarding social freedoms.

Not double digit inflation, corruption scandal after corruption scandal, zero economic reform...list goes on and on. And you in the middle of all this let’s kick the average citizen suffering from Western economic warfare? Makes no sense
A rare moment you make sense. This type up behavior unnecessarily undermines the system and turns away the populace for what? A hair style? If that were my boy I’d smash the person’s face in the wall. Mind you, my kid’ll never have that funky hair in the first place.
Even the Russians admit serious damage to the Moskva. Very embarrassing for the Russians.
Isnt it embarrassing for you Yankees that Russia is about to take away the whole of the east of Ukraine? Whilst you helplessly stand there and take it. You cant do anything. The American empire cant do anything.

NATO also knows it can't do jackshit against Russia since railway system, logistics is horrendous in western Europe. NATO wudve gotten involved a long time ago if it cud. The fact is it is too militarily broke to do anything against Russia.

But u know it feels so good to see all those Ukrainian cities falling under our friend Russia's control. It feels great with every territory taken. Our Friend Russia gets bigger bigger. Make no mistake Yankee rider, whole of Ukraine will be taken and I'll get batshit drunk as to celebrate.

Glory to Iran or whatever the hell they say in Ukrainian.
Who knows if the ship had an accident or was struck by a missile. Regardless that's one Russian ship, meanwhile the entire Ukrainian navy has been annihilated and 1000+ Ukrainian marines surrendered yesterday.

The price of everything is soaring in the west and they keep saying "It's Putin's price hike" The leaders of the west have gone mad. They're essentially sanctioning themselves at this point.

The last holdouts in Mariupol are surrounded from all sides.

Isnt it embarrassing for you Yankees that Russia is about to take away the whole of the east of Ukraine? Whilst you helplessly stand there and take it. You cant do anything. The American empire cant do anything.

NATO also knows it can't do jackshit against Russia since railway system, logistics is horrendous in western Europe. NATO wudve gotten involved a long time ago if it cud. The fact is it is too militarily broke to do anything against Russia.

But u know it feels so good to see all those Ukrainian cities falling under our friend Russia's control. It feels great with every territory taken. Our Friend Russia gets bigger bigger. Make no mistake Yankee rider, whole of Ukraine will be taken and I'll get batshit drunk as to celebrate.

Glory to Iran or whatever the hell they say in Ukrainian.
Who knows if the ship had an accident or was struck by a missile. Regardless that's one Russian ship, meanwhile the entire Ukrainian navy has been annihilated and 1000+ Ukrainian marines surrendered yesterday.

The price of everything is soaring in the west and they keep saying "It's Putin's price hike" The leaders of the west have gone mad. They're essentially sanctioning themselves at this point.

The last holdouts in Mariupol are surrounded from all sides.

One theory is that it hit mines that drifted away in the heavy storm. Or cud American or SAS underwater divers have done something? IDK if that's even possible. But it cudve been the mines. I don't believe the UKR firing anti ship missile theory.
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Either way it hasn't sunk. It's being towed for repairs.

Western sources keep talking about Russian mobile crematoriums. LOL Just like Saddam had mobile chemical weapons labs. So ridiculous.

Russians treat injured Ukrainian soldiers. Meanwhile Ukrainian soldiers kill and torture captured Russians.

One theory is that it hit mines that drifted away in the heavy storm. Or cud American or SAS underwater divers have done something? IDK if that's even possible. But it cudve been the mines. I don't believe the UKR firing anti ship missile theory.

Look at the stragglers run. LOL Russians claiming they destroyed 40+ armored vehicles and killed hundreds in this escape attempt with hundreds more surrendering.

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Isnt it embarrassing for you Yankees that Russia is about to take away the whole of the east of Ukraine? Whilst you helplessly stand there and take it. You cant do anything. The American empire cant do anything.

NATO also knows it can't do jackshit against Russia since railway system, logistics is horrendous in western Europe. NATO wudve gotten involved a long time ago if it cud. The fact is it is too militarily broke to do anything against Russia.

But u know it feels so good to see all those Ukrainian cities falling under our friend Russia's control. It feels great with every territory taken. Our Friend Russia gets bigger bigger. Make no mistake Yankee rider, whole of Ukraine will be taken and I'll get batshit drunk as to celebrate.

