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Iranian Chill Thread

more clashes near Marib, Yemen.
I have also posted updates in the UAV section. Houthis have shot down a Saudi controlled Turkish drone. Saudis have shot down a Samad suicide drone in southern Saudi Arabia.

First video shows Houthis attacking a Saudi coalition position. The second shows the Saudi coalition destroying a Houthi vehicle with an ATGM.

The third video allegedly shows captured Houthi child soldiers, captured by the Saudi coalition. Honestly I don't see any indication that these teenagers are armed combatants. The Saudis could have just as easily paid them to make a 1 minute recording. It's not like it would be excessively difficult to find impoverished teenagers in Yemen right now ?

However If this is true then I'm not sure if it looks worse for the Houthis or Saudis. Think about it, the Saudis have the 5th largest military budget on the planet and they're telling us that a bunch of malnourished Yemeni children are kicking their butts in battle and humiliating them on a consistent basis ? LOL They should have thought about the implications before recording this video.

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short summary please dear @yavar
nothing important again,
he (Gen Hajizadeh) is as military officer is interfering in Presidential Election by speaking out, in IRIran active officers military never got involved in politics, so this is first time you see in past 42 years
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Copied from Eruopean Mangusta and engined by the US..marketed as local product....future of second tier hardware assembly houses...your sales are not yours and customers get runaround and no products....

Better to take your time and develop in house.
Awaiting the unveiling of the iranian national gunship helicopter with indigenous engine.
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Some setbacks for the Houthis in south western Yemen.

Another ballistic attack by the Houthis on pro-Saudi positions

Sultan Morad of Turkey started recruiting fighters for Yemen. Salary is $2000-4000.

Turkey will use this opportunity to get benefits like economic leverage and a safe Yemen base. They know better that Houthis are way better than Taliban in the long run. They will play it strategically and not religiously.
Literally everyone from Blackwater to Sudan, Egypt and others have sent their fighters to Yemen without much success. I don't see the Turkish militants performing well unless they have massive air support via Turkish drones. However I don't know if that will make a difference since the Saudi airforce pretty much has free reign over Yemeni skies already anyways.

Another thing to consider is that the militants that went to Nagorno-Karabakh basically had to be tricked into going, not knowing that it was an active warzone. Realistically $2000-$4000 a day is peanuts for a skilled mercenary. In Afghanistan American mercenaries get as much as $1000 a day. So if the Sultan Murad guys are doing it just for the money then its not worth it is it ? I mean what good is money if you're dead ?

Sultan Morad of Turkey started recruiting fighters for Yemen. Salary is $2000-4000.

Turkey will use this opportunity to get benefits like economic leverage and a safe Yemen base. They know better that Houthis are way better than Taliban in the long run. They will play it strategically and not religiously.

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