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Iranian Chill Thread

Honestly some of the very pizza that I ever had the privilege of experiencing was in Tabriz, Iran.

At the time in the early 90s I had trouble finding good burgers. The only thing I found was a cheaply made burger with ketchup, mustard and relish. No cheese. or Turkey bacon or onions even. It didn't taste very good. I've heard that the sheer variety and quality has significantly increased since then.

You know what Iran needs, Pho, Vietnamese noodles. Also Chinese style BBQ. They way they take a chunk of meat slice it into piece infront of you and serve it on rice is to die for.

Honestly Iran has so much potential for cultural exchange. If only the economy was stable and with less corruption I would go there and to start a food production business. Another idea I've had is portuege tarts, apple pies, etc. I'm sure Iranians would love it.

Iran has so much potential for growth. If only those despicable sanctions were nonin place and there was less corruption. Less freedoms would also help. The oldest traces of liquor has ben found in Iran. the Shiraz brand of wine is now world famous with western companies making a fortune off the name. Why doesn't Iran produce it and simply sell it to foreigners only ? It's just such a waste of potential.

Iranian fast food




Mashallah..lol..If every Iranian does that Iran will become green...they do that In pakistan..they plant Billions per year.
A well managed endeavour using the Miyawaki method can reforest all of Iran within decades as such a forest only needs 3-4 years of active management and intervention then they become totally self sufficient where 30 years looks like 100 years when other methods are used. The method has proven itself effective from the equator to all of Japan.
An indication of the amount of trade Iran is anticipating...This port will be even bigger than chahbahar..Iran will be eating UAE's lunch in this business.
Iran to Build‌ Its Largest Oceanic Port in Sea of Oman: Minister
IFP Editorial Staff
March 6, 2021

Iran is to construct an oceanic port in the Sea of Oman where the country’s largest oil terminal will be built.
Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami said the project is aimed boosting the country’s crude exports.
“We have always wanted to take [Iran’s] oil exports beyond the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf, and this end will be achieved with the construction of this port,” he noted on Saturday.
He said the port known as the port of Jask is the country’s second oceanic port after Chabahar.
The minister added construction work for the Jask port will get underway soon.
He underlined the Jask port will house a major industrial town as well as energy industries.
“The Jask port is similar to Chabahar port and our largest oil terminal will be constructed there,” he said.
The minister said the Jask port will have a capacity of more than 100 million tonnes and will play a key role in boosting national economy.
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