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Iranian Chill Thread

Why are you changing the question? My question is simple.

You suggest to sink their ships. What's your plan for when they sink one of ours in the Mediterranean Sea?

At that point the ball of escalation gets rolling and targets wont be tied down to just ships.

Iran and Israel have to come to blows anyways and by the looks of it, we will be seeing a confrontation unfold sooner rather than later. The smaller intricacies no longer matter when this show starts to get going dadash.
At that point the ball of escalation gets rolling and targets wont be tied down to just ships.

Iran and Israel have to come to blows anyways and by the looks of it, we will be seeing a confrontation unfold sooner rather than later. The smaller intricacies no longer matter when this show starts to get going dadash.
I would rather see a confrontation on the ground, not in international waters. We'll be at a huge disadvantage in such a conflict in open seas.
At that point the ball of escalation gets rolling and targets wont be tied down to just ships.

Iran and Israel have to come to blows anyways and by the looks of it, we will be seeing a confrontation unfold sooner rather than later. The smaller intricacies no longer matter when this show starts to get going dadash.

Yes, I agree. Iran and Israel will come to blows one day. I just can't see this not ever happening. Every day Israel waits, makes it harder for them to deal a more decisive blow. They need to strike eventually before Iran develops a nuclear deterrent. Compare 10 years prior, an Israel attack would have been far easier.

They will feel more and more obligated to strike before it's to late. I just hope we are not humiliated and the IRGC can make 40 years of poor management by this government worth while with a victory haha.
Iran will never allow the Israelis to expand their influence in the Persian Gulf. They can try but Iran will always target them and they will always be at a disadvantage there. I'm not sure if the Israelis want to escalate this too much since Iran has the option of launching missiles at Israel from various proxy groups. Only time will tell what the future holds.

Yes, I agree. Iran and Israel will come to blows one day. I just can't see this not ever happening. Every day Israel waits, makes it harder for them to deal a more decisive blow. They need to strike eventually before Iran develops a nuclear deterrent. Compare 10 years prior, an Israel attack would have been far easier.

They will feel more and more obligated to strike before it's to late. I just hope we are not humiliated and the IRGC can make 40 years of poor management by this government worth while with a victory haha.
I wonder why they don't condemn Saudi strikes on Yemeni civilian targets. I guess Yemeni people don't count ?

So the missiles did hit Riyadh after all. They're claiming that only civilian targets were hit. Of course.

Houthis claim to have hit sensitive sites in Riyadh with multiple missiles and drones

The Saudis retaliate and kill more Yemeni civilians.

More fighting near the front, near Marib

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Iran will never allow the Israelis to expand their influence in the Persian Gulf. They can try but Iran will always target them and they will always be at a disadvantage there. I'm not sure if the Israelis want to escalate this too much since Iran has the option of launching missiles at Israel from various proxy groups. Only time will tell what the future holds.

I wonder why they don't condemn Saudi strikes on Yemeni civilian targets. I guess Yemeni people don't count ?

So the missiles did hit Riyadh after all. They're claiming that only civilian targets were hit. Of course.

Houthis claim to have hit sensitive sites in Riyadh with multiple missiles and drones

The Saudis retaliate and kill more Yemeni civilians.

More fighting near the front, near Marib

I agree...Israel in Persian gulf is a gold mine for iran to hit them over and over again....They will be playing in the Iran's field.
So the Houthis claim to have used Zulfiqar ballistic missiles this time around to target Riyadh. Interesting I wonder if this is the same Zulfiqar ballistic missiles developed by Iran or just the same name ? I'm assuming its the same missile since the Iranian Zulfiqar has a range of 700 KM. To hit Riyadh the missiles must have traveled at least 860 KM, so with slight modifications it makes sense. This goes to prove that Iranian missiles are capable of much farther distances than Iranian officials initially claim. If anything Iranian officials are downplaying Iran's capabilities. I'm sure the Khorramshahr missile can already hit London.
I agree...Israel in Persian gulf is a gold mine for iran to hit them over and over again....They will be playing in the Iran's field.
Iran will never allow the Israelis to expand their influence in the Persian Gulf. They can try but Iran will always target them and they will always be at a disadvantage there. I'm not sure if the Israelis want to escalate this too much since Iran has the option of launching missiles at Israel from various proxy groups. Only time will tell what the future holds.

I wonder why they don't condemn Saudi strikes on Yemeni civilian targets. I guess Yemeni people don't count ?

So the missiles did hit Riyadh after all. They're claiming that only civilian targets were hit. Of course.

Houthis claim to have hit sensitive sites in Riyadh with multiple missiles and drones

The Saudis retaliate and kill more Yemeni civilians.

More fighting near the front, near Marib

It can never be allowed to happen. They made the right choice to hit that ship, with what looks like a warning shot considering the small damage. They estimate Iran wouldn't have the courage to strike, but this is Iran's home turf.
So the Houthis claim to have used Zulfiqar ballistic missiles this time around to target Riyadh. Interesting I wonder if this is the same Zulfiqar ballistic missiles developed by Iran or just the same name ? I'm assuming its the same missile since the Iranian Zulfiqar has a range of 700 KM. To hit Riyadh the missiles must have traveled at least 860 KM, so with slight modifications it makes sense. This goes to prove that Iranian missiles are capable of much farther distances than Iranian officials initially claim. If anything Iranian officials are downplaying Iran's capabilities. I'm sure the Khorramshahr missile can already hit London.