Glory to Iran or whatever the hell they say in Ukrainian.
Disgusting..... You are cheering for war? Innocent people are being killed. How would you feel if India invaded Bangaldesh? Not good? Right? How would feel if i said that every territory taken by the Indian army feels great? Let me tell you my dear Bangladeshi friend your country would not be able to put up much resistance. Much less than what the brave people of Ukraine have done.
Arabic language is one of the strongest languages in the world. You can convey a massage full of meaning in a short sentence. Most of Iranian scientists during Islamic golden ages published their works in Arabic such as Abu Ali Sina, Abul wafa Buzjani, Abu rayhan Birouni etc etc. It made Arabic language of science and technology, thanks to Iranians Europeans had to learn Arabic to catch up with us during their Renaissance.

Arabic words have extensively strengthened Persian language, our outstanding poet Hafez begins his work with an Arabic sentence. Sa'adi uses Arabic words in the lines to make his works outstaدding. Arabic is an inseparable part of Iranian literature. We love Arabic language, specially, when we want to speak too politely, we use Arabic word in order to strengthen our words. An Arab guy can easily read through the lines of Iranian official letters. Our alphabet is Arabic having 4 extra letters پ ژ گ چ

Btw, Arabic should have become the number language of the world, the internal conflicts caused backwardness in our societies.

Speaking Persian and learning the language is like eating honey, so soft, lovely and beautiful. I advice you learn Persian, it is the language of revolution, the voice of humanity against international bullies.
I have no animosity with Arabic language or any Arab culture or any other language..I am pointing to a principal fact that "language" is the gateway to a culture..destroy your "native" language and you destroy your culture...We should remove all non-Farsi words from our language...I love it when they create Farsi equivalents for "English" words...but when it comes to "Arabic" the Islamic Republic promotes it to replace "Farsi" words for "Arabic"....no culture in the world has ever done that..that is why Iranians who love their culture and language call the "Islamic Republic" the second Arab invasion of Iran (culturally speaking)...There are millions of Iranians inside and outside that see this and are silent about it because if we speak too loud it will affect Iran's political friendship with the Arab allies.....So we tolerate this but now I see it turning into an avalanche not just words but full sentences...IR not only does not promote Iranian origin culture but in any chance will suppress this culture to attain political points with our Arab allies ...just observe how little coverage they give to Noruz events or anything related to Pre-Islamic Culture of Iran..in our 3000 year recorded history we have only been muslim the last 600 years the remaining 2400 years we were Persian with our own rich traditions and language.

I Quebec province of Canada where I lived for 30 years there are 6 million French speaking Canadians ..you are not allowed to use "English" in schools, or in your business signs...there are no Road signs in Quebec in "English" (only 10 min to NY border!). Why...because when you live amongst 400 million English speakers if you do not protect your language you will lose it and you will lose the French culture next...
I hope I made my points and as I said it is no attack against Arabic language or Arab speakers.
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We know Iran recently announced their own project.

This could be gamechanging in the future as lasers get more powerful and costs drop down.

Video shows UAV and mortar interception using a laser beam. This is helpful for a short range air defense system. Or a supplement to a long or medium range air defense system.

Such a system accompanying S-300, Bavar, or 3rd Khordad, can help intercept suicide drones or TB2 from attacking them.

Also can move along side troop convoys or troop groupings to prevent those disastrous TB2 montage clips we saw in Armenia and Ukraine.

We know Iran recently announced their own project.

This could be gamechanging in the future as lasers get more powerful and costs drop down.

Video shows UAV and mortar interception using a laser beam. This is helpful for a short range air defense system. Or a supplement to a long or medium range air defense system.

Such a system accompanying S-300, Bavar, or 3rd Khordad, can help intercept suicide drones or TB2 from attacking them.

Also can move along side troop convoys or troop groupings to prevent those disastrous TB2 montage clips we saw in Armenia and Ukraine.

We have talked a lot how easy the defense is.

Limitations of fog, dust, mist and others

So not that easy in real life.
We have talked a lot how easy the defense is.

Limitations of fog, dust, mist and others


A lot of people think that high-energy lasers, or HELs, can't penetrate fog, rain and dust, said Thomas Webber, director of the Directed Energy Division's Technical Center, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command. That's just plain wrong.

I’m sure the engineers of Iran, US, Israel, and China know much more than a handful of fanboys on a military forum....

Lasers weapons will likely make their debut also on 6th Gen fighter jets in the future.

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