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Iranian Chill Thread

Considering the eventual outcome, the Armenians should have simply made concessions rather than fighting. Honestly it wasn't so much that the Armenian soldiers/military performed badly. It was more the fact that they were technologically, numerically and tactically outmatched.

The same tactics and strategy that worked in the 90s, failed today. They simply didn't modernize or upgrade their tactics or equipment. They also didn't learn anything from the recent low intensity conflicts in the region.

Yes Iran could easily provide Armenians with much of what they need, specifically missile technology, air defenses and especially UAV technology. Iran does not need to advertise its military hardware to anyone. Recent events, like the shooting down of the RQ-4 or the successful strikes on the Aramco facilities are advertising enough.

Armenian govt and leadership still doesnt want to accept that Armenian soldiers and military performed badly in the Karabakh war of 2020. No lie or propaganda will refute that truth. Russian Iskander is a good system, i dont believe it didnt work as designed...Armenians just dont want to accept they failed themselves. i know these types of people because this is how NIgerians are in general too- they hate accountability.
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Houthis now on the outskirts of Marib

Biden orders airstrikes on pro-Iranian militias in Deir Ezzor, Syria, close to the Iraqi border. Recently Iran has equipped Shia militias with UAV technology. The question is, will they utilize them against US forces or US interests ? The oil facilities east of the Euphrates would be a tempting target

Considering the eventual outcome, the Armenians should have simply made concessions rather than fighting. Honestly it wasn't so much that the Armenian soldiers/military performed badly. It was more the fact that they were technologically, numerically and tactically outmatched.

The same tactics and strategy that worked in the 90s, failed today. They simply didn't modernize or upgrade their tactics or equipment. They also didn't learn anything from the recent low intensity conflicts in the region.

Yes Iran could easily provide Armenians with much of what they need, specifically missile technology, air defenses and especially UAV technology. Iran does not need to advertise its military hardware to anyone. Recent events, like the shooting down of the RQ-4 or the successful strikes on the Aramco facilities are advertising enough.
I agree with your points in general. Armenia definitely suffered and suffers still from high levels of denial that AZ was going to attack...and change is always coming to that thing that doesnt want to change...smh. Armenian PM will probably have to go, cuz the war loss will haunt him and his political career.
Apparently a British ship was also hit.

Situation in Yemen, near Marib, flags represent recent Houthi gains in the last 24-48 hrs


Recent Houthi gains are portrayed in the red stripped area. Marib is circled in red. Houthi fighters are now approx 10 KM away from Marib. Despite Saudi claims to the contrary, Houthis are gaining territory every few days and getting dangerously close to Marib. Taking Marib will be a devastating and humiliating blow to the Saudi / UAE / Persian Gulf Arab cause.



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The Israelis are better off registering their ships to foreign countries. Perhaps the UAE or Bahrain will be willing to put their flags on their ships for protection, just like they did for Saddam ? Or they can register their ships to Panama or some African country ? Either way I don't think they can take on Iran in the Persian Gulf, although they might retaliate by targeting Iranian ships in the Red Sea or Mediterranean

The Israelis are better off registering their ships to foreign countries. Perhaps the UAE or Bahrain will be willing to put their flags on their ships for protection, just like they did for Saddam ? Or they can register their ships to Panama or some African country ? Either way I don't think they can take on Iran in the Persian Gulf, although they might retaliate by targeting Iranian ships in the Red Sea or Mediterranean

It was Bahamas flag.
Iran has minimized its Red Sea traffic apparently.

Honestly one had to wonder why it took so much to see an Israeli ship hit.
Apparently a British ship was also hit.



The ship mentioned above should be the same Israeli ship.

I just searched a few key words. The company Helios Ray LTD is registered in Isle of Man, a British mandate.

This ship has ZERO Israeli stamp on it per any open source search!!
I think it's patently clear that sections on iran are here to stay until regime change happens. You have the same outcome whether you were trying to build nukes or not.
I think it's patently clear that sections on iran are here to stay until regime change happens. You have the same outcome whether you were trying to build nukes or not.

You may want to start with Syria since it is 10 years past due. Guess why he is in power :)

You are so cute!

You may want to start with Syria since it is 10 years past due. Guess why he is in power :)

You are so cute!

I don’t think you’ve read my post. I suggest you read it again. I didn’t say anyone will succeed in regime change. I said sanctions are staying on Iran until there is a regime change. If the regime is in power in 50 years from now, you will have the same sanctions for the next 50 years. I don’t see the benefits of not making a nuke. Maybe the regime likes sanctions? I don’t know
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