It's the same name but It's a common misconception. Yemeni Zulfiqar ballistic missile is more like a Qiam or a Scud
It can never be allowed to happen. They made the right choice to hit that ship, with what looks like a warning shot considering the small damage. They estimate Iran wouldn't have the courage to strike, but this is Iran's home turf.
Yes it was just a message..the charge (limpet mine) or the projectile was deliberately done ABOVE water line not the sink the ship....next time just put it few meters below water line and that massive ship is gone..
The Israeli's are considering their options. According to reports, Israel is expected to respond. Most likely not in the Persian Gulf. I'm guessing somewhere in the Mediterranean. That could explain why Iranian ships are being guarded Russian warships as they go through the Suez.

No matter what they do I doubt if Iran will ever accept Israeli influence in the Persian Gulf. They'll pretty much be forced to fly in their goods. The insurance rates are probably already going through the roof.

If this is the Israeli response to Iran, then it's a weak response. They strike Syria every month or two anyways.

If this is true then Iran has won this round. The US is showing weakness.

You know this makes me think, if the Syrians had the balls to launch missiles back at Israel everytime they struck Syrian territory then the Israelis would probably back down eventually. I can't blame the Syrians since they're so depleted and they almost lost their entire country but look at the Houthis. Right now the Syrians don't even have the balls to allow Iranian missile stockpiles on their territory. They're allowing the US to steal their oil without even targeting those oil facilities. Pretty sad.
Why are you changing the question? My question is simple.

You suggest to sink their ships. What's your plan for when they sink one of ours in the Mediterranean Sea?
And my question to you is what exactly can they do to iranian shipping that they havent already?

Iran already took a shot at their ship. Instead of a warning shot as it was. In my opinion it would have sent a stronger message to sink it.

these animals spill blood without a second thought. Including Irans national hero. Yet Iran still takes bloodless warning shots at them. Sending a message but.Not spilling blood.

its time for Iran to escalate on their level and actually spill some animal blood for detterence.

otherwise they are more then happy tokeep taking blood for warning shots exchange rate.
What exactly do you think the zionists would have done if this rat filled ship sank and drowned some mossad filth?

airstrike Iran? They would have ate it anddone nothing.

Iran cannot afford to become timid. It signals weakness. Next time they will try togo for the supreme leader at this rate
And my question to you is what exactly can they do to iranian shipping that they havent already?

Iran already took a shot at their ship. Instead of a warning shot as it was. In my opinion it would have sent a stronger message to sink it.

these animals spill blood without a second thought. Including Irans national hero. Yet Iran still takes bloodless warning shots at them. Sending a message but.Not spilling blood.

its time for Iran to escalate on their level and actually spill some animal blood for detterence.

otherwise they are more then happy tokeep taking blood for warning shots exchange rate.
What exactly do you think the zionists would have done if this rat filled ship sank and drowned some mossad filth?

airstrike Iran? They would have ate it anddone nothing.

Iran cannot afford to become timid. It signals weakness. Next time they will try togo for the supreme leader at this rate
They can target an Iranian oil tanker and another Sanchi incident will happen with tens of people dead. What will you do then? Can we manage to avoid the Mediterranean Sea?

Israel would get the United States involved in any conflict with Iran. If you're realistic, the USN can literally wipe out our entire naval assets in any war that happens outside of the Persian Gulf or far from our coasts in the Indian Ocean. Just because we have established deterrence near our coast doesn't mean that we should get cocky and think that we can project power thousands of kilometers away from our borders.

They don't need to conduct any air strikes. They can literally block our ships from passing through the Mediterranean Sea.

Iran should've established deterrence right after they assassinated General Soleimani, or Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Now it's too late and foolish moves like what you suggested will only make things worse for us.

If the regime truly have balls as they claim all the time, they should take out Trump or Pompeo. Maybe even some democrats would be happy to help them with the right price. There's a good chance that Trump will get reelected in 2024. And Pompeo is a psychopath that is far more dangerous than Trump. We should deal with them and take revenge for assassinating General Soleimani.
They can target an Iranian oil tanker and another Sanchi incident will happen with tens of people dead. What will you do then? Can we manage to avoid the Mediterranean Sea?

Israel would get the United States involved in any conflict with Iran. If you're realistic, the USN can literally wipe out our entire naval assets in any war that happens outside of the Persian Gulf or far from our coasts in the Indian Ocean. Just because we have established deterrence near our coast doesn't mean that we should get cocky and think that we can project power thousands of kilometers away from our borders.

They don't need to conduct any air strikes. They can literally block our ships from passing through the Mediterranean Sea.

Iran should've established deterrence right after they assassinated General Soleimani, or Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Now it's too late and foolish moves like what you suggested will only make things worse for us.

If the regime truly have balls as they claim all the time, they should take out Trump or Pompeo. Maybe even some democrats would be happy to help them with the right price. There's a good chance that Trump will get reelected in 2024. And Pompeo is a psychopath that is far more dangerous than Trump. We should deal with them and take revenge for assassinating General Soleimani.

Agreed 100%, Iran lost a fair deal of credibility in the realm of deterrence after essentially blowing its load on Ayn Al-Assad without killing anyone (still not believing the Americans fully on this one though, their was more extensive material loss) and not going after the very individuals who ordered the strike in the first (such as that Mckenzie guy).

Iran is timid, scarred to a certain extent and unwilling to go farther than it deems necessary due to internal reasons.
